Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Your probably right. I am though thinking about being sober sometime in Janruary, just for a change. I might even put some underwear on if the ocassion merits it. :)

    As for the giant house Rinso I actually meant it has lots of rooms. But now you've given me an idea. I can could build lots of houses for freaks like me and Doors and then we could have some hovels in the Garages for tiny people like yourself. WHo if we ever got really hungry we could feed on. :)
  2. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    And me!! 6ft 8"
  3. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I may well have to change the plans Sarge, unless of course your happy sharing a bed with Doors. Two scots in a bed and the little one said.....theres got to be a joke there somewhere. :)
  4. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Hmmm - don't like the sound of that - especially if his "little one" is going to talk all night.
  5. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Ok, very bad mental images. Make them stop...please!!

    In other news I'm still alive. again.
  6. MissTeak

    MissTeak New Member

    I'm back from holiday now. How did it stretch from a managable three weeks to... one, two... three... four excrutiating months?

    So... what happened? Tell me everything. Well, most things. Things relevant to Boardania, anyway.
  7. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    :shock: Yo there, Miss Teak, I was wondering where you'd got to!

    Well. Stuff happened to someone, and other people were like "something" and then all these things occured with some stuff, which made people all y'know, then the stuff with the thing happened on the same day!

    Welcome back. :)
  8. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    She's alive!

    Welcome back Miss Teak, I'd give you a potted history, but I doubt that you have a few days for me to do so... try the Temple forum, that should tell you a fair bit.

    Welcome back though, nice to see that you still have the power of internet.
  9. MissTeak

    MissTeak New Member

    You make it all so clear, Delphine. :) Thanks for the... tip? hint? suggestion, Electric Man.

    As for whether or not I'm alive... Probably yes, but regretting it a bit due to inclement, uh, body weather. Health, that's it.
  10. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Welcome back, Miss Teak!

    Ella's summary covers pretty much everything. :)

    Edit: because English is only my fifth language.
  11. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Miss Teak! I've been wondering more than once where you'd ended up. Nice to see you back!
  12. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Good to have you back Miss Teak!

    How was your holiday? (apart from being very long)
  13. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Welcome back Miss Teak :). Is your body weather okay now?
  14. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Welcome back!
    We did have one momentous event .. Kenny washed his socks.
  15. Ivan_the_terrible

    Ivan_the_terrible New Member


    We must get back to our lessons of Russian!

  16. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    No, Doors is going to live in my cupboard. I'm collecting interesting people and I like his accent. Alastair wanted to put Mynona in the cupboard too, but I don't trust him with her.
  17. MissTeak

    MissTeak New Member

    Muchos gracias, everyone. Mowgli, le body weather is... at the moment, I feel like one of those days where it's really cloudy and the air is really still and it feels like the sky is trying to squash your head. I think I need a good storm to release the pressure, or something.

    God that sounds uncomfortably Freudian. :?

    Andalusian, the holiday part was good. The rest, with the hard drive crash and the monitor stuff up and the lack of funds to continue the internet access (not to mention all the emotional rollercoastering and the lack of funds to do pretty much anything) sucked like the suckiest sucker in sucktown. Ah well, I'm getting over it. :)

    Ivan, I was planning on emailing ya soon. Along with everyone else on the waiting list. First I have to clear out over 100 stacked up emails. Haha, Miss Popular or something... But no, mostly it's spam. And jokey/schmaltzy forwards from my groovy groovy cousin.

    Sampanna - you lie!!!
  18. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::bzzzzz:: sends a lightning bolt at Miss Teak to help relieve the atmospheric pressure!
  19. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I didn't think i'd see the words Doors and interesting in the same sentence unless someone was talking about B&Q's latest offer, of course.

    Welcome back MissTeak, it's good to have a friendly face back, it might help hide Rinso's too. :D
  20. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member


    It's a fine accent.

  21. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I like Fred's festive attaire, it's very Christmasy
  22. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Welcome back Miss Teak. :)
  23. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Well, finally managed to find an internet cafe heer in the middle of nowhere (ie, Stillbaai, what a drag). I'tll probably the only time i'll be able to look in on the board utill the 9th and then again on the 14th. After that the responses will still be pretty sparce, for i will then be venturing forth in the land of ridiculously high telephone costs, and it is not even as if they're very reliable or even fast. :x

    Glad to see that someone on this board has entered in the festive spirit. I am slightly suprised at not seeing the huge amount of chrismas decorations around that i usually see at this time of year. We usually see the first "festive" decorations and/or advertisement (television) at the end of OCTOBER here (wierd huh?). :?

    Anyway, I only popped in here to show you all that i am still alive (not entirely certain about that. Can you be changed int a zombie by boredom? If so, i have been subject to that torture.

    See you all later.

    (Please excuse the horrible spelling (probably), i am typing fast and don't have enought time to correct myself.) :)
  24. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Ahh, I have a good few festive Freds. The usual idea is to have a new one each day in December, but I don't quite have enough for that, so I'll change it once every couple of days or so :)
  25. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    Thunderstorms and scientific equipment don't mix, trust me on this.

    I just spent a frustrating afternoon resetting the data capture and presentation of a malvern zetasizer nano ZS. By the time (2hrs later after some help) I got the software up and running correctly for the instrument I was so pissed off that it was useless to attempt the experiment I was going to do.

    That said it otherwise was a fine day.
  26. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Looks like Mowgli's lightning went in the wrong direction!

    Well, yet another weekend has passed, and my Christmas shopping still isn't doing itself very quickly. I wish time would slow down a little!

    Actually, I wish it would speed up while buzzfloyd does her exams so she can stop being stressed and I can have my friend back, but then it should slow down!
  27. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Don't get me started on Christmas shopping...

    Well OK, so I've started now. :)

    I went home (to my mum's) at the weekend after having been an errant daughter for some time. My mother was forgetting my name- yes this does happen quite a bit.

    Anyway, my family all decided that no- one would spend any more than £25 on anyone else in the family this year. Meaning my mother, brother and two sisters. - Anyone else is left to the individual's own discretion!

    I won't be home for another 2 weeks and somehow I got lumbered with buying my sister a really expensive pair of hair straighteners (big 80's hair run's in the family). (These cost £100.)

    I've also been hoodwinked into getting Mum a bottle of Chanel Chance (about £60 I think) and my younger sister stuff for skiing - hats gloves socks etc (which ain't cheap).

    This is all on the promise that the other relevant family members will contribute 'whenever they get a chance'.

    Last time I looked I was not made of money although things might have changed in the last few seconds.

    *Looks down at self*

    Nope, still not made of money.

    Ahem. Talk about stressed out. I always seem to get a bit down at this time of year - probably caused by my 'caring' siblings and extensive workload (yes I should be work right now and not typing this)

    As I’ll probably say on numerous occasions over the next few weeks:

    ‘Tis the season, ………bah humbug'
  28. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Well, as i was procrastinating this weekend I now only have one weekend left to hehe oops.

    I also just realised I have somehow been forced into buying a gift for a 'friend' i despise because she has one for me! I dont want to get her something big because obviously, she is not my friend...then again, she may go big with my gift which just makes the whole things rather awkard.

    Particularly when my other friends open much larger and better presents. :roll: last year was so much easier. I was new so i got away with a candy cane and some chocolate for everyone seeing as we had only met a few months before.
  29. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    WOOT-age! So many people are back!

    I don't have to do anything for Christmas, since I am returning home after my term as a rural doctor and even the grans are having champagnes at the ready :D
  30. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I try not to get bogged down in the whole "he got me one so I must get him one" thing. It is hard, though. This year whenever I've spoken to anyone like that, I've been dropping massive hints that I'm "not too bothered" about presents this year due to lack of money, etc, so that if they get me something it's at their own risk!

    I'm finding, as usual, that the hardest thing is certain male members of the family who I really care about, who just don't seem to ever need, want, or enjoy anything material that they haven't already bought themselves!!! Fathers! Neither of the fathers have hobbies, neither of them have a working dvd player, and one of them is diabetic and almost teetotal!
  31. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    My dads easy, one of those calanders with stupid comments and quotes for each days (they are in cards and usually Simpsons or Dilbert or something)

    Brothers are another story altogether (He is allergic to chocolate and my mum has already bought him jelly babies)...I think I'll buy him a cuddly toy squirrell, it'll keep him amused longer than anything else.
  32. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Hermia, how about making a T-shirt or a poster out of a photo of your father and Baby Dawn?
  33. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    I know what you mean with presents for men- random books are often good, but then its hard to know which ones...If I had a job I'd be sorely tempted to go on a Pratchett spree, but alas, I can't afford that. Too many relatives.
    Strasbourg is makign the Christmassyness very fun though- I feel like a little kid in the market, everything is all sparkly! Cathal was over not long ago, just as it was opening, so that was a nice weekend of being scarily couple-y (kept getting reminders of my parents at markets...scary but fun)
    So far everyone back in el Dublino is getting Gingerbread men; even if they don't like to eat the things, at least they're purty.

    oh, and Happy St. Nicholas' Day (yesterday)
    one question- there appears to be a rooster ON TOP of the Cross on the church next door- am I the only person who finds that a little bit odd?
  34. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well I'm back and totally exhausted... My flight got in at 6am this morning, I got a little sleep on the plane and about 2 hours when I got home but then my mum decided to ring at 9am and that was the end of that...

    The conference was good, the weather was bad and I got a very good peice of info that should see my PhD go along swimmingly in the next stage...

    I'm afraid I'm too tired to catch up with too many of the threads that have exploded since I left.
  35. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Welcome back, Spiky. Once you get caught up on your sleep you'll have some real good reading to do.

    I am sleeping in my chair and Jon has been shaking it so I will go to bed and snore there, I am going to miss him when he leaves with his wide load and new trailer on his way to the San Francisco area tomorrow. I get the reward for working an extra day last week this weekend, I get an actual three day weekend! Maybe Christmas will get to my house yet.

    My nephew was supposed to start his jail term today but it was delayed, he has had trouble remembering he should behave himself now that he is a father. So he'll be sleeping in jail and his girlfriend will be taking him to his work and bringing him back to jail for however long he's going to have to serve. He's been spending the last few weeks doing things for my folks. His house is about three blocks up the street from the jail. That is a big reason my parents want to spend a month away from home this winter.

    I hope he gets a clearer picture of how the world actually works during his confinement and I hope his girlfriend proves she is worth the wait. She had a big hand in what happened and if she is still in the picture after this she'll have proven herself and if she doesn't stick around she'll have proven something else.

    The family is finally figuring out when we might get together to celebrate Christmas, it might be the day after Christmas and then we don't know if we will get to have our little guy with us, and we know we won't get to have his dad. Or his uncle from North Pole,AK. Pretty soon all the kids will be off doing their things and we will wait with bated breath until we can see them again. I totally missed seeing Michael this last time he was home on leave, damn cellulitis. I would have loved to see him with his first nephew.
  36. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Welcome back, Spiky! Tamyra, sorry about your family's odd circumstances - I hope you get to see as many of your kin as possible during the holidays! (correction: as many of your kin as you'd LIKE to see :))

    It's getting harder and harder to drive around here! Not so much because of the snow (my hopes of getting a day off work were sorely busted!), but because I take the back roads home, and every house there is currently competing madly for the Most Overdecorated Front Yard EVER!!! title. The darkness makes it worse - all those Christmas lights!!!! - it's like driving through night-time Disneyworld! I have to nail my eyeballs to the windshield to keep my attention on the road :p
  37. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I know what you mean! There's a village just outside my town where every household does that, and people actually drive out there just to look. I like the pretty lights, but the larger-than-life plastic Father Christmases and even-larger-than-that reindeer are a bit much for me.

    It's a great idea, but not for my dad. My dad is very definitely not sentimental about these things, he'd probably just find it slightly embarrassing! It's so going to be the book tokens again...
  38. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I have my work do on tonight. My boss asked me to book his favourite Chinese Restaurant instead of going somewhere for the usual turkey dinner.

    My Department is really top heavy management wise – infact I am the only pleb out of the 12 people that were supposedly going.

    There’s now going to be 6 – I don’t even think that my boss is going, as he went home sick earlier on today. I avoided last year’s effort as I told everyone it was too far away for me to go. – Plus the fact that I was just not bothered …

    This year I thought I’d give it a go-

    I really should have thought harder about that idea. - I don’t think that I can hack the back-stabbing that these people will be doing about others tonight- about others in the Dept and about people within the rest of the organisation. My general Paranoia will be extreme- and that only means one thing. Incessant talking from me. How I wish I could be the sort of person who goes quiet when their embarrassed/nervous. No I talk non- stop and usually end up saying something totally stupid.

    This is going to be excruciating but I can’t back out now

    Wish me luck! :roll:
  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I have my work do tonight also.

    In terms of backstabbing, I think there's only a couple of people that aren't going, so the range of topics will be narrow... I deal with it by keeping quiet, taking mental notes, then using the info to my advantage ;)
  40. lipi

    lipi New Member

    I'm going back home for the weekend. I'm redecorating my room, and my dad was nice enough to paint the room for me already. Yay! I just hope he only painted it white, I'd like to do the coloured parts myself to make sure they're where I want them.
    Also, I finished the plans I was paid to make. It was redecorating a living/dining room, and I really think I did a good job, I even made some 3d renderings, which I'll try to put on the net shortly. It was the first redecorating that I actually got paid for, and it feels GOOD! The stuff I do for my boss doesn't really allow me to use my own imagination and ideas.

    On another note, my rommate had a 'talk' with (better put at) me, where she told me that she wasn't my friend even if I thought so, which really did hurt my feelings badly, after knowing her for 6,5 and living together for 2,5 years, sharing the good and the bad.
    She also told me some other things she thought about me that I still haven't digested really. Some I really have to admit (although I hate to, but I need to be honest) she was right, at least partly, while others only showed me that she doesn't know me as well as I'd thought. It made me run away and cry to another friend and left the feeling of the cold war in the flat.
    Oh well, live and learn! :roll:

    Well, I'm off, hoping that my room back home will turn out to be as beautifull as I always knew it could be.
    Everyone, have a great weekend! :D
  41. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Christmas shopping is complete! Huzzah! :D
  42. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I have almost completed my christmas shopping which makes me very happy. I only have one more present to buy which will probably give me more hassle than any of the others i've bought. :)
  43. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    So there must be a load of cars lacking hub caps after your 'shopping' trip.
  44. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Where's the "Abomination Thread" when you need it? Nah, I'm too lazy to search. I could have needed it, though, after finding my lost favoutite CDs after months of searching, only to find out someone had engraved their life story in Egypt Hieroglyphs on its backside. Arvö Pärt's "Te Deum" just scratched to death in my CD player.
  45. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    My condolences, Hsing. Having stuff turn up ruined is just awful. I did get the info and Santa is ready, but I'm still procrastinating about Christmas.

    I have a feeling it's going to take at least three days to get all the celebrating done. We'll end up out at the farm, Dad and Mom are just not in the mood for traveling to Sauk Rapids. I just hope my sister can come up, too. I want to watch her daughter beat my brother at Cribbage.
  46. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Gah, I am so incredibly tired. I went to a friend's birthday party last night and ended up sleeping on her floor. At 3am.

    I'm not looking forward to school tomorrow. :cry:
  47. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    (-: Ah, those are the days Andalusian. Enjoy it.
  48. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Just got back from a hockey match. Played so badly its not even funny. Actually it was, it was hilarious. I think the final score was 15-0 or something :lol:

    But I almost scored a goal...i was right in front of the net...and I missed


    Ah well, mock exams tommorrow...that'll be amusing

    edit to add: Brad, is it just me or is your avatar wearing sausages on its head?
  49. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    It's wearing MacArthur's hat, glasses, and pipe.
  50. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    sorry...still looks like sausages to me.
  51. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    HELLO ALL! I'm home! My sister did not have int access for me at her home. Just wanted to say that i'm alive and all that. Got to go, internet is expensive where i come from... :x

    Enjoy the festive season all!
  52. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    If you don't stop with the lip m'laddieo then i'll rob your house. I'll need cardboard boxes soon for when I move. :)
  53. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Hey sarge when you've finished with those boxes can you send them my way... My mum just put the apartment I live in up for sale, so another move is on the cards... Its such a huge pain in the bum.

    I need to get my current flatmate out of the house, my boyfriend moved in, either before inspections start or in such a way to create no mess. How is that possible?

    Anyway, Anda suck it up, you won't be able to rebound for ever...
  54. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Have you found a new place to live yet?

    and spikey your sig is wrong. :)
  55. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Just after posting this, I found out that the rseidents of this village are actually taking charity donations this year for their efforts! It's gone official!

    I have 2 exciting bits of news.

    1) My dad is selling his house, and hopefully we will be buying it!!! I lived there since I was three months old until last year (on and off) and I'm very fond of it. Not to mention the additional space which I will fill with children and junk, and the large garden!

    2) After 10 months of deprivation, I have finally bought a grill, which was delivered just now. I can have cheese toasties again!!!
  56. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    See the lights link in the "Shoutbox" or here

    The story behind them is here
  57. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I can send you Rinso's house when i've finished with it Spikey but don't blame me for the stains, they were there when I stole it off him. :)

    Rinso, I haven't found anywhere yet but there is a promising opening involving a friend of mine. The only worry is that if I move in there I know i'll be pissed all the time, even more than normal, and will probably be dead by 27. :shock:
  58. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    That link was hilarious. I imagine the music must get quite annoying for the neighburs. ;)
  59. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Last night my computer got disconnected and the phone was dead, it was still dead this morning but I stopped at the phone company and gave them some money and asked if they had had occasion to fix a problem out my way and yes, by golly, they had, so I took my time getting home and when I got there the phone was still dead.

    It took several hours for me to wonder about the second set of phone wires this house has, maybe they connected the other set? It took a little while to get back into that corner of the living room but sure enough that was what had happened. Now I can log off and sleep the sleep of one who is pretty sure the phone will work for at least one more month.
  60. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Everones a winner! :)
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