Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you :)

    (and Om, that's some power you have! Sign me up for a workshop! ;) )
  2. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    Aww congratulations. I don't know either of you so I won't expect an invite to the wedding, but invite me to the reception and I'll bring you gift vouchers for the store of your choice! :) (that is what everyone wants for presents these days, right?)
  3. plaid

    plaid New Member

    holy congratulations guys.
  4. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Cool! Congrats :)
  5. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Thanks for the well wishes. Now, if only my employer would do their legal responsibility and re-employ me, we could begin to plan this thing.
  6. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I hope you have the best life together Brad and Inna, and that the job comes through soon.

    At my job we are having a Top-the-Tater* benefit Thursday for a co- worker who lost his house to a fire last month while he was on his second tour of duty in Iraq, he is supposed to be back on the job in November. He's some sort of engineer at the plant. I have never heard of anyone having trouble getting their job back after military service at this place, but then we do have quite a bit of turn over and some one who knows anything about the place is usually welcomed.

    *For lunch they serve baked potatoes and toppings and we put some money in a jar, when it gets full they put it into an envelope for the recipient of the benefit. Works out good for everyone.
  7. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Are they just delaying or altogether trying to avoid it?
  8. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Congratulations Mowlgi and Brad.

    Hope your employer remembers how expensive lawsuits can be :)
  9. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I don't know if you can sue in the states... I believe they've adopted the lassaiz fare principle to the labour market there, meaning its "worker beware", individidual temporary contracts and no superannuation are the norm... Australia in its wisdom (bloody stoopid moron butt sucking Bush ass kissing Aus PM) has just instituted a similar system... The employees of lots of companies have just been sacked and hired back on individual contracts at 1/3 less pay, with no entitlements, like sick leave, annual leave or maternity provisions*... I can say no more without going so nuts as to chew my keyboard in rabid anger at the blatant stupidity of it all...

    *Health care is still a national system (although eroded) so not included in salary packages. Superannuation is mandatory but dependent on pay packet, so you reduce the pay packet you reduce the companies superannuation expense. Brilliant!
  10. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    That's sort of foolish by the Aussie government. Higher wages are better for the economy in general, and this type of behavior is just going to encourage the formation of more unions and the use of strikes.

    You can sue here for wrongful termination, in fact employers usually form a very solid paper trail before doing so. Even in a contractless, we can fire you at any time, workplace like mine. I'm a special case though. There's a US law that says that activated National Guard and Reservists must be given their jobs back upon discharge. So, I could sue. The caveat to that is, could only sue for my job back. So I'd still lose out on money. Instead, if things turn sour (which I hope that they don't) I'll go to the local papers and tell them about how a major area university doesn't "support the troops", is unpatriotic, and eats babies. (-: I'd still not have a job there, but I'd consider us even.
  11. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Poo on thier car too. Then your even x 2.
  12. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member


    In other news, never look directly at buring magnesium. I learned this the hard way.
  13. inwig

    inwig New Member

    Ow, ow, ow. Hope you get over the arc-eye soon or is the retinal scarring more permanent than that?
  14. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Three of my New Friends at University are Discworld Fans.
    This pleases me.

    I am also pleased because of a group I have joined call the Storytime Society, when the boys from the floor below mine are joined by several other people (including me) to read books and eat snacks and have philosophical discussions.
    I am pleased to have taken this opportunity to debut my newest series of short stories, a series entitled:
    The Adventures of Reginald The Purple-Spotted Elephant And His Promiscuous Friend Mister Nibbles.
    It's quite popular with the group.

    So, as I said, I am pleased. :D
    I hope to soon be reading Good Omens to the group. Because the joy that is Terry Pratchett should be shared with the world!
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow, well done Hex !! A true-blood Pterry Evangelist !! :D
  16. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    :D WHOOOOO-HOOOOOOO! CONGRATULATIONS! *does happy dance, upends baskets of rose petals on Brad and Inna and does a couple of catrwheels just because I can* :D

    That's IT! I'm lobbying for DSL at home NOW! I am now in an internet/game arena in Alexandroupolis and I cannot jump up and down in meatspace just like I would want to! I don't want to scar these kids for life...

    ...then again, they should be at school...hmmm... :badgrin:

    Brad, if you want me to grab your previous employer in a headlock, tell me now, I am moving to Alexandroupolis in a month or so and coming to America needs a lot of planning ahead.
  17. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Congratulations, Mowgli and Brad! Though I did comngratulate you over MSN already. ;)
  18. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    A Pterryvangelist? :)

    Hex, that sounds like an awesome club, and your story's title is one of the more intriguing ones I've ever heard!

    Thanks Roman and Avgi :) ::hug::
  19. Congratulations Mowgli and Brad!! (and to Dave and Wendy, although I know I'm a tad late in that. Miss you guys on msn!) Brad I think you could sue for lost wages as well if you wanted to. I would consult with an attorney just to see what your options are. Most of the time they will do consultations for free and the law is on your side.
    Hex, The Adventures of Reginald The Purple-Spotted Elephant And His Promiscuous Friend Mister Nibbles does sound very interesting. Any chance of those stories being shared with this group?

    As for me, I apologize for my extended absence. I was told in May that I would be covering for a co-worker who was leaving the company, and it would only be "temporary". Its all very complicated, plus I was responsible for doing my regular full time job, so I have been stressed and not had much time to play on the net. Just recently has the company FINALLY hired someone to take over! So once I get caught up and back to my normal schedule, I can play more! (The boss is on vacation this week, so naturally I'm slacking off right now)

    Other than that, the only other news worthy info is the Mr. and I are expecting our first crib lizard around the first part of April next year. Not planned, but happy about it none-the-less. Any advice from parents would be welcomed. :)
  20. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

  21. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Mazel tov! :)

    (I've never heard the term crib lizard but I like it! Kinda follows the evolutionary pattern: crib lizard to rug rat to ... computer console monkey? )
  22. Thanks guys! :)

    I just heard the phrase "crib lizard" the other day and loved it. You are right, Mowgli, it does sort of follow an evolutionary pattern. Computer console monkey is all of our inevitable end! (or middle maybe?) :lol: I wonder what Darwin would say about that.
  23. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

  24. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

  25. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    When it first started I couldn't see why you'd recommended it in reference to the crib lizard... now it all makes sense... tu ra lu ra lu eye lay.
  26. Thank you, Ba. That was very........ um, pleasant. :lol:
    I think the hubby will dig it.
  27. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Congratulations, somethingclever! And be careful with asking for advice, because before long, everyone will be showering you with it, and you will soon find out that despite exchanging experiences is very, very helpful, actual advice very often only works for the person it's giving it. That's the reason why all literature is totally contradicting itself.

    I've taken a small look at your blog and posted a comment, if you don't mind. I will only start story telling if asked for doing so. ;)
  28. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Congratulations Brad and Mowgli! i love weddings!

    also congratulations anj! i would give you some advice. but the other half doesn't know about my hoarde of kids yet.
  29. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

  30. MrsLibrarian

    MrsLibrarian New Member

    I am new to this board and have been reading the forum threads. I would like to add my congratulations to Mowgli and Brad. One question, did you guys meet here in this board>

    If so, you would have one thing in common with me. I met my husband at a Discovery Online games message board. Now we're married for over 7 years and still madly inl ove. ;)
  31. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Crickey, look away for a moment and another two are getting hitched. Fantastic news, can't believe I didn't see this earlier! Is that like 6 couples we've brought together now? :)
  32. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    As Ba recalls, Mowgli and Brad knew each other prior to coming to the boards.
  33. MrsLibrarian

    MrsLibrarian New Member

    Maljonic, are you referring to me and my hubby? LOL WE're already married ... for 7 years now. :D
  34. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    he's refering to the yanqui and the ukranian, i believe.
  35. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    That's great, but no I was talking about Brad and Mowgli, though it seems they knew each other already we've had a couple of marriages on here already, and a few couples forming also. :)
  36. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I haven't given an update here for a while, mostly becuase life had been pretty shit of late. But things are massively on the up now.

    I was working at a place that I used to love, The people there where great but the work was rubbish. After spending the summer helping out on a music show which was really good fun but massively hard work (like 20 hr plus days). I began to become disillusioned, my hard work had got me nowhere and as we'd just moved offices I was doing rubbish jobs- mostly that of cleaner and handyman. Anyways, after a while of hating it and becoming a very grumpy and dead inside bastard. I decieded to start looking around.

    T.V is quite an insecure industry so giving up contracted work is always a risk. Anyways, I was pleased to find that after a weeks semi-secearching I was offer, not one but two new jobs (both from the same company surprisingly). Once I told my company I was leaving they deceided that I was worth having around and a couple of the big bosses where angry that they let me go which was nice.

    Anyways, I'm now a Researcher (which is wicked, becuase I was looking for a production runner job)- i'm still doing a lot of runner stuff but I got the job title, which is cool.

    The show is a News review Show looking back at the main events of 2006. But the 'twist' beening that it's told from the footage of people who where actually at these events. (a bit rubbish, really, but most TV is) So if you have any cool newy footage or see any on you tube send it my way. Also, I'm getting paid more money!Woo!

    In more interesting new, A few weeks ago an actor firend of mine asked if i could help him out with an audition becuase they recommended coming in a pair. It was to present an Mtv games show. We got called back to the second audition (only 5 pairs out of about 100!). In which we had to pretend to be playing a computer game and just talk... about anything at all. It was a bit random. I think lists of favourite types of tramps came up, rubbish mutant powers, and why I think April O'Neil from the turtle cartoons is a lesbian....Needless to say we wheren't given the presenter role. However they did really like us and wanted us to film are own blog type thing and send it in.
    Which is pretty cool.
  37. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    It is indeed. Congratulations! :)
  38. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Yeah. It's pretty cool. I doubt anything will coem from it. But being on Mtv isn't really anything i want to do. So if anything does happen it's just a nice little extra.
  39. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I got my STAR test scores back. I was ranked Advanced in English/Language Arts, Life science/Biology, and was 5 points away from andvance in Algebra. I had a perfect score in Social science, which is is really something to be proud of.
  40. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Congrats on the test scores Quoth, and on the new gig Rinso. It sounds exciting. Yeah, Mowgli and I didn't meet here. In fact, I brought her to the HP boards... although, to be fair, she was the one who introdouced me to Pratchett.

    In other news, I sent an email off to a Senior Associate Vice President of the University, and I now have a new job starting October 2nd with a $7K raise (-:
  41. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    This is a position? I've been wasting my life in lowly positions when this job description is available... I nnow have something extra special to aim for.

    Congrats on sorting out your job mess... with all that extra money Inna can expect a big swanky wedding and turn into a bridezilla and everything :) ah the fun.

    Also congrats to Quoth (although i barely understood half of what you said the bits I got sounded good) and Rinso who missed the opportune chance to have freelove of sheep added to the mtv repertoire of topics...
  42. MrsLibrarian

    MrsLibrarian New Member

    Sorry for the error on my part, Mal.

    Kudos to you Quoth for having superb test scores. I gather you are still in school (college, university, institute etc.)?

    Like what the others said, much felicitations to you Brad and your lovely Mowgli. Smart girl for turning you to TP books.

    Tomorrow is the Autumn games in my son's elementary school where they get to participate in fun games and field demonstrations. I need to pack a picnic basket for the family lunch.

    Later this week is the famous Janghowon Peach Festival (basically a carnival by the riverside). I can't wait to go and have some grilled seafood!
  43. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Good going Quoth.
    And Rinso, congrats! Am glad things are getting sorted .. for quite a lot of people now. Brad has his job back too :)
  44. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well done to Quoth and Huzzah for Brad and Rinso's job news ! Glad things are looking up for everyone !
  45. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Good Luck with the new jobs Brad and Rinso. :D Congratulations on the results Quoth - though you may have to expain what STAR is to those of us unfamiliar with it.
  46. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    We've installed a webcam so my daughter can see her father every afternoon. We tried it out for the first time today, and she was thrilled and kept touching the screen - really sweet. We look odd due to that cheap little thing having a little bit of a fish eye perspective... :D
  47. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I dyed my hair yesterday. I used to be a brunette but now its a wine red color. I like it and on the plus side my grandma likes it too and she's big on being yourself and not changing but she said it brought out my eyes. I have been wearing violet contacts for about 3 or 4 years now though so maybe she's going senile.

    Edit: To change violent to violet.
  48. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    The STAR (standard testing and reporting) program is administersa a test that the state gives to all k-12 (basically from the first year of school till you head of to college) to see if their school is 'proforming' adequetly. It has gone under many different name (SAT9, CAT, CST) but it is esentially the same test.
  49. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I had a funny flash of Sam Vimes rigging up something like this to read to young Sam at 6 o'clock :D I wonder how that could work on the Discworld... Magic, probably... *shudders*

    Faerie, violent eye contact sounds painful :D But hey, yes, that would go with a red hair colour :D

    Quoth, I am all dissapointed now, I thought you were doing a test to see if you could become a star... :(
  50. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Brad, Rinso, I am glad your employers saw sense and snagged you off the market :D Quoth, here's to many more academic achievents.

    Hsing, the webcam story takes me way back. My dad was in Japan for a year for post-graduate studies. Me and my sister recorded cassettes of us singing and playing the piano (badly) and telling stories. Nowadays I treat those tapes as incriminating evidence and try to get them destroyed but for some reason my parents are very attached to them ;)
  51. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    That must have been incredibly sweet to listen to for a homesick dad... I wouldn't let anybody touch them, either. :D
  52. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Congrats Brad and Mowgli!

    Also quoth! great results.

    Myself. I am having technological grievances. Last week my computer decided it no longer like me and after a couple of power cuts completely fell apart. No worries I had most stuff backed up.....or thought I did until my ipod froze up and started making sad faces at me :( bob knows how it feels.

    aside from that life has mostly been filled with parties, lots of work, frustration and less sleep than I can handle. It's interesting - to say the least.
  53. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Oh gods... you got those too? :p
  54. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I just recently found a tape with my sister and I singing on it when we were little and you can here us arguing in the back ground about who is going to sing the next song. My mom used to take a tape recorder to band booster meetings when she was secretary and she found a tape of my sister sing the star spangled banner very badly and played it at the meeting. My sister wasn't there so that was fun.
  55. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I got one where my older sister tries to get me to sing "The rooster is dead" with her. I was about three, trail off after a few lines, just to disclaim, very triumphantly, at the end: "The rooster IS DEAD!". It seems I did not hold too much pity for our feathered friends.
  56. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench


    All the kids have the incriminating evidence of the skits we used to do to entertain the adults at New Years Eve celebrations... I have a big family so there were enough kids in the production and reasonable sized audience to go with it... The one I remember is our send up of New Kids on the Block, which involved 5 of us in a line singing "Wo-oh Oh *high pitched* ah-hah, Hanging Tough" then walking off stage...
  57. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    In my defence, I was 5 at the time.
  58. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I also have tapes of my sisters and I performing self-written plays, reading poetry, singing etc.

    I have just been to an interview for a college course to learn TESOL - teaching English to speakers of other languages. I was offered a place immediately. Hooray!
  59. plaid

    plaid New Member

    cool, congratulations grace. :)

    i get to put 4000 magazines together today. yipee skippy.
  60. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Yay Grace! :) (I had to take TESOL - called EASL here - classes during my first year in America. One of the memorable classes was watching "Grease" on tape, and trying to figure out the story without speaking the language)

    Good luck Plaid - hopefully, there'll be something interesting to read in the process!

    Avgi, I didn't imply it was your fault :). Just that my grandparents claim to have tapes of me, my aunt and my Mom singing - all 3 at the age of 5 or so, - and threaten to break them out every once in a while. While we have company!
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