Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    The Language Arts/Social Science prtion of the test is done. This week is Mathematics and Life Sciences.
  2. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    *runs around in circles a bit and jumps up and down*


    Do you think if I stand outside the exam hall, cross my arms, stamp my feet, cry a little and refuse to go in they'll just give me an A and let me go home?

    Maybe not.

    Never mind.

    It's only GCSEs.
  3. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    The pediatric orthopedics clinic is so busy I'm thinking of making gravity illegal.
  4. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    *imagines the public effects of immediate anti-gravity measures*

  5. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    One of my friends once figured out that he had done well enough throughout the year to go on to the next year even if he didn't take a couple of tests, complete and submit journal work etc.
    So he didn't.

    Not that I'm advising it, mind :)
  6. Human

    Human New Member

    More music news, yay! My orchestra performed at Carnegie Hall this week. I had a mini-solo. I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to get back there now. It blew me away.
  7. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

  8. redneck

    redneck New Member

    What instrument do you play, Human? Congratulations to you.
  9. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Cangratz, Human.

    In other news: I arive at school, having been lulled into believing that testing was over, only to discover that there was one more left: A life biology test. The thing is, it is administered in Social Science class!!!!!!!
  10. sfckemp

    sfckemp New Member

    If anyone could help me out i would appreciate it. Does anyone remember the name of the book where vetinari was framed for murder and vimes had to arrest him?
  11. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Sfckemp, I think you could find a more appropriate place for that comment......this is just for member's news.

    For those sort of questions, try the search tool, or the extensive list of Disc books at the top of your screen complete with summaries, or even just google.

    If you just want to get talking to people, then that's pretty easy if you just post appropriately in any of the threads.

    Apart from that, thanks for typing clearly, and welcome to the board!
  12. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    While Darth's got a point, this aint really the thread for that sort of thing...

    I only recall vetinari being arrested in Jingo, not in conjunction with murder though. I think the book you're describing is The Truth, but i don't remember if the patrician was formally arrested in that one or not.
  13. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Garner being lenient to a newbit?? :shock:

    All right, sorry if I was unnecesarily snarky. I'm in a pit of terror and denial due to oncoming French Oral exams if you'll accept that as an excuse.

    Yeas, I believe you're referring to The Truth - Vimes took Vetinari in more for his own protection than anything else though I think.
  14. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Hi guys!

    Just a quick post to say i'm now back from my sabatical (that must surely be spelt wrong). I know i'll have missed loads so can you please be lenient with me while i'm catching up and not call me a turd burglar or suchlike if I say something that doesn't make any sense. Don't worry, I very rarely say things that don't make any sense. :)
  15. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    It's spelt 'sabbatical', you poo pilferer.

    *waves hello from a distance due to your smelly hands (amongst other appendages)*
  16. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Hooray for Kenny!
  17. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay, time for long awaited returns ! Kenny returns from the almost-dead, and I'm back from Geneva with a truck load of swiss chocolate !
  18. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    *Admires Katcal's equisite spoon and medal collection in blatant attempt to gain share of chocolate* :p
  19. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I bet it wasn't a sabbatical either, probably just an absense, or holiday.
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    iv'e been told he's quite sick so it could have been that!
  21. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I believe its called 'leave without pay' basically meaning we won't miss him at all so we agreed to let him go off and we didn't have to pay him for the previlige... But seeming as how we only ever paid him in insults I guess we'll have to start paying him again now he's back...

    First pay: 'poo pilferrer'
    Second pay: 'gay cowboy eating pudding'
  22. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I thought someone was eclipsing the sun! Turns out it's Kenny!

    Welcome back mate :)
  23. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Thankyou everyone except Ben. Who I hate as much as a the three little pigs hated the damn builders who used straw.

  24. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Just got back from a funeral. Very moving and made me think a lot about the meaning of life the universe and all that shit (D. Adams had to change the title later to be politically correct... ) what we do, why we do it, what it all means...

    Man my head hurts...
  25. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Sorry Kat, i hope it wasn't anyone close. They always make me do that too. I hate thinking, it should be banned!!!!
  26. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Kat: :-/

    Kenny, Welcome Back
  27. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I haven't been on much lately due to several major happenings in my lfie.

    meh, well I've finally finished all my coursework (WOOO!). I got an A* in my science and my business studies coursework and The rest are all A's and B's.

    I have the rest of the day off school due to being jumped twice. I went home at dinner to get my last peice of coursework when some chavs attacked me. Fortunately they only punched me three times before running away. I'd have fought back but i was on the phone. Meh didn't hurt and no harm done.

    When i was going back to school i saw the same chavs along with a few moer friends. they again decided to attack me. This time doing a little more damage. Meh, some people came out of houses and i punched a few back. They ran off and I dropped my coursework off. a teacher asked me what happend (turns out she saw it in her car and decided not to help!). And so i've been given the day off.

    And all it took we a light jumping. woo. Stupid chavs
  28. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Seconded.... both.
    Edited to add, seconding Brad here.

    Congrats Dane to the courseworks outcome, and... get a body guard! My Gods!

    Me, I'm dealing with legal stuff... No not that way...
    We got a slightly dubios bill about additional charges from the landlady of the flat we moved out of in September 2004. Yes, 2004. We got that bill in February this year!
    I wrote her and explained that I couldn't comprehend some of these posts, and asked for extra info, and I'd pay for the carbon copies. A month later, I got a fair amount of material - she probably thinks she's doing it right, but...

    A lot of the additional charges for living, as electricity in the stairway, or the assurancies on the house, should, after the German law, be paid per flat or after square metres. She seems to count per head - which is bad for us, because we basically have to pay more because she let two of the flats stand empty for months before renovating them, and passed the extra cost on to us - or so I think.
    Now we are to pay a 300 Euro bill almost 1 1/2 years after moving out.

    Or maybe we don't; I have a law assurancy, and our lawyer sais the bill is outdated anyway, because it arrived more than 12 months after the end of the contract. The way out I had hoped for was proving her that she simply doesn't know how additional costs are measured, which is my impression. I would have preferred actually paying for what we got, in a way. What do you think? If the lawyer says, she simply was too late, forget about it, should we just say, hey, her fault, our gain? I feel slightly strange about this.

    Also, she keeps calling us and telling me we should at least pay a first rate "to show some good will". "After all, you had to expect a higher bill, with the baby and all". Hey? Things like assurancy costs don't rise with the number of people living in that flat... I feel slightly duped...
    That would be proof we accept the bill, though, and I'd like to wait for our layers verdict.
    Who is she to talk anyway... it weren't us who delayed this for xx months after all... *sigh*
    I hate things like that.
  29. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Don't pay *anything* till the lawyer tells you too .. paying even a cent would imply accepting the bill I think. And Dane: you lead an eventful life! Are you being targeted or was this random? If the former, better get some help!
  30. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Thats sounds like a tricky situation Hsing

    and I don't believe i was targeted, just random. Probably because my hairs longer than an inch :roll: Surfice to say I'm fine. They were pretty weak as far as they go. Not even a bruise.

    I've been advised to report it, I'll probably do it on monday.
  31. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Good luck with that Hsing...

    Thanks Brad and Wendy, he was a friend of the family, an ex-neighbour, and he died at a ripe old age, relatively suddenly, he was gone in less than a week without too much suffering, and he kept his garden and his work going until the end, there are worse ways to go...

    But he was quite a fascinating although secretive person, and I think I found out as much about him during the funeral ceremony than we did in the 16 years we knew him. He had been a monk, a teacher and a journalist, he lived in respect of the principles he had been taught as a monk, basically, to live for hard work and prayer, he lived off his garden, wrote articles on theology and philosophy, lived more or less as a hermit... He was able to appreciate even the smallest things, a fall of rain or a sunset, the beauty of a plant or an insect, and that's what really made me think...
  32. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Lucky Bastard. I have to write a 500 word essay on a book I have yet to even start. Due monday. Well, on the bright side, the book is only 100 pages long, so I could probably finish it in about an hour and a half (That is, if it can keep my intrest).
  33. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Katcal: ::hug:: Sounds like your neighbor was a fascinating guy. It would be interesting to read his books.

    Dane and Kenny: welcome back!
  34. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Hsing, want me to come over and kick your landlady? Don't pay anything before your lawyers tell you it's ok, she just found an easy way to have the common costs paid by everyone, even if the flats aren't rented.
  35. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Hey, we could all come round and combine landlady kicking with a dmc!

    The power pack for my wireless router seems to have gone kaput, so I won't be online much this weekend unless I can find another power pack with the exact same ratings.

    I'm currently hooked up with a direct connection to the modem, but that's impracticle when other people are in the house, as the cable snakes across half of it and we wouldn't be able to share it. Hopefully Linksys will just send me a new power-pack.
  36. Dane

    Dane New Member

    whats the books called?

    I was quite surprised when i was told that i got an A* for my creative writeing coursework! Technically it was exellent (All the writeing techniques and the large vocabulary and so on (And thankgod for spell checker)) but i didn't think it was that good a story. Turns out that my teacher loved it and that every other English teacher loved it! I was told that the set one teacher would have loved to have me in her set because of my creativity!

    I still think it was a lame ass story though.

    It's good to be back :D
  37. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Yeah, one time I had to write a six page essay. I had five and a half written but I was only just finished the introduction. . . . so I just wrote in big letters THE REST OF THIS DOCUMENT WAS CONFISCATED BY M15 (the CIA of England) to finish it off quickly. My english teacher loved it!! Iwas expecting lines :)

    In other news, a girl in my year won a trip to Strasbourg with the European Youth Parliamnt or some such, but can't go due to a recurring kidney infection. So the CSPE teachers chose me to go in her stead!! :) :) :)

    But just to balance it all out my boyfriend dumped me. But I Don't care cause I'm going to Strasbourg
  38. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Hsing - I agree with Sampanna - don't pay anything until you absolutely have to - it looks like an admission of responsibility.

    Dane - report it - get it on record - with descriptions if you can - preferably before it happens again - you know what they say - "Once may be accident, twice may be coincidence - three times is enemy action!"
  39. Dane

    Dane New Member

    some of my friends went to Strasbourg on a school modern forign (Damn spelling) languages trip. Its that little town right on the border of France and Germany. They said they had an exellent time so I'm sure you'll have great fun!

    EDIT: Yeah, I'm going to report it first thing on Monday. From the sounds of it my science teacher (Also the deputy head) wasn't very happy about it. He's a good friend aswell, I'm told he was really angry about it!
  40. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    It is called Night.
  41. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Have fun in Strasbourg, Angua, it's said to be quite a beautiful and interesting city...
  42. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    Strasbourg is a great city- I've been here since September, and I love it. Its gorgeous at this time of year, too. Whenever you head over, make sure you pack sunscreen and an umbrella. You might need both over the course of a single day.
  43. Dane

    Dane New Member

    sounds thrilling. whats it about? I'll take it you've read and written an essay on it now.
  44. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    It was about the Halocaust. It was kind of bleak and depressing. (The main character survives, but his entire familly gets killed by the Nazis).
  45. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Wow, you had to read "Night", too? Yeah... that's one of the books where you can't expect things to get any darker, and then they do... And then you get to the end and you realize that the one little redeeming, hope-restoring beam of sunshine that's supposed to come at the end of stories like that ... doesn't!
  46. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    I will. . . sounds a lot like Ireland!! :) :snakeman:
  47. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    not really, its much warmer than Ireland ever gets (except maybe in Meath, cuz its smack in the middle, but I haven't been there very much)

    Its just been raining every couple of days, you'll have a thunderstorm maybe then it'll be sunny the rest of the day. Yesterday it was driving down like nails.
  48. Dane

    Dane New Member

    sounds a little like "A boy called "It"" although that did have a hope restoring message. But most of the people I've talked too couldn't read that far because it was so depressing.

    EDIT: On the whole me being attacked thing, I have since reported it and have now been told to report it to the police aswell. It turns out that one of the boys that attacked me was involved in an incedent at the end of school. he and another guy hospitalised some little year 8!

    I honestly think this kind of thing is sickening. Its bad enough that they picked on me but a year 8! thats just pathetic. I was talking to one of the guys that came out of their house to chase them away on friday and he was saying that this kind of thing is happening more and more. Everyone is sick of it now, not just the kids that it's happening to but also the people that wittnes these attacks.
  49. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I hope the police can do something and that your OK... Violent bullies can be really bad news and I hope someone teaches them that they can't get away with it (preferably by kicking the snot out of them to show them there not that powerful) before it becomes an entrenched behaviour and they turn into violent adults...

    I have no news. None. *feels decidely boring*
  50. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

  51. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I havn't heard anything more about it but I have since reported it to the police.

    With these types of people violence is in the breading (or rather inbreading), chances are they'll be away for life before their 20.

    on a lighter note, tommorow is my last official day (or at least day that we're meant to do work) at school which means it's shirt signing day. I've allready called 7 boobs, 4 bums and a moob! hehe. I've also had everything on my person called for :shock:

    Also I've allready got half of my book filled with my friends signatures. I think i have been tricked there though. Everyone else got books from asda and tesco for 50p whereas i got mine from borders (Some book shop) and paid £4 for it :? awww well, I like it.

    Nothing much else to say other than I've started another story. A new take on a teen comedy-horror type O thing. I'm enjoying it anyway.
  52. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I don't know if you are aware that Missy is having a hard time with her ex.
    Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond her control he has her PC, and may just possibly log on as her, so if you see her log on to MSN please don't start a conversation, as it may not be her. We'll be setting up a new MSN account soon, and will let the relevant folks know.
    Missy says thank you for your understanding and support.

    As do I
  53. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Should we block the old account?
  54. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Duely noted. I've blocked it just in case.
  55. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Blocked too... Good luck, Wendy, hope everything turns out fine honey...

    I had another medical test yesterday to try and find out what's wrong with my arm/wrist/hand (it's only been hurting since january, why hurry ?) : electric shocks all the way up my arm for half an hour, and then fun with a needle-electrode, stuck in seemingly random places in my arm and... hand... By all the gods of the diskworld does that HURT LIKE HELL !!!!!! :( And helpful comments like "oh, you do bleed" - well yes, when someone sticks something through my arm, it makes a hole, and that red stuff does tend to leak... :roll: - really don't help.

    Oh, and the result of the test ? She doesn't know, can't tell, have to do a CAT-scan... ok, thanks folks...
  56. missy

    missy New Member

    Thanks guys, much appreciated, my new email is all sorted and i have added you all to the new hotmail account.

    On a lighter note, i have a job interview today! at 1pm, i'm soooooo nervous. I got alot of good luck texts this morning and i nearly broke my leg yesterday so thats a good sign! i fell over and hurt my knee and hip, silly tart. oh well, at least i won't be bleeding for the interview. That would have been embarrasing........

  57. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I'm keeping my tumbs crossed. Until they turn blue.
  58. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    most of my hand and arm are already blue, so I just have to cross a couple of fingers... :D ;) G'luck missy ;)
  59. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Good luck missy I hope everything works out bet that was fun. This is why I haven't been to the docors in years (that and nothing to go for).

    I just had a fabulous English lit exam which I somehow managed to make a complete and utter mess of but never mind - I'm almost finished my exams.

    I'm just annoyed about thursday this week when I have to go in at 6.30pm because it must by in sync with those in England....Dane (I believe you said you were doing GCSEs) I hope your happy, all those lovely days your exams start later, ours start 7 hours afterwards. phwa.
  60. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Yeah I'm doing my Exams aswell. I had my first real exam today (or at least the first exam in this cluster we do, I've allready got two C's in ICT) It was also english Literature. I feel i did really well on it! I went in dreading the Of mice and men paper but found that easier than the poems paper! I was really impressed with myself.

    I have an RE exam tommorow then the rest after the half term holiday (which is next week), i just hope they all go as smoothly as this one did.

    That said I did get a really bad headache after the exam and throw up :? but I'm allright now, I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with the exam.

    Good luck Fairy liquid and anyone else thats doing GCSEs.
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