Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Edit: double post- couldn't delete it for some reason
  2. Perdita

    Perdita New Member


    Completion of our Global Pizzeria conversation!

    I wonder do they do deliveries to Ireland?

    - Did you ever try Jo- Jo's pizzeria on the Bondi Beach Road? Excellent stuff!
  3. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Friday, on a whim, (perhaps not unrelated to "a few beers after work" on Thursday), I somehow managed to start my car which has been idle in the garage for the past 3 months and caught the ferry over to Harwich.

    It's a high speed service, Holland to UK in 3hr 40 mins, and so I was in my UK house before lunchtime.

    Went out with some friends to see a mate playing in his band. Ended up on stage with them. (well ok, that bit of the bar floor that didn't have tables and chairs) Musical mayhem ensued.

    Saturday was a leisurely stroll round the town and minor house maintenance. A visit to the favourite Indian restaurant followed.

    On Sunday, did my impression of Stanley hacking his way through the jungle (aka the garden) and discovered the paths etc again, then headed for the return ferry.

    Back home in Holland for midnight, back to work 8am.

    I think it was worth it - I will consider that some more after I get some sleep however!
  4. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I'm going art mad at the moment, my mock exam is in a week and i have no final idea. This could be a potential problem come Monday and I am sitting at a table for 10 hours with absolutely nothing to do :) I do have about 25 pages of crap if that counts for anything...

    The exam is increadibly odd though as you don't actually do anything other than create a final piece which is only a small portion of the grade :? ah well it means i miss classes for a few days and spend the time inhaling toxc fumes in the art room.

    Taking art was about as stupid as taking ICT (which I think Dane has established is pretty stupid)

    ah well...I have my higher IB english recommendation...I am happy :)
  5. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    You could do an impressionists piece on the theme of spiky... Maybe it could be a new avatar which I keep meaning to do??
  6. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    erm...If i can connect it to rotella, beardsley, matisse, schnabel, remembrandt, and/or gauguin and if you dont mind not getting it for another 3 months as it will be off getting marked and if you dont mind it being...well...terrible...

    then sure!
  7. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Hey I've been meaning to change my avatar for months whats another 3?

    Gauguin and Matisse both seemd to like their women, especially all curvy could do the opposite and go for spiky, angular women in a similar painting style. (I have to admit that I'm built like a Gauguin though)...

    Your probably best ignoring anything I have to say about art as I know nothing...Nothing I tell you.
  8. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    the theme is contrasts...

    I could do a purple and yellow gauguin/matisse style higgletey pigglety thing and hand it in claiming its an avatar for spiky on that would get some interesting reactions...

    you never know, you may get an avatar...sometime...someday...possibly...

    edit to add: You reminded me of my I went and got one of my old art pieces...the only decent one...says a lot about my abilities really :S
  9. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Hi all. I've been away for a couple of weeks, if anyone didn't notice. *shakes fist at anyone who didn't notice*

    Unfortuantly my house move fell through and i'm now back at the old place temporarly. I hope to find somewhere before christmas. I do noe have the net back so the abuse aimed at me on the boards must now stop because I can actually read it now and I might get upset. :)
  10. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Did it rain on your cardboard box?
  11. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Jealousy doesn't suit you Rinso. You know quite well you'd give your horribly disfigured left arm for a cardboard box of your own. :)
  12. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I just had the worst trip to the dentist in my entire life. I never thought anything would top the teeth extraction I had three years ago, but this did.

    So I was getting a filling (always fun :roll:), when this little clamp (less than an inch in diameter) fell down into the back of my throat, causing me to choke. And it didn't come back up!

    It took a while to get it back up, and when my gag reflex kicked in it brought up what was left of my lunch too. EW.

    And now my throat is extremely sore and bruised from the experience, and will probably remain that way for a few days.
    And now I f*cking hate the stupid dentist!!
    As if this wasnt bad enough, I have to go back in a month to get the other cavity filled!! :cry:

    So yeah, I'm miserable, but glad that it wasn't worse. I feel like shit, but not as shitty as I would have if I had swallowed the little f*cker.

    I'll live, but I'll forever loathe the dentist. :evil:
  13. BadAnnie

    BadAnnie New Member

    Someone e-mailed this to me. Its classic.

    The Shortest Fairytale Ever

    Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy "Will you marry me?"

    The guy said, "NO!"

    And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, dancing,

    skiing, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook, had sex

    with whomever she pleased and farted whenever she wanted.


    Ha ha
  14. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Jokes should go in the joke thread (linked in the Official Thread List - which is stickied), this is a thread for news about members.

    Please bear that in mind for the future.
  15. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Blimey Hex! Thats one scary thing to happen. Glad you're alright. Take this opportunity to eat lots of nice non-throat-hurting foods like icecream.

    Now we all know that a fear of dentists is not irrational. :shock:
  16. Dane

    Dane New Member

    hehe, never had a filling in my life :shock: I quite like my dentist, she said i have outstanding oral hygene :shock: that said i have to miss the first day of my work experience to give her a call :?

    my news: I got a new hat at the weekend :D it has tassels! I love it! anyways got it taken of my by one of my teachers yesterday :? so i cunningly stole it back today and did cross country in it :lol: tis a damn warm hat indeed

    anyways i just came home to get a shower after Cross Cournty and listen to some music.
  17. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Poor Hex

    I've never had a filling either...I did have braces (yes I was one of those geeky kids with braces, bushy hair and my nose constantly stuck in a book...i like to think I have grown out of it but I don't think only losing 1/3 of those features counts...)

    Anyway...exciting news...I have done 40 pages in my sketch book for art, this is a miracle considering I had 10 last Saturday and 25 this monday...:) and the book is nice and thick now too so I look very arty :) it's amazing what big writting can do :)

    Thats about it...

  18. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Erm, folks? Lighten up on the emoticons, please?
  19. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Annie, could you please take the time to introduce yourself in the introduction section? Reading the draft of our FAQ would also be a good idea.
  20. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Aw, let them be happy Roman!
  21. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Happy... I'm not familiar with the word. Sounds Communist to me. 'Eye-Rending Post", on the other hand, is a concept I'm quite familiar with.
  22. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ...Coming from someone with long-haired Lenin on his avatar ...

    And Annie, if being unmarried guaranteed a clean house, I'd be able to see the floor in my living room today :oops:

    By the way, my emoticon is supposed to be a smiley, but it's cowering from Roman's wrath!
  23. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Luckily my sore throat is a little less sore today -- though I got lots of sympathy from friends.

    In other news, since I don't know if I can post tomorrow, I just wanted to say that tomorrow (Wednesday) marks November sixteenth, which means it has been exactly ten months since the last time I hurt myself.

    Words cannot describe how good I feel making it this far, and I feel I do have to thank everyone here for being a source of comfort and support (both consciously and unconsciously) throughout my difficult time and the last few months.
    Thank you again. The fact that I am at this place in my life now makes me feel on top of the world. [/i]
  24. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Hex I think you gave me a sore throat too.... I reckon its virtual bacteria... Kudos for you too...

    My news: The exam for my subject is currently occurring in the next few days I will be furiously marking them and then I'm home free till next year :) :cooler:
  25. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Yay Hex - you're stronger than this thing! :) You'll whoop its arse and never look back!
  26. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    That's just how one looks after a bit of photoshopping. It's surprising how a few effects make me look like my grandfather so much.

    And Hex, congratulations. :)
  27. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    (-: Congrats Hex!
  28. BadAnnie

    BadAnnie New Member

    Hi guys

    I dont know you at all Hex but congratulations on what seems a very personal achievement. Not many people realise it, but sometimes an encouraging word from a stranger makes all the difference in the world.

    Now for my news: My loser ex-boyfriend who treated me like dirt just lost his job. Hooray!

    Its petty but a victory all the same. Girl power.
  29. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I am still fighting my cellulitis, I have been to the doctor four times, and am now on a third type of antibiotic. I woke up this morning to an allergic reaction to something, I have a new gelocast (calamine impregated gauze covered with Ace bandages) on my bum leg, which will stay there until a week from Friday, I am itchy all over and I feel crappy and am getting nothing done yet again on my days off. On top of that it is now definitely winter, ice and snow and cold wind. And I still have to go to work.
  30. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher


    Spiky: I wish you a speedy delivery from marking exam papers.

    Tamyra: I wish you a very speedy recovery. May the latest antibiotic do the job.
  31. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Today is payday with no paycheck. The computers crashed and it was debated whether we would get paid at all this week. Luckily we will, its just going to be a day late. I have to come in on my one day off and get my check. Since we are getting paid this would suggest that the computers are back up and running, but no just as I clicked Caputer Picture to make a student an ID card the computer shut itself off and wants me to have an authorized ID and password to restart it, which I don't have. No library/ID cards today folks.

    Edit:This also marks my 100th post, go me.
  32. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    Its been a while since I have been here. Lifes been busy and that.

    I finished my last exams nessary for my degree ever today :)

    And I start work (paid work :)) on a summer research project in surface and colloid science on monday as pre-training to honours next year. Also I now have my own small lab to do said project. I'm intending on calling it the research closet.

    I also killed the Dahaka.
  33. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Coolness! Well Done Mate! I hope your doing something to celebraite!
  34. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Wee, the first snow of the winter is falling outside my window! I always turn into a child in times like this. Hooray! Too bad it's melting away when it hits the ground. Oh no!

    Oh, and congratulations on jobs, cessation (sp?) of self inflicted pains and passed exams. By the way, I recently passed my one year mark of sobriety. Well, almost sobriety, I allow myself to drink twice a year.

    Edit: Hmm I have no idea if cessation is correct english and I'm getting more and more doubts. Perhaps "a cease of self inflicted pains" would be better. Or "ceasing self inflicted pains". Anyone got any idea?
  35. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Congrats Hex! Thumbs up and a virtual Piccolo (tiny champaign) for you!

    Congrats, Fairyliquid.

    A quick recovery, Tamyra!

    Tomorrow (20th) is the second birthday of my daughter. My parents, as well as my parents in law, are coming to a visit, which makes it an interesting day in every case, seeing my mother in law and I do not exactly get along extremely well... But the main thing is that it shall be a great day for the little one. So if my inlaw starts finding cobwebs in a flat I cleaned for an entire week, I shall probably play deaf and bitch later, once the kid's asleep and the birthday party's over...
  36. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Hsing, tell your mom-in-law that cobwebs are a) good luck, b) keep flies away ;-). And flies have been known to spread diseases, while spiders don't. Tell her your doctor said so!

    Many happy returns to your little one!
  37. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Cessation is correct, although if you added a 'the' before hand it would have flowed better. And, if it's not proper English, well at least it's okay Americanese ;-) And congrats on the moderation!
  38. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Happy second birthday Hsing's daughter (good luck with your mother-in-law)

    as for my news...

    Art mocks in 11hours 30 minutes...

    5 hours tommorrow, 5 hours on tuesday

    it'll all be over in just over 42 hours...I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing..
  39. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    I've just arrived in Oman in the middle east.

    Travelling on a Sunday caused a fairly circuitous route and a very early start, but I arrived, and the hotel internet thingy works, so I'm all sorted for werewolvery etc, albeit from an unexpected timezone
  40. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I survived, unscathed, and the little one had a perfect day, it seems.

    Small anecdote on lingual creativity in someone who has still to rely on a vocabulary of, say, 350 words... She played with one of her toy horses today, and saw the saddle lying in a faraway corner. She pointed at it, but as she doesn't know the word "saddle" yet, she called for the "Horse bodice! There! Horse bodice!"

    Edit to add: Yes, I do find it fascinating. I'm not offended if you don't. I am aware of how... blurred my view on this is. :)
  41. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Hsing I hope you are always a little blurred when it comes to appreciating your daughter. It is a great thing to have a mom on your side. I hope the twos are as smooth sailing as they can be. I've noticed that second year involves a few attitudinal changes in parents and kids, but that isn't a bad thing, just remember this, too(two), shall pass.

    My cousin Brenda had a baby girl who was such an easygoing baby they were almost afraid to have a second child in case they got what they might have coming to them, as it were. She ended up giving it to them herself when she turned two, and her little sister has been even easier going then Anikka. Elicia will be two next March, she is one of the prettiest little kids I've ever seen. She started out sort of plain but she has been getting cuter and cuter, I think its mostly her eyes, huge and deep blue and kind. We'll see how she fares navigating her twos.

    My great nephew is a brand new walker, I haven't got to see him in action yet, but I guess I will on Thursday. He's still mostly very agreeable, but he's got a stubborn side and a certain amount of impatience and I have a feeling his twos will be an adventure.
  42. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Hsing, I'm somewhat worried that your daughter learned the word "bodice" before she learned "saddle"... Unless German word for bodice doesn't have the same connotations as the English version :)
  43. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    While I have no good baby stories to tell...

    As of one bowl of green curry ago I finally finished all my marking for the year :D That was 80 exam papers in 3 days and I don't want to talk about. All thats left is entering in the marks and watching people cry when they're unhappy with their result but Yay!! :D :D
  44. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    If you ever happen to need a pencil then say 'men fatlak uridu kalam?' or something to that's the one thing I remember from 2 years of Arabic lessons

    oh and marhaba (hello), Shukran (thanks) and Ma'salama (goodbye)

    yes, it was a productive 2 years...
  45. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Don't forget the ever useful

    Stop!: Awgfu
    Drop your weapons!: Thebbuu eslahkum

    Do not move!: La titharak

    Have a great time in Oman. Be careful and get home safe.
  46. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Only the most important phrases :roll:

    Muslim greeting: Assalaamwalaikum
    and in reply: Walaikumsalaam

    Say that 10 times quickly. Have fun in Oman doing it...
  47. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Heh - thanks for all the suggestions. I will try a few of them in my presentations over the next couple of days (although I will know it's going badly if I need any of Brad's !)
  48. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I haaaaaaaaaaaaaate Mondays.:evil:

    I spent the entire forenoon in front of our front door, due to the fact that my father had left the key sticking in the lock - from the inside. Which I found out when I was on the outside, not able to get in with my own key, which - have a guess - BROKE IN THE LOCK BECAUSE I WAS SO MAD AT THE DAMN LOCK THAT I tried to force matters... Never a good idea...*

    No one saw the extra key when we left this morning, and when I came home after getting my daughter to the day care center, with a pile of books on my arms, I found the door unopenable. At least we had left the Coke and the Cake outside, because it was cool enough to use our staircase - which is at the outside of the building and serving as a mini balcony- as a refrigerator. I had a small picnick when waiting for the arrival of the locksmith.

    It is a heavy unbreakable metal door that is unimpressed by credit cards. It ate my library card when I tried to trick it open, and spit it out in little pieces.

    How did the day go on... I spent some quality time with my daughter, who was a little moody.

    I couldn't go to my lesson because my husband couldn't leave work.

    When he came home, the poor chap turned out to be sick.

    Then I found out I have to do a representation - on thursday morning. :shock:

    The original date was in 2006, and no one told me, because I missed the last lesson due to my daughter being sick. :x

    Ah well. I'll just steal some pics from the net, some text from Wikipedia and pull a Moist von Lipwig. You know: Blah blah... blah... yes... someone not getting what i mean? That's cause youre all stupid... blah... blah...

    Long live Powerpoit, which can be helpful in dressing incompetence so glamourous that no one recognizes it. :evil:

    *And yes, that's key nr. 4 in six months.
  49. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I'm writing college application essays...

    I think my brain has melted out of my ears...

    Help me... someone... :(
  50. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    This day three years ago my grandfather died.

    He was a huge part of my childhood and he is still sorely missed.
  51. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    The posts about his death - and his life - where a few of the first ones I remembered. You know, the scene you wrote, with DEATH in it, who had to fend his way through all the children and grandchildren who wouldn't want to let him go despite him being over 80 and all?
    You should safe that stuff, in case you didn't already.
  52. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    My condolences Saccharissa, I can't imagine loosing my grandfather...

    Hex - use lots of fancy adjectives

    Hsing...another key.... :roll:

    My news, Art mocks are over...and I finished my piece with about 15 minutes to spare (one girl finished it in 3 hours and spent the next 7 making a frame because she had nothing else to do)..I meant to take a picture but my camera batteries ran out so no go.

    It didn't turn out to badly so I hope I get a somewhat decent grade on it, though knowing my record it will be a C or B. Ah well.

    Back to normality and a pile of homework....'Lord of the Flies' awaits
  53. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    My news... a young girl in my area committed suicide yesterday morning.

    Her Grandparents were (are) my mother and fathers best friends (both my father and the girls grandfather having died some years ago)

    The girls mother babysat me and my siblings when I was a child.

    I did not know this girl, as the teenager she was, as I had not seen her for many years.

    Her Step -father found her in one of their out-houses early yesterday morning. She had hung herself. She was 15 years old.

    I will not be going to the funeral but will send a condolence card to her family. Her family, who still have no indication why she did it.

    Edit to add: I have bought the card to send but don't know what to write in it.. Does anyone have any suggestions/ quotes/ passages of religious text that may be comforting?
  54. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Although no royalist, I was moved by the words written by the Queen, and read out at a service of remembrance, held in New York, for those Britons still unaccounted for after the 9/11 attack.

    I'd never thought of it that way before.

    The full story is here
  55. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I know exactly how you feel, my grandfather died in 2000 and I miss him more than any other person I've ever known.
  56. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I hope the Queen speech writer got a bonus that day. It is a nice sentitment. Perdita i'm really sorry to hear your news, I don't think there is really anything you can say. It's just nice to know that people care.
  57. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::hugs Avgi:: my grandfather passed on last Spring, we'll miss him always

    ::hugs Perdita:: I know what you mean, my mind tends to shut down when it comes to condolences... Last summer, a girl I knew died from brain cancer, so I sent a card to her parents - I couldn't think of anything better than to recap a few memories that I had of her ("She helped me join the school paper; she was always energetic and cheerful - even first thing in the morning, when the rest of us were barely conscious") - it didn't turn out as coherent as I would have liked, but I figured I got the idea across - that she left good memories behind...
  58. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    My grandfather died from a heart attack two years ago. The irony of it all was that he was at the dacha at the time, and they only managed to get him to a truly fucked-up Russian country hospital.

    By the time a relative decided to personally move him to a Moscow hospital in his private car (they wouldn't move him in an ambulance), he had a second heart attack in said hospital. He didn't survive.

    Every time I look in my current avatar I realize how much I resemble him.

    Avgi, Mowgli, you're not alone. *hugs*
  59. Dane

    Dane New Member

    My condolences Saccharissa, No one close to me have died so I can't relate to how you must feel but I hope you can remember the good memoris you have of him.

    Hex I finally finished my college application forms on Sunday, I can sympathise (and thank god I got them done, they've to be in december second!)

    Today was brilliant! I got up at twenty to eight after the first decent nights sleep in AGES I didn't get any dinner money or breakfast for that matter. Still i went to school dreading my cross country run.

    It was freezing cold, there was ice all over the track. Last week and the week before I had got 13:34 and 13:44, i promised to myslef that I would get better than 13 minuets. This week I promised to myself that I wouldn't walk any of the track. I managed to do both! I got 12:20! Not only did I smash my time by more than a minuet but I beat several people for the first time, Those people are always rubbing it in my face aswell so it felt good to be able to get them back for it.

    I then found out that I was one of only 6 people in my science set to get an A* on our recent test on genetics Meaning that I don't have to do the re-sit dureing thursday dinner. Yay, this came as a surpirse because i hadn't revised and felt a little iffy on a couple of questions. It turns out that i was the only person to get 5/5 marks for the Charls Darwin question aswell! yay

    Now I've just got home to find an Email from my step-dad confirming that I can and am working at his place for work exeperience next week! Yay. I have the time table and it's looking pretty good to me. I'm spending time in the accounts office with victoria (the very seksi victoria)for the last week, I'm with my step-dad and helen (another very seksi lady) the training co-ordinator.

    This success of a day couldn't come at a better time. the past four days I've been feeling really bad about pretty much everything. The success in cross country has shown me that I can acheive the goals i set myself and the science test has proven to me that I'm not thick like my head of year is trying to drum into my head.
  60. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Perdita, while losing an old family member from natural causes is bad, it is infinately better than losing a young one in such a violent manner.

    My deepest condolences to the family.

    And the "Grief is the price we pay for love" line is the best way to sum up the void left by a loved one.
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