Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Hex and fairyliquid, good look on your exams I'm sure you'll both do brilliantly

    can't say the same of me unfortunatley. The exams are this week and I've yet to get into school. Been stuck in bed all week with flu so I havn't been able to revise and thing :( When i finally get around to sitting my exams I'm sooo gonna fail. At least I've gotten my coursework done now.

    I started my IT exam re-sit before christmas and I'm feeling a hell of a lot more confidant about that at least. This time we know what we have to do, we have relevant research and the crappy teacher is on maternity leave! yay, I know I've allready done a hell of a lot better than last time and I'm only 8 hours into the exam.

    I went to France for new year which was ok, loads of snow at least :) pelted my brother everyday which was fun and got some more poetry done which I havn't had time or inspiration to do for a month or so.

    Tomorow I'm going down to see my GF in leicester (spling?) for the weekend which should be fun. Have to meet all her friends, after speaking to a few I'm a little worried.

    after finally getting back to England and fixing my network (damn wireless) I'm glad to see you all again
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Nice one sampanna. :rock: :)
  3. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    First semester at college is over and I got all A's. I couldn't even do that in highschool, there's something wrong with this picture. Next semester has started and I have physics, biology, economics, and english. We'll see if I can pull of a 4.0 again.
  4. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Faerie, don't sell yourself short, the environment of college is probably just much better for you than your highschool.

    Sampanna, good for you! May you both be very happy.

    Dane, I bet you have a much better chance of succeeding then you think, try to relax, you have done the coursework and the information is in your head, it is going to be there when you need it.

    That goes for you too, Fairyliquid.

    I have been working on a family tree for my dad's side of the family, I'm in the seventh generation from the first ancestor we have a record of in Belgium, my personal number is, I think my grandnephew is the first DeWandeler in the ninth generation. This stuff is fascinating and more then a little sad, there have been so many little children who didn't grow up in my family.
  5. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I wanna do geneaology too. Some relative on my mother's side did it and managed to find viking ancestors. Don't ask me how they managed to go that far back, that is what I was told and I know not more. But that made me want to do some geneaology.
  6. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    So do I. We have Mongolian ancestors - as well as British, and French... I'd like to know some details.
  7. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I want to find out about my mother's side, too. I know that three of her grandparents were born over seas, The Lindahl's and the Myhre's from Norway and Hilda Nelson from Sweden. Idon't know if she was from Viking stock but she was a teacher in SaukCenter, Her middle daughter graduated high school with Sinclair Lewis. My Uncle Jere thought she might have taught them both in school. I sure would like to find out about that.
  8. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Thanks folk! No, we haven't set a date yet. When I went and spoke with both sets of parents, all of them were: so when are you getting married .. next month? I wasn't the only one who panicked :). But we are thinking of October ..
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Congratulations Sampanna ! (and future Mr. Sampanna :D )

    Good luck to all those doing exams etc. ;)
  10. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Lindahl and Myhre sound like regular Norwegian names, yes, but from my guess I'd say Nelson is a modification of Nilsson (one of the most common swedish last names), if that's supposed to be a Swedish name. This being your mother's grandmother, from my guess I'd say she was born around the turn of the century or a bit earlier, right?
  11. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Ok, I couldn't make up my mind on which joke to go for, so you can have:

    'Congratulations, whos the lucky boy?'


    'Can I be Bridesmaid?'
  12. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    You can't be bride, as well as bridesmaid :)
  13. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I for one would sure love to see Rinso dressed up as a bridesmaid. I'm sure pink really IS his colour. :D
  14. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Congratulations, Sampanna!
    And Rinso, get better. :( a few years ago, the fact that such things could be treated with medicaments wasn't even known, if I recall correctly... I maybe entirely wrong of course.

    Good luck for everyone with exams.
  15. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Thanks everyone...I got the hard bit over...its just spanish, history and IT next week so I shall survive and still gloat that I have monday, Friday and most of thursday off :p yipeee
  16. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

  17. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    KaptenKaries, you guessed it. Greatgrandma Hilda Nelson Bishop was the Swede, but she was born in the the 1870's or maybe earlier, her youngest son was my grandfather, I am not totally sure when he was born but I think he may have been born in 1898.

    People often changed their names when they immigrated. My fourth grade teacher's family name was Olson in the old country, but they thought that was too common so they changed it to Vaadeland. My cousin Doris' husband was Greek, but his last name was Ellison, I have a feeling they came through New York. I'll probably butcher the spelling but my brother-in-law's family name was Rudfjeldt until they came to America, now it is Redfield. He's so Norwegian he likes lutefisk.( I think I might like it a little, too, but I have only had it once and I'm almost certain it was overcooked so I can't really be sure I hate it yet.)

    Rinso, I could lend you a dress for the wedding, it is daphne rose taffeta with a bolero jacket and a tea length full skirt, there is a crinoline to pouf it out.
  18. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Congratulations Sampanna! Are you and the to-be Mr. Sampanna going to be going on a honeymoon? If so, where?
  19. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    You need to check out Sampanna's album, Sir Gawain. :)
  20. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Hahaha. Everyone thinks Sampanna is a girl!
  21. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Don't be daft, she's all woman! :)

    Oh wait, everyone thinks I'm a girl too :oops:
  22. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    It's the breast impants that do it. I told you they'd give people the wrong impression.
  23. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    You're right, I didn't listen at first but now I agree with you. Sampanna you simply have to reverse your breat implant surgery, there are others to consider now - you've had your fun. :)
  24. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Sorry, sampana.
    I'm usally good at telling these things. You sound like a girl. No offence meant of course. :lol:
  25. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Most of my family is Jeske except us, my grandpa changed it to Jeska in the army or something like that.
    For my mom's side of the family we have this little card on our fridge with the Burke family crest on it and it says William de Burgo(also known as William the Conqueror) started the name.
  26. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ;) Says a girl who goes under the name of Sir Gawain!
  27. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I fall ill at an average of once every three days. In between, I clear out books from my room and browse the stores for DSL connections.

    Sampanna, I speak from my personal experience when it comes to weddings: What is really necessary is enough space for everyone to dance :D
  28. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Oh yes!
  29. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    That's different! :lol: (Don't ask me how....)
  30. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Eeep :( ... Get better!
  31. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Now I'm worried :shock: Rinso getting confused is fine .. he's drunk and desperate most of the time .. so anything on two legs is an ideal target :)
  32. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Poor Mr Ostrich. :(
  33. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member



    *3 Seconds.


    B)'it's wawking for Help said 'No', but it's eyes said 'YES!'
  34. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Hmmm and there's me thinking you took advantage of the poor soul's only defence mechanism.

    "with your head buried in the sand, no-one can hear you scream" Damien - The Ostrich II
  35. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    .... :D
  36. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

  37. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    I have a headache, several assignments to finish until the end of the semester, and exams starting soon. Ah, the good life...
  38. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Now we just wait for the latest freak animal/Rinso hybrid to be born, so it can live in the "zoo" we had to build especially for them. Not exactly a family day out. :shock:

    I know how you feel Roman, I have an essay to finish tonight. I can't summon up the will to get on with it though. If anyone would like to do it for me, I'll willingly cross their palms with silver.*

    *saftey pins and balls of scrunched up tin foil.
  39. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    And you stole my post.
  40. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Poo sticks. I just found out that they're not going to renew my contract at the end of the month. :(

    He said that they're not sure if they're going to have the position and even if they are it's time I moved on. I'm going to say that this it becuase I've said in the past that I don't completely want to be a tape librarian rather than becuase i'm rubbish. (Both are true)

    He did say that he could offer me 3 weeks running work on the magic show we're (should it be they?) making, which will start as soon as my contract ends. And there *might* be work on another production. So at least it's not a 'your shit get out of here' dealie.

    But it's extra stress, and with by flat contract also being up at the end of next month, it adds and uncertainty to life that I really rather wouldn't have right now.

    Really, though, this is the nature of the industry I chose to work in, so I should be happy I got 9 months out of what was orginally meant only to be one month.

    It's really hard to find other work though, unless you've got a load of contacts which I don't really have.

    Oh well. I'm sure everything will be alright.


    It's rubbish. I can't help thinking that they're not renewing my contract becuase I'm a rubbish at my job....but in all honesty, I am abit rubbish at it. So thats fair enough. The rejection still sucks though.
    But, if they thought I was rubbish why would be offer me more work in a different part of the company if that where true. (Apart form pity, at is-which i'm now wallowing in)

    Blah. I'm sure it will be ok. Asking just the other week if i want to be the runner on Test the Nation agian...I don't though, I wnat to be a researcher. but beggers can't be choosers. As soon as tomorrow I might be jobbed.

    Everything will be alright.

    God, 2006 sucks.
  41. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    That sounds like a tough situation, Rinso. Hope everything works out for you. :)
  42. Guest

    Guest Guest

    These things happen for a reason Rinso, Your prfect job will be just round the corner you wait and see.
    You can't be crap at your job mate, they wouldn't have kept you for 8 months after you were supposed to finish and they wouldn't offer you more work in another department, so dont get too down.

    I hope it all works out for you. If it comes to it, be the runner! it's only a stop gap for some cash after all.

    Take care. :)
  43. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I'm sure everything will be fine.
  44. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's the beard Rinso, we did warn you...

    **smacks her own wrist for being unnecessarily mean**

    Sorry. Cheer up Rinso, everything will be ok, you'll see.

    And besides... we all blame Doors for it. Don't we Bob ? :( See !
  45. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Maybe they think you're a crap librarian but a half-decent runner?

    Anyway, what do you mean "flat contract"? Since when have the council started charging for your box under the bridge?
  46. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    You're a smart and creative chap, somewhere under that beard. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have kept you that long if they hadn't seen it that way.

    Good luck! Maybe you do have the contacts. We were surprised by where the useful hints and tips came from when my husband was in the same situation.
  47. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Apparantly, once you add a conservitory (fashioned out of empty coke bottles) it become a rentable space. Damn goverment.

    Maybe what you said is true. I'll find out today (hopefully) what my stition is.
  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I myself have always wondered what a stition is, if I had known you had one Rinso, I would have asked, but if even you don't know what it is... :D Well... whatever it is, as it's your's I'm sure it's a super stition. :lol:

    Sorry, the devil made ma say it. :evil:
  49. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Don't worry'll work out in its own strange way. Good luck with everything! :( bob is always there, I'm sure he would offer you a job trying to cheer him up. It's full time.

    I have little to say. Exams and stuff. Not nice.
  50. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

  51. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Jesus, Katcal, don't they have dictionaries where you are from? (which i'm choosing to call Swamp town).

    sti·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sti-shon)
    1. A fate or event predicted by the bowel movements of a pig;[ie] the stition blew an ill wind [/i]
    2. A mode of transport made of ham.

    Obviously, I'm using it in it's first sense.
  52. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, I guess online Dictionarys are not to be trusted then :D
  53. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member


  54. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Hey, something good will definitely come along Rinso. Maybe you should apply for the post of a furniture display model .. then you won't have to sit on that dodgy sofa whose origins are shrouded in mystery.
  55. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Yay! I've got an interview for a production runner on T4! (Which is like a saterday morning kids tv show-but for students). I e-mailed the guy who got me this job (he's by one contact in tv) and he offered it to me. I'm not sure on the details- the shows on the weekends so I'm not sure if I'd only be needed then and the job would only be part time and I have a suspicion the pay won't be great. But it's a good show to work on, plus the job involves a lot of interaction with the presenters which sounds fun. It might be a case of going one step back to get two steps forward. And it's only an interview so it could all come to nothing. But still my 'stition' is 100% from yesterday. YAY!
  56. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Sounds great! Well done!!

    C'mon Bob - Smile :)


    Didn't last long eh?
  57. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    No. No it didn't.
  58. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hooray for Rincewind's stition! :)
  59. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    stition rules !!! Well done Rinso, now we just have to hope they don't mind the beard :D Until then, enjoy the pie.
  60. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    May everything run smoothly Rinso :)
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