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Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    On behalf of Garner:
  2. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I have spent all day deciding that 5 minutes from that moment I would sit down and finish my holiday homework.

    Now I know I'm back at school :)

    First day is tomorrow...yikes.
  3. lipi

    lipi New Member

    Good luck with your trip, McLaren, and with your holiday homework, Firy.

    Today i went rafting. It was a reward I got on an internet site. Due to it raining like crazy for the last 2 weeks, only 3 of 20 lucky winners showed up. All women, of course ;) So we took small rafts, two people on each (including the guide). It was lots of fun, but the water was much too calm for my taste, the ride was only marginally bumpy. It was very cold, though, and my neoprene suit had lots of holes to let the water in, and not enough of them to let the water out. Still, it was nice and I'm glad I decided to go in spite of the weather.
    Next time I'm going on some serious rapids, though... and when the summer is more like summmer and not fall.
    I also managed to break my glasses while trying to wriggle my way out of the suit, but as long as I don't hit them or try to take them off quickly they should stay in one piece, luckily as i'm almost broke and can't afford to buy new ones.

    Well, back to work tomorrow after 2,5 weeks off. God help me getting up on time :)
  4. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    That sounds like fun lipi, besides being cold, wet and under-bumped, i mean. On the up side it was FREE meaning that you can't complain and you can't feel ripped off. Its the rules of free stuff.

    Work is getting me very down at the moment, my research is going no where and my teaching is ultra stressful. I feel I need a holiday but theres none on the horizon. Me and Bob both :(
  5. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Lipi- sounds really cool, even if it wasn't that good. Free stuff is always good!

    Spiky-I'm sorry for your troubles hon! Hopefully you'll get somewhere soon. #crosses fingers#

    I am flying home today, I can't find my flight on the web though. . . :( so am slightly worried.
  6. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Erm...have a nice possible flight Angua. I suppose it wont leave without you at any rate.

    Spiky, perk up. Do the chicken dance... that sometimes works.

    lipi - sounds like great fun!

    I have completed my first day of IB. This could be an interesting and busy few years. I appologise in advance for dissapearing very now and again.
  7. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Today was a holiday so I was in the country from Friday to, well, about now. Recharged my batteries, shame about the measly dialup ;)
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    This weekend we took Hubby's parents to a Bird of Prey sanctuary/park, it was quite amazing, they fly all the birds freely at least once a day, and seeing vultures and condors (3.2m wingspan) swooping past you is absolutely breathtaking. They had a bald eagle, amongst many others, and I must say I can understand why it's used as a symbol, it's the most amazing animal, I have quite a few great pics, I must put them online somewhere. They also had free-flying parrots, they are beautiful birds, the colours are just amazing, and the way the ones that are sold in pet shops are treated is just sickening. (these were all raised in the park or rescued from reckless owners)
  9. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Hoot! :)
    <---impressed that the eagles didn't try to eat the parrots.

    Go, Lipi! I'm almost done setting up a 3D model of a river rapid at work (For our cartoon characters to ride down). This bump's for you!

    Spiky - ::hug:: - can you take a day off and make it a mini-vacation? I'm sure it's a holiday SOMEWHERE!
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I was rather scared of that too, but they weren't let out at the same time ;) I was so miffed, they let people have parrots perch on their arms/heads/shoulders, but because there were so many people there, they only let the kids do it this time, I soooo wanted a pic of me with a parrot on my shoulder to illustrate the pirate game :D Oh well, some other day...
  11. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Well, it seems as if everyone is livin' and lovin' and doing just fine. Glad to hear it. Nice to see McLaren & Mowgli back. I'm really crap about reading this thread. I have no idea why.

    I don't have much to report, except I'm terribly excited about Barnaby coming to see me on Friday. So, I probably won't be online all weekend as he flys out Sunday. ;)
  12. Hex

    Hex New Member

    :) Om. Have fun.

    I'm moving into the Residence Hall at University tomorrow!

    I'm excited and terrified at the same time!

  13. Candeleena

    Candeleena New Member

    I'm going on holiday tomorrow! I'm taking my kids to a grand-scale, 10- day LARP event, it will consist of a number of afternoon LARPS every day and will culminate in a massive 3 day live action game, set in a special world inveneted several years ago by a group of friends, and re-visited by (roughly) the same 200 people every year, to continue the story. It's going to be fun!
    But of course will keep me away from this forum. Enjoy yourselves and see you in about two weeks.
  14. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I missed seeing my nephew dancing at the Pow Wow. I had to work that day so I missed the first Grand Entry and when I went to the evening session it started raining and my sister came and told me the family was going to stay home, so I followed her to the farm and had a fun time there even though my sister-in-law left her pug and the 7 puppies with the puppydaddy's family.

    Even worse her daughter has left rehab, and home, at the age of 14, so she will be turning 15 in 6 days, I don't care. She needs to straighten up and pull her head out of what ever hole she's been sticking it. It just kills me to think of what a waste she may be making of her life. She is beautiful, athletically gifted, and smart. She claims she hasn't been a child for 5 years but I don't know what she meant by that. She has been acting about 3 years younger then she actually is most of the time I see her. I have so many questions to ask her and now I don't know if I'll ever see her again, she's in such a dangerous place in her life. Kids who do what she is doing often end up dead. There is no child who is more cherished then this one but somehow she doesn't know or care about that.
  15. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    My computer broke down (again). Fortunatly it is under waranty and long story short, it works again.

    In other new, I have officially decided that the english measurement system sucks ass. Moreover, I invite anyone who disagrees with me to spend seven hours strait doing dimensional alalysis with the english system. (Although, to befair, it is kind of my fault for putting off all of my summer work till one week before the start of school.)
  16. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    You mean feet, stone, ounces etc? Cause that's what we use in everyday life...

    Personally I find the metric system a lot simpler when doing any mathematical stuff, as it uses the standard decimal system like everyone does for counting.
  17. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm on holiday in a few hours... it feels like this afternoon is going to last for ever... I'm so pissed off about not making it to England this summer, it was going to be so great, and all that... and now it's just going to be 3 weeks of moping around, watching TV and maybe visiting a few local things because petrol is so bloody expensive and Hubby still doesn't have a full-time job, and we're bloody skint. Dammit. World Domination is just soooo underpayed these days.
  18. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Tamyra,Ihope that everything goes well. Quoth, is multiplying by 1 over and over agin REALLY that hard;-) ?

    In my news, it should be safe to say that I'll be in Ireland next week. Going to Galway city, and we should be flying out in the 23rd.
  19. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Thanks Brad, I hope your trip is wonderful. Katcal, it is sometimes really fun to play tourist in your hometown. I bet there is a ton of things you never get around to doing because they are there all the time.

    Jon is hoping to get the brakes on his step deck trailer done in time to get going again on Monday. Tuesday I am taking a vacation day and I will be celebrating our wedding anniversary alone again :cry: , unless he has more trouble. At least I've had him home for the last couple of weeks. :)

    Thursday I am hitching a ride with my mom down to my sister's house, Friday we are all going to Fort Snelling National cemetary for Cousin Howard's burial service. He passed away in July, but I guess it takes awhile to get from Hawaii to Minnesota. I have never been to the cemetary at Fort Snelling, so I hope to visit Uncle Harold and Aunt Mabel, they are Howard' parents. Uncle Harold was a WWI vet and Howard was a WWII vet.

    I have't found out any more about my niece. I just pray she comes to her senses before she gets hurt beyond repair. I remember being her age and wishing to just get away from my family, thinking I could handle anything the world dished out. I'm glad I didn't get away and I know now that there are plenty of things I just don't want to have to handle.
  20. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Good luck with everything Tamyra, Brad - I hope you have a good trip and Katcal - a good local trip :)

    I have finished my first week of school which was interesting, fun and ghastly all at once. Let's just say I am glad it is over.

    Now it's time to make a start on all the lovely homework - novels, worksheets, textbooks, maths plus sort out all my afterschool stuff - social service, sports, activities.

    Today - I shan't be doing any of it though. Sleep sounds more appropriate.
  21. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Yes, thats the one. And The reason I made that comment is because I had just spent the previous 7 hours doing mathmatical stuff with it, which gets very anoying very fast, especially when you know there is an easier way.
  22. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Is dimensional analysis the thing where you multiply an equation by a fraction where the denominator equals the numerator but they're in different units, so at the end all the unit names you don't want cancel out and you get your answer in the units you need?

    If so, I didn't know it had a name.

    Tamyra, I hope everything goes well with your daughter.
  23. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Yep, thats it.

    Anyway, I am going back to school tomarow. I am taking 3 AP and one Honors class, so my workload should be considerable. I might not be able to post as often as I have over the summer.
  24. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Gosh, I haven't been in here in ages! Well, a lot is the same for me since I was last here, but a lot has changed too. Or at least, in the process of changing. Several weeks ago, the brother which I bought my house with announced that he wished to sell up and leave after only two and a half years. A bit suspect, especially as the reason he gave was that 'This town is slowly sucking the soul out of me'. Then, on Friday evening, I found out that he is actually in so much debt that the only way he can get out of it is to cash in his half of the house. I mean really! how can someone who doesn't gamble, has not gone on holiday for nearly two years and doesn't really do anything rack up a debt of 27 THOUSAND Euros in two and a half years? I am now sitting impatiently by my mobile phone waiting to hear from the bank to see if they will let me take on the house on my own. If not, I'm homeless...or at least, squashed with all my worldly belongings into a small box bedroom in my parents house for the rest of my life, because there is no way I could ever afford a new house now. Not with the way the prices are still rising.

    The good news is, though, that after three years of badgering, (atomic or otherwise) bullying, blackmail and as of last week, shouting, we have finally managed to get my father to go to physical therapy. After a day-trip to the beach where he had to sit down every ten or twenty feet, mom sat him down and pointed out to him that if he didn't go and see a professional, he would be in a wheelchair in less than six months. Then I shouted at him. It was nice. It's not often you get to shout at the man who is probably the only person in the world who has the ability to make me cry with just a look :)

    This is getting to be a long post, and I'm not even trying to recap on the last year. Or the horror that is work...I guess I'm just in a semi-angry ramble so I will stop now. :)
  25. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Want me to come over and shout too, Mazekin? ;)

    Tamyra, I hope everything goes well with your niece. I am very worried about what this "I am not a kid for five years now" may mean. Let's hope she sees the error of her ways soon before anything irrepairable happens.

    My news is that today our internet connection expires and renewing our subscription costs almost twice as much as getting a breand new one. So, until we get a new ISP at home my presence here will be even more sporadical.
  26. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    @Saccharissa: :(

    @Mazekin: Its hard to help the unwilling, and doubly so if they're you're parents. Good job. I hope all goes well. And nice to see you back, of course.
  27. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Yes...any help counts! But only if you would also shout at my brother and my temporary boss...pleeeease! :D
  28. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Avgi can shout at entire planets at a time.
  29. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    That's talent!
  30. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Ok, I don't know how this happened, but my post reposted. I think I'm just going to leave it at that for today before my head explodes.
  31. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Good to see you back Mazekin

    and I think I will ignore all those posts about maths...I have been staring at this thoroughly complicated calculator all afternoon and am still stumped. Why do I need a super fancy graphic calculator for the easiest math coarse available...?

    Ah well. My head too is about to explode. I can't wait for the weekend.

    The calculator is harder than the maths.
  32. plaid

    plaid New Member

    this weekend my sister is getting married.

    tomorrow i get to fly home.

    i love airports. :)
  33. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Congratulations to your sister Plaid. Weddings are lovely!
    And good luck with the calculator fairy. Those things are the devil, and the main reason why I'm not really taking math until next year!

    So I survived my first day of classes. I think overall it went really well, but I have so much reading to do it's ridiculous.

    Serves me right for choosing to major in English.
    I figure I'll be find so long as I keep on top of the reading. So now I'm going to read sixteen pages for history.
    Fun stuff.
  34. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    I'm going back to school in a week.
    Not looking forwards to it.
    I have my Junior Cert* this year.
    The first week will be just teachers telling us that we have to really work hard.

    *State Examination for 15yr olds in Ireland.
  35. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    So I have survived TWO days of classes. It turns out that in AP classes, the teachers mostly skip the opening lecture on hard work, diligence, and being able to succeed at any thing you put your hands at, and get started teaching the class right away. I had to write a 500 word essay on my first day of school. Hows that for getting to the point.

    My main greivence against calulators is that they are constantly breaking on me.
  36. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I can make a graph. I am so proud of myself. I can't do the homework but I can make a graph.

    It took me a good 5 minutes to find the pi button but I can make a graph!

    Now I have heaps of homework to procrastinate over.
  37. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I'm quite good with my calculator... well i know where pi is anyway, and i can even do trigonomtery on it! wooo!

    I'm not going to college yet, I'm not even sure when I am going to college, i think its the monday after next. Tommorow I'm getting my GCSE results though which should be fun. But I have just realised that i have taken maths... damnit.

    other than that I went to gig in manchester last night and somehow managed to snog a girl just after the gig :S and i think my friends going to tell my girlfriend which would be really awkward. Im feeling really guilty about it and want to tell her myself which shouldn't be too hard being that I'm going to see her again on friday. Cheating sucks, I feel sick with guilt now :(:(:(
  38. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Wow Dane, it never ends with you, you mack-daddy, you. Yeah, cheating sucks. Don't do it. The guilt is not worth it, as I'm sure you know.
  39. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Yeah :( She's going to be so upset when i tell her :( better me being there to tell her than her finding out from my friend though. I know its damn lame to blame the alchohol but... damn alchohol!

    Other than that I get off work in a couple of hours and then I'm going to sleep at a friends house Where i go to school. Tommorow promises results and more alchohol... one would have thought I'd have learnt...
  40. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Dane - I hope you get it sorted out.. Just explain what happened before anyone else does - she won't like it but the sooner you tell her the better it will be.

    I'm heading to see Snowpatrol tonight in Belfast and then I'm going down to Dublin on the train to see Radiohead and Beck tomorrow.

    I'm really looking forward to it but think I will need a lot of zzz over the weekend.
  41. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Dane, you deserve a righteous spanking. And no more alcohol for life. And possibly even no pie ever ever again. However, as you are going to grovel, and say you're sorry, and admit everything, I think you may still make it as a decent human being. But still, stay off the alcohol, man, it really isn't worth it.
  42. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    dane: you are banned from drinking. your girlfriend has a right to break up with you if she wants to, but hopefully she won't take it to that extreme.
  43. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I'm going to her house tommorow, I'll tell her then, I hope she doesn't break up with me... but I really thgink she will, her last two boy friends cheated on her too which made her feel really bad. Now i have too... God i wish I'd never gone to that gig.

    whats even worse is that I'm going to the same college (to the girl that i kissed), even worse than that, I'm going to see her and her friends later. I have to give my results into the college and i'm meeting them there :( I'm going to avoid her as much as possible, she knows I have a girlfriend and she knows that i feel really bad about it... Hopefully she wont get offended too :(

    now I'm beggining to believe in karma, I just got my GCSE results back and there were nothing like what i expected. I was predicted 3A*s an A, two Bs and two Cs (that the passes anyway). I got two As, three Bs and a C. Its not bad i suppose but nothing like what i expected and what i should have worked to get... I wonder what else can go wrong now :(
  44. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I have a Texas Instruments calculator and they are very tough, it was dropped out of my locker at least once a day and it still works. Texas Intruments should make cell phones.
  45. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm in the middle of making a Banoffee pie, waiting for the toffee to cool... yum ! It's for a friend's birthday tomorrow. If it looks good, I might just torture you all with a picture or two :D

    Also, I'm watching Thundercats on TV and I feel like... ancient.

    Edit : It certainly won't look ood... Odd or Good, but not ood.
  46. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

  47. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Nope definitely not. It lacks tentacles and is a little too bananary.
  48. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I heard of banoffee pie, on the nice cup of tea and a sit down website. I would very much like to try this. I like bananas and toffee. Putting them together with pastry is genius.
  49. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Technically speaking, this is a Banoffee Cheesecake... it's not a "true pie"... but still, it's good ;)
  50. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Cheesecake is advanced pie.
  51. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Yes. And Ba never answered my pizza question in the other thread. Is pizza true pie? Or a sub-catagory or pie?
  52. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Pizza is, for all ecclesiastic purposes, pie.
  53. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

  54. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    From a culinary standpoint, some forms of pizza are savory pies, and some of them aren't. But they're good enough to all be taken into the embrace of piehood.
  55. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Can't bloody sleep. I must be hallucinating due to fatigue... pizza... pie... **shakes head sadly and wanders* off to the fridge to contemplate the banoffee holiness.**

    *with an a, spiky.
  56. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm at my sisters about to get my buttkicked if I don't get to the Super Scrabble game, but I found out today my niece" ran out of baloney" and came back home. I sure hope she is going to be okay.
  57. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    A few years ago I had a TI that broke a week after I got it.
  58. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I got rid of my tiles first but I'd been playing a tile short the whole game and ended up in third place, the story of my life :oops: .
  59. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Mines is a TI and it survived my brothers possesion - which says a lot about how much it can put up with. (ie loads)

    I also got my GCSE results - note to self. Studying is a good idea. doh. They're not bad but they could be better.
  60. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    The burial service was nice, two bugler's for the playing of Taps, gave it even more emotional power. The twenty-one gun salute made me jump the first volley, but the last two seemed softer. The flag was folded and presented to the widow with the thanks of a grateful nation and a few words and prayers later it was all over.

    my mom and sister and I had visited Uncle Harold and Aunt Mabel's graves earlier so we followed a friend to this beautiful country club where my cousin had had a lifetime membership, while the immediate family went to those graves. We had a lovely lunch with pie or advanced pie for dessert in the St. Andrew's room overlooking part of the golf course.

    He had even served as a club president there. Golfing was one of his passions in life and his friend told us how he had worked so hard to pass the passsion along.

    It was good to meet his two sons who have been in Hawaii for the past 25 years or so, I'm not sure if I had ever met them before. They knew my brother from when he was stationed over there. but they hardly ever came to Park Rapids. The brother I have met wasn't at the service.

    I guess his family failed him and he has failed his family. I hope he finds his way back before his mother passes away. She doesn't look much different from my earliest memories of her but she has emphyzema and is fighting cancer a second time and she is in her 80's, he'd better hurry.

    edit to clarify a sentence
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