Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I've lived that life and made it to 27... you merely lack ambition. Who wants to be 30? And we can put something cool on your headstone about drunken debauchery leaving a well preserved corpse...
  2. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I called the folks yesterday and found out a highschool classmate had passed away last week, he was 46 and had a fatal heart attack. I went to work this morning and noticed a co-worker was crying, I asked her why and she told me Willy, who worked on the graveyard shift, had passed away last night. Willy was also a highschool classmate of mine, he also had a fatal heart attack. I had been worried about him because in addition to his job as QA(quality assurance) lead, he also had a job in the meat department at a local supermarket. I guess I was right to worry, turns out Willy is not only leaving his wife and three daughters, his wife is due sometime in January.

    Live like there is no tomorrow, you never know when that will happen.
  3. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::hugs Tamyra:: I'm sorry about your classmate! It's only been 8 years since my graduation, and already there are a bunch of gravestones in the local cemetery with names from my high school album :?

    I live like there's no today. Does that count?

    edit: spelling
  4. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Hi there. Anyone missed me? Still don't have easy access to internet yet. What a shame, and totally frustrating!

    The fule fire really is horrible, allthough i havent seen anything about it in our news. As if that wasnt enought, we (in Souh Africa and Namibia) have been having fule shortage problems for the last 2 weeks. We (my parents and i ) nearly did not make it home. The fuel tanker is scedualed to arrive today with our fuel, a whole week late!

    I'll be seing you more regularly in february when i will have access to fast and "free" int access. All of you, have a great holiday and a Merry Chrismass, also a happy new year (please don't get too pissed).

  5. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Hi Smoking_GNU. Happy holidays!

    I just moved out. I now have a house!
    It's very cool and I'll try to get some pictures online when I've really settled. :)
  6. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Congratulations :)

    That desperate to get away from family/other people, eh?
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    hey, I'm a member now, that mean's I'm allowed to have news !!! :D :D

    The latest stop-press news from this corner of the disk : our cleaner is a spitting image of Pterry... yup !!! Well, kind of between Terry and Sean... Connery... Yup... :lol:

    Man, do I need a christmas break ! :oops:
  8. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    You're going to start stalking him for an autograph, aren't you?

    Yay- 16 hours till I'm in Dublin again. *does a happy dance*

    *falls over, and all the french students stare at her*
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Who, me ? no. Course not.

    What d'you think, once I've tied him up with the hoover lead and tickled his feet with the broom, what do I make him sign, terry or sean ? :D
  10. koshu

    koshu New Member

  11. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Well, Year 9 is officially over. Yay!

    Got my report back today, which was so much better than I expected! Got a letter of excellence... because I got higher than Band 5 in every subject and got Band 6 in 50% of them. Yes, I'm feeling rather pleased with myself. I didn't even fail Music! :D

    So now its the holidays... time to get back to normal sleeping patterns. So happy.
  12. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member


    Off to India in a few hours....must pack :shock:

    I'll see all you people later...I have no idea how much internet access I will have but I don't imagine much. So if I don't appear before hand, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Ill be in India till Sunday then I'm off to Canada...we just got sent pictures...its snowing (in canada not india :? )!!!

    I'm in a good mood now...if it wasn't for my cold and sore throat I would start singing...I probably will anyway but never mind :D

    condrats Anda!

    Now I have to think about starting studing for mocks after the hols....I'll probably think about starting studying for a good while...
  13. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Heck of a climate change, Fairyliquid! Enjoy your trips!

    Go, Andalusian :)
  14. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I am rounding up the inventory and it's the mother of all inventories. I have half a mind of taking the Excel sheets, stuff them in Powerpoint and add Christmas lights next to every drug that expires on a December.

    Well, not really.

    I was supposed to move out tomorrow and head back home, but my dad fell ill with the flu and he cannot come. So, I may take the equipment and drugs back to the health centre on Monday, load the car and leave on Tuesday and drop off to Amfissa on my way back and sort out tha paperwork, while fervently hoping I am not shut off by the snow.
  15. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    in India....about to leave for canada...

    I dont even want to think of the flight...9 hours to london and a bunch more to canada (it claims 8 but i seem to remember it being 6 from glasgow so i dont know what thats about)

    Anyway, im listening to lots pf fireworks and sitting a little bored with no one in the country to speak to (except the oddities next door)

    So now i shall go catch a flight and hope everyone has a good holiday themselves where ever you are :)
  16. koshu

    koshu New Member

    I hope you have a super holiday! :)
  17. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I don't finish school for the holidays until the 23rd. :evil:

    My friends and I are plotting to stalk the district superintendent and pelt her with old chewing gum until she gives us a longer vacation.

    In ninja pirate outfits. :)

    Alternatively, we will sleep through classes in protest, since that is less likely to get us arrested for assault.
    And is more relaxing too, which is a bonus.
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Holiday ? huh ? whazzat ?
  19. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    So, we have finally arrived at The Final Week Before Christmas. This means last minute VAT returns for inconsiderate people who have weird quarters, locating all the presents I have cleverly hidden, buying plants which I will try to keep alive until Christmas day, putting the rest of the decorations up, remembering to send that Christmas card, doing the food shopping early enough that it won't all have been bought by other people and late enough that it won't go rotten by Christmas day, and convincing Dawn that sitting in the carseat watching Mama rush around like a mad thing is fun, honest...


    Anything else?
  20. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Well, I survived my "surgery", I have to see the doctor again on Wednesday, but it was pretty much painless and I think if I don't do too much walking the next couple of days it won't be much of a problem.

    The only thing that concerns me is the doctor telling me he had no idea what that thing he cut off was! He sent it to a pathologist, this will be about the sixth time I've had something checked out like this, hopefully it will be just like the others, B9.

    I'd better get myself home and back to tidying up. My mother-in- law is supposed to be comming over Christmas Eve morning and I need to have it presentable.

    We had a nice time with my nephew and his family Saturday but the hard time is ahead of us. Connor liked the present Jon picked out for him, a Little People truck set with a truckdriver ( you can tell its a truckdriver because he has a cell phone in one hand and an insulated coffee cup in the other). He got at least three trucks and a couple of toy tool sets, a teddy and a big super soft stuffed frog. He didn't really get the point of opening packages, but he seeemed to like his new stuff. After his mom took his sister back to her other grandma's, Connor found the box Caitlyn's My Pretty Ponies came in and I got the feeling he would have liked to have them,too.

    He is going to be the one that is going to suffer the most in the situation his folks are in, he just isn't going to be able to understand, not that any of us really understand. I know my nephew to be an intelligent person and what he did is just so dumbass and yet the punishment still seems fairly harsh. He is going to be in jail for a year under the Huber act so he can still work.

    I didn't go to the court with him so I only have what was printed in the paper to go on and the odd rumour. Of course in other jurisdictions he might have forfeited the right to ever drive again, and I'm sure he'd much rather get what he got instead of that. Its up to him whether he loses everything or gains anything, he's been given a chance at pulling himself back together.

    At least he hasn't, I hope, reached the point another young man from Ponsford reached a couple of weeks ago. That young man walked in front of a semi truck, because his girlfriend told him she didn't want to let him see their daughter anymore. The family is in a prettty bad way, we can tell fron the notes different factions have placed in the newspaper. A prayer for healing that family wouldn't be amiss.

    I'm sure I'll be posting again before Christmas but I wish everyone a merry one anyway, and for those who aren't celebrating Christmas,have a wonderful winter solstice. a Happy Hannukah, or a warm Kwanzaa or just a decent day.
  21. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    But involves less pirate-ninja related goodness.
  22. lipi

    lipi New Member

    Yesterday, I got some mail... well, sort of mail.. actually, it was an empty torn envelope. So torn, I can only make out that the sender lives somewhere at wen.. terrace, York, UK. So whoever sent it to me and whatever it contained, thank you, and damned the Post Office! :)
  23. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    The bastards! That was your secret Santa present! :(
  24. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Woah, that is so mean !! :(

    I hope that was a gunuinely accidently damaged envelope, otherwise there is a real stinker somewhere out there !!!

    Almighty Ba !! Smite 'em !! Smite 'em !!!! :evil:
  25. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    It might be worth reporting to someone, but I don't know who. I'm guessing it got to Slovenia okay because I think they might have sent it back to me if it was torn open with nothing in it in the UK?

    It had some old British coins in it displayed in a little plastic wallet with explanations about the designs inside.
  26. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    While it's true that there are mail thieves everywhere (I learned enough to wrap photographs in plain paper, before mailing them go Ukraine - otherwise they might get mistaken for money :p ), sometimes envelopes get mangled in mail-sorting machines. I once received a HALF of a rejection letter from a company I was applying for (with an apology from the post office)...

    Edited to add: either way, losing a present sucks!!! :( If it was indeed stolen, then let'em choke onnit!
  27. lipi

    lipi New Member

    Owww Mal, thank you, it'd be a wonderful present. :)

    It does look like something in the envelope got stuck somewhere and it got torn. I already asked at the post office, and they said that apart from filing a report there's nothing of any real consequence I could do.
    So, basically, I'll put it down to karma getting back at me for something.. what for exactly remains to be seen. Maybe for taking so long to mail mine? ;)

    Edited to say: Half a rejection letter with an appology? A bit ironic, isn't it? :p
  28. koshu

    koshu New Member

    that totaly sucks that you got ripped off. :(

    lets go hunt them down :evil:
  29. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    The nice people of the provincial government informed my husband and his colleagues just yesterday that the institute they are working for is going to close their gates within the next twelve months, and that this oasis of wisdom and sociological knowledge is going to cease to exist.
    The same is going to happen, most likely, to my day care unit (or rather my daughter's).

    We're still trying to organize something for the day care unit, i.e. trying to keep it alive with all available measures of our own initiative - well all for one parent, who seems to be too used to other people solving her problems. I don't think, however, that we have to drag her along for very long, because she is visibly uncomfortable in a surrounding that keeps demanding commitment.

    The thing with the institute also was less shocking news to us than to the other colleagues, because it was unlikely anyway that my husband was going to keep his job there for much longer. There are some people at the age of 50 or so who will probably have massive problems to find something new. What a merry Christmas... We, being young and all, are a little worried, but basically it will be something new starting.
  30. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Bugger Hsing. I hope everything turns out OK and your hubbie can find something else.

    I think the package is probably in that mysterious nether world which has my secret santa from last year and eats presents... I have had awful luck with the postal system.

    My news is that my parents are selling my apartment which is bloody awful timing because it means the the place has to be immaculate before I go on chrissie holidays because the open houses start before I get back. So after suffering a god awful hang over all day I then had to clean, clean and clean some more and then work out where I'm going to put the massive amounts of paper that colonises my desk, dining table, lounge and bookshelf... It was so fun :roll:
  31. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    But if the sell the apartment do you think you can wrangle a nice cash present for you, thier lovings and possibly only, daughter?
  32. koshu

    koshu New Member

    the joy of cleaning :)
  33. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    There seems to be quite a bit of that going round, doesn't there? It's probably a government ploy to depress us all into buying more presents to make our Christmas better.
    Anyway, I hope things work out ok for everyone involved.
  34. Trollmother

    Trollmother New Member

    Why are they going to close the daycare center Hsing? today my christmas holidays start. We went to the church and sang the usual hymns and afterwards we drank glühwein (lemonade one for the kids) and ate gingerbread. Now I'm going to try to find the floor, it's somewhere under all rubbish. Our biology teacher said that male reindeer lose their antlers in autumn, only female keep their during the winter. Santa's reindeers must be females. That explains why they find the way without asking and can be everywhere at the same time.
  35. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Nope. and nope, I am one of 8 kids. I'm not even inheriting anything. Theres no point in me trying to pop off the folks cos some other bloody grand child is going to get the lot... damn them and their small cuteness-like things.
  36. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I moced back home, I have a new nephew and for the past two days he is out of ICU, he doesn't take anything intravenously any more and he is feeding normally. We are expecting to bring him home tonight.
  37. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Congratulations on being an aunt!

    I 'm glad that he's keeping well. have his parents decided on any names yet?
  38. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member


    The only thing he'll mind about his birth date is probably that he's going to be one of those kids where the grown ups give "his birthday present and Christmas present together, one bigger present instead of two small ones, because it's so practical", which basically means he gets only one present shower a year... Ask any child born arounf Christmas!

    Edit: grammar
  39. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Yes - I have this problem :D

    and I have a twin sister so it was perhaps slightly worse than other's with the dual Birthday and christmas celebrations!
  40. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Will be at my mums for the next couple of days for christmas and will have intermitten access for the next couple of weeks. WIll try hard to keep up with the werewolf game...

    Merry christmas everyone and I'm sure I'll think of you in the snow and cold while I try to avoid getting sunburnt on the beach :lol:
  41. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    The baby's name is Dimitris, after my uncle. We will take him home tonight.

    My nephew spent the first three days of his life in ICU, I don't think the problem will be less presents, rather the opposite. I have already gone on a shopping rampage and I got [​IMG]this for him yesterday and I ordered a copy of this from Amazon.

    I will be terribly late with the cards and the presents and I'm terribly sorry for that but believe me, it really couldn't be helped. Now that Dimitris will come home, everything will go back to normal, that is, I will be making silly faces at my nephew until my cousin throws me bodily out of the house.
  42. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hey, congratulations to the parents, and welcome to the christmas new aunty club... My brother in Sydney and his wife have just had their first baby, a little Jimmy... pity I probably won't be able to see him for several years... :?
  43. lipi

    lipi New Member

    I'm glad all is OK, Saccharissa.

    Welcome to the aunt club, both of you. I have 2 nephews somewhere on the Golden Coast in Australia, but they're a lot older than your nephews :)
  44. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Congatulations on the babies! :)

    Perdita, have people ever bought presents "to both of you"? I bet that would suck, but I can imagine people doing it.

    ::Does the Christmas Eve Eve dance::
  45. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I've just updated my album with baby pictures, and one incriminating picture of a god. :)
  46. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Wow! Is that the lion in the picture? From Kenia? I mean, Weebl's?
    Also, your little one has irresistible eyes. :)
  47. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    With a baby that had to start his life in Intensive Care, and had just come home, would your cousin actually throw you out? If I was in the same position (unlikely at my age) I would probably have to be restrained from chaining my nephew (a doctor and surgeon) to the cot! :)
  48. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    That's the one! ;)
  49. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher


    "What will we do tonight, Nephew?"
    "Same thing we do every night Aunt. We will take over the world!"
  50. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Why does that seem so probable? :p
  51. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Because he's the brains of the operation.
  52. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    So that makes you Doctor Pinky? I'm not sure that works!
  53. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Dawn and Dimitris are both utterly gorgeous. My nephew will be one year old on New Year's Eve, he's utterly gorgeous,too.
  54. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    New Year's Eve? My niece was born in the Millenium night - on the way to hospital. It's a little sad for her, the kids never have time to celebrate with her at her actual birthday...
  55. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    My brother's birthday is on Boxing Day (Dec 26th) and my brother-in-law's birthday (borther's wife's brother) is tomorrow on Christmas Day, people used to call him Werewolf at school because of this for some reason? :)
  56. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    *looks at Dawn's photos*

    AWWWWWWWWW! *goes into sugar shock*

    I swear she has grown since I saw her, she'll be walking by New Year's! I wish my nephew grows as big and strong!
  57. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Just finished watching the whole first season of Little Britain. Quite fun.
  58. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    My, what a Christmas. This morning, a pick up truck drove backwards into our tiny, old car and slit it open like a can of sardines.
    Well, we weren't sitting in it, which is good - the gaping hole right under the child's safety seat looked kind of creepy.
    Thing is, it was sheer luck that someone* left the car to us two years ago; it's got 150 000 kilometres, and is 12 years old, and "survived" another accident years ago (a pick up truck drove into the other side, as far as I remember) and no insurance is going to pay half as much for it as we'd need to either repair it or buy an equally old second hand car.... and so on.

    Also, our old, old flat has a mould problem, and our landlord isn't taking care of the roof. I would do it myself, but I am afraid of heights, and you only get on the roof via a 4 metres ladder climb... *sigh*

    Add that to the other stuff and... well.

    My daughter, though, had a fantastic Christmas. I think she thinks she's in kiddie paradise: You go to bed like any other kid, and wake up and there's two days full of Christmas trees, presents (loads of), sweets (tons of), sparkling things everywhere, visiting Grandparents and cousins, and both parents at home all day to play with you.
    And there wasn't even the Christmas row traditional in so many families. Everyone was quite composed.

    *(namely my parents, because it was my mother's outranged staff car, a volkswagen polo)
  59. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    I went to the pub on christmas eve, felt ill, left an hour later having taken one mouthful of drink.

    I then got man flu and spent the whole of christmas day in bed, save for when I got up and had a bowl of soup for christmas dinner.

    Worst christmas ever.
  60. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Aye, it was the worst Christmas ever.

    I was the only person in my family not to get any presents. Because my mother said that she wasn't prepared to spend any money on me. My mother and her family said that that I'm not worth anything to them and that they don't care about me at all.

    Yes, I know Christmas is supposed to be about the giving and not the recieving, but when your gift (or lack there of) causes the reciever to break down in tears on Christmas Day because you don't think they are worth anything the whole thing breaks down.

    And then I got unhappily drunk on Boxing Day because I ate too much pudding and highly alcoholic brandy sauce for breakfast. Drunk enough to lose my ability to spell and stand up straight, but not drunk enough to forget the whole ordeal.
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