Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    May everyone who is grieving draw comfort and solace from friends family and higher. And that Queen was spot on.
  2. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I'm going camping until Monday... 4 days of surf, mozzies and drinking. Should be fun.

    If there's going to be major action in the werewolf game someone needs to take over the duties of Huzzah, so try not to kill me and contact Ben if you want the job for 4 days :)
  4. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I have to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday night this week which just blows goats in my opinion. Although as an up point it is Christmas bonus week next week. We'll probably only get 57p and a clementine now i've got my hopes up. :)
  5. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I’m going out tonight for a few beers as I have tomorrow off work.

    I’m heading out with my good friend Doug’s – this is his nick name, derived from Fr Dougal from the Fr. Ted show (see Colonesques picture for Fr. Dougal.) His real name is totally different!

    I haven’t seen him in about a year it’s good to catch up with old friends- it’s snowing at the moment in Belfast so I don’t we’re going to go to far for our night out!

    Within the past 2 weeks I have met 5 friends I haven’t seen in a while for tea/lunch/ a drink- and not all on my own initiation. Maybe it’s the time of year or something – but I would highly recommend it.

    Phone/email/meet an old friend – it’ll really cheer up your day –

    Colonesque- it’ll make up for the clementine situation !
  6. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Well I think his only 'Friend' was a Small puddle. And I don't think He wants to speak to Kenny after 'the unfortunate incident with the trumbone.'
  7. Dane

    Dane New Member

    yesterday i got an email from a friend about shareing your pics with all your friends etc. So i signed up, it automatically sent an email from me to everyone on my contacts. Unfortunatly that included Dani she sent and email back telling me to leave her alone and that I should stop trying to get in touch with her (this is the first time and was accidental) because I messed her head up! She also said reply if i want to (she misses the attention). So i replied telling her that I slit my wrists the night that she left and that I've been doing it again because of her. She replied telling me that she wasn't worth it. We shared a few more emails then i told her i was deleting her (so i deleted her)

    today when I got home I found a couple of new emails, one was from a friend, another from faceparty and once from someone I'd never heard of before. Turns out it was Dani! She just can't seem to leave me alone which is so damn hypocritical of her, now she can't leave me alone

    anyway in the last email she sent me she said that she was going to this guys house that she liked and he liked her apparently. This email was sent from his email, it basically saidd hi this is Dani, I'm at ___'s house. I've just had sex with him. Obviously she's trying to make me jealouse but why? Why the hell should she even bother? If i "messed her head up" so bad why try again? Wimin, I just don't understand 'em
  8. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    So this girl told you to stop trying to get in contact with her, then tried to stay in contact?

    and you told her you'd slit your wrists because of her? I presume that's bullshit...?

    Dane. For fucks sake.
  9. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Unfortunately no, it's not bullshit and yes she did try to stay in contact after telling me to leave her alone :roll:
  10. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    This was brought to my attention after a few forum members were upset by what they've read here.

    Dane, the following links may be of use to you. you can also reach someone directly with if you would like to talk to someone via text, or you can ring them on 08457 90 90 90 as well. If you're feeling like slashing your wrists, please pick up the phone and dial immediately.

    if you'd like to find a community that might be more geared to what you're going through, try they exist but to serve, and there will be people there who understand.

    We are NOT qualified to help you through this stuff, man. The Samaritans are.
  11. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Dane, a bit of personal advice, from someone who's been involved with a number of 'chaotic' people over the years...

    Love cannot lead to violence. If it does, then it's not really love.

    Hurting yourself is never an answer, and no one is worth making you do it to yourself. All it ever is, all it can possibly be, is a release from emotional pain through physical pain. Cut too deep and you might find the final release, if you catch my drift.

    That is NOT an option.

    This chick sounds like she's rather mental. If you off yourself, all you'll do is add one little bit of wood to the fires of her own chaos. Let her fuck who she wants to fuck. Let her be a hypocrit. Let her do her own thing.

    It may hurt, and you may want to hurt someone else just to get revenge - but know that the ONLY revenge is to live your life well.

    Be successful, be healthy, and above all be happy. The people who are too chaotic can't stand that. But stay away from them, and stay happy and don't do harm to yourself or others. That's the only solution in the end.

    And, as an after thought... if you do that, this one will come back to you. She wants attention as you've said. If you want to stay healthy and stay happy, you gotta turn her away.

    Rise above it, be someone better than you currently are.
  12. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I couldn't agree more Garner.

    Dane, take it from someone who knows. Hurting yourself brings nothing but more hurt, and if you go too far, you can't come back. I was lucky.

    And the very best thing you can do is move on and be happy. Don't try to get revenge. Don't be spiteful or immature. Just be at peace and live life anew.

    When I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, I went through a lot of bad stuff. For a long time I was so angry at him for leaving me after making empty promises and almost immediately dating someone else.
    But I let it go after a while.
    Let it slide.
    Found someone new, someone better.

    And after two months, his new girlfriend dumped him over msn messenger.

    So don't seek revenge.
    Karma takes care of it for you, and life is better without people who cause you pain.

    And once more, don't hurt yourself. There are better ways to cope with pain.


    In other news, my ears hurt, and I can smell turkey. yay thanksgiving! :)
  13. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Hurray for turkey. I'd forgotten it was thanksgiving today, despite being reminded earlier in the week.
  14. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Thanks for your concern but I allready got over it. A lot (more than I was expecting) of people were horrified by my self-harm. Yes I was extremly upset and Everything was going wrong, not just Dani but my school work, friends and family were going to shit aswell. Most of it's kinda ok now.

    The thing that hurt the most is how she left. She left because she was pissed off at me for going out with a girl a year younger than me! That strikes me as a pretty shit reason right there but thats not the point. I let her go without telling her how I felt, about how she'd made me feel and the shit that she'd put me through. I was being the mature person and let her go without giving her an earful. I knew how she was feeling but she had no idea about me.

    So when she emailed back I took my chance. I told her what I'd done and what she'd done to me. She wasn't to happy about it but wasn't overly botherd, but that didn't matter I just wanted her to know. I deleted her email as soon as she knew.

    I stopped cutting myself on saturday night. I know that it's a little soon to say I've stopped but I really don't want to do it again after seeing how the people around me were affected by it. I don't like hurting my friends least of all because of something that is easily within my control.

    Infact I've just enterd a bet with a friend of mine. We're to have a rock climbing race, if I win she has to stop cutting herself and vice versa. I don't like her cutting herself. The origonal bet was that she'd buy me a PSP for christmas if I won and I'd have sex with her if I lost (win win situation I think :D) but I think getting her to stop cutting herself was a lot more important.

    Again thanks for your concern but (hopefully) it was in vain.

    Edit to add: Have a good Thanks giving Hex and everyone else thats celebrating it.
  15. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    If this is real, it's the most retarded idea I've ever read.

    The path to stop self-harm isn't "who wins, stops". That's just stupid. If two people want to stop harming themselves, then do it together. Don't invent a competition to decide who get's to stop harming themselves.

    Seriously, if you're going to trivialise the problem, then you really should look at the links Garner showed you. Preferably sooner rather than later.
  16. Hex

    Hex New Member

    People who trivialize it or glamorize the problem are the reason why I rarely come clean about self-injury as part of my life.

    Seriously Dane. Just stop, all bets aside. It's hard as hell, but you feel great months down the line.

    And talking to people helps. Take advantage of all the useful websites and hotlines etc out there.

    Instead of seeing who can do it or betting on who has to do it, both of you should support eachother in quitting, because the road to stopping is like any other addiction, it's lonely and bloody hard. Having some understanding support can make it easier.
  17. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Where the hell have I been? I'll tell you. Working my little tushy off. I've missed spending time with everyone. I think I've had my aol and msn on once in two months. Then I turned it on last night and fell asleep (sorry Myn).

    I got to spend my Thanksgiving Day splitting and delivering firewood. That was 32" long. That's just barely shorter than three feet. That's some big freaking wood. My dad was supposed to show up and help, but he was late, as usual. He showed up after I had split and loaded 75% of the wood.

    I just about got hurt this morning though (this is my thanksgiving time). I was by muself cutting the wood with our saw, tripped, and fell while holding the saw. I've worked around saws long enough to have trained myself to not press the trigger when falling, but it still scares the shit out of me. All that happened is that I busted my elbow up pretty good and got pissed off. It was all my fault but I wanted to blame someone else. Too bad there wasn't anyone there to yell at and blame. :roll:

    Well, I'm off. A friend and I are supposed to go see a movie in a bit. Hopefully I'll be online more often now that it's getting dark at 4:30, but I haven't gotten off work before dark at all in the past two weeks. Oh well.
  18. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    I think someone needs to shout at Dane.

    WAKE UP DANE! You're harming only yourself. STOP IT! NOW!
    As EM says, you don't need a competition .. just do it.

    Nathan: take care, old chap. Falling with a chainsaw in hand .. *shudders*.
  19. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    My thoughts exactly. Its not original or anything that others haven't experienced before you. Just stop doing it. Take it from another person who has stopped, don't faff about, just take control of yourself and stop it.

    Welcome back Nate. Glad to hear you aren't chainsawed. :)
  20. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Hey .. nice avatar logo Andalusian :)
  21. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Hehe, thanks. Its the story of my life.
  22. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Nice to see you back, redneck! :)
  23. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    You say that as though it's a laughing matter Rinso, three years of councilling and I still can't walk past a music shop without falling to the floor in tears. Everytime I see or hear a trombone now I remember the little puddles face of torment and pain as I gasped for air. :( Poor Fuddle!
  24. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Just stop Dane, and stay stopped. Before it gets any worse...and thats all that can happen

    Now time to be selfish...

    I thought I had had such a good day until I realised the only reaon it was good was because it wasn't a bad was a dull day which is now what constitutes as good over here. This city is the most unbelievably uneventful place in existance.

    It all runs like clockwork, they have fabulous decorations at christmas (although the giant snowman down the road is a bit OTT, as is the fake snow storms - ie foamblown all over the place), they have a good quality of life, great education, a stable government (partly cause they are all related to the guy incharge - that includes the opposition), they have a good economy and are the hub of SE Asia.
    But...they spend their lives making this artificial surrounding that means absolutely nout and could exist anywhere when it was once a lush rainforest much like found in Malasia and Indonesia. Instead they resort to the plasic-y image driven look that is prjected by AMerica...and its awful.

    Not only that, the people are increadibly arrogant and live in their own little boxes with little regard for anyone around them...they don't step out and experience anything less than top quality crap. And it's driving me crazy.

    Singapore never changes, sure in the long run they improve their standards and build new things but there are so very little day to day differences that I'm pulling my hair out at the monotony. No seasonal changes or major events that are one time major things.

    urg...sorry I just had to get that off my chest. Everytime I even try here I get people saying 'oh but would you really prefer to live in a manky city like Mumbai'...and I try to tell them that yes I would but its hard for them to relate when all they see in other cities is he rotten and falling apart aspects.

    At least most places have a bit of an interesting culture view to look at.

    So, it's been a good day today...
  25. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    You could always go to the land of the free, the home of the brave....
  26. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    :roll: DOn't get me started again...
  27. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I have stopped to date and feel no urge to continue.

    I know it isn't a particulaly good way to get her to stop but I've tried a lot of other things. She is highly competative, she's the one that suggested it. I hope that this idea will work because I've tried almost everything else. I know it isn't a good idea to trivialise the issue but there isn't much else i can do. I have allready given her plenty of websites and numbers to ring but she refuses to use them, I've asked her to talk to her mum about it but it appears that thats half her reason :( I've tried makeing her stop myself but that doesn't seem to get through either.

    If anyone can suggest any other way or helping then please do because I'm out of ideas, I don't want her to slash herself but I'm pretty much powerless to stop her.

    In my news it was my little sisters 5th birthday on wednesday, she's going to watch the sleeping beauty ballet with some friends. I have to prepare the house for her return so that should keep me busy.

    I'm going on work experience on monday to my step-dads work. Finaly got all the shirts and trousers for it last night :roll: now I just need to make sure my step-dad can be botherd to get up in time to drop me off!
  28. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Well that was quite an update. I hope things get better and better for you Dane.

    My condolences for those who have lost friends and loved ones, my grampa passed away November 14,1981 and I still miss him. There have been many years and many new people added to our family, but I always wonder what Grampa would have thought about them.

    Redneck, I hope you can ease up on working so hard pretty soon.

    I had a fine Thanksgiving and am much better. I found out my doctor is also a Pratchett fan! I was glad I didn't have to cook Thursday as I had a tough week at work, two overtime shifts and a cleanup in one week is hard when I'm healthy, let alone when I had my leg wrapped in a bandage for a week, I took it off myself on Wednesday so I could have a good soak, then Jon wrapped me up again.

    Friday I saw the doctor again and she said I am good to go, but that we have to lose weight and she really meant we, I have a lot in common with her. I sure hope we succeed. After Jon picked me up at the clinic we had breakfast and went to kill some time looking at cars and ended up buying a 1999 Dodge 4x4 extended cab(for Albert) blue pickup.

    I like it a lot and it sure was a better buy then the 1986 Bronco we considered at first, the salesman said it was ten times the price but twenty times the vehicle and he wasn't exaggerating. That Bronco had dual floor ventilation and wandering front tires, among other problems, but I have been getting increasingly nervous about driving any of the cars we had, and Jon seconded my worries, it was definately time for a newer vehicle.

    We ordered black pipe runningboards so I can hopefully enter and exit the truck more gracefully. Damn, I hope no one gets any video of me getting into the truck without them. It sure isn't a pretty picture. :oops:
  29. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Tammy, my mom used to have that problem when we had a 4x4. It had a four inch lift kit and 32" tires. The bottom of the truck was about belly button high. My mom's pretty short and I laughed my butt off every time I watched her enter the truck. I would help her, of course, but it still didn't diminish the hilarity of it. Could you send me addresses or phone numbers of your close living friends and family? I just need to get them some information about Americas Funniest.... I mean, this interesting new article on blood pressure. 8)
  30. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well I'm back from camping. One day early and very damp seeming as it rained nearly the whole time. I got leached twice and drunk twice, there may be a correlation but without a computer or a clculator I was unable to work it out...

    Otherwise, it was quite fun and the discovery that you can fit 6 people around a card table proved important as it led to a night of poker out of the rain... I lost :(

    Ummm oh and I still didn't catch any fish. I think my rod is cursed.
  31. Ivan_the_terrible

    Ivan_the_terrible New Member

    Hi all!!!

    I'm fine, just working like hell...

    Have some funny pictures from Cannes:

    1) Caustrophobic lift.

    2) A girl from Venezuelan stand. They take such ladies every year to their stand. :))
  32. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    You'll positively never have to stand next to anybody who smells in that lift. You'll never have to stand next to anyone at all. On the other side, you might get that homely feeling of being transported in your own bathroom closet...

    (*Feels inspired to write some absurd, "Being John Malkovich"-inspired filme scenes where Ivan finds his own toothbrush and his rubber duck in a lift in Cannes*)

    Say, do you permanently work in Cannes now? I seem to remember your first post from there was months ago... Or is it just my disturbed sense of time...
  33. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Hey, Ivan! A shame you're not around as much as you used to.
  34. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Be truthful Ivan. That wasn't an elevator. Its where they've been keeping you safe so the big purple things wiv teef like thiff don't get you isn't it??

    Even if the thing did plummet 50 stories to the ground you can't move enough in it to cause an damage upon impact...
  35. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    We should start a boardfic...
  36. Ivan_the_terrible

    Ivan_the_terrible New Member

    I was truly shocked when I saw the dooe of the lift half narrower than an ordinary door next to it. :) It's in an old house. My one-room apartments looked like in an old movie with Alain Delone. :)

    Nope, I'm still in Kiev, just had a business trip to Cannes - MIP COM 2005.
    Flying to Moscow the next week...fed up with these trip, frankly speaking...

    I'll try to write more... :roll:

    Yep. 8) A friend of my said that it looks like a toilet in planes. :) Alas I'm not bizarre enough to take pictures in toilets. :)
  37. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Oh my poor innocent little mind will have to go to bed with the appalling image of Ivan on a toilet taking photos of himself. Oh the humanity!!
  38. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Well, half of you have probably forgotten me, but my news is that I'm still here! My piano's newly tuned, my house is slightly re-arranged to please the Gods of Yuletide Feng Shui, and my baby is slowly but surely becoming the biggest and cleverest baby in the world (of course). And I'm not going to ignore my cyber-friends any more!

    See you around. And if you want muffins, pm me. I'd offer them here but I think that might be against the rules.
  39. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Actually I was wondering what had happened to you just the other day, welcome back. :)
  40. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Wow, he noticed me!! I feel all warm and fuzzy now.
  41. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Admit it, it's taken you a month to get over meeting some of us hasn't it?

    I blame Doors.

    And what was the other thing.... oh yes, Welcome Back!
  42. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    That's right. I admit it. In fact, just seeing your avatar I think I might have to go lie down for a week or two...
  43. Dane

    Dane New Member

    For this and next week I'm doing work experience at my step-dads. All this week my step-dad is and has been doing training meaning that I havn't been getting back till at best 6:30 and having to go or 7:30 in the morning. Plus i havn't slept since the weekend so I'm more knackerd than I ever would be which really isn't good for work experience.

    Work experience itself has been fun, I've met plenty of cool people and enjoy the work i do (office bitchery has been down to a minimal thankfully).
  44. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Welcome back Hermia and Ivan...

    I've been relatively busy-ish. Though by my standards it has been fairly quiet. I'm getting thoroughly fed up of teachers constant reminders that mocks are just after the winter break and that we only have 2 1/2 weeks of school left to prepare. I like to think 2 1/2 weeks till we can get a bit of space, even if it is only for a short time.

    Just got back from a mangrove was increadibly dull. I now know that there are knee roots, finger roots and air roots...and that 2H pencils are not meant to be written with as you can barely see the lead on the paper.
  45. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Nice to see you back Hermia and Ivan :)

    I sent off my Boston University application last night! I am pleased, since the deadline is tomorrow and all. That means One down and Six to go! Hooray!

    Other than that, I am immersed in my Psychology project - I'm doing research into Voter Apathy in the youth of America. It is most interesting - I'll let you all know what the results are when I get done.

    Othen than that life is as usual. Though it just started snowing, which is cool. And pretty.
  46. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Mmm, something strange is going on here. Just when 2 of our members appear after a long absence one leaves. :)

    After tomorrow I will be going home with my parents, it being holiday and finishing my exams and all. Home: a place of little and expensive internet capabilities. In other words, i will be taking my leave of this wonderful message board for about 2 months. I will only be able to reply regularly after 1 February. I will of course try my best to pop in for a minute or two during the next 2 months, but i cannot give any promises. :cry:

    Goodbuy all you boardainians. Enjoy the festive season (if at all possible). See you all in about 2 months.

    [i:9de5ee705f]Disappears[/i:9de5ee705f] :toimonster:
  47. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Enjoy your vactation! See you in a while!
  48. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Two months holiday! I'm so jealous.
    Have a good time :)
  49. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    See you later Smoking_GNU. :)
  50. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    See you soon Smoking_GNU :)

    Well i'm going to view another room in a Giant house tomorrow night. I'm not sure wether I should get drunk before the viewing or maybe after i've met the freaks that are sure to live there. What do you think guys? :)
  51. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I say during
  52. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I like your thinking Ben. I could wear one of those beer helmets with a can of Carling either side and a couple of straws into my mouth. Great idea. Then atleast my prospective room mates will know i'm serious about my hobby. :)
  53. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Wow, They build houses for giants these days! Do you have to climb a beanstalk to get to it?
  54. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Hey, you stole my reply. I hate you for that. I also hate you because my cool new Threadless T-Shirt (Dark side of the Garden) is too small for me. Damn you, how could you do this to me.

    Just for that I'm going to eat some of this delicious home made baklava. So nya.
  55. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    In a last minute effort I've managed to swing a uni paid trip to Freemantle to go to another conference... I leave sunday and won't be back till thursday so I'll be mia on the board for a few days...

    This one'll be great cause I don't have to present so I can sit back and relax and network to my hearts content :)

    See ya gnu and beer helmuts are passe. You need a bottle of vodka on either side of your head, that shows serious commitment.
  56. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Well, 'm finally back on the boards. Maybe.
    See, I was transferred to a different department. One with an insanely high workrate. I was supposed to be trained for 2 weeks and then should be able to work full on.
    Just because I worked with the computersystem they use they thought I'd be able to do this. I couldn't. I suck at doing more than 6 things at the same time.

    I tried, but I just couldn't. Cue depression.

    Fortunately they placed me back in my old department.
    Fish, water, yay!

    (And the workrate is nowhere as insane so I can sneak peeks at the board during work.. :))
  57. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Welcome back, Hermia, Tephlon and homeboy Vanya :)!

    Have fun at your folks', Smoking_GNu!

    I think I finally lived down the sponge-eating incident :p (Quick summary: one of my coworkers was leaving, so his department threw him a mini-party, complete with several cakes. One lady apparently decided to give the poor boy something to remember us by, and gave him a big, heavily frosted spongecake to cut. He must have struggled with it for a while (household sponges are notoriously hard to cut with wussy little plastic knives!), before the joke was up and a real cake was brought in. Now, the animators at my workplace tend to be the last ones to hear anything - so I walked into the cafeteria unawares, only to find a suspiciously abandoned cake with lots and lots of yummy-looking frosting. And it's not in the nature of Russians to give up on food, even after a plastic knife proves useless, and the big serrated version just barely does the job... Anyway, I can now tell you what a sponge tastes like. Trust me, you don't want to find out for yourself!
  58. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I had a gig with my band at a night club called Patricia here in Stockholm yesterday. Lots of people showed up and we managed to take us through the repertoire without any major blunders. People said the sound was good as well, which is not always the case when you're an unknown unsigned band and have to make do with the gear that the location provides. All in all, I'm very pleased with the gig, one of our best.
  59. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    :D :lol:
  60. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I tend to have that effect on people. And I guessing that it's now too late too say good luck and have fun, so I won't.

    Kenny, I thought in your lifestyle the key question is: when should you act sober? And I suggest that during the viewing is not a good time to act sober, cos they'll probably guess that something's up!
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