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Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Happiness is a chocolate cookie. Bliss is two of em!
  2. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    Well exactly! :D I am the gatekeeper of Paradise. :lol:
  3. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    St Peter! I didn't recognise you at first! ;)
  4. Mooseman

    Mooseman New Member

    1 Cookie = Happiness
    2 Cookies = Bliss
    3 Cookies = Heaven
    4 Cookies = Liposuction! :lol:
  5. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    Yeah, well, actually, St Peter's on holiday right now so I'm just here for the summer. :lol:

    And in case anyone was wondering, dogs do get in. :D

    p.s. lol Moosey!! :lol:
  6. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Cheers Ivan 8)

    I agree about Anderlect but Betis at home can be difficult. :)
  7. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    My little brother just made up a joke...

    What do you call a boring plaster?

    A Bland-Aid!!

    Ba-dum-ch! :lol:
  8. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    How old is your little bro?

    The younger he is, the more that joke rocks. :)
  9. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    He's 12. Little mite. :D
  10. Dane

    Dane New Member

    (OK first part of this post will make most sense to the English residents of the board, but I have no doubt a lot of you will know what I'm talking about anyway)

    Right, no doubt you've all been hearing about the GCSE results and how there getting easier etc etc.

    anyway I have also got some of my GCSE's. I did some tests last year that went twords my GCSE's.

    So I got an A* in science (100% may I add! Oooh yes I am amazing at science), I got a C in maths...I'm gonna resit that test Im just not happy with that.

    However I also got a D in my ICT test! that is shit. I am really dissapointed by that. Well I would have left it at that had it now been that no one in my year got better than a D either!

    Now I am good at ICT but we have some real geniouses in our school. The source of our bad results was our teacher. A sexist bitch that just sits on here ass all day chatting shit to the girls while shouting at the boys for nothing in particular at odd intervals.

    So a lot of peoples parents have been comeing in to complain about her which they have every right to do. I however have taken matters into my own hands, I am starting a petition about her.

    It's going to be used to prove that she is an inadaquet techer at best. we are going to list all the incedents that she has victimised us and failed to help anyone in the class.

    she will be sacked and she has had this comeing to her for a VERY long time.

    Just thought I'd share
  11. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I hope you get a decent result, Dane. I don't wish to nitpick, but I don't want you to make yourself look silly - you want to make a petition, not a partition.
  12. Dane

    Dane New Member

    whoopse, I'll edit it now. I think that I did quite a good job of grammer and punctuation in that to say that I did it without the use of word.
  13. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    well done in science Dane thats a great grade!

    ICT teachers have a nack of being the worst....mine isn't bad enough to pertition against but I hope you get your desired result it's a pain when a teacher can't teach.

    I other news: I am off to india in about a week to have a poke around and find out some stuff on the schools and things. Should be interesting
  14. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Well, I went to the Zoo yesterday. Bloody Wicked. I Love the zoo.

    Today, I'm going down to brighton beach to see an open/outside screening of Jaws!

    I haven't seen it for years, should be good fun.

    Also, taking photographs turns out to be very costyly! £30 on films and development, I'm only learning how work the camera so they probably don't come out either!

    Bob face for me.
  15. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I have been forced to tidy my room just to submit it to a stranger! one of my dads friends is staying for the weekend. Of course being anything to do with my dad I wasn't told until this morning, he's a bastard like that.

    SO i was told to tidy my room an hour before the mystery guest came! 1 measly hour to tidy MY room! A typical teenagers room! cloths strewn all over the floor etc etc.

    I'm now being forced out the door. bye
  16. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    You should charge him rent Dane :) .. and Fairy, when are you visiting India?
  17. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    Something similar happened to me. I daughter of my father's colleague is coming to stay - and I have to put her up! In my room! With me still in it! That means rearranging the furniture!!!! :shock:
  18. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Grace, hope you're feeling better.

    Dane, good luck with the teacher.

    Um... everyone else, hope your day/week/year is going as planned and my condolences if it isn't.

    Just finished my first football practice. I'm coaching 10-12 year olds again. Should have a decent team. I've got a really good girl that I don't know what to do with.

    She can play striker, midfield, defense and probably keeper as well. I have no idea of where to place her. We've got four more practices before the season begins, so hopefully I'll have placed her by that time.
  19. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    sampanna: i leave on Sunday 4th
  20. Dane

    Dane New Member

    OK I'm back and have voewd never to go where my dad tells me at the weekend ever agian.

    as always it sucked amazingly. it was a crappy little BBQ with strangers (includeing the room hijacker, it's a she! and a rather annoying she at that. she kept saying i looked like liam gallager (spelling? the one out of oasis), she kept makeing jokes about it saying that I was going to listen to oasis when i was going. I swear of she was a man I'd have punched her in the face several times.)

    So I was sat doing nothing for about seven hours. As a consiquence i didn't manage to get my story posted! so I'M haveing to write two at the moment. it's currnetly 12:00 where i am so this sucks even more.

    In summery I hate my dad, I will have him assassinated when I'm older
  21. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Wow. I feel for you Dane.

    my parents dragged me along to the school 'spiritfest', a name that instilled a sense of dread in me. I'm really not into the 'happy happy pep squad' thing.

    And it was just as I suspected. Three cheerleading squads, dance team, step team, showchoir... oy...

    My head was aching from all the happiness! And the cheerleaders skirts were SO short and tight! :shock:

    Give me geeks any day. I can't take school spirit, really I can't!!
  22. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I have not gotten over the trauma of the pep-fests we had to endure in highschool, they were always scheduled during choir practice and I always wished we could just do that instead, it wasn't like the jocks ever put on any rallys in support of the choir or band contests.

    You have my sympathy, at least you only have this year and you will be able to have more choice in the matter of school spirit.
  23. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::deep sigh of a former choir geek::
    Amen. Ay-MEN!!!!
  24. redneck

    redneck New Member

    I don't see what the problem is. I always thought that football, basketball, baseball, tennis, golf, badminton, or any other sport were individually more academically inducing than an actual academic course.

    Am I wrong in thinking so? What do you do if you're lacking funds for your favorite sports facility at school, cut the budget of some useless academic area. I mean, who uses that shit anyway. It's not like these sports stars are ever going to have to work in their life. Noone ever gets an injury that puts them out of sports forever. Doesn't every kid that plays sport in school go on to become a mutli million dollar professional?

    If they're going to do that, why do they need an education. The only one that might need some is golfers in order to count their handicap. Surely a baseball player can use his fingers in order to make sure there are no more than nine members of his team on the field at a time. What use do they have of geography? Why would they learn anything about the purpose and uses of art, music, or literature? What does history have to do with them?

    The most prominent course for getting funding cuts is music, followed closely by the debating team. Plato said that education was made up of three areas, philosophy (academics), physiology (sports), and aesthetics (the arts). According to him, no education was complete without a combination of all three.
  25. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Redneck: :D
  26. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Well I do enjoy sports a lot. I'm alright at football (thats soccer to the Americans) but almost everyone is better. The only leverage I have is that I'm bigger and a lot stronger than most people.

    Anyway being big and strong I' m a rugby player. I' m really good at rugby and would do it a lot more if I had the chance. I' m good at the other sports aswell.

    However I still love doing the other subjects. Infact the only one I don't enjoy is French.

    I love science, I find it fasinating.

    I like maths because I hope to have a carear in accountancy and I' m good at maths anyway (forgetting my latest test that is).

    I like RE because thats just argueing about things.I like argueing.

    I like English because I like to expand my vocabulary and understand how to say things to greater effect.

    I like business studies because I like to get an insite into the world of industry.

    I like ICT because I like playing around with computers (although I hate my teachers and she hates me)

    And I like systems and controle because thats playing with circuets and stuff like that.

    When we have low funds in the sport department our school useually organises a sports event like a sponserd run or a pupils Vs teachers football game. these activities useually bring in plenty of money.

    If we could do things like that for teh other subject areas then our school would be fine in the financial area.
  27. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    There was a rape/double murder in the building next to my parents' a couple of weeks ago. There was a woman who lived with her very young daughter and even younger son. While the mother was out with the son, a man broke into the house and raped the daughter. She returned to the apartment with the son while her daughter was being raped. The rapist heard the mother scream, got up and stabbed the mother and son to death. The girl was able to get away, and, after she had already been stabbed herself, ran out of the apartment screaming for help. The police came to the apartment, where they found the rapist/murderer asleep amidst the two dead bodies. He has, of course, been arrested. The little girl is in the hospital. I don't know if she has other family or what will happen to her. My parents' neighbours are taking up a collection for her.
  28. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I hope they catch the bastard who dunnit. :x
  29. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I hope they prepare the lethal injection for the bastard that dunnit.
  30. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    How awful. The man's a psycho. At least he didn't get away. I hope he goes to prison and rots in there.

    That poor girl.
  31. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Shocking :( . And evil.

    The fact that the guy stayed to fall asleep between the two dead bodies(!!) makes him sound like someone either insane or drugged out of his mind.

    If that was the case, would you still advocate death penalty for him?
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Yep...although I don't actually condone the death penalty. If you are going to have it just being drugged is no excuse for maurder, it is an illegal act in itself and no defence for another illegal act...

    Being insane on the other hand is a different kettle of fish, because you aren't punishing evil you are punishing illness. Although with the mental health systems in most countries being a shambles Prison might be the best option, apparently prisoners get the best mental health care of anyone.

    My news: only 3 more teaching days and I have 2 weeks holiday :D
  33. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I didn't mean he fell asleep physically between the two bodies. He was just asleep in the apartment with them. You'd think he would have tried to run away, or hide the bodies or something. (Maljonic thinks he was on drugs and then collapsed.)

    My mother said that there was a rumour that he was the boyfriend of the woman he killed, but just a rumour. These things usually do happen between people who are close, though. My sister had a coworker who stabbed his ex-wife 40 times till she died. When I was on grand jury, we had a witness who was an 8-year-old boy who watched his aunt stab his mother to death.

    How awful for the little girl.
  34. Dane

    Dane New Member

    That is sick.

    I really don't know how anyone can bring themselves to even think of such attrocities let alone carry them out!

    I sympathis for the girl and her family. I think that torture for the rest of his shamefull life would be the only thing worthy of him. I really do hope theres a special place in hell for that batsard.

    You always hear things liek this and are disgusted by the scum, but when it affects you it's completely different.

    In the easter holidays one of my friends was going home, she rung a taxi. the taxi driver drove her down to a local park and with a couple of friends raped her. I thik that is just sick. they just left her there at 1:30 in the morning raped, naked and alone.
  35. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Gah! Was the driver caught afterwards?
  36. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I don't know, I decided against pushing the matter
  37. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Thats sick Marcia. I hope he gets exactly what he deserves.

    I'm pissed off, it's bank holiday monday, sunny and I have to go into work in an hour. Please remember me when your all tucking into your bbq burger or hotdog with lots of sauce on. DAMN YOU ALL! :)
  38. Hex

    Hex New Member

    *eats yoghurt and remembers poor sarge*

    I raise my spoon to you sir.
  39. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I had the BBQ yesterday.

    that reminds me. I haven't got much to do, I'll start reading hex's stroy now. I can't belive I put it off for so long.

    Anyway I'll just go over there a read for a wile.
  40. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Got back from the oregon shakespere festival yesterday. We didn't actualy see any plays by shakespere, but we did see these:
    the tragic history of doctor faustus
    Nipoli marionari(might have spelled it wrong.)
    They were all superb.
  41. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    What a terrible story, Marcia, and your friend's, Hex. :(

    It is important, though, that we remember the perpetrators of these acts are humans, whatever they have done; and that there were reasons for what they did beyond the simple 'they're just naturally evil'. If we allow ourselves to dehumanise and demonise people who do bad things, then we lose sight of the way to prevent others reaching the same point.

    Garner and I spent all of yesterday helping some friends move house. So I didn't get any online time, which sucks.
  42. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I am again just about to go into work which again pisses me off. Again it is sunny outside and again my friend has texted me to see if I want to go the pub for a pint later. Again i'm going to shoot him and again you should all feel sorry for me, not him. Again. :(
  43. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I feel sorry for you Kenny. I had to get up at 6:30 this morning so that I had time to get to school and do all the stuff i need to before going to school.

    This isn't so bad useually as I do it every weekday. last night/this morning however I was reading digital fortress untill 3:40! I did the same th night before.

    I have now finished digital fortress. Yey. Now I need to get Deception Point back of my friend. I lent it to her about three weeks ago and she's only just started it :shock: OOh well she'll get through it. I'll just re-read a Discworld book in the mean time :D
  44. Dane

    Dane New Member

    OK really really really shit day. :x :x :x

    OK It started in the morning when I was taken out of lessons by my head of year about my missing the last lesson of the day before. I got a detention for that which is shit. My brother misses loads of lessons all the fucking time, he doesn't get shit for it.

    Then I was forced to redo a load of coursework because my shitty fucking teacher lost mine! I then found out about one of the little bastards that smashed my windows the other month. I went to twat the little shit when a teacher stopped me, it took three of them to stop me killing the shit.

    I was then given two more detentions for trying to kill that bastard and another one for swearing at the teachers and nearly punching them.

    I came home late in the rain to find that I was locked out aswell. It waited twenty minuets in the rain for my shitty little brother to come. I came upstairs and went onto the computer to find that we had four major viruses. The computer was going really slow. It took me at least half an hour to download an anti-viruse as mine was out of date.

    I'm now listening to the likes of slipknot very very very loud. Surfice to say i'm pissed off.
  45. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Today I had a long argument with my bitch of a boss.

    In fairness, I had buggered up something, however, the woman has no man management skills to speak of and started laying right into me, which put me onto the defensive resulting in argument.

    I need a new job.
  46. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I had an induction day today for Sixth Form. Although I think the clue-finding, arch-building and other 'fun games' could have been cut and the assemblies condensed so that we were only there for half a day, I'm in quite a good form, so I'm happy.

    Not used to getting up so early, though. Tired now.
  47. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I will type something! I will! I've turned into a professional lurker recently, as every time I finish reading a topic, Dawn (small cute noisy person) cries and my thoughts are left unposted. But here I am, crying baby on knee, typing one-handed! That's about all the news I have right now.

    A couple of things I must point out:

    Dane: Contrary to popular opinion, you don't have to know anything about maths to be an accountant - you just have to scrape through a GCSE. Believe me, Excel is an accountant's best friend, and Excel is good at maths! ;)

    People: Marcia's story took place in England (unless in my haste I missed something), so the death penalty wouldn't be an option anyway.
  48. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    It took place in New York in the US, where my family lives. New York recently overthrew its death penalty, but when the death penalty was in place, nobody ever got executed because the District Attorneys prosecuting murder cases never asked for it because they were against the death penalty.
  49. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    what can i say...

    Hectic week, thats for sure. I have spent every lunch time so far this week either talking to teachers or running of to some activity or another. Of course, its my fault for thinking it would be a good idea to create an on-line magazine. I have now realise this requires a large amount of extra work and organizational skills.

    Not only that I am doing a global concern (baisically trying to help an organisation of an issue that affects the world. I have chosen casa alianza which is mostly dealing with street children in Latin America), A social service (teaching primary school children to rollerblade), taken up hockey and agreed to help set up a food stall for UN (united nations) evening. one can complain I am not taking full part in the schools program!

    Now I just need to find some time to do some of my homework...comming here probably isn't the best option, but it is the most fun :)
  50. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Wow! a full load :) though I am sure you could find time to squeeze in something more ;) .. just stop sleeping! It's so overrated anyway.
  51. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I won't be around from Sep 3-17th. Heading off to the Gaeltacht (Irish speaking) area of Kerry, and probably won't have a TV, let alone a computer!
  52. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Poor Jackal. I hope you survive!!

    Sounds like everyone is as fully loaded as I am. I've only been in school for three days, but things are getting intense. I have to choose a topic for a research paper in psychology, find a place to do some volunteer work and look up current events for Journalism class.

    Plus I don't know hardly anyone in my classes, but my psych partner is very nice. She has a pet hedgehog, and I'm going to a baseball game with her tomorrow, despite the fact that I'm not a baseball fan. I'm only going for the food mostly! hehe

    I also finally talked to Charles (my boyfriend) online today. The poor boy has double french this year. I have to feel sorry for him.
    Though I'm happy that I didn't take french this year. I know enough to get by. :D

    However, I am missing all my old friends like crazy. School just isn't the same without them

    And our household goods arrived yesterday, so we're swimming in cardboard boxes here! Fun! :roll:
  53. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I have an essay on "my personal Identity" Due tommarow. I have yet to start it. Whats worse is the knowledge that if i blow this one off, I might get kicked out of honors. Must stop procrastinationg. But It is so hard.
  54. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Quoth: was that your self-identity or your social identity? Ideal or actual? Oh I could just write this essay for you...I feel so smart-arsy cos I know what to write about ooh-ooh the fun I could have and it'd help me avoid thesis.

    I'm spending the weekends at my Dad's fishing and swimming and soaking up serenity and alcohol so will be missing for a couple of days. Try not to miss me too much but I shall return never fear.

    ummm thats it.
  55. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

  56. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    :D Ahhh just the reaction I was hoping for...
  57. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ...Come back soon Spiky! Have fun swimming in alcohol and catching serene fish! :)
  58. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Ugh. Working nights. The only good thing: When I wake up, I go to the beach.
  59. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Okay, finished my essay. Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Now I have to read it in front of the class.
  60. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Well I'm entering the 14th week of my holidays, so sympathies to you all.

    I'm going to go play some guitar and maybe I'll head down to the beach later, the weather is nice. :)
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