Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    I spent today in the boiling heat having a "sports day" #heavy irony# with small children.
    My group just wanted to play sleeping lion all the time.

    Then I brought them in to get a drink, and one of the adult helpers started chucking her weight around, and being really horrible. THEY WERE THIRSTY!! ALL THE OTHER KIDS WENT IN TO GET DRINKS!! But [i:585b302ff9]she[/i:585b302ff9] had to yell at me, for looking after my group. . .

  2. Big Hugs, sweetie. I hate it when people act like thier poop dont smell and assume more authority than they were actually given.. What were you supposed to do, let the kids dehydrate?! From what I gather you all are having a wicked heat wave. Hmmm. Maybe threaten to send the lot of p*ssed off parents to her when their kids come home sick...grr. Kids need drinks and bathroom breaks. Usually one right after the other....

    Question, what is sleeping lion? I get that its a little one's game I was just wondering if I knew it by a different name...Just curious. :)

    Hope your day gets better.
  3. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Well, I finally finished the strict part of my diet. After 5 months of shakes soups and bars (formulated to be nutritionally balanced but very low in calories)and a lot of water, I have lost 5 stone 1 lb.

    The diet's not quite as bad as it sounds as they give you suggestions on how to make things from the packs for more variety, though these were a lot easier to do when we had a demonstration on how to do it - only 3 weeks ago of course!

    Today I start a twelve week program to reintroduce normal food. A piece of grilled chicken for lunch - probably the most anticipated piece of chicken ever :D , and on Saturday the addition of a green leaf salad with herbs and seasoning. The idea being to encourage us to adopt a more healthy way of eating then we had before.

    I am looking forward to lunchtime.
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Diets are evil, any that involve dehydrated food doubly so. I hope you have a doctor following your progress jaccairn, and not one that makes any money from the stuff you have to buy, because 5 months of that kind of diet is an enormous amount of time (and probably money). I'm sorry if this doesn't sound supportive, but having seen a lot of people get really messed up thanks to some of the crazy and/or expensive diets out there, and I have been myself too, so just be careful, ok ? :oops:
  5. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Oh yes. We had to go to our doctor's and get a medical form filled in with blood pressure checks, which then had to be approved by the company's doctors, before we were allowed to join. Followed by blood pressure checks every four weeks whilst we were on the diet. We also had to attend weekly councelling sessions - small groups of same-sex people, the same each week- for the initial 14 week periods, followed by regular meeting with those looking to continue. They won't let you continue unless you keep attending. These look at identifying our attitudes to food, why we eat, when, what triggers overeating.

    It's not the cheapest diet around but I haven't been buying any normal food or snacks and it's surprising how how much this can mount up to normally. It's called LighterLife (LighterLife - Home) if you're curious. It's british based only so comes under the british food regulations which are a bit stricter than some other countries.
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I did specify a doctor who isn't earning money from the stuff you have to buy... and completely replacing ALL food with the substitutes sounds totally over-the-top to me, no matter what the regulations are... :shock: The counselling and behaviour therapy is however a good thing, and I suppose better than nothing, especially in such a drastic situation... Be very careful in the reintroduction phase, totally cutting out any "real" food at all will make this much worse than a normal diet, and that's very risky even at the best of times. Good luck, whatever !
  7. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Can't imagine any reason you'd ever need a diet Kat, that ninja robe covers up pretty much everything and besides, rabbits are supposed to be fluffy!
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Bah, that's me now, should have seen me before the diet ;) :D
  9. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I found out today that my boyfriend Charles, bless his heart, got the results of his IB exams back today.
    He was two points away from passing. :(

    This is a very difficult situation for him. His parents put a lot of emphasis on grades and his future and they are not going to be supportive of this incident. (At least his Dad isn't. His mom is a bit of a wild card right now).

    I've spoken to him on the phone and its sounds like he's doing okay, but I know this is going to make things very difficult for him. And unfortunately there is very little I can do to effectively comfort him. I'm 4 thousand miles away and the most I can do is send him an email or call him.

    I'm so worried about him and I am also afraid that this jeapordizes his chances of him coming to visit me, and I haven't seen him in almost a year!

    I just don't know what to do to help him and he needs all the support he can get. If I could I'd find some way to get over to London, but finances are severely strained at the moment for me...

    I'm just very worried and confused and emotional and I needed to vent.
    Grar. :cry: :evil:
  10. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    It's where they all lie down and pretend to be asleep, and the person who's "on" walks around going "ah-aah-aaaah-boo" or whatever and trying to make them move. If they get seen moving then they're "on".
    Basicly sunbathing, in other words!

    Jaccairn, I hope you do well, and are healthy! :) Good luck. I'd echo Katcal, be careful.

    Hex, I'm sorry for your troubles. Hopefully his parents won't be too hard on him. . . #crosses fingers#
  11. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Hex - It can be quite harrowing getting those results back. I know pleanty of people in the same situation. He's not in too bad of a condition because he has taken the coarse which gives him a bit of a head start than most. IB is one of those courses that helps you no matter what the outcome.

    I wish him all the luck with his family and hopefully he can find away around this.

    yas and Jaccairn, I'll just have to repeate evereyone elses message...careful. Some diets cause more harm than good.

    I have the dentist again today...'tis not good.
  12. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Good luck to Hex and boyfriend... 2 points out just sucks bananas...

    And "bon courage" to fairy, dentists may sometimes hurt, but it's only to help you get better ;) Unfortunately, it's one of the times when gritting your teeth isn't an option :D
  13. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Well I get to go visit the oral surgeon next. Goody.

    And i can't quite grit my teath either now...silly sealance
  14. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Haven't been here in ages .. way too busy :(
    Finally managed to put up photos of my visit to Hampi

    It's an open air museum almost, the kingdom was completely sacked in a war with five kingdoms simultaneously. It is also the birthplace of Hanuman (Om might find this interesting, if she has read the Ramayana story) - the monkey kingdom that Rama and Lakshman discovered on their way to Sri Lanka was near Hampi :).

    Edit: grammar
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow, great photos sam, some of those rocks are amazingly big, they make the house look like a model ! :shock: I have read the Ramayana several times, so it was interesting to see a real place that is part of the story !
  16. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Those are amazing. I've heard of Ramayana...we did something on the story in school. The place its self looks fantastic.

    edit to make it sound better...
    Edit2 to fix the spelling mistake in the edit.
  17. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Mum got the computer infected while trying to find the website of a cooking TV show. I resorted to system restore, after throwing on the computer anything I had by way of antispyware programmes.
  18. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Sorry about the computer problems Avgi. :(

    My mood is much improved after getting the results of my AP psychology exam.
    I'm very pleased because I got a 5, highest grade possible.
    College credit, here I come! And it cheered me up even more because I got to go out for ice cream last night and then I came home and watched 4 straight hours of CSI Vegas.

    ... Yeah, that's about as wild as it gets for me. Woo! :D
  19. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Congrats Hex! And I hope your teeth are feeling not too bad Fairy...

    Had a pretty boring weekend. Me and my boyfriend went to this energy efficient housing project which they've built a few blocks from where we're living and that was really cool. After the freezing cold which is our house, we walked into these specially designed houses and they were so naturally warm and they looked like great places to live... However, the house we really liked would cost us a minimum of $700,000 to build so its not gonna happen any time soon (or ever) but it was still fun to see.

    Anyhoo, I have to move office today so thats gonna be fun. I currently have stuff in both places so nothing can really be achieved until they get it all in the one spot.
  20. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    No harm in dreaming Spiky :)

    Well done Hex!

    My news....I am off to see Cold play this evening. How fun.
  21. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Have fun with Cold, Fairy. Tell them not to play in the street while cars are coming or there could be a good sized accident. Anyway, enjoy the concert.
  22. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Thanks Redneck I did. Check out my blog for a little write-up on it and maybe eventually a couple of photos.
  23. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I got my hair cut and colored yesterday. It's back to being incredibly short, and now has some nice red highlights. :)

    Well, today I'm heading off to Oregon for a nice two-week vacation with my family. I will have internet access at least once a day, so I promise to update my boardfic within the next couple of days.

    I'm glad to be getting away. Sitting around at home for much longer would have made me even crazier than I really am.
    Plus I want to visit my crazy uncle. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees my new earring -- and when he finds out I used the money he gave me for graduation to pay for it! :D
  24. missy

    missy New Member

    I have been shopping for new stuff over the last few days and yesterday i bought a peice of wood, just a normal bogstandard long piece of wood, I'm gonna get Dave to cut a V in the top and make a clothes prop out of it.

    The feeling i got when i picked it up was amazing, I'm building a home! I know its just a crappy piece of wood but it suddenly hit me (no not the wood) the thought that i'm gonna be alright.

    Ok soppy stuff over with, i also managed to give away one of my guinea pigs on sunday! My ex was released from the Mental Health Unit last week, and it was decided that since he couldn't look after himself, i would look after the animals. I still have a guinea pig a bird and a dog (the other love of my life) but now a 6 year old boy is a happy little thing cos he has a buddy! he watches tele with him and everything, bless.
  25. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Good for you missy, it's nice to read some positive stuff from you ! :)
  26. Heck Yeah it is!!! Great to hear you are doing so well, hunny!!

    Glad you got "custody" of the animals. I know your ex treated you very badly, and I can only imagine what he would be like with animals. *shudders*

    No raining on your parade though!!
    Congrats, sweetie, I'm so happy you are doing great! :)
  27. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Anj! get on MSN!
  28. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    well i got some realy bad news today. one of my close american frends lost a fimaly member and since my faimly as a whole are close to her family it did come as a shock.

    well im also in the middle of work experance and im very tired i cant waint untill the week end (sleep)
  29. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Missy, glad you're doing so well now. Good woman yourself :)

    Peapod, I'm sorry, that kind of thing is always hard. Condolences. :(

    Personally, been spending wayyy too much time on Bebo. But hey, whatever.
  30. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I had a Bebo page, well I guess I still do but MySpace has become more addicting and I only check Bebo if I get an e-mail about a comment someone has left.

    Okay I applied to a couple stores on June 22nd and almost three weeks later I get interviews with them. Barnes & Noble was yesterday and Kohl's is Friday. I think the B&N one went well but I hate interviews. :|
  31. Myspace is addicting..ahh..but I love anything that kills an hour or more of work time though. :)
    Good Luck Faerie! I really hate interviewing too. One of the most unnerving experiences. Hopefully you got the job and wont have to do it again for a while. :) Do you know yet when they will call?
    peapod_j , my heartfelt condolences, sweetie. I hope you can get some rest this weekend. 2 more days. If there is anything I can do, dont hesitate to ask.
    As for me, today I blogged, chatted with Mr. Garner on msn for a bit, (see I can follow directions), and might have squeezed some work in there somewhere. Now, about 45 minutes til I can go home. Sigh...
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Faerie good luck. Wendy that is good news and I hope it all goes well. Peapod condolences...Garner all hail!

    I'm coming to terms with rattling around the house by myself at the moment. My partner was sent business class to a tropical island for over a week for work (the bastard). But it means that I have the house to myself and its a very strange experience...Although the positives are I get unlimited couch commando rights, can stay in the shower as long as I like and get to eat whatever dodgy meals I choose (2 minute noodles for choice). Ah the single life :D
  33. Ekke

    Ekke New Member

    My condolences to Peapod and good luck to Faerie.
    As a single person, 2 min noodles lost its appeal a looong time ago, I'm trying to eat "real" food now.
    I just started working again after a 3 week holiday and is still getting used to getting up early again, ecspecially since it's winter here.
  34. redneck

    redneck New Member

    I just quit eating all together since I'm single. The only time I eat at the apartment is when I get up and either make biscuits or eat a bowl of cereal. It still feels wierd eating breakfast at three in the afternoon. Then I eat a small supper at half past six and peanut butter and crackers at nine. The only other break I get at work is at one in the morning and I usually just get something to drink and maybe a sweet something.

    That's my weekly diet. On weekends I may go out and eat once or twice and often that's the only thing I eat, except for a family lunch on Sunday. I think my diet is why I can't gain weight. At a little over six feet I weigh around 145 lbs.
  35. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    They are supposed to call at the end of this week. She said if I got it I would start training the week after but the problem is the week after that my family and hopefully me are going camping up north so we'll see if I can still go.
  36. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Faerie, good luck! #crosses fingers#

    Gee Redneck, I can't guess why you can't gain weight. . . . #thinks very hard#

    I worked at a little kids party today.
    It was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. :)
    Still not the best experience of my life though.

    Going to have my best friend over for a sleepover tomorrow, yay!
    It will be funkaliscious and fantasmical!
  37. redneck, Cereal is good anytime. I usually eat some around 8:30 or so before bed. :) Your eating habits sound a lot like mine, even though I usually have to provide for the hubby and the animals..
    Angua_rox I feel your pain, hun. I once had a job where I was in charge of childrens b-day parties at a theme park. *shudders* If you ever need to vent, come find me. Oh and I swear I'm not forum stalking you. ( a lot of my posts seem to be right after yours, weird..) :) Have fun at your sleep over!

    I am driving 3 hours tomorrow to Par-Tay with my little sis for her 25th b-day. We are doing a luau, with sand on the back porch and an "ocean" on the back lawn. Taqulia shots for all and of course lei's... :) I even have my loud Hawiian shirt!!
  38. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    That's pretty thin, man.
  39. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Suuuuure you aren't, somethingclever. :) I believe you. Uh-huh. :tonqe: :) And thank you for the sympathy :).

    Ooooh, check this out, Bradthewonderllama
    Please Sign In to View this Profile
    Scroll down to the video, and press play.

    I got paid today!!
    Hooooray! I am so happy. 140€!!
    I only expected 100€. :)
  40. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Nate, you need to start eating. Seriously.
  41. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    thanks for all your suport and the sleep i was hoping to cach up on this weekend is a no go as we are looking after a dog for the week and it keeps wking me up at like ten past six in the morning which was very anoing since there is nothing on the TV at that time and i got in late last night since we went to see thenew Pirates of the caraben film.

    im doing my dads filing for him this weekend as well but ive just about ngivin up its useless he takes so long to get things sorted out. my brain herts its not nice.
  42. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    peapod: Did you like the Pirates movie? A couple people I know didn't think it was as good as the first one but I liked it. Now I can't wait for the 3rd one.

    My Kohl's interview was yesterday and it was a group interview with 6 other people which I didn't know it was going to be, and 2 of them were named Amy like me. It didn't go terribly but I think I like the way my Barbes & Noble interveiw went more.
  43. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    i loved the new movie but poor elisabith stuck between two men. i cant wait for the third movie either.

    a groop interview no fair there nasty and even worse people had the same name as you. i know the feling lots of people have my name and when i was at school it was confusing as you always thought people where talking to you when they wernt. arrr
  44. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    I had a fantabulous time today.

    I saw some friends of mine that I hadn't seen in a very VERY VERY long time.
    And they brought some friends of theirs, so I made new friends too. :)

    It was lovely, really perfect.
  45. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    I had my offer accepted for a house today and will be joining the ranks of property owners, as well as being permanently skint due to mortgage etc. But I really liked the house which is only about 10 mins walk from where I'm currently renting, so I get to stay in the village, and it has three bedrooms so I can turn the small one into a library. :D
  46. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    That sounds great! Good for you, Jaccairn. :)
  47. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Thats really cool Jacc. The study slash/library can never be over-rated. I'm only renting but I have a study and I love it, except the fact that its freezing cold in winter and I sit on top of the heater to stop my fingers from freezing solid, its all good :)
  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay for you jaccairn ! we're still only dreaming of buying, and that won't happen 'till hubby gets a permanent job and preferably I get paid a proper salary for my job...

    **dreams of freezing fingers** It's waaaaay too hot here, another sleepless night, and a day of 40°C sweltering heat.
  49. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    How cold can it get in Australia?
  50. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well its the middle of winter and I live near the very small snow fields of Australia, so it can get down to -10C, and today it was sunny but blowing an icy wind and top temp of 11C. Its part of why everyone thinks Canberra sucks.
  51. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    -10C, that's common winter temperatures for Stockholm as well. And I always thought Australia was a great boiling desert! You learn something new every day. :-D
  52. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    You know, KK, Canberra is around 40° South, and in Europe, 40° North is around half way up spain and italy, and greece. Now I'm not far from northern spain, and it goes down to -10 quite easily here in winter, and up to 45-ish in summer, so we're not far from australia's climate...
  53. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Be that as it may, latitude is not the only factor affecting climate.
  54. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I finally have the time to update!

    Spain was fun-ish. Of course it sucks having to go with your family, especially when your dads new girlfriends son is extremly dimwitted and slow. He just couldn't understand anything on any of the first seven explanations :roll:

    that said he was good for a laugh every now and then, we were at a resturant when he turned around and shouted 'EEEEEEEEEEEEW'. I asked him what was wrong and he said there were people having sex on the bench behind us. I turned around and they were kissing :badgrin: :badgrin:. aww well, he is only eight.

    anyway when i got back i was supposed to go to my mums to work for the rest of this week, but now I've had to come back to my dads because my mums in court for custody of my little sister. She's in court today and she's been getting to so worried that she's going to lose my little sister. my mum wants 50:50 share of my little sister but my step-dads trying to stop my mum seeing her at all.

    Anyway, on thursday my little sister and my mum are going to our house in france, I was going to go with my girlfriend but we have to be back on sunday for the playscheme we're helping out at. thing is we couldn't find any cheap flights from Renne to the midlands so thats not going to happen now. I'm going to my girlfriends on thursday instead. I also get to go to cadburys world :D

    well done Jacc, I'm sure your new house will rock!
    and spiky, Australia sounds like hell at the moment, it sounds to me that Australia bears all the extreme weathers. My uncle emigrated out there... for a month :roll:. He said that where he was it was blistering hot all the time.
  55. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Goodluck with everything Dane... From experience divorce and custody battles suck. Would someone just please think of the children!

    Most parts of Australia are fairly temparate. Yes it has a tendency to get hot in summer but you get used to it. Canberra does have the over 40 thing in summer too, its one of the few places in the country that does -10 and 40... its the extremes that are annoying and hard to have a decent wardrobe for :)
  56. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I am in Scotland. I have a sore head and jet lag. It is 7.30am and I have been up since 4. Oh and the news keeps going on about heatwaves...which my mum and I find quite funny. granted it's fairly hot...but the outcry at this is very entertaining.

    As spiky said, good luck dane. Hopefully everything works out for the best.
  57. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Embarrasing moment.

    Part one of setup: I decided that I needed to go running in the morning again. But as it's annoying to run with keys in your pocket I take my housekey off my keychain and hide it near the door.

    Part two of setup: My girlfriend had to go to barcelona over the weekend, workrelated.

    So, saturday morning after running I leave the house and go to the beach with a friend. I get the keychain and the seperate key and I think "I should put that back on my keychain... Especially since my GF has the other key..."

    We go home around 6 and we decide to meet up for dinner. When I get home I take my keychain out of my pocket, and notice the house key is missing....

    Luckily i have it in my pocket. I think "I REALLY should put that back on my keychain..." and leave the keychain and keys on the table.

    I shower (sand everywhere...) and go out for dinner and a drink.

    I get home around 2 AM and discover that I have my keychain, but that I still don't have my key attached. And that the key is probably still on the table...

    I ended up calling the police and having them open the door. Luckily my passport was inside the house... Cost me 60€...

    My friend laughed in my face. :)
  58. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    @Redneck: Buzzfloyd is right.

    @Dane: I can only echo what Spiky said, and hope things turn out well.

    @Jaccairn: Congratulations! We too are, like Kat, far from settling down it seems. It looks a tad more probable that we are going to move end of this year or early next one. Maybe I should add that moving eats a fortune in Germany, and once you've bought a house, you're very likely to spend the rest of your life in it. And paying it for almost as long, too.

    @Tephlon: Outch. Don't they have private key services in Portugal? I always bind the key onto my shoelaces, that way it's not in the way.

    (C.)Hsing, offering useless advice since 1980.

    By the way, after the whole family recovered from a streptococcus infection (and various others, actually) I too started jogging again for the fourth time this year.

    I was almost sure my daughter had the scarlet fever, thanks God it was more of a distant cousin, but I wasn`t that far off. She had a lot of the symptoms, including that odd toungue.
    As we've been passing around bacterial infections for a while and have been caughing and sneezing for months, re-infecting each other all the time, I asked for a germ test for the whole family, and that those infected get antibiotics to stop the carousel. That was the right thing to do, it seems, me and my husband are healthy, and the little one is at least doing somewhat better.

    Still -I might have mentioned that before- my daughter is getting an operation on 29th, her adenoids have to be taken out because they're chronicly big - she had apnea whenever she had a small cold, to the point where I lay next to her at night and heard she was gasping for breath only every ten seconds, and no air passing through her nose inbetween, her chest rising and sinking about three times without any air passing at all, and then - *gasp* - and everything all over again.

    At days, she had circles under her eyes, and started sleeping in the afternoons again. Not only her nose is blocked, her ears are too, she's producing really bad results in her audiometries because of the liquid that collected behind her eardrums.

    I hope everything goes well. The thought of seeing her narcotized, the small thing all passed out, is already turning my stomach - even though I know it's absolutely routine, and she will probably only remember all the ice cream she gets to eat.
  59. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Hsing, That sounds terrible, I hope she gets well soon without any problems.

    The court hearing was yesterday. my mum asked me to text her asking her how it went around 5PM. I text her but she didn't reply, so i text her again this morning but she didn't reply again. I just rang her and she wants to talk to me about it tonight when i go back to hers. The only hint she gave was that i"t isn't good and that it's all kicking off" :? I'm not sure what to make of it, I'm just hopeing for the best at the moment although that doesn't seem likely.

    Last night I couldn't sleep at all, I was completly exhausted but couldn't get to sleep. I was so hot and nothing i did helped, I was drinking lots of water, I went and splashed cold water on my face several time through the early morning but nothing helped. Now I'm not feeling too good, I'm still feeling really hot and my throats hurting :? I've taken some Paracetomol but it isn't doing much.

    tonight I'm going back to my mums, tommorow my mums going to france with my little sister and dropping me off at my girlfriends on the way to the ferryport.
  60. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **imagines Hsing hopping on one foot trying to get the other foot up to the keyhole** Isn't that a little... impractical ? :D

    Hsing, I hope the little one goes through her operation ok, and has a great time with the icecream afterwards ;)

    Dane, divorces suck amazing amounts especially when kids are involved, I hope everything turns out ok in the end for all of you... And I sympathize with the heat and lack of sleep, it was 25° at the very coolest this morning, and there's no air at all... On monday, the temperature in the shade went up to 47° if I believe our car's thermometer (it's usually quite acurate) it's slightly cooler now, but not much...
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