Boardonwealth Games: Sailing

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:87d2c01199]At the pink and shiny stove, very few starving, winged pixies[b:87d2c01199] searched [/b:87d2c01199]through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to serve up so overfed hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:87d2c01199]
  2. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:038ddfda86]At the pink and shiny stove, very few starving, winged pixies searched through the pastry barrels, [b:038ddfda86]scrounging[/b:038ddfda86] for holy pie to serve up so overfed hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:038ddfda86]
  3. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:e85b24932b]At the pink and shiny stove, very few starving, winged pixies searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for holy pie to serve up so overfed [b:e85b24932b]warlords [/b:e85b24932b]could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:e85b24932b]
  4. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:a8b1df9606]At the pink, [b:a8b1df9606]incredibly[/b:a8b1df9606] shiny stove, very few starving, winged pixies searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for holy pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:a8b1df9606]
  5. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:c933d91afa]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very few starving, winged pixies searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for holy pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand impending [b:c933d91afa]trial[/b:c933d91afa].[/quote:c933d91afa]
  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:6145d80d19]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very [b:6145d80d19]austere[/b:6145d80d19] starving, winged pixies searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for holy pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand impending trial.[/quote:6145d80d19]
  7. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:442cb53c46]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very austere starving, [b:442cb53c46]gelatenous[/b:442cb53c46] pixies searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for holy pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand impending trial.[/quote:442cb53c46]

    Edit: to fix quoatation
  8. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Keep going guys and guyettes, don't forget the Linguist game is still ongoing too!
  9. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I give up, y'all use these strange and fancy words I've never heard before and that takes the fun out of it for me.
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:6109dd0b0a]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very austere starving, gelatenous pixies searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for holy pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand [b:6109dd0b0a]pirate[/b:6109dd0b0a] trial.[/quote:6109dd0b0a]

    Come on KK, it'll teach you something, just try Wikipediating or the words you don't know ;)
  11. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:467d87039d="Katcal"]Come on KK, it'll teach you something, just try Wikipediating or the words you don't know ;)[/quote:467d87039d]

    And to help you, I'll fix Spiky's shoddy spelling. Still, it at least made more sense than CY's word near the start of it all (even if it was a real word...)

    [quote:467d87039d]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very austere starving, gelatinous pixies searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for holy pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:467d87039d]
  12. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:c8c7846a1f]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very austere starving, gelatenous [b:c8c7846a1f]slugs[/b:c8c7846a1f] searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for holy pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:c8c7846a1f]
  13. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:b998acd0a8]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very austere starving, gelatenous slugs searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for [b:b998acd0a8]lukewarm[/b:b998acd0a8] pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:b998acd0a8]

    Ok I'll stick to the words I know then.
  14. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:e53e00d815]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very austere [b:e53e00d815]domesticated[/b:e53e00d815], gelatenous slugs searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for lukewarm pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:e53e00d815]
  15. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:98aa2eb90d]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very [b:98aa2eb90d]recently[/b:98aa2eb90d] domesticated, gelatinous slugs searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for lukewarm pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:98aa2eb90d]
  16. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:501d6632b4]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very recently domesticated, gelatinous [b:501d6632b4]cheetahs [/b:501d6632b4]searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for lukewarm pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:501d6632b4]
  17. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:5efb7c6603]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very recently domesticated, [b:5efb7c6603]albino[/b:5efb7c6603] cheetahs searched through the pastry barrels, scrounging for lukewarm pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:5efb7c6603]
  18. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:87a9cf382f]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the [b:87a9cf382f]ammunition [/b:87a9cf382f]barrels, scrounging for lukewarm pie to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:87a9cf382f]
  19. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:7c3afa3def]At the pink, incredibly shiny stove, very recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm [b:7c3afa3def]gunpowder[/b:7c3afa3def] to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:7c3afa3def]
  20. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:45ba670e2b]At the [b:45ba670e2b]black[/b:45ba670e2b], incredibly shiny stove, very recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to serve up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:45ba670e2b]
  21. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:66cbd9febf]At the black, incredibly shiny stove, very recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to [b:66cbd9febf]blow[/b:66cbd9febf] up so overfed warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:66cbd9febf]
  22. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:5e0b8dd830]At the black, incredibly shiny stove, very recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to blow up so [b:5e0b8dd830]overpaid [/b:5e0b8dd830]warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:5e0b8dd830]
  23. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:0c72021dd3]At the black, incredibly shiny stove, [b:0c72021dd3]somewhat[/b:0c72021dd3] recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to blow up so overpaid warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:0c72021dd3]
  24. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:4d81cb92aa]At the black, incredibly [b:4d81cb92aa]rusty [/b:4d81cb92aa]stove, somewhat recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to blow up so overpaid warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:4d81cb92aa]
  25. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:adc408154f]At [b:adc408154f]a[/b:adc408154f] black, incredibly rusty stove, somewhat recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to blow up so overpaid warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:adc408154f]
  26. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:d76887d716][b:d76887d716]Inside[/b:d76887d716] a black, incredibly rusty stove, somewhat recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to blow up so overpaid warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:d76887d716]

    Edit: do we get a count of how many actual messages have been done at all, or are we left do do it ourselves or guess ?
  27. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I'll let you know when the contest is finished, but not during as that adds an extra dimension to the end games if you're not entirely sure how many posts there are ;)
  28. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:3155a10b48]Inside a black, incredibly rusty stove, somewhat recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to blow up so [b:3155a10b48]underpaid[/b:3155a10b48] warlords could start the grand pirate trial.[/quote:3155a10b48]
  29. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:608cbe552c]Inside a black, incredibly rusty stove, somewhat recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to blow up so underpaid warlords could start the grand [b:608cbe552c]piano[/b:608cbe552c] trial.[/quote:608cbe552c]
  30. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:66d15c3fc5]Inside a black, incredibly rusty stove, somewhat recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm gunpowder to blow up so underpaid warlords could start the grand piano [b:66d15c3fc5]recital[/b:66d15c3fc5].[/quote:66d15c3fc5]
  31. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:32cbfb70cb]Inside a black, incredibly rusty stove, somewhat recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm[b:32cbfb70cb] toast[/b:32cbfb70cb] to blow up so underpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital .[/quote:32cbfb70cb]

    pffft spelling.
  32. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:80c9d6233e]Inside a black, incredibly rusty [b:80c9d6233e]alcove[/b:80c9d6233e], somewhat recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the ammunition barrels, scrounging for lukewarm toast to blow up so underpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:80c9d6233e]
  33. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:d9b8138898]Inside a black, incredibly rusty alcove , somewhat recently domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the [b:d9b8138898]double[/b:d9b8138898] barrels, scrounging for lukewarm toast to blow up so underpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:d9b8138898]
  34. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:6375031ab0]Inside a black, incredibly rusty alcove , somewhat [b:6375031ab0]hastily[/b:6375031ab0] domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the double barrels, scrounging for lukewarm toast to blow up so underpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:6375031ab0]

    Edit: removing stray tags
  35. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:e7457fb49f]Inside a black, incredibly rusty alcove , somewhat hastily domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the double [b:e7457fb49f]entendres[/b:e7457fb49f], scrounging for lukewarm toast to blow up so underpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:e7457fb49f]
  36. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:fb3b4fecea]Inside a black, incredibly rusty alcove , somewhat hastily domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the double entendres, scrounging for lukewarm toast to blow up so [b:fb3b4fecea]unpaid[/b:fb3b4fecea] warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:fb3b4fecea]
  37. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:0fbb56b425]Inside a black, incredibly rusty alcove , somewhat hastily domesticated, albino cheetahs searched through the double entendres, scrounging for lukewarm toast to blow up[b:0fbb56b425] therefore[/b:0fbb56b425] unpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:0fbb56b425]
  38. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:8d76ae83ee]Inside a black, incredibly rusty alcove , somewhat hastily domesticated, [b:8d76ae83ee]frustrated[/b:8d76ae83ee] cheetahs searched through the double entendres, scrounging for lukewarm toast to blow up, therefore unpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:8d76ae83ee]
  39. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:443bdf0c5b]Inside a black, incredibly rusty alcove , somewhat hastily domesticated, frustrated [b:443bdf0c5b]teenagers[/b:443bdf0c5b] searched through the double entendres, scrounging for lukewarm toast to blow up, therefore unpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:443bdf0c5b]
  40. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:c5c9ff196a]Inside a black, incredibly rusty alcove, somewhat hastily domesticated, frustrated teenagers searched through the double entendres, scrounging for lukewarm toast to [b:c5c9ff196a]scrounge[/b:c5c9ff196a] up, therefore unpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:c5c9ff196a]
  41. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Just thought I should mention, that if anyone's worried about joining late, we're about half way through but there's still plenty of time to make your 15 qualifying posts. CY managed to get his 15 before the event had even got through the first quarter.
  42. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:90a25eecda]Just thought I should [b:90a25eecda]say[/b:90a25eecda], that if anyone's worried about joining late, we're about half way through but there's still plenty of time to make your 15 qualifying posts. CY managed to get his 15 before the event had even got through the first quarter.[/quote:90a25eecda]

    Just kidding... :)
  43. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:862340f44a]Inside a black, incredibly [b:862340f44a]smelly[/b:862340f44a] alcove, somewhat hastily domesticated, frustrated teenagers searched through the double entendres, scrounging for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:862340f44a]
    Edited to fix quote
  44. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:9d1620e4b5]Inside a black, incredibly smelly alcove, somewhat hastily domesticated, frustrated teenagers searched through the double entendres, [b:9d1620e4b5]voting[/b:9d1620e4b5] for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:9d1620e4b5]
  45. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:736c695018]Inside a black, incredibly smelly alcove, somewhat hastily domesticated, frustrated teenagers searched through the double [b:736c695018]noodles[/b:736c695018], voting for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid warlords could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:736c695018]
  46. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:dac5793e5d]Inside a black, incredibly smelly alcove, somewhat hastily domesticated, frustrated teenagers searched through the double noodles, voting for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid [b:dac5793e5d]judges [/b:dac5793e5d]could start the grand piano recital.[/quote:dac5793e5d]
  47. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:fbb38666a3]Inside a black, incredibly smelly alcove, somewhat hastily domesticated, frustrated teenagers searched through the double noodles, voting for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid judges could start the grand piano [b:fbb38666a3]party[/b:fbb38666a3].[/quote:fbb38666a3]
  48. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:113da7b0b4]Inside a black, incredibly smelly alcove, somewhat hastily [b:113da7b0b4]intoxicated[/b:113da7b0b4], frustrated teenagers searched through the double noodles, voting for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid judges could start the grand piano party.[/quote:113da7b0b4]
  49. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:d5d1ce30a0]Inside a [b:d5d1ce30a0]damp[/b:d5d1ce30a0], incredibly smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the double noodles, voting for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid judges could start the grand piano party.[/quote:d5d1ce30a0]
  50. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:4305c7f648]Inside a damp, [b:4305c7f648]famously[/b:4305c7f648] smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the double noodles, voting for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid judges could start the grand piano party.[/quote:4305c7f648]
  51. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:7633218802]Inside a damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the double noodles, voting for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid judges could start the grand piano [b:7633218802]battle[/b:7633218802].[/quote:7633218802]
  52. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:05cc3fde5c]Inside a damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the [b:05cc3fde5c]instant[/b:05cc3fde5c] noodles, voting for lukewarm toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid judges could start the grand piano battle.[/quote:05cc3fde5c]
  53. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:f32d1d2e8c]Inside a damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, voting for [b:f32d1d2e8c]yesterday's[/b:f32d1d2e8c] toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid judges could start the grand piano battle.[/quote:f32d1d2e8c]
  54. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:2d037f0c0e]Inside a damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, [b:2d037f0c0e]hoping[/b:2d037f0c0e] for yesterday's toast to scrounge up, therefore unpaid judges could start the grand piano battle.[/quote:2d037f0c0e]
  55. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:8a2dd3538b]Inside a damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to [b:8a2dd3538b]turn[/b:8a2dd3538b] up, therefore unpaid judges could start the grand piano battle.[/quote:8a2dd3538b]
  56. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:ee8c1f8c31]Inside a damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, [b:ee8c1f8c31]while[/b:ee8c1f8c31] unpaid judges could start the grand piano battle.[/quote:ee8c1f8c31]
  57. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:f161b97b08]Inside a damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, while unpaid judges [b:f161b97b08]wouldn't[/b:f161b97b08] start the grand piano battle.[/quote:f161b97b08]
  58. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:17fa7a9741]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, while unpaid judges wouldn't start the grand piano battle.[/quote:17fa7a9741]
  59. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:c071f0fc21]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, [b:c071f0fc21]because[/b:c071f0fc21] unpaid judges wouldn't start the grand piano battle.[/quote:c071f0fc21]
  60. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:13dab4a3e6]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily intoxicated, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because unpaid judges wouldn't [b:13dab4a3e6]end[/b:13dab4a3e6] the grand piano battle.[/quote:13dab4a3e6]

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