Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I too am keeping my thumbs crossed.
  2. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Good luck with that, Rinso. :)
  3. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    That's great, Rinso! ¡buena suerte! :partyman:
  4. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Good luck, Rinso. Hope it works out.
  5. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Hey I remember that show...used to watch it when I lived in the UK :D

    Hope you get it
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ye Gods, am I fed up with this place and all my stupid two-faced collegues not to mention my damn boss(es) !!! I'm currently wrestling with the not-so-irationnal urge to just walk out the front door of this building NOW and never return !! :( It really is a physical thing, my body wants me to leave. NOW.

    Why the hell ?? I've got a good job, it's what I want to be doing, or at least one of the things I want to be doing professionnally, and I can't do them all at once, so hey, one is fine. But apart from the actual function, I am surrounded by idiots and bastards, some of whom are both, I'm paid peanuts for my skills and half the time I sit around waiting for idiot 1 to tell idiot 2 to give the correct data to idiot 3 so he can then give it to me so I can do MY job. :(

    Any moment now, I'm going to go out and start shooting collegues at random. And I don't even have a gun, so it's going to be messy !! :evil:


    (edited to remove stray apostrophe so as not to offend Mal ;) )
  7. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Shit on thier desks, while there at lunch. It's the only way... In the end they'll thank you.
  8. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Unless one of your duties is desk tidying of course....
  9. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    That's more work for them then! They'll get paid overtime.
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Pity they're the ones who are so full of shit, I don't think I have enough to go around... But it's tempting...
  11. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

  12. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I have absolutely no excuse for my lack of presence this year, except a combination of crap connections and good Sims 2 expansion packs.

    Hey Rinso, when do you find out about T4? I know that one, it's what I avidly watch whenever there's any risk of Alastair putting the football on. or worse, some random Saturday sport that isn't football, like Formula 1 or rugby.

    Congratulations on the engagement, Sampanna! (I figured out your sex by the hilarious comment from Rinso which followed.)

    Good luck on exams etc everyone else!

    And thanks for the onion ring info, my friend was very relieved, and also intrigued to find out what goes on on a Terry Pratchett-related message board.
  13. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I dunno, I;m waiting to here back from him. If dunno how long i should wait before e-mailing agian, maybe friday? I'm being very weary about this, job offers in Tv often dissappear, just like that. Hopefully it will be ok.
  14. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I just got broadband at home. This has to be the single best thing we've had at home for years!

    Oh the pain I've had to suffer with normal 56k modems :cry: It was horrible, HORRIBLE!

    Now I just have to annoy my parents into getting Sky Digital...
  15. Trollmother

    Trollmother New Member

    I have had the most terrible news today. One of my former pupils (21 years old) was murdered the day before yesterday. Her heart was bigger than her brain, and her boyfriend who was " a borstal boy" who had murdered his mother killed her and hid her in a carpet and tried to run away. The police caught him after 70 kilometers. Poor girl, she probably thought that her love could cure him from evil. I'll light a candle for her tonight.
  16. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I read about that in the papers. So sad.
  17. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Bugger its always upsetting to get news like that. I had student who was raped and its just shocking (I can't think of the right word so this'll have to do) that something so bad can happen to people you know...

    I have no news, except that for some reason I keep wanting to spells news knews. It lacks gravity and importance but hey its all I got.

    Katcal you can either hang in their or look for something better. I changed careers completely when I had a job with crap bosses and I love what I do now. So there is hope.
  18. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I'm so sorry Trollmother, it must be quite a shocking event. It's hard to imagine it happening to someone you know...

    Spiky...your news is

    Welcome to the world of broadband mania Jackal...Be aware, it means more time procrastinating!

    Any news Rincewind?

    My news....EXAMS ARE OVER (until May that is) Next week...results...urg
  19. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Interview is on monday. Fingers crossed.
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Whats the interview for? is it what you really want to do or just a stop gap to get you on your way?

    I hope all goes really well for you, my fingers are crossed also.....good luck. :cooler:
  21. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    good toes are crossed*

    *fingers are just inconvinient for crossing
  22. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Good Luck Rinso!

    Say Hi to Vernon & Steve (two of the presenters of T4) for me!

    Edit: to clarify
  23. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    It's for the role of Production Runner at T4 (which is a saterday morning tv show for students).

    I think it might be a case of going 1 step back to get 2 steps forward. I don't really want to be a runner and If i stay at the palce i'm at now i'm close to getting a researcher role.

    But working on T4 is higher profile and makes shows that i'm more interested in. Generally, it's good to move around a bit so I get to make some other contacts (which is very important in TV as the contracts are always short so the more people you know the more work you cna find) But it means I'm back on the drawing board here, and need to prove myself all over agian.

    edit: Cheers for the luck wishing! I'll be sure to pass on your regaurds Perd!...actually, the e-mail said there would be alot of interaction with the presentors, which should be cool,they all seem ok.
  24. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I think June (ping pong) Sarpong is pretty funny kinda gal - I reckon they would all be good craic on a night out!!!
  25. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Yeah... And I could probably follow them out of the office pretty easily, find out what pub they go to, then akwardly join there conversation and pretand they're my friends.
  26. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Good plan Rinso, i like your thinking on that one!

  27. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    You journalist. Way to completely leave out the context.

    I was talking about balloons.

    Also, permission is required before exhibition and mockery.
  28. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I did write "thumbs crossed", didn't I? Well, at least its technically possible.
  29. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Good luck Rinso!

    I finally uploaded my photos from last weekends trip .. we went to a place called Bheemeshwari. A beautiful place .. but the road was terrible! In a couple of places I was seriously wondering whether I would be able to make my way back ...
    If you're interested, there are photos here.
  30. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Nice pics, sampanna... your future husband looks a nice guy... (ok, ok, I'll stop, just kidding :D )
  31. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Yeah, nice pictures. It looks beautiful. What's the deal with the stone heads in the river and mud? They're quite eerie. Also, I adore that monkey sign.
  32. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

  33. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    That looked like a lovely day out. Its going to be awhile before I can do that sort of thing around here.

    I had trouble getting connected the last couple of days, that really was frustrating, since I was home the whole time. Those days were pretty much shot anyway because I was sick, again. I'm getting to be a regular at the clinic.

    This week at work is going to be interesting, Monday we have a cleanup day, and we are back at it Tuesday. Today they had people out in raw receiving checking for GLASS. From the looks of the fries they might just as well have dumped those potatoes, but I guess they are getting sort of desparate for potatoes. The bosses seemed so sad to tell us we might not be running the plant the whole summer, for my part, I think, I will welcome having a break from it.
  34. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Third term has begun at my high school, and I have four brand new classes. After three days of these classes, I am exhausted...

    First period: Newpaper. I am the Entertainment editor, and there's only one boy on the staff. Poor sod.
    8:15 to 9:45

    Second Period: AP Literature and Composition. We got an essay the first day back to school.
    9:52 to 11:21

    Third Period (part one): AP US History. Teacher persistently clears his throat in a very irritating way, and we get twenty pages of reading every night.
    11:27 to 12:27

    Lunch: Sitting with a psychotic vegan is interesting. That's all I have to say about that!
    12:27 to 1:00.

    Third Period (part two): I think I've developed a nervous twitch from the multitude of times my teacher has cleared his throat.
    1:00 to 1:27.

    Fourth Period: Precalculus. The teacher who explains nothing to us but loves to talk. I think I've perfected the art of sleeping with my eyes open and then keeping them open all night to do 46 problems. Fun.
    1:33 to 3:03.

    Every day.
    Five days a week.
    For nine weeks.

    I'm going to go collapse.

    And that's enough of the 'Hex is having a hard time at school' post. Whew.

    I just had to get that all out, and also wanted to say that if I do not post for weeks at a time it is not because I have been eaten by a bear or something. It is because I have been swamped with homework.

    Goodnight all. *bows*
  35. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Wow... you have my sympathies, Hex.

    I feel a bit guilty about my news now. :)

    The end of my second semester is approaching. I have two tests the next three weeks. No lectures, just those two tests.
  36. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I had no homework and two big games on Saturday and Sunday to look forward too.

    I was all ready for a wonderful weekend full of hockey...

    I got there yesterday (saturday) and everyone was raring to go...this team shouldn't be too hard. They were small and not very experienced.

    35 minutes later, halftime, the score was 2-0 against us and it started to rain.

    The rain was joined by thunder and the thunder was joined by lightening.

    We waited. The rule is to wait 20 minutes from the crack of thunder until you can return to the pitch. We don't want anyone being struck by lightening (you'd be surprised how regular an occurance it is)

    We waited.

    And we waited,

    The game was called off, it would have to be re-sheduled.

    Our team went home defeated, but ready to make a comeback in the second half...whenever that was.

    Today...we arrived. The sun was out it was glaring up ahead and we did our warm up around the track and streatched.

    We returned to the pitch and sat down for our pre-match talk.

    The thunder started, then the lightening. It hasn't stopped yet.

    The match has been post-poned

    Damn Tropoics.

    Stupid tournament placing us at 4pm during the rainy season. (When the rain generally could set your watch by it)

    Suppose we can't blame them. Who wants an international school winning the Singaporean national under 21's...

    They don't like us much...our team doesn't wear skirts or the right shoes.
  37. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Man, that stinks. Do you like thunderstorms when they aren't postponing a game? How long are they going to wait before canceling the match and declaring it a tie? Do they even do that?

    I'm in a play right now. A gross parody of Hamlet written and directed by an ex-clown. :roll: It includes such things as the ghost of the king thwaping a guard upside the head, Hamlet having a breakdown at the "To be or not to be" speech, Rosencranz and Guildenstern throwing water on Ophilia and declaring her drowned, and other humor of that sort. Yours truly, Horatio, is narrating. I have almost as many lines as Hamlet. :) And I really like my character. I'm the only one alive at the end, and I get to kill someone!

    The bad side of school is that I'm writing a 15 page thesis paper...
  38. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I would sympathise but I'm writing a 40 thousand word + Appendices thesis. 15 pages is such a doddle... Read lots and start early.

    I guess I do have news. I got a promotion (kindof) at work... I got bumped a few salary levels to teach an entire subject and seeming as how its the subject I really like to teatch I'm not going to complain :) On the down side the little darlings get back in a month and I have to get the subject organised for the semester...

    Oh and I moved my boyfriend into my hourse on the weekend. SO after going out for nearly 3 years we're now testing out co-habitation... We spent our first night living together bickering over late night reading and temperature and other banal topics that make a relationship go round.
  39. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Never did figure that one .. it was really weird. I thought of digging in the mud to see if there is a body under there, but decided not to .. for all I know the religious chappie in the temple might have gotten pretty upset. And I couldn't ask him, he didn't speak anything other than Kannada.

    Mal - I presume you mean the coracal photo. It's my favourite one of the lot .. I believe coracals are flat bottomed boats unique to Southern India.

  40. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Damn psychotic Vegans :D You have my full sympathy Hex ;)
  41. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    The Nebraska Bear
  42. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Funnily enough Coracles (that's how they're spelt here used to be very common in both Britain and Ireland- (I'm talking a few hundred years or so ago) some places still keep up the tradition particularly in narrow waterways in the very sounth of Ireland.

    Rinso- when you start you're new job - start up a pirate club - it's a sure fire way of making new friends I'm sure they'll all want to join!. Speaking of which I was flicking TV channels late last nigth and came accross a programme called Miami Ink about a tatoo parlour based in..... Miami! Anyway this one particular lady was getting a pirate ship tatooed accross her stomach- she said it was because she never settles in one place-when she decides to settle down shes going to get an anchor added - it was pretty mad looking!! ;) Perhaps you should get one- well at least it would be a talking point at your new pirate club

    Edit to clarify
  43. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Coracle it is .. I misspelt it :oops:
  44. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Had my interview today, it went ok. The woman who was meant to be interviewing was running really late so an assistant did it. It was alright, I have good enough experience and went on about how i'm keen to advance and learn more. I'll have to get called back in to meet the woman who was met to interview me today before anything else can happen. But I think it went all right. I always think i'm too quite interviews, hopefully, it was ok though. Now we play the waiting game.

    Cool pics Samps.
  45. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Good luck R. .. I'm sure you'll do just fine. Just remember, don't let the monkey show!
  46. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Thats exactly what the police said when i visited that school.
  47. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    That made me laugh more than it should have.
  48. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Best of luck, Rinso! Our good wishes go with you! Keep us posted on the outcome.
  49. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Tonight is Burns Night.

    There will be a Burns Supper
    There will be kilts, haggis, whisky, music and dancing.

    As a result of said combination, there will be a hangover tomorrow.

    Here's tae us
    Wha's like us?
    Damned few and they're a' deid.

  50. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Happy Burns day (I can't believe I managed to forget...not that I'd have had haggis for dinner but it's the thought)

    I did however forget to say the Selkirk Grace beforew i had my stir fry *slaps hand*

    Here's the Grace incase know...fancy trying to be scottish for a wee bit :)

    Selkirk Grace

    Some hae meat and cannie eat
    And some hae nane but want it
    But we hae meat and we can eat
    And sae the Lord be thankit

    (slightly more traditional that Sarges but never mind)
  51. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    I thought I would have to eat a piece of dry bread .. Burns from the Simpsons is the one I thought of.

    Shame on me.
  52. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Release the flying monkeys Smithers........Excellent
  53. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    i am waiting for some exam results,but otherwise not doing anything special!
  54. Human

    Human New Member

    My significant other was institutionalized. I'm not as unhappy as I should be.

    This post makes me sound like a horrible person.
  55. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    That's horrible, Human. Is s/he going to get out any time soon?

    I think I know how you feel about the not feeling as bad as you should. I didn't cry when my grandmother (who half raised me) died.
  56. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Its Australia Day. Apparently we're supposed to be celebrating the day when the english showed up... Although I'm not entirely sure why. The english turn up in all sorts of places and no one celebrates that.

    Anyway, its a public holiday, so we're going to a friends house for a BBQ, listening to the JJJ's Hottest 100 songs for the year, drinking and eating. So I guess its not all bad that the Poms came.
  57. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Oh my god... the Franz Ferdinand concert last night was simply the most utterly amazing thing I've ever seen.

    I was centre front of the mosh put, because my friends and I had waited at the front of the line for over 10 hours. Thats dedication.

    Cut Copy the support band were really good, I heartily approve of their jeans.

    Franz Ferdinand!!! The mosh pit was insane. Everyone was jumping and dancing and the whole crowd was singing along. It was all I could do to not be squished to death against the barrier.

    We were so close! Alex kept leaning over us on the edge of the stage, but towards the end he leant to close and the people next to me grabbed his guitar... he jumped down in front of us and got completely swamped by people hugging him. I could just reach him.

    I touched Alex :D

    Then afterwards a bunch of us waited for about an hour out the back waiting for them to come out... Alex is absolutely lovely, he came out and signed everything and shook our hands and hugged everybody! Then Paul and Bob came out as well, but I couldn't get to them. He also said the shirts we made for them were really cool.

    I was like the only person who didn't get a hug :(

    But... super fantastic!
  58. Hex

    Hex New Member

    *Is intensely jealous of Andalusian and wishes Franz Ferdinand would come somewhere even remotely near Nebraska... *cry*

    In other news, I dropped AP US History and went into the lower level class with much less homework.

    Hooray. :)
  59. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Oh, good for you. I, unfortunately, am in a school that is nothing but AP, even if the teachers are lax about due dates. But right now I feel like I'm being given the choice of failing science, or failing my grade entirely. I going to have to arrange a teacher/parent meeting...

    Don't kill me rabid fan girls/boys... but who is Franz Ferdinand? Actually, from context, the question should be, 'who are Franz Ferdinand' shouldn't it? The name is familiar, and I gather it's a band...

    I've never been to a live concert, though I'd like to go. The mosh pits sound like... an experience. I was in a filming for something and someone commented it looked like a mosh pit, so it sounds like a whole bunch of people in a small space trying to dance or otherwise move and hitting each other in the noses. >> Fun.
  60. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member


    I am going to see them at the end of the month! (someone good is actually comming to Singapore...and I have tickets!)

    We got the choice of the mosh pit (or Singapores equivalent which will probably have everyone in allocated standing points...I'm sure they would try anyway) but decided to go for the seats so we can breath and not get squashed so much.

    I am also going to see Oasis...I feel so special.
    2 great concerts within a month of each other. The best people we get here are The Black Eyed Peas (which I sadly went to and hated every minute of) and Avril Lavigne (*shudders at the memory*...yes I went. My friend dragged me. We were keeping an eye on her sisters though)

    Yes, Sir Gawain...Franz Ferdinand is a band...the name also refers to a man who was assasinated and somewhat triggered WW1... AP the advanced Programme? Just curious cause I think my new school offers it...I'm not taking it though...I will take IB...

    At least you tried the subject...thats what counts!

    Oh and we finished our hockey match that was cancelled before (one we only got to play half of) but lost...
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