Boardonwealth Games: Sailing

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:24a2f3771e]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily [b:24a2f3771e]undressed[/b:24a2f3771e], frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because unpaid judges wouldn't end the grand piano battle.[/quote:24a2f3771e]
  2. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:ba7870d05c]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because unpaid judges wouldn't end [b:ba7870d05c]Tuesday's[/b:ba7870d05c] grand piano battle.[/quote:ba7870d05c]
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:5f045e8aed]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated teenagers searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because unpaid judges wouldn't end Tuesday's grand [b:5f045e8aed]potato[/b:5f045e8aed] battle.[/quote:5f045e8aed]
  4. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:b4f2a85e6d]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated [b:b4f2a85e6d]boardanians[/b:b4f2a85e6d] searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because unpaid judges wouldn't end Tuesday's grand potato battle.[/quote:b4f2a85e6d]
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:102c46a487]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated boardanians searched through the instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because [b:102c46a487]drunk[/b:102c46a487] judges wouldn't end Tuesday's grand potato battle.[/quote:102c46a487]
    Edit for lack of bold
  6. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:5e5b22f929]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated boardanians searched through [b:5e5b22f929]mouldy[/b:5e5b22f929] instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because drunk judges wouldn't end Tuesday's grand potato battle.[/quote:5e5b22f929]
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:d162ac25a5]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated boardanians searched through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because drunk judges wouldn't [b:d162ac25a5]enjoy [/b:d162ac25a5]Tuesday's grand potato battle.[/quote:d162ac25a5]
  8. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:36f5d3f922]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated boardanians searched through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because drunk judges, [b:36f5d3f922]who[/b:36f5d3f922] enjoy Tuesday's grand potato, battle.[/quote:36f5d3f922]
  9. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:4d2e5adfca]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated boardanians [b:4d2e5adfca]spooned [/b:4d2e5adfca]through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because drunk judges, who enjoy Tuesday's grand potato, battle.
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:4a9772cb55]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated boardanians spooned through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's toast to turn up, because drunk judges, who enjoy Tuesday's grand potato, [b:4a9772cb55]fart[/b:4a9772cb55].
    We're allowed to change punctuation ?
  11. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:5cbb6ac9da]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated boardanians spooned through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's [b:5cbb6ac9da]ninjas[/b:5cbb6ac9da] to turn up, because drunk judges, who enjoy Tuesday's grand potato, fart.
  12. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:fd6d57bb32]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily undressed, frustrated boardanians spooned through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up, because drunk judges, who [b:fd6d57bb32]missed[/b:fd6d57bb32] Tuesday's grand potato, fart.[/quote:fd6d57bb32]
  13. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:10170449ee]Inside Ba's damp, famously smelly alcove, somewhat hastily [b:10170449ee]equipped[/b:10170449ee], frustrated boardanians spooned through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up, because drunk judges, who missed Tuesday's grand potato, fart.[/quote:10170449ee]
  14. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:0b6f20872c]Inside Ba's damp, famously [b:0b6f20872c]smelling[/b:0b6f20872c] alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, frustrated boardanians spooned through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up, because drunk judges, who missed Tuesday's grand potato, fart.[/quote:0b6f20872c]
  15. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:36b8677f48]Inside Ba's damp, [b:36b8677f48]famous[/b:36b8677f48] smelling alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, frustrated boardanians spooned through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up, because drunk judges, who missed Tuesday's grand potato, fart.[/quote:36b8677f48]
  16. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:9de283b77c]Inside Ba's damp, famous smelling alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, [b:9de283b77c]high strung[/b:9de283b77c] boardanians spooned through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up, because drunk judges, who missed Tuesday's grand potato, fart.[/quote:9de283b77c]
  17. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:82f3b82fd2]Inside Ba's damp, famous smelling alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up [b:82f3b82fd2]with[/b:82f3b82fd2] drunk judges who missed Tuesday's grand potato fart.[/quote:82f3b82fd2]
  18. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:5637b6be55]Inside Ba's damp, famous smelling alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned through mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up with drunk judges who missed Tuesday's grand potato [b:5637b6be55]fair[/b:5637b6be55].[/quote:5637b6be55]
  19. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:7277100a80]Inside Ba's damp, famous smelling alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned [b:7277100a80]in[/b:7277100a80] mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up with drunk judges who missed Tuesday's grand potato fair.[/quote:7277100a80]
  20. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:ea4504bdd2]Inside Ba's damp, famous smelling alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up with drunk [b:ea4504bdd2]Mr. Smith[/b:ea4504bdd2] who missed Tuesday's grand potato fair.[/quote:ea4504bdd2]
  21. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:2f273a4528][b:2f273a4528]Behind [/b:2f273a4528]Ba's damp, famous smelling alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for yesterday's ninjas to turn up with drunk Mr. Smith who missed Tuesday's grand potato fair.[/quote:2f273a4528]
  22. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:ab02458f46]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for [b:ab02458f46]pirate[/b:ab02458f46] ninjas to turn up with drunk Mr. Smith who missed Tuesday's grand potato fair.[/quote:ab02458f46]
  23. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:503f0f4d13]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling alcove, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk Mr. Smith who missed Tuesday's grand [b:503f0f4d13]boat [/b:503f0f4d13]fair.[/quote:503f0f4d13]
  24. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:2470ce4d4f]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling [b:2470ce4d4f]orifice[/b:2470ce4d4f], somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk Mr. Smith who missed Tuesday's grand boat fair.[/quote:2470ce4d4f]
  25. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:11c5136f24]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling orifice, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk Mr. Smith who missed Tuesday's [b:11c5136f24]rancid[/b:11c5136f24] boat fair.[/quote:11c5136f24]
  26. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:d77015160e]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling orifice, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk Mr. Smith who missed Tuesday's rancid [b:d77015160e]cheese[/b:d77015160e] fair.[/quote:d77015160e]
  27. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:bc6dd0c95b]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling [b:bc6dd0c95b]apple pie[/b:bc6dd0c95b], somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk Mr. Smith who missed Tuesday's rancid cheese fair.[/quote:bc6dd0c95b]
  28. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:516ef653eb]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple pie , somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk Mr. Smith who missed Tuesday's rancid cheese [b:516ef653eb]fondue[/b:516ef653eb].[/quote:516ef653eb]
  29. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:0524f55e67]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple pie , somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk Mr. Smith who missed [b:0524f55e67]Spiky's[/b:0524f55e67] rancid cheese fondue.[/quote:0524f55e67]

    Edit: changed Spikey into Spiky... sorry
  30. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:8e9b382b04]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple pie, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians spooned in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk [b:8e9b382b04]orangutans[/b:8e9b382b04] who missed Spiky's rancid cheese fondue.[/quote:8e9b382b04]
  31. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:62010a6e60]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple pie, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians [b:62010a6e60]swam[/b:62010a6e60] in mouldy instant noodles, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed Spiky's rancid cheese fondue.[/quote:62010a6e60]
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:65e25344f6]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple pie, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy instant [b:65e25344f6]jelly[/b:65e25344f6], hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed Spiky's rancid cheese fondue.[/quote:65e25344f6]
  33. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:2fc6fd2e41]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple [b:2fc6fd2e41]tree[/b:2fc6fd2e41], somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy instant jelly, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed Spiky's rancid cheese fondue.[/quote:2fc6fd2e41]
  34. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:bc1cb8dd4d]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy instant jelly, hoping for pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed Spiky's rancid [b:bc1cb8dd4d]sock[/b:bc1cb8dd4d] fondue.[/quote:bc1cb8dd4d]
  35. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:e910b21221]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy instant jelly, hoping [b:e910b21221]with[/b:e910b21221] pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed Spiky's rancid sock fondue.[/quote:e910b21221]
  36. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:a0ee213821]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy [b:a0ee213821]raspberry[/b:a0ee213821] jelly, hoping with pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed Spiky's rancid sock fondue.[/quote:a0ee213821]
  37. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:90d3027608]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, hoping with pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed Spiky's [b:90d3027608]red[/b:90d3027608] sock fondue.[/quote:90d3027608]
  38. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:5d2508204e]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, hoping with pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed [b:5d2508204e]spiky[/b:5d2508204e] red sock fondue.[/quote:5d2508204e]
  39. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:3ddbf95219]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, [b:3ddbf95219]trying[/b:3ddbf95219] with pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:3ddbf95219]
  40. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:b42775dd10]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily equipped, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying with pirate ninjas to [b:b42775dd10]throw[/b:b42775dd10] up with drunk orangutans who missed spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:b42775dd10]
    Bold editing
  41. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:9c3dcf183e]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily [b:9c3dcf183e]dressed[/b:9c3dcf183e], high strung boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying with pirate ninjas to turn up with drunk orangutans who missed spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:9c3dcf183e]
  42. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:d49a6746cc]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily dressed, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying [b:d49a6746cc]on[/b:d49a6746cc] pirate ninjas to throw up with drunk orangutans who missed spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:d49a6746cc]
  43. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:f3ddefd910]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily dressed, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying on pirate [b:f3ddefd910]costumes[/b:f3ddefd910] to throw up with drunk orangutans who missed spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:f3ddefd910]
  44. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:5c26ff33ef]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily dressed, high strung boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying on pirate costumes [b:5c26ff33ef]that[/b:5c26ff33ef] throw up with drunk orangutans who missed spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:5c26ff33ef]
  45. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:a3bb4269b1]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily dressed, high [b:a3bb4269b1]maintenance[/b:a3bb4269b1] boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying on pirate costumes that throw up with drunk orangutans who missed spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:a3bb4269b1]
  46. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:8bff9792e7]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple tree, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying on pirate costumes that throw up [b:8bff9792e7]three[/b:8bff9792e7] drunk orangutans who missed spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:8bff9792e7]
  47. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:f164613416]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple [b:f164613416]cider[/b:f164613416], somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying on pirate costumes that throw up three drunk orangutans who missed spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:f164613416]
  48. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:83d5f8e0d9]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple cider, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying on pirate costumes that throw up three drunk orangutans who [b:83d5f8e0d9]consumed[/b:83d5f8e0d9] spiky red sock fondue.[/quote:83d5f8e0d9]
  49. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Yay! The 'to' finally disappears. It was the last surviving letter... should it maybe get a medal for that? :p
  50. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:de1923e36e]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple cider, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, trying on pirate costumes that throw up three drunk orangutans who consumed [b:de1923e36e]delicious [/b:de1923e36e]red sock fondue.[/quote:de1923e36e]
  51. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:594f870d59]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple cider, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, [b:594f870d59]cheering[/b:594f870d59] on pirate costumes that throw up three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock fondue.[/quote:594f870d59]
  52. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:6789cc6db1]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple cider, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, [b:6789cc6db1]dancing[/b:6789cc6db1] on pirate costumes that throw up three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock fondue.[/quote:6789cc6db1]
  53. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:cd7d015ec3]Behind Ba's damp, famous smelling apple cider, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, dancing on pirate [b:cd7d015ec3]captains[/b:cd7d015ec3] that throw up three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock fondue.[/quote:cd7d015ec3]
  54. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:9dbb8a9bc1][b:9dbb8a9bc1]Drinking[/b:9dbb8a9bc1] Ba's damp, famous smelling apple cider, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, dancing on pirate captains that throw up three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock fondue.[/quote:9dbb8a9bc1]
  55. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:b3e891e3d0]Drinking Ba's damp, famous smelling apple cider, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, dancing on pirate captains that throw [b:b3e891e3d0]around[/b:b3e891e3d0] three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock fondue.[/quote:b3e891e3d0]
  56. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:f2f4978e23]Drinking Ba's damp, famous smelling apple [b:f2f4978e23]scrumpy[/b:f2f4978e23], somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, dancing on pirate captains that throw around three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock fondue.[/quote:f2f4978e23]
  57. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:ad12596447]Drinking Ba's damp, famous smelling apple scrumpy , somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance [b:ad12596447]bimbos[/b:ad12596447] swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, dancing on pirate captains that throw around three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock fondue.[/quote:ad12596447]
  58. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:c82368aeb2]Drinking Ba's damp, famous smelling apple scrumpy, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance boardanians swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, dancing on pirate captains that [b:c82368aeb2]throwed[/b:c82368aeb2] around three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock fondue.[/quote:c82368aeb2]
  59. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:65539c9fc9]Drinking Ba's damp, famous smelling apple scrumpy, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance bimbos swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, dancing on pirate captains that threw around three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock fondue.[/quote:65539c9fc9]

    I've fixed this as there was a crosspost and KK used the wrong form of the verb, the filthy non-natural-english speaker that he is.
  60. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:b180ab3b09]Drinking Ba's damp, famous smelling apple scrumpy, somewhat hastily dressed, high maintenance bimbos swam in mouldy raspberry jelly, dancing on pirate captains that [b:b180ab3b09]threw[/b:b180ab3b09] around three drunk orangutans who consumed delicious red sock [b:b180ab3b09]gumbo[/b:b180ab3b09].[/quote:b180ab3b09] :cooler:
    edited to add the bimbos ;)

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