Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Yes yes you did. But I'm a native english speaker and still came up with 'teat time' twice. I have no excuses. You being German requires us to forgive you all your sins, the main one to start with is being German and then we work down the list to really long words and then finally we forgive you for typos. SO no sweat, you can typo away.

    News: I'm human again, kind of. I've been holed up at home marking exam papers which tends to turn me into a narky bitch but its over now and I have returned with the knowledge that yet again no matter what there will always be uni students who are total idiots.
  2. missy

    missy New Member


    Thats it, I'm finally here! i start my new job on Thursday, I'm all moved in to the "soon to be not so batchelor pad" and i couldn't be happier......

    Thanks for all your support over the last few weeks. I don't think i would have done it with out all your words of encouragement.

    Cheers guys.
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay for you guys !!! Have a happy life together !

    New job, new love, new flat, good for you Wendy ;)
  4. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Wendy, you also have the dmc to look forward to in just over a week.

    Edit: Just to clarify, the dmc will be completely free of pirate captains.
  5. missy

    missy New Member

    OOOOOH i forgot that , oh so much more to YAAAAAAY about, its also Daves birthday the day after DMC so i am so looking forward to that weekend, thanks Jonas i really didn't think of that :D

    Kat you are so right. all the new stuff is, well to be honest, something i couldn't have dreamed of not 6 months ago. I don't deserve all this but i'm damned sure i'm not giving it up! :D
  6. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I had to re-read that, i read it as thank Judas first time around :shock:

    Anyway well done Missy! good luck with your new job, flat and your new love!

    my news?... nothing much, I bought a fishing bait catapult from tesco wile looking for a fathers day present. Its surpriseing how much fun you can with one of those :D
  7. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I've actually been called Messiah by one of those crazy people in the subways that go around shouting out their religions (imagine Tarantino in that Adam Sandler movie Little Nicky), but never Judas. ;-)
  8. Dane

    Dane New Member

    haha, and to think i was really impressed when the guy behind the till called me sir at Next :D. That reminds me, I must look over 18, I've been mistaken for being in uni by people at one pub, my girlfriends sister (also 16) was asked for ID at a pub but i wasn't and when I asked a friend of my girlfriend (a 10 year old) he thought I was 18. I'm quite happy with this :D
  9. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Is your girlfriend 10 years old or is your girlfriend's friend 10 years old?

    Edit: oh, and the happiness will pass, once you hit 25.
  10. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Ahh, sorry bad language there. My girlfriends friend is 10, my girlfriend is 14 (But also looks 18 :D)
  11. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Glad that's sorted. ;-)
  12. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Just got my college exam results. Passed all my 3rd year Commerce modules :) Happy days...
  13. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Well done TheJackal.

    I look .. . .i don't know, definitely over 14, my actual age.

    I'd pass for at least 16, probably 17, maybe if I'm lucky 18.

    It'll be annoying when I'm older, but for now it is both cool and useful. :)
  14. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

  15. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Doesn't mean anything if you still can't drink...When your over 18 and they continue to ask for ID is kind of annoying but one day they will stop and you realise that the annoyance of ID checks was really a validation of your youth. Once thats gone you are old and your life is over.

    Brad welcome home and I'm glad you got back safely. Did I ever tell you how my sister got out of her second tour of Iraq? Anyway, she got a breast reduction (paid for by defence) and because its a mojor surgery they didn't send her in when she was due... Maybe you can try that if they try to send you back in?
  16. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I bet you could, Say, if you poo'd gold or farted lolly pops.
  17. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Thanks, And I'm glad that your sister is doing well!
  18. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

  19. Dane

    Dane New Member

    yay Brad! glad to see you back in one piece!

    i have to go home today (back to Colne, I'm currently at my girlfriends in Liecester) so that i can do my last business studies exam and my last of all my GCSEs so that i can come back on friday :D
  20. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Brad, did you enjoy the lift from the nice German girl? Glad you made it back safely. Stop by and visit if you're in the area. :cooler:
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay too !
  22. missy

    missy New Member

    welcome back honey.......glad you made it safe and sound.
  23. missy

    missy New Member

    typical, i didn't expect any less of you mate!
  24. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Wow, I've got a lot of catching up to do.

    First of all, WELCOME BACK BRAD!

    Congratulations to the schoolkids for coming out of the whole exam situation in one piece.

    Congratulations to Wendy for her new job and new accomodation
  25. missy

    missy New Member

    I haven't been on this week, ive missed you all.

    Things have gone from bad to worse with my ex. He threatened suicide on Monday after finding out about me and Dave, My Mom accidentily let it slip that we had taken her out on Saturday. I rushed to Coventry to my Moms to collect my beloved dog who he had dropped off so as not to leave him on his own. He called Mom while i was there. I had to call the police. He said he was going to take a load of pills, what else could i do. They traced his location by his mobile signal and detained him under the mental health act.
    Tuesday morning i got a call from Mom to say the police had called her and he had been sectioned. His car (the one he made me give back) had been impounded and we had to get it out and he needed some clothes taking to him.
    He's been in the high security section of the MHU since Tuesday. They havent taken his mobile off him so he is phoning and texting like mad. I have switched off my mobile and told Mom not to give our home number out. I feel like some sort of a prisoner. I'm so happy when i'm not thinking of him, then i get a message and i'm back to sitting crying my eyes out and feeling guilty again.
    I'm going to the DMC tomorrow and i WILL enjoy myself. I'm going to let my hair down and relax for the day. I just hope i don't bring anyone else down with me.
  26. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    A friend's dad acted like this a couple of years ago. The threat of sucicide to impose guilt upon one's ex girlfriend seems to be a common pattern.

    In my mind, this is a way to draw attention, although I must stress I hold no degree in Psychology whatsoever. I feel pity for your ex who appears to be a confused man right now. I truly hope he will mend. Perhaps spending some time with other friends than you could help him realise there is life beyond Wendy.

    You seem to be a strong girl Wendy, with all the bends and turns your path has taken the last year, and you should do fine. Give me a tell on msn if you want me to take your mind somewhere else for a moment or two.
  27. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Sorry to hear that Missy.

    I agree with the Kapten that threats of suicides are *usually* more a cry for help. Even so, they should still be taken seriously.

    Regarding the textmessages... Maybe you could inform the hospital about that? He says you are the reason, so that isn't really healthy...
  28. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Same as Kapten, if you want someone to say something stupid or whack you with a soft pink fluffy pillow, you know how to reach me ;)

    And to agree with Tephlon, you should tell the hospital and maybe your phone company and even the police about the calls/texts if he continues, that is harassment, and it should be stopped, one way or another. He definitely seems mentally disturbed, and this is a sad enough thing without you having to put up with even more than you have already been through. Some phone companies will take a complaint and refrain access to your number for a specific number, if it is also his company, they could even cancel his line. A simpler way would be to have the hospital take it off him, but this also depends on their policy. In the last resort, there's the police. Do not erase the texts or voice messages, they will be required as proof.

    Best wishes to both you and Dave, concentrate on the happy bits ;)
  29. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I'm sorry about your trouble Missy. I would have to agree with Kapten here and also add that if you wish to chat with someone, I'm reachable by msn and so on :)

    I have no news except I'm suffering from chronic insomnia and I've been having unpleasant depressed mood swings. Nothing I can't handle though.
  30. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Wendy, I echo my erstwhile colleagues above (bet they haven't been called that before :p). The good times will soon be rolling in, especially tomorrow ;)
  31. Nester

    Nester New Member

    Well while I've been absent I became an uncle. My neice was born May 19. Her name is Ashlyn which I'm not crazy about but hey, not my kid. I'm her Godfather which apparently means I'm to help her with her spiritual growth and give her advice etc etc. heh. Poor kid. I'm planning on being that annoying uncle. I'm already finding toys that play music and make lots of noise. When she gets older I'm going to show up feed her chocolate and soda and candy, get her all wired, then I'm going to just leave. Yeah, I'm going to be that uncle. :)

    Other than that more of the same except I've been having to deal with a psuedo stalker lately. The other night she climbed up to our apartment (We live on the 3rd floor) and knocked on the porch door until we let her in. That was slightly scary....
  32. redneck

    redneck New Member

    How come Nester gets all the luck. I live in a ground floor apartment and still can't seem to get a stalker. Me and my dumb luck. :cry:
  33. Nester

    Nester New Member

    It could just be my natural magnetism....or maybe just the fact that our fridge is normally stocked with bear and steak.
  34. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Wow, you keep an entire bear in your fridge. The stalker was probably an enviromentalist trying to release the bear into the wild.
  35. Nester

    Nester New Member

    That would be one of the most effective dieting tools ever.

    Hmmm...I'm hungry.
    But I'll be okay until supper....
  36. redneck

    redneck New Member

    I about fell out of the chair when I read that, Nester.
  37. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Me too, the imagery is just hilarious!
  38. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    What can I say... I want a mini-bear!
  39. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Every hotel room should have one... :)
  40. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Damn you making me laugh after two serious(-ish) posts! Especially after I had told everyone about your Bear typo!
  41. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Hee hee, the entire exchange above made me giggle. Yay.

    I'm in a considerably better mood today. Friday was fun because I got my ear pierced again -- a cartilage piercing in my right ear which looks lovely but is still sore.

    I also went to see Cats at the outdoor theater. It was very well done for an amateur production.

    And yesterday kinda sucked, but then I watched stupid movies which cheered me right up.

    Today I'm just sleepy and looking forward to Lunch, which is going to be guacamole and tortillas.
    Yum yum avocadoes! :D
  42. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Watch out for the diet bear which may attack you if you try to get into the fridge. :) Those bears just get everywhere don't they?

    While some people were off having fun at DMCs I was home with my sick boyfriend, although I did get Firfly and Serenity for half price and my boyfriend got all of Futarama too, so we sat at home watching lots of dvds. Still not as exciting but I lead a small and insular life, I will take what fun I can get.

    I was not attacked by any bear that lived in the fridge.
  43. Nester

    Nester New Member

    I sense a business oportunity here...

    "For two easy payments and one complicated payment of $29.95 this dietary aid can be yours. Order today!"

    edit- take a wild guess
  44. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    You mean they made you pay for those ? :shock: Australia really does do everything upside down ! :D
  45. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Well Its been and interesting few weeks. I've found out that my mum probably wont get custody of my little sister, I will be forced to go to Spain for a week with my dad*, that i may not get into a college next year, that i may not even be able to get a job this summer and that I probably wont be able to get my CRB check done**

    On the other hand, the two stories I'm wrighting are comeing along nicely and I'm still in a damn good relationship with my girlefriend.... if it weren't for the latter I think I'd have given up a wile ago.

    anywho this means i wont be posting for another week or so. So Ta Ta untill then.

    *I don't like my dad or the idea of being away from civilisation with him

    **meaning that i wont be able to do a playscheme event for special needs children
  46. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    pffft. Note missing word = dvds.

    Those French, they thing they're so funny.

    Good luck with the college thing Dane and try to enjoy Spain, as someone who has never been I'm sure it can't all be bad.
  47. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    No I did get that you were talking about DVDs, spiky, it's just that Serenity and Firefly are ones that I would only own if I got paid for it. But then, hey, your national instument is a log with a hole in it :D :cooler:
  48. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    What are you talking about? Serenity was the best SciFi movie since the original Star Wars.
    But I digress...

    You may have noticed that I have not posted in the last few days. There is a long story that explains this, but the moral was: never try to alter you computer's disk partitions while they are still mounted.
  49. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    So that would explain that it was the only film ever to spend less than one whole week at any movie theater in France ? I mean, there haven't been all that many SciFi films since the original Star Wars, but if the series was anything to go on, I don't even want to see the movie !
  50. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I take it this is just in France again?
  51. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well compared with the number of adventure films, romantic comedies, and various other genres the number of real SciFi movies (i.e. comparable to Star Wars or Serenity, not just futuristic-kindof-lame-crap like Beowulf and such) isn't that enormous. Admittedly, France isn't the best place for SciFi fans, but you still get all the major US/UK/Restofworld movies here, regardless of genre and sometimes of quality too.
  52. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I see your point, but I think most romantic comedies are lame crap, even though there might be a few comparable to...I dunno, whatever the most famous romcom movie is. And you could argue that a lot of adventure films are a bit on the naff side too, compared to Indiana Jones or Lord of the Rings. If you only count what you'd describe as 'real' movies of a particular genre, I'd say it was pretty much even in number.
  53. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, there, you see, you classify LotR as "Adventure", I would label it "Fantasy", I suppose it all depends on the definition you give to a category... But then I may also be biased by the fact that I have probably completely forgotten all the lame crappy SciFi films that probably deserve forgetting, and so Serenity is up against some tough competition, i.e. the ones I remember because they were good(ish)... But then I hated the series, it's on my top 3 worst "scifi" series with Andromeda and Farscape...

    Oh well, whatever, sorry spiky, enjoy your log DVDs...
  54. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Yeah, you're right, LoTR is fantasy more than adventure. I was just trying to think of examples, and thought along the lines of 'epic, roaming the lands type thing'.

    And yeah, it probably does depend on definition. And general subjectivity... I find most romcoms dire, you might think the same about scifi. I agree that there are a lot of terrible scifi shows out there, though. Personally, I can't stand Star Trek, and most TV series like Farscape leave me cold too.
  55. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I liked Serenity!
    *boxes hijackers out of the way and welcomes email-list-members to a déja-vu*

    To myself: We're all on antibiotics. And my daughter is going to have an operation on 29th. Only a very minor one, the adenoids have to be taken out and they will have to cut her eardrum open. Its probably even ambulant. Still. Not looking forward to it. And no swimming for the kid this summer.

    Other than that, only kiddie anecdotes. They are genius when they learn to speak, at least in inter-personal levels.... I wonder why so many of them evolve to crap-talking, socially blindfold idiots?
  56. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Comes from too much bear hanging around in fridges, I say...
  57. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    *hijacks back*

    Katcal Serenity and Firefly are by Joss Whedon who created Buffy and Angel. They rock, in a light-hearted, snappy dialog kind of way.

    From memory the French tend to dub everything, which I think is a terrible thing to do to a movie. It should be subtitles or nothing (don't get me started on X-Files dubbed in German). Don't watch the French dubbed one, half the fun is in the dialog which probably doesn't translate very well. But if your knocking my taste and you haven't even seen the movie or series then you don't know what your talking about, and my taste is perfectly fine thanks.

    *hugs hollow log for comfort*


    Hsing I hope your daughters OK and that the adnoids (whatever they happen to be, but they sound like the gland of the body that produces ads) are removed safely and that she doesn't miss them or swimming. Because that canal in Muenster looks like its really pleasant to swim in :?
  58. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I just finished watching Firefly and Serenity. They were amazing! Absolutely loved them. So much so I ended up watching the whole thing in one go. :D

    My news. I went to the zoo today.

    Going to the zoo zoo zoo, how about you you you, you can come too, too, too. We sang that the whole way in the taxi

    Now I have to go to the dentist. I is not looking forward to it. This apointment may mean the difference between lots of pain and none at all. I hope it's the later.
  59. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Hsing, all of you recover soon from whatever you're taking the antibiotics for, and good luck to your youngun.

    And Katcal, I would only expect someone who lives in the country that elevates Jerry Lewis to the status of godlike supercomic to dislike Farscape. ;-)
  60. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    90% of the French population under age 50 have never heard of Jerry Lewis... And those who have heard of him don't think he's funny. Update your data, brad, it's got grounded in the 1970's :D And please... Muppets in space ? :shock:

    However to respond to spiky's hijack : I have seen the series, several episodes, and really didn't like it. It was dubbed, as was Buffy and Angel, and I only liked the first couple of seasons of Buffy and not much of Angel because the humour that I did enjoy at the beginning just got lost. Maybe this is a wholly translational thing, and yes, dubbing IS evil, but before I had cable TV that was all there was. If the movie had stayed around more than a week, I probably would have gone out of pure curiosity, but it didn't.
    (And to be fair, the release of movies in non-dubbed form over here is often a question of the production companies' policy rather than the cinemas, we can't get a single Disney movie here in non-dubbed, or any Harry Potter movies in english for example...)
    And don't complain about the French dubbing everything, the Spanish even dub music clips ! :shock:
    So for now, let's put it down to differing tastes and each hug a log... And maybe, one day, it'll come on TV and I'll get to give you a proper informed opinion ;) **hugs a chocolate log**
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