Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    :( **Hugs Marcia because she can't think of anything much to say...** :cry:
    Mal, give her an extra real hug for me, please...
  2. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Sorry to hear that Marcia. Will you be going home?
  3. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    My condolances Marcia, I'm glad you have Mal there to help you through, deaths are never easy.

    I'm not on line much at the moment mostly because of traveling and such. At the moment I am in London, I spent a few days here with my mum looking at all the sights and what not.

    We went to see The Lion King a few days ago. I wouldn't mind seeing it again! It was out of this world.

    I've done all the touristy things and, in the prosses, managed to loose my have no photos.

    I'm now in Heathrow grumbling over a flight delay and the prospect of 12 hours of flying.

    Hopefully I can then catch up with things here...
  4. Hex

    Hex New Member

    *Hugs Marcia a lot* I'm so sorry for your loss. Hang in there, and I too am glad Mal is there to help you out.

    I have returned from London. I had a kickass cool time.

    That is all I have to say.
  5. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    My condolences, Marcia - I know the pain of being in a different country when parents die - I was at least lucky that I had spent two weeks with my parents in Cornwall only 11 days before my mother died, and live close enough that I could easily (and affordably) get back for both funerals. One has to bear up - life goes on - and know that one has friends whose thoughts are with you.
  6. lipi

    lipi New Member

    My condolances, Marcia. *Big hug*
  7. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Thanks everyone. Maljonic and I are not going to the funeral because it's a Jewish ceremony so it has to take place a very short time after the death, so we probably couldn't have made it in time anyway, and my family didn't want to deal with us coming over as they have enough stress dealing with arrangements and finances, etc.
  8. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    My deepest condolences Marcia.
  9. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member


    So sorry to hear about your sad news. :hugs:

    Grief is the price you pay for love.

  10. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    So much has happened since I last logged on to this board. I don't have time to get all caught up because I am at my mom's house and Connor is here, too. He's only 19 months old for a very short time.

    Life in Park Rapids has been very surreal lately. On 6-6-06, Jon's cousin Mark passed away, a couple of days later Jon and his mom found out Mark and Jon's sister had been operating a meth lab in the trailer they were living in. This is my evil (probably) sister in-law and she may end up in prison over this. We have inherited a 15 year old 25# longhaired black cat and may end up with the property and a $75,000 debt to go with it if I don't get my way. I am not at all eager to own a meth lab.

    I am still working and my family keeps on going despite assorted problems. I was hoping I'd get my house cleaned up while my internet was down but that hasn't happened yet so I'm hoping I'll get my computer sorted out soon and back up. I have started knitting again. I am taking that as a positive sign. I am going back to the boards to do a little more catching up. the last three pages of member news is all I've seen so far. I'm sorry for your loss, Marcia. Dane also has my sympathy. The one thing I know for sure is that life is tough for every one. and I'm getting more convinced that what goes arround comes arround. It isn't as much fun seeing people get what they really deserve as you might think, though.
  11. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Now that... :shock: I don't believe it, I'm going to have to steal a line from rinso, and because it's good... :shock: Help ! :( Seriously, that's a beautiful way to sum things up, Rinso, I don't care if you invented it or just pinched it, even thinking to pinch something like that at the right time deserves full marks. :oops:
  12. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba never pays for anything.

  13. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **doesn't hug Ba (Bunnies are flammable too) but is tempted to**
  14. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Marcia, I'm really sorry to hear that. :( ::hugs:: I don't suppose there's much any of us can do to help you get through this time, but Clay and I will be thinking of you.

    Tamyra, it's good to see you back!
  15. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Condolences Marcia. Loosing family is never easy.
  16. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    :( I'm so sorry to hear that, Marcia. I can only echo the crowd here... Especially Rinso...
  17. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    A bit late but condolences Marcia I hope you get your time to grieve and that Mal does all the cooking and cleaning in this time. But I am happy to see that Ba has recognised where he's going wrong.

    My ball was OK. It was just not as good as last year, the venue was big and cold, and the lighting was too dark to eat by but too light to dance by. I didn't fall over but my feet are still sore from the shoes... I hope next year's ball is better.
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh well, if next year's ball is good the one after will be too... Good balls always come in pairs.

    Sorry. It's Monday morning, I'm at work, my sense of humor is on holiday like everyone else in this blasted company, except me ! Bloody summer.
  19. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I have to go to school tomorrow. Need I say more?

    And spiky, balls always have such a big build up but rarely achieve their hype. At least it was OK. (the sore feet are inevitable)
  20. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    The sore feet are partly due to the fact that, feeling a little weary the morning after, I managed to drop an almost full bottle of shampoo on to the bottom knuckle of my big toe. It is now a rather disturbing shade of black and green turning to yellow, and the fold of shoes when I walk presses on it, causing a weird limp.

    And Kat balls might always come in pairs but one always hangs lower than the other.
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh dear... :D Spiky, you worry me sometimes...
  22. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I'm fasting. Day 3. I am in a very waspish mood. Say nothing wrong.
  23. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Why are you fasting, Hsing? Did I miss something?
  24. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Same here...

    I'm slowing, myself, have been for some time...
  25. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

  26. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Ah, not for religios reasons, although it is in a way a more than physical experience.
    I'm meaning to change some things in my life, and I used to fast a week or so back when I was still childless too. Its a very harsh way to prove -more to your head than to your body- that you don't need all those small comforts you give yourself everyday, and I did it whenever I found myself unable to let go of things like... a midnight snack, a beer or wine in the evening, two bars of chocolate everyday... Just to draw a line. Moderating myself has always been harder to me than chastising myself.

    It's hard to stay active, but if you force yourself to still take your dancing lessons, still take your walk, and so on, you're coping quite well. Well, I am.

    I've moderated it with a few cups of a vegetable stock that has slightly more content than strict fasting would allow, because I can't afford to take some time out, or get dizzy behind the wheel. Its not exactly eating though... The first day, my stomache was hanging down to my knees, the second day I was totally oversentimental, but except for a slightly waspish mood, I feel fine today so far.
  27. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    I got my scottish higher results though today in all my subjects i got C's which is so much better than i hoped. now time to find a job :(
  28. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    That sounds extemely dangerous and unhealthy hsing, I hope you are careful and know what your doing. It sounds a bit extreme to me.

    Peapod...I'm glad you got results your happy with. Good luck with the job hunt!
  29. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I've been job hunting for almost 2 months now, applied at 7 different places, had a few interviews but still no job. :(
  30. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    That sucks.
    Don't loose hope. A friend of mine found a job after almost a year long searching, but ho, then it was a really good one.
  31. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Thats very true've probably just not found the 'right' job yet.

    Now I am going to celebrate the Singapore National Day tomorrow for the simple reason that it means I have no orientation school thing tomorrow. That means a day free of being told how much work we shall soon be doing this year and how brilliant and efficient we should be and how much we are role models and how lucky we are to be there. :?

    Supposidly singapore spent 1.5million sing$ on the fireworks for tomorrow evening (divide by 3 for pounds...I refuse to do maths today).

    Me thinks this is slightly over the top...but then Singapore likes to celebrates being fantatic.
  32. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Wow Hsing. Fasting.
    I couldn't manage that.
    Without food/sleep I
    -Become incredibly clumsy.
    -Start bursting into tears.
    -Get terrible headaches.
    -Go white with black bags.
    -Feel like I'm going to faint.
    Eventually, I conjecture that I would faint, but I don't know, never tried. . .
  33. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I don't think a week of fasting is a great idea Hsing. There is a reason they call it the 40 hour famine (which truth be told I never managed to fast for the whole time :roll: ). Even supplemented it is a shock to the system which will throw you out of kilter for ages even after you stop...


    I'm so authoritative that I'm sure Hsing is running to her kitchen now for that steak she desparately needs.

    Congrats Peapod.

    And Kat, your worse than a journalist at skewing words and coming up with a result which bares little relation to the truth ;)
  34. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Ew. Steak. :D

    Have fun with Singapore National Day Fairy.
    Congrats peapod.

    Not much news from me, except I am soon to go shopping for my dorm room, and on Saturday my friend is taking me to the midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It will be fun.
  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Thanks Spiky, I work hard on that skill. :D

    Fasting isn't necessarily that dangerous, as long as it's not for a long time and is done seriously, after all, it has been part of many religions for thousands of years... But still, Hsing, do be careful, honey. A week is still quite a long time, and as you said, you have a little one depending on you being there and able to react at all times, so don't over do it, ok ?

    Hex, the RHPS is so much fun :D I took my husband to the Cinema in Paris that shows it all the time, I had never been to an audience participation showing before, Paris is not really next door and they don't do it round here... When I was a student, I translated, directed and produced a stage version of it in French, it was a great adventure and lasted a few years... Are you going to dress up ? I was so dissapointed no one was dressed up in Paris, except the Cast, of course... The French just aren't insane enough :D
  36. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    The 40 hours famine? Isn't that an event?

    Besides that, did I stumble upon a cultural difference here? Everyone I tell it here says "Wow, that's healthy, good luck", and whatnot, and I know numerous people who did it themselves. There are fasting cure courses for this in every family education centre in this town... And no, those normally aren't people who are obsessed with their diet or whatever.
  37. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I'm not sure how it could ever be *that* healthy, it's not like a detox where you only although good things into your body. All fasting can seem to do is starve your body of neutrients and weaken it. While i admire the strenght of will, pyhsically it's probably not good for you at all. You would be better off only allowing your self very healthy things like brown rice and vegagbles. I'm sure someone with more health know now could explain. But on the other hand it's no going to kill you or anything. And sometimes doing something to sort your head out is worth effecting your body. Also, if you where doing it for religious reasons people probably wouldn't say it's a bad idea (though health wise it's still the same)

    Rincewind sitting on the fence scince 1902.
  38. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Perhaps there's a difference in the concept of fasting? To me, fasting means not eating *at all*.
  39. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member


    English Wikipedia says only this:
    The German wikipedia site has a lot more to say about that kind of fasting, which heightens my suspicion it might be a cultutral difference:
    : [here follows a description of seven popular concepts and a lenghty, and not uncritical article about the basic ideas behind them...]

    With what some people believe fasting does for you, I can't fully identify. You'd believe not feeding your body properly for a while would be a totally rejuvenating power boost that gives you back ten years of your life. I described, maybe not apt but basically, why I'm doing it for me: To get back into my head which things I really need, and which things I don't need. See above. The healthy stuff is planned for afterwards. :)

    I take in only liquids, such as tea, and litres of water, plus some iron because I'm slightly anaemic, and the concept popular in Germany allows vegetable fonds too (which has no calories but taste, and warms you up) but because I can't afford to take the time out you normally need when fasting I add a cup of milk each day, and blend some vegetables into the fonds. Its not strict, but I keep going. I also put away my scale, and don't even know where I started out weight wise, just to make sure it remains a head thing and doesn't become a weight thing.

    I think I've got a fairly good connection to my body, in lack of better words, and i'm neither masochistic nor do I ignore warning signs if there are any. I even feel fine running my 45 minutes, or walking, doing my daily tasks, so i assume I don't exaggerate. :)
  40. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    You sound like you're doing well Hsing, so well done. :)

    I had a VERY wierd dream last night-
    I was at some kind of conference.
    I was in a corridor.
    So was pterry.
    I got his autograph on the pile of like, at least 60 hardback books that were in my hands.
    Then I was turning to go.
    Then I was sitting at a table, at the back of a big hall, in which a blaring rock concert was being held, and like 50cm away from the table people were like jumping up and downa nd screaming, but I was talking to someone about stuff in a very civilised manner.
    Then I was in the mosh pit at the front.
    Then it stopped.

    It was very wierd. . . .
  41. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm back. I finally got my computer fixed, at my phone company this time, not Area 51 Radioshack. It seems just fine.

    I have never fasted more then a day or so when I've had a stomach virus, but nothing I've ever heard makes me think that a week of fasting would be dangerous for a healthy person, but I can't imagine that it would be worth the discomfort for me. I've heard that if you maintain a starvation diet your whole life you will live longer, I'd imagine it would seem even longer then it really was.

    My cousin Amber had a baby boy July 31, I got the very first slide show featuring little TJ's very first bath in my e-mail. He's a keeper.(even if he looked sort of like an alien when he was brand new)

    My great nephew has two kitties now, Sylvester and Tweety, but his folks brought them out to my parents farm. They are staying there because they got themselves into more trouble and are probably going to have to sell their house in town. They are back together, something my father has been praying for, so that is a positive thing.

    Their little girl comes sometimes but she only visits at the farm. My mom is always amazed at how much the siblings love each other and how well they play together, but I think it is only natural.

    Saturday I'm hoping to go out to the Pine Point Pow-wow and see them dance in the Grand Entry.
    My greatnephew loves to dance, he was dancing in my arms when I sang lullabys when he was just a few months old. I would imagine he'd be just tickled to participate in the pow-wow. His Great-great-great grandpa Jordan wouldn't miss the annual pow-wow, and he danced, too, even if he wasn't a native. So both sides of his heritage will be bringing him to the pow-wow grounds.
  42. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    For the information of nearly everyone here:

    The 40 hour famine is a yearly event here where you get sponsored to fast for 40 hours. Its for an organisation called World Vision Australia who do a lot of charity work, building schools, hospitals and providing food and clean drinking water to the very poor around the world. My confession is that I'd get the money for fasting for 40 hours but never actually not make it the full time without cracking and needing to eat.

    Hsing, its definitely not something thats encouraged here, and they say that 40 hours is as long as you should fast for (and that does include having clear liquids) before you start going barmy. Sounds like a definite cultural thing. Even Muslims fasting for ramadan only do it during daylight and then they eat themselves silly when the sun goes down. My Malay friends complained that they put on weight while fasting...
  43. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hah! :D
  44. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Very true, and it's a medical fact that you put on weight while fasting.

    Your body stores energy based on your regular routine. i.e. it uses the energy until your body clock says its time for the next meal and you become weaker.

    When you fast all you energy is used up so that when you start eating it again the energy stored will be released slower than before because it doen't know when to expect the next meal. So once you start a regular diet again the extra energy (which is mostly fat) will remain in case of prolonged starvation again.

    In most cases it will make you loose weight to start with, then on returning to meals cause it to be gained.

    Which is one of many reasons why it's better not to fast. I realise there are many religious reasons and so on but no one ever said religion was good for your health. Spiritually and mentally - yes - but fasting merely knocks your body to wreak havoc.
  45. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    This is also what I have been taught.
  46. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Quite so, fasting is no use whatsoever for weight loss... However, if Hsing finds it to be a satisfactory way of concentrating on things, and as long as she's indeed careful and doesn't over do it, then it should be fine. If she does over do it, I shall personally drive all the way to germany and kick her very hard in the Netherlands.
  47. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    So you'd kidnapp me and transport me over the border and just then start kicking me? Why? Is it more legal over there? :p
  48. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    It would be more scenic among the tulips.
  49. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    This made me laugh. I'm not sure it was Ba's attempt, but it did.

  50. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    The Netherregions if you prefer... :D Down under ? Buttswana ? Bottom City ? No ?

    Seriously Hsing, if you're starting to laugh at my jokes, and even understanding them, go straight to a hospital.
  51. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Good luck Hsing.

    And congrats to the family Tamyra (-:
  52. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Congrats, Tamyra.

    Hsing, good luck and be careful.

    On the good news side, my cat back in the US (in custody of my ex) has stopped being diabetic after having diabetes for over 10 years (approximately, I think).
  53. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Wow. Seriously, you must have done a lot right when caring for that animal!
  54. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Can the scientists cut him up to look for the cure to diabetes? Or do we just call it a miracle and let the cat live?

    Ah the ethical dilemmas of scientific research...
  55. McLaren

    McLaren New Member

    Hmm, well, my news...

    I suddenly (unintentionally yet still quite rudely) vanished for a while without contacting anyone (erm...sorry about that...) due to generally spending less time online as I've been working full time, revising for exams, failing exams, revising for re-sits, planning a holiday and drinking (that probably helped with the failing of the exams).

    I'm going on holiday to america next week assuming everything calms down a bit. Kinda worried about it at the moment so if you could all think good thoughts that don't involve things exploding that would be great.

    Hope you are all well, apologies again for buggering off.

    EDIT: changed "could" to "good"
  56. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I forgive you. Just.
  57. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Let the cat live AND ask him politely to donate his body to science after he's done with it?

    Keeping fingers crossed for McLaren's trip. To everyone else, sorry for a flood of postings, but I've missed this place after a several month-long withdrawal. For one thing, we had a serious "do not use internet for not-work related reasons, no really, we mean it this time!" talk at work!
  58. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I am glad to see McLaren and Mowgli back! hope you stay around. And McLaren, good luck with just about everything...
  59. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome back old people :D
  60. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Good to see you back, Dale and Mowgli!

    Marcia, that's great news about your cat. :)
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