Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Really? Where I am in America drinking is officially 21, and unofficially the same as yours. But then again, my family’s never given anything for authority. In fact, we go out of our way to piss it off. Hence my third grade teacher who is still known as Mrs. Butterball, even though she's long since retired. :roll:

    I'm in the exact same place as you in regards to beer, but my sister and I (both under legal age limit) are allowed to join in the toasts. Wine is nice, but a bit too sharp for me. I think it’s an acquired taste.
  2. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    :) Sorry for not specifying - Kiev is a city in Ukraine, where my family lived before we came to the US.
  3. Human

    Human New Member

    My family lets me drink occasionally - especially after I proved that I have a higher tolerance for alcohol than both my parents put together. I have not yet discovered a way to get drunk. I'm not even joking.

    On a lighter note, I and twenty odd schoolmates nearly died yesterday when the brakes on the bus gave out going down a steep hill into a busy intersection. We passed through miraculously unharmed, though the truck barrelling toward us missed by less than five feet. An experience like that makes you appreciate living a little more.
  4. Ivan_the_terrible

    Ivan_the_terrible New Member

    Liar!!!:) Official age is 18. :) Fully legal - 21.)

    Friends, I've been away for a long time... it's all because of this bloody work...

    Meantime, I'm going to the UK on the 21st of February... on a business trip, naturally, but I hope to find some time for London boardanians! :)

    From the 22 till 26 I'll be staying at Soho hotel, London - meetings

    26 - 1st of March - BBC showcase in Brighton.

    1st of March - our programming director is flying back to Kiev and I'm back to London - for Buena Vista TV Conference - Soho.

    3d - back to Kiev.

    Hope I'll have some free time on the 25th and 1st.

  5. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ... :oops: eep!
  6. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Ivanushka! Welcome back!

    And it USED to be 16, darn it! I'm just 17 years behind on my knowledge of Kievan goings-on, that's all...

    ... it DID used to be 16, didn't it? :oops:
  7. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I was talking about your second paragraph. Just saying not nearly all Americans are that uptight about the legal age. I didn't know where Kiev is, but I gathered it was't in the USofA
  8. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    :) It's not that we were(are) uptight - just worried about getting into trouble (i.e. someone's mother showing up at our doorstep, ranting and raving about what evil people we are for giving beer to her 16-year-old!)
  9. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    I got re-acquainted with the ground at high speed this morning, thanks to my charming pony. I hurt so much that its not funny.
  10. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

  11. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Poor Andalusian. Don't blame the pony, blame Doors...
  12. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Ouch! I know the feeling.
  13. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    My great aunt, after whom I was named, died this morning. She was 93. The funeral will be on Monday.
  14. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

  15. Trollmother

    Trollmother New Member

    93 is a high age, I guess she leaves many memories. Many condolences for you and the family.
  16. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm sorry for your loss,Saccharissa. Funerals can bring us together, but that never seems to be enough to offset having to say goodbye.

    I "have" to go to a gas station tonight. The Powerball lottery is up to $250,000,000.00 and you got to be in it to win it, plus I really should put a little gas into the loaner van I've been driving.

    My pretty blue pick-up is having its transmission rebuilt, we just squeaked in under the 90 day warranty so the dealership is picking up the tab this time. The problem happened less then a week after the idler pulley went bad and the serpentine belt fell off just as I was getting into the parking lot at work. I think I still love my truck but I'm going to be a little bit wary for awhile.
  17. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    i have had some very depresing news that i have not got into my firt chice of university and that i may have to resit this school year (shivers at the thought) and i may not be acepted into my second choice of university
  18. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    One week till I get the students back. Not happy Jan.
  19. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Sacchrissa - sorry about your news. A death in the family can be very hard regardless of age or family situation :(

    Peapod - keep your chin up and find out as much information as you can about all the options available to you. My advice would be to phone, write letters and email anyone you can think of in your chosen University. Speak to head of faculty admissions etc

    It's better to have your name 'known' even at this stage- before exams are sat even so that when the exam results come out - your not just another 'faceless person' asking questions about admitance

    It may not work but it might help you talk to someone- there couls even be similar courses (than the one you chose) available in and around the same area you wish to study.

    I feel like a bit of a jet - setter this week but only on small scale.

    I'm just back from a weekend in Edinburgh, somewhere I'd never been before - it's a great city and I would highly recommend it as a tourist destination!.

    I'm also travelling to London this Thursday for a couple of days with my work - which will probably not be very fun or interesting at all ( the work bit not the bit about being in London!).

    I think I should try and get an opportunity to go to Wales sometime soon so the I can have visited/lived in: England, Ireland (North and South) Scotland and Wales.
  20. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I have just received my Canon EOS 350D Camera, the one I have dreamed of for years. :) All I have to do now is learn how to use it properly... :D
  21. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Tough Avgi :(

    Wow .. that is one good camera!
  22. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Hello all!

    Sorry for not showing my face around for a few days. i have just been so busy for the last couple of weeks with the uni, and also our network is keeping me suitably busy.

    I will try to be more around more often. Can't make any promises though.

    On a side note: My study loan from the bank came through today!
    Now i will be able to afford textbooks for class. WOOHOO!
  23. Human

    Human New Member

    My sister broke her wrist.

    Beating me up.

    I wasn't hitting back at all.

    Who here can spell "Karma"?
  24. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    She must have been REALLY mad... what did you do? ;)
  25. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Wearing a ferroconcrete bra?
  26. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I lived with 2 blokes, where one broke the others when he fell on his arm when they were fighting...\

    A few weeks later the guy with the broken arm accidently broke the other guys arm by opening a door on him.

    They broke the opposite arms to each other so then functioned by acting like siamese twins... Karma or true love? who's to say?

    Hope your sisters arm gets better soon and she doesn't take revenge by breaking your arm in some devious and weird accident...
  27. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Hello, I haven't been posting much the last few days. I have been mostly lurking because I kept telling myself I was supposed to be working and not posting on it lead to me just taking a peak every now and again instead and mostly not working.

    Whats new....

    We didn't win our hockey tournament but came second and have a nice big silver medal (which I still need to hunt down my coach for) so that was nice although dissapointing we lost the last match.

    I have found out I am to stay where I am (country and school wise) for the next 2 years which is a bit of a relief because it means I can do IB at an amazing school and look really really smart when I go to uni :D which is all rather nice.

    Thats about it....
  28. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

  29. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    At least being touted as looking like a donut isn't as bad as being touted as looking like a cow pie, as the Salt Lake medals were. :lol:
  30. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    well i may become a air stuardess (trolly dolly) because i have not got in to my chosin universitys because im a student in scotland going to a english/welsh university and i would have been a year younger than the rest of the year

    i think i would enjoy being a air stuardess because i like flying and traverling
  31. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Don't do it!! Its a glorified waitress with shittier working conditions (ie no room, snotty passengers and less sleep)...

    Do a gap year (isn't that what all the english do?), go travelling, work for a year and then go back to uni when your the rigt age... You'll probably do better at uni and you'll have had a break from study.

    My news: Students are back. Really not happy Jan.
  32. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I just found out that my great grandma, who is 99 years old, just went into the hospital with a fever. She is stable, but she's very old and very frail, and the doctors seem to think its just a matter of time.
    I haven't seen her since I was little, and since then she's been suffering from dementia and won't remember who I am, but she is an amazing lady.

    Please pray for her. We are hoping that she will surprise us and make it to her hundredth birthday in April, but we just don't know yet. Only time will tell.
  33. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh dear Hex... Thoughts, prayers and all available limbs crossed for your grandma. :goodman:
  34. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I'd tell you the same. If you ever thought of seeing something of the world, this is the time to do it. Also, a few months in a business more or less related to what you want to study is worth gold; a degree alone won't do it anymore. :) If you find such a job, don't feel strange about wasting a few months to it. If its even something you might be able to keep doing parallelly to your studies, or keep a foot in the door somewhere, grab the chance. Air hostess doesn't sound like such a job, honestly said.

    If you are interested in travelling, there are a lot of exchange programs and job exchanges, many of them sponsored by the European Union, for all kinds of people. I've known a few people originally from Russia, who learnt all their English by taking part in job exchanges in Great Britain. A friend of mine worked as a waitress in Dublin for three months, it just about paid off for her rent, food, and a language course - it seems to have been worth it, though.
  35. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I hope all goes well.
  36. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow, I've just been offered a job in London, out of the blue... I sent a CV off for an offer many months ago when my company was reducing staff fast and I wasn't sure I would have a job from one week to the next, and now things are picking up and the company is fine, here comes this offer...

    Can any brit (preferably Londoner) tell me if 28K is a good salary for London ? It sounds like a lot of mony from here, but the cost of life in London is different, so I have no idea...

    Eeditted four speeling.
  37. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    28 thousand a year ain't so bad; you wouldn't be rich beyond the dreams of averice, but you'd be much better off than most I think. It's pretty good money. Guess it depends what you have to do.
  38. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Basically the same as I do here, for less than half that salary: webdesigning... Same job, twice the pay, and much more creativity. I think I could live with that... :D

    Edited to add : Thanks Mal !
  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Well, unless you're living in a tent in a tax-free zone at the moment, I doubt your living costs will double by moving to London.
  40. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ah !! Electric Man, you should be able to help me on this point, it says "up to £28K + Bens"... I didn't know there were several of you ! :D

    And who told you about my tent ?
  41. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    That is a very attractive deal.

    However, I specifically requested that my clones would not be sold into slavery, so I shall have to have a word with the agency and you may find those Bens retracted from the offer.
  42. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    retractable Bens eh ? neat.
  43. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    28K is a very livable wage. Unless your lifestyle requires you to sniff coke out of faberge eggs every night you should be allright.

    Average-ish rent on a one bed room flat in about zone 3 (20-30mins) from the centre is about £500-£600. £25 a week on travel. £2.80 for over priced drinks.
  44. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Thanks Rinso ! But...

    ... oh dear...

    ... the terrible truth has just dawned on me... moving to London would mean living within 100 miles of Rinso.

    Help ! :oops:
  45. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    You shall need to invest the majority of that 28k on deodoriser and clothespegs (for your nose)
  46. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    awww damn, I was hoping on getting a new tent with central heating... :D
  47. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Just for the pure and simple reason of bragging I must announce I just returned from watching Oasis, live, all present and correct and pretty much always on the stage.

    It was amazing, we had pretty good seats and the crowd was a lot better than the Franz Ferdinand concert I went to last week (2 good bands within a week of one another, it's amazing!)

    Anyway, my ears are all fuzzy and I'm as high as a kite, the only damper is the idea of getting up for school at 6am....
  48. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well i got into work at 6am this morning to find out one of our Kent cash depots has been raided. Really didn't believe it was true and thought one of my collegues was playing a joke on me!
    My friend text me at 8am to say could i lend him a million or two and at 930am we got a press release telling us of the poor kidnapped depot manager and his family!
    I personally only deal with the depots in the Midlands area but my London and South collegues deal with these people day in day out. I felt really sorry for them, they had to tell our customers over and over again why we couldn't do their job as we needed depot keys and couldn't get into the depot.
    I had to explain who the company i worked for was yesterday as they are big but never noticed (unlike Securicor). Its all over the news now and i actually got stopped at my local shop this afternoon (i hadn't taken my security ID off.... DOH) and everyone wanted to know what was going on.
    I'm glad no one was hurt.
  49. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Whats with england and really big bank robberies. Its something called s-e-c-u-r-i-t-y, risk assessment and procedures...

    No news...just a sense that the world has gone crazy.
  50. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Wow, sorry about all the scary drama Miss W. I hope everything clears itself up all right.

    And fairyliquid I am very jealous of you for going to see Oasis. That sounds like so much fun.

    My news is that everyone is going crazy here because the recent Lottery Winners come from our state. Good on them.

    Also, today marks my one year anniversary with my boyfriend. I received a lovely package from him containing a teddy bear and a book of sudoku puzzles. :) *Happy Hex*
    I also did well on my math test, so everything is happy and fun now! Hurray!
  51. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Spiky - I know the feeling :p

    Hex - happy anniversary, many more lovely things in the future!

    Miss W - er, what happened to the depot manager and his family? :shock:
  52. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    The biggest one here was the Northern Bank Robbery (the bank in question being a few hundred yards from where I work) the robbers got approximately £26m!
  53. Guest

    Guest Guest

    They have got 50 million in £50 notes. We had confirmation that 3 people have been arrested so far! one of them was trying to open a bank account with £6000 in £50's (ahem not the brightest of women)

    The poor depot manager was pulled over on his way home by some fake policemen, then handcuffed and put in the back of a van. in the mean time his wife and 9 year old son were taken at gun point to the depot where they were reunited and tied up together, he was threatened with his wife and childs death if he didn't co-operate! what an ordeal! He had to order everyone else in the depot to shut up and put up, and god bless them they must have been so scared.

    Everyone is ok and resting at home i'm glad to say. we had a whip round for flowers for them all. Got £700 from our lot including the wearhouse. should mean we can send all 17 of the brave hostages something to say we are thinking about them.
  54. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    So, I don't know if you've noticed, but I've not really been around lately. :(

    My job is crazy, being single is crazy, my friends are crazy, and I'm crazy.

    But I miss you all and will try to get on more often.

    I'll be in Hartford pretty much every week this month, just flying home for the weekends. But now, through the wonderful world of laptop technology, I will not be unavailable. Huzzah!!

    Edit - oh, and on a side note, I got pulled over by the cops today for the first time in my life.
  55. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    But they let you off with just a warning and the advice not to drive naked. It distracts other toad users, causing accidents.
  56. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Well, thats way more interesting than what really happened.

    Basically, I was pulled over for driving down the wrong way on a one way street...also I had expried tags. So now I have to go to court.

    Kenny - what should I wear? I've never been to court before.
  57. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Is that licking them while driving? I could see how that would be a distraction... :eek:

    Good look with your case Om - Tags expired? Is that similar to our road tax? Annual/Biannual replacement required.
  58. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I've neglected this thread for a long time. Anyway.

    Our lovely city -25% of its inhabitants university students- was confronted with the downside of freedom of speech a week or so ago, so to say. But with the upside, too.
    A coalition of several neo nazi groups and similar right winged clubs had organized a demonstration through the inner city for Saturday last week, with "Out with the imperialists, no more foreign divisions in Münster" as their motto. (You need an actual plea for organizing a parade like that, and one of the British divisions is going to leave Münster in a few months.)

    I can see why the judges wanted to avoid the usual mêlée of forbidding the nazi parade, them going to court, and still getting their parade plus a lot of extra attention in the next instance due to the fact that, within certain boundaries, you have to treat every group of people the same and grant them their rights, no matter if their actual worldview makes your hair stand on end.
    What I don't see is - they can have a word as to where in the city the demonstration is to take place, due to all the effort and cost for the city itself (police presence and blocked roads).
    Why can't they just shoe those dumbheads through some suburb, or better, industrial area (which are completely dead at the weekends anyway) and send them home? What they did instead was having the demo start at the central train station; their plan was having them going once around the block and send them home. That meant, they were to march through our quarter, the harbor area, with its relatively high percentage of students, punks, anarchists, and a traditionally socialist background (well, compared to an industrial area at Saturday afternoon, anyway).

    I suppose they had good intentions, à la, lets get it over with. What did they expect would happen?

    Well, what did happen was the following: In the early morning, we were woken up by helicopters circling over the quarters, and music. Lots of music from lots of boxes which were standing in the windows along the road, playing everything from Punkrock, to Joan Baez, to Socialist Choirs.

    Flags with peace signs, the logos of the antifascist groups, and transparents with anti-nazi-slogans were hanging out of said windows (reading slogans like "Brown cloud pass, Red sky last", "Fascism is not an ideology, it's a crime" etc), and people were standing in front of their houses or filing in from the surrounding quarters. There was a kind of common sense of being part of an anti-demonstration, even though it wasn't authorised - as long as people were having parties in their flats, or standing in front of their houses, no one could say anything. I admit there was some kind of party mood in the air.

    At 11, the participants of the nazi parade arrived in two busses. The roads were blocked, though, by inhabitants as well as the usual left winged demo-semi-proffessionals. At 12, about a 120 neo nazis were still standing at the pariking lot where they had arrived, and about 200 people were blocking their official route with a spontaneous sit in, and the surrounding streets were blocked by the crowd as well. At that time, my landlord -not exactly an anarchist- put a basket full of old eggs in front of the door, for free use (and the gift was gladly acceptet by a group of "Antifa"-members in black hoodies - I am sure they were simply hungry).

    At 13.oo, the neo nazis were still standing a few metres away from their buses, with the sit in only 50 metres down the road and the police between the two (well, actually surrounding them).

    As people didn't get close to the neo nazis, they took out their need for discussing on the cops blocking them from getting closer, but that's as much as you got. (One exchange I heard was: "But I really just want to talk with them! Just a discussion!" - "believe me, those ain't here to discuss.")

    There were a few left winged radical groups around who already arrived wearing black ski caps and dark sunglasses, clearly in it for some body contact, and I heard them trying to provoke a row from time to time by shouting at the crowd things like "There are only eight cops blocking the road, lets just break through, come on, run!" Said crowd though, though ready to express their dissaproval to the neo nazis meant to be parading through the city vocally, and very loud, remained otherwise peaceful. Still, the roads remained blocked, and the police was not willing to clear them by force to make them free for the right winged parade.

    (At one point, two police men were walking by our house, had a short chit chat with my curious neighbours, took a look at the egg collection, smiled, and just walked on.)

    There was a small row, eight arrests, and at 15.oo the rights got back into their busses and drove home. Reports from their own internet pages state they are very frustrated.

    At 16.00, the official anti fascism demonstartion took place in the inner city quarters (there is kind if an West of the railroads - East of the railroads thing here, with us being the back house east of the railroads so to say.)

    The only thing my daughter got was that there were no cars on our street, lots of helicopters, and all the neighbours were there and gave her cookies.
  59. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

  60. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    OmKranti, why are you asking Kenny? Is it cos all Scousers spend most of their time in Court?

    Buzzfloyd and I got stopped and searched by the police when we were 14. (Really hope I haven't told this story before on this board!) There was some graffitti on the Police Station sign, and we couldn't read it, so we stopped to look. Then the cops came out and searched us. This was a big deal for two naive girls with ridiculously good reputations! The guy was like, "It's very recent," and he was mean and wanted to send us to maximum security prison for life or something. The woman was nice though, and complimented the
    Cher CD that I had in my bag.

    Anyway, that was years ago. Right now, my life is hectic and manic and other -ic words, due to selling our house, rehearsing for two different shows, working towards two different music exams, working, looking after Dawn, trying to keep up with the endless washing of dishes, blenders, bottles, bibs and socks (which I change everyday), and trying to retain the remnants of a social life. Oh yeah, and the important things (two message-boards and The Sims 2)!

    Katcal, look on the bright side - moving to London would also put you within 100 miles of ME!!! 8)
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