Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. inwig

    inwig New Member

    somethingclever: good to hear it's going well.
    spiky: :D
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    spiky, I have just promised to stop screaming all the time. You are not helping.
  3. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Speaking of, has Doors been neutered yet?

    Though, it does lead to some interesting questions. Are Scotsmen born with kilts, or do they grow as they reach puberty?
  4. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I do it every week. It's a required part of my course to do 50 hours of a service of some sort. Lots complain but I quite enjoy it...mostly because I actually feel like I'm doing something worthwhile.

    In other news...IT"S FRIDAY!!! I can sleep in tomorrow!
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wooooooohhh !! I've had another mention on the Geoff Show (Virgin Radio) it was on the September 19th podcast, I've just been catching up with them as my iTunes has been messing up... Yay !!! my 3rd 15 minutes of fame !! :D
  6. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    im still waiting for my new PS2 game eventhough it is the officl rease date and the postman has been want to cry i dont want to wait for another day untill i get it.

    on a beeter note ive finshed wintersmith. yay now i just have to wait for the next one. and we have a vintage car rally going past the house so i can keep myselph entertaind with that.
  7. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I have made a vow not to go looking for Wintersmith until this afternoon.
    Because by this afternoon I will be done with my midterm.
    Yes, I have a History Midterm Exam in exactly one hour, which I am very nervous about.

    But I'm hoping the B+ on my Political Science Midterm bodes well for me doing well on this other midterm.
    Yay for good grades! Yay for the weekend!!

    I am going to get done with class and then sleep!
    Then Eat.
    Then watch movies.
    Then Sleep some more.

    I miss sleep so...
  8. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Still without internet connection. I bought the tickets for Omcon. Getting used to the idea I will be moving halfway across the country soon enough.
  9. Darkbane

    Darkbane New Member

    My father's friend offered me a position at the cable company he's an exec at. he said to call him to work out the details. I've been procrastinating on that for a couple of weeks now 'cause for some reason I'm kind of spooked by the idea of getting a 'real' job. I also don't like the fact that I could potentially make this friend look like an arse if I screw up on the job.

    Tomorow the girlfriend and I go to nextfest 2006 at the Javits Center in Manhattan. we're both reasonably excited.
  10. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    More fun with chemistry: make sure you know which solutions are which when you are doing titration -- a fancy chemical related thingy which I fucked up badly. Still, I learned a valuable lesson from the whole thing.
  11. inwig

    inwig New Member

    Ouch! Quoth, experience is.... ;)
  12. Perdita

    Perdita New Member


    I haven't psted in a while so I thought I'd just go an post on a couple of threads on the same day!!

    I'm just back from my holidays to Rhodes which was really lovely so I've really enjoyed my two-week break from work and I'm now going to head back to the drudgery come monday morning. (woe is me :cry: )

    Apart from that I've just started a Spanish Class so hopefully I will be able to do more than ask for a bottle of water when I next go to Spain!!

    I'm also considering going to see Ross Noble again (Comedian) I went to his show in Belfast a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it.. Have to check out availability and ticket prices.
  13. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I was wondering where you'd got to, Perdita.
  14. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Welcome back Perdita. Como estas? Te gusta habla espanol? (sorry i don't know how to put in the little squiggles and dashes on letters and it's probably wrong..I gave up spanish last june for the very reason that I couldn't speak it)

    I got a new ipod :) it's increadibly swish.

    Now I must not procrastinate sticking music on it all night...I will...but I shouldn't.... :D
  15. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I have a chemistry lab at 8 in the morning, way to early to be playing with chemicals. There is one person in our class who has broken a crucible and spilled something, nitrate? nitrite? nitric acid? I don't know but it's something your not supposed to spill and last week we got to play with bunsen burners in the fume hoods. He didn't even show up for lab which is probably a good thing, next week we're lighting hydrogen on fire and my lab partner and I will just be waiting for an explosion.

    On a side note if you do spill the nitric stuff and it gets on the clamp or iron ring it burns with a green flame which is nifty.
  16. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    A little whil ago I spilt silver nitrate on my shirt, which caused dark brown stains to apear on it. Also, Nitric acid would be worse to spill, as it can corrode most metals.

    Edited to add: Chemistry really ought to be an afternoon class. I am fairly certain that my titration mishap could have been avoided if I had been properly awake.
  17. Nester

    Nester New Member

    I just moved. No more apartment life for me :) My roommate got sick of apartments so he decided to buy a house and asked me to move in with him. It's just across town so it's not a major move and we still have the apartment until the end of October so we don't have to hurry or anything. I'm looking forward to the house a lot though. No more noise complaints...

    After we'd been living in the house for about a week I went back to the apartment to pick up some stuff and found a letter taped to our door. It was a noise complaint from the previous night. I went down to the office and told them we haven't even been staying there and the building supervisor just shrugged, smiled and said "We just figured it was you guys. Don't worry about it." It's nice to know you've made an impression...
  18. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Chemistry was always an adventure. I never could get the hang of the lab stuff.

    My mom sent an e-mail announcing my grandnephew's first poo in the potty! He even emptied it in the toilet and flushed it. He's only 21 months old so I doubt he'll be getting out of diapers real soon but he's making progress. They haven't been pressuring him but they have demonstrated and got a pottychair for him. Mom has said she wouldn't push him to be toilet trained until next spring but he may just train himself, especially if he gets candy like he did today :lol:
  19. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    And my 4th !!!!! (extra !s, I'm going crazy, anyone notice ? :D ) second mention on the show in 10 days on the sept. 29th show !!!!! Go me !!! I am a biiiiig star :D (as if I believe that... :roll: )
  20. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Chemistry kicks ass. We had just finished a lectrue about redox reactions, when suddenly the teacher decided to demonstate one. He filled a beaker with watter, and droped a bit of pure sodium in it. The entire class stared in awe as it burst into flame. Suddenly, the teacher said "You might want to back away now", and then it exploded, shattering the glass beaker. He latter admited that maybe he used to much sodium, as he wasn't expecting the explosion to shatter glass. Still, it was really cool.
  21. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    It's been my experience that all science teachers are a little crazy, but my chemistry teacher is lacking in the crazy department. Today he was reading a list of ingredients on a Mt. Dew bottle and suddenly exclaimed that EDTA was his favorite molecule, or maybe it was compound, maybe I would remember if this was an afternoon class and awhile ago he made a addition mistake in a problem he was doing on the board and said "Sorry, I'm doing crack up here today, You can't see it but I am." Slightly weird moments but not near as insane as my high school science teachers were.
  22. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    A chem teacher at my school was wearing bright yellow trousers and a red shirt yesterday...I think that says it all really.

    My hockey tournament just got cancelled. I don't know how much you may have heard about this but there have been a lot of fires in Indonesia to clear happens ever year...and the wind blows the smoke from these places to singapore and Malaysia....

    Anyway the polution index measured singapore at 10 am (while we were playing our second match) as 130...under 50 is considered healthy and anything above 100 dangerous. KL in Malaysia is at 221.

    Our school wouldn't allow us to continue playing which is irritating but in all honesty it was getting hard to breath while running around in the haze.

    ah well....we lost the first 2 games anyway....
  23. koshu

    koshu New Member

    any one know if the penalty is higher or lower if you murder a back stabbing so called best freind.........

    i really need to know before i do......

    thanks guys
  24. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Working again, finally. Very busy though *catches breath* Good to be busy *passes out*
  25. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    So, I was recruited to work sounds for a production of Peter Pan. The only thing is, the director never even thought about lights/sounds until a week and a half before the show went up (which, by the way, was last night) so I have been very busy since then.
  26. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Sound techs rule.
  27. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    'Cause they control the "suck" button :)
  28. koshu

    koshu New Member

    i helped in the sound and lighting for a production of cinderella, it was hard work, and that was at school level. welldone for getting it done in only a week and a half :)
  29. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I'm helping with set design for a school play called Twinderella. Its pretty much the normal Cinderella story except she has a long lost twin brother named Bob who has an evil step father and two evil step brothers.

    We went camping this weekend and the heater in our camper quit working the first night and now I have a cold. The heater did decide to work the second night though so that was good. This morning we deep fried everything; bacon, brats, sausage, even a whole egg shell and all. The egg came out like a hard boiled egg except the yolk was still runny. It was gross to me but my dad ate it.
  30. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I finally got the ok to go ahead for buying my house off of my's going to take months, but I don't care. It'll be all mine :D .

    My brother and his partner got the Civil Partnership in England, so last week I spent two days in London getting very, very drunk.
    I witnessed my cousin's husband being asked to leave Michael Caine's restaurant...
    ('s quite nice. They do a lovely desert called Eton Mess which is crushed Meringue in cream with strawberries all the way through it, with very reasonable prices)
    ...for throwing a spoon over his back and breaking a wine glass (the shame!!!!) and the next night was spent at a themed salsa party, dancing (attempting to, at least) and getting rotten drunk at their wedding party. Walked back to the hotel at 4am with a feather boa wrapped around my head...a sure sign of a good night!...

    I'm not going to mention the fact that my sister and myself ended up doing a very bad impression of Flamenco dancing in some cobbled street in the pouring rain for several guys setting up market stalls. (It was by request)

    I am also not going to mention that we also got lost. I am not going to blame anyone, but it was all my sister's Fiance's fault. Stupid man.
    But we did get to see London Bridge, Tower Bridge, St. Paul's Cathedral, The Globe Theatre, The Tate be honest, they aren't that great at 5am.
    Then we met a nice police officer who pointed us in the right direction. Twenty minutes later we met a really nice taxi driver who pointed us in the correct direction. (Turn around, luv, you've already passed it)
    Went to bed. Woke up 2 hours later. Went to airport. Faught with the man behind the counter in the Virgin Record store because he short changed me by a tenner. Went home. Slept. My head hurts....
    All in all, a good weekend by my standards. I could actually write about a hell of a lot more, but if any of it gets out, I'm a dead girl :D
  31. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    good lord.
  32. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Now that sounds like a good weekend.
  33. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    A feather boa is a sure sign the 'fun' was had. I hope it didn't hurt too much.

    Um my partner and I are getting digital TV. 100 channels here we come :)
  34. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Interesting mazekin, I'll leave my comment there...

    Spiky, prepare of procrastination heaven...100 channels and nothing on but still you'll watch it.

    My news...busier than ever. I just discovered that our school added an extra week to this half-term in order to combine it with Hari raya and's gotten to the point where not even the teachers can be bothered, and all 11th and 12th graders are simply refusing to do more work.

    Except my history teacher who throws essays on us in the last week.

    Must stop procrastinating.
  35. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I've been sick, something that happens to all of us from time to time. But since I've been sick, I find the smell of chocolate nauseating. Every one here that knows me just a little bit knows what that means to me.
    It always happens to me with the last thing I ate before getting sick. I can't stand the smell of them for three years, and then slowly recover. When this happened to me with rice crispies, filled wine leaves, and dried apricots, I didn't find it disturbing. But... chocolate??? *wheeps*
  36. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Poor Hsing, that's inhuman... **hug**

    I'm ill too, nasty cold, can't even go sulk at the bottom of a warm bed, damn work... :(
  37. inwig

    inwig New Member

    Aaaw! Poor dears
    *wanders off to find two sets of virtual hugs and sympathy kits*
    **comes back, confused** Hsing what do you want instead of chocolate? I will have to replace it in the sympathy kit.

    Hope you both get better soon.
  38. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I have that with coffee and bearnaise sauce, haven't dared gotten near either for five years. I know the feeling, but I don't miss cawfee or bernie that much, so I can cope with it.
  39. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Try bananas...
  40. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    My English Lit. teacher has decided not to give us any homework for the week. It has something to do with an article she read about excessive homework lowering your test score. Kick-Ass!!!!!!!
  41. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well you'd all better do well in the test or she'll think that article was full of crap and double the homework later...

    Hsing, I hope you feel better soon. You could try carob to ease yourself back into it... I'm pulling at straws here. Maybe take up sweet pastries...mmmmpastry goodness.
  42. Jinxted

    Jinxted New Member

    Hello all I'm back, a year after the change, dont fret havent been gracing the other place with my nonsense either just been very busy.
    Lets see the last year, lotsa o' ups and downs. long version short and prolly shorter still cuz' a very good Baseball game is going on that keeps me looking at the tv instead of the keys. My Tigers (of Detroit fame) are beating Oaklands team in what is called the ALCS a playoff round on the way to the World Series (more on baseball later). for those that dont know (or recall) I'm a truck driver, or was till a large corporation I let headhunt me away from a fine family owned firm (that would'nt have fired me if I was found all alone with the prize cow the night before a milk festival) that I had worked at for many years. I was lured away with promises of nice bonuses (they were) nicer paychecks (they were) REALLY nice equiptment (it was) two weeks less than two years with Mohawk Carpet, a fine firm in itself and based in Garners home state. decided to close the warehouse I had been driving out of. and in the Great Lake State 1000 dollar a week paychecks arent falling out of trees and bonking yours truly in the noggin. Truck driving jobs are a dime a dozen dont get me wrong I've had recruiters for a dozen companies contact me and I've even gone a few of their interviews but the pay they offer is ridiculous, with ins., and taxes and whatnot putting 200-300 a week in the bank is out of the question, so savings are being spent and future retirement is being spent and more time on the computer means I finally saw a bookmark I had long forgotten about. Not that I forgot you all but like I said its been a busy year (the last 4 wks unemployed). My wife and I (uh-oh sounds like the start of a break-up sentence) almost did but we mended our ways and fences, and now have been mending our house. trying to sell and move closer to the school and have a bigger house. 6 kids (hers, mine, ours.) require more room than the current house, about 3 grand later we still not done, things are going in stages, drainfield, paint the outside, concrete the steps, paint interior rooms, new carpet (thx Mohawk) new bathroom tile (again Mohawk) new kitchen vinyl (Ugh Menards) and tubs and counters and sinks oh my! was gonna step out for a ciggie and realized how long this is and how much of the ballgame I'm watching, and how much I'm missing so I'll wrap it up, but I'll be around again real soon likely in hours, (dont sleep well lately)but its nice to be back, there is alot to see and do so I will. night for now.

    new siggie coming soon.
  43. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Its good to have you back, Jinxted. sounds like you are in the middle of those interesting times we all seem to have once in a while.

    My husband is a trucker, but he insists on being an owner/operator. I just try not to worry about it too much. He's talking about an engine rebuild now. He's had a fruitless weeekend spent in Portland OR, he ended up going back to Washington to get a load. At least the Jubitz truckstop in Portland is a decent place to spend some time. In the old days I used to go with him occasionally.

    Since I am not really a baseball fan I congratulate you on the Tigers, the Twins got creamed already. At least they made the play-offs, but I won't be needing a Homer Hankie this year.
  44. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Another return! Welcome back, Jinxted. :)
  45. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Wow, Ted. I hope you find some good work soon.
  46. Jinxted

    Jinxted New Member

    Thanks Buzz, I always do good work, I am certainly hoping for high paying easy work thats my favorite :lol: . I would really like one of my dream jobs.

    Jinxted Consultations ( my opinions REALLY matter)
    11am to 2pm (with a 1 hour lunch)
    85,000 per annum (NO Holidays OR anyones Holy Days)

    still no clever siggie (one due soon)
  47. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I am on holiday, hurray!
    No more work for me today
    Except perhaps that history essay.
    Let us hope I do not delay,
    and end up turning it in in May! I'm not the next shakespeare but I like it :oops:

    We just had a massive festival at my school celebrating all our lovely was fun and stressful and mad and busy and mind-bogglingly amazing. Actually what amazed me most is how little teachers had to do with it. They handed the tablet to us lowly 11th graders and said get on with it. It was fun-ish.

    Now back to the real world-err-holidays. I'm off to Bali. :D Selemat tinggal! (bye)
  48. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    My knee hurts.
  49. allthatjazz

    allthatjazz New Member

    haha this is kind of weird because I wasn't around for very long but I was so excited to join here and then I went to college and I wasn't here because things were crazy. But now things have settled down so I can come back and be social. Yay.
  50. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I'm in the best mood ever right now because I just found out my boyfriend Charles is coming to visit me on December 27th for 12 days!

    My face hurts I'm smiling so wide right now. :D :D :D

    In other news, I think I aced my Mythology Midterm. Huzzah.
  51. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    I finally got the keys to my new house on Thursday :D , I now have a month to do decorating, sort out carpet etc before I have to move out of the place I'm renting.

    This all involves spending even more money :( .
  52. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Congrats Jac and Hex for that matter.

    I'm in the last week of teaching and then I'm home and hosed for quite a while. I've agreed to teach summer school, which means I have to start teaching again in January but they do give me lots of money to do it so its all OK... Oh and I'm going to the inaugural Aussie Discworld Convention in February (and works paying for it :) )
  53. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay for Hex and jaccairn, and boo for spiky... teaching or learning during the hollidays is just plain evil. And going to Diskworldcons is too... So unfair :(
  54. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    My semester has begun. This means I can post freely once more. Joy.
  55. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **radio crackle** Jack Bauer for CTU, we have secured a copy of Wintersmith, repeat, target secured, we have Wintersmith... **crackle**

    geez, I really must stop watching things like 24 back to back all weekend... :roll:
  56. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Season 5 is out in two weeks on DVD it's out in two weeks according to Amazon but they could be wrong oh how I hope they're not wrong because season 5 is out in two weeks and I want to watch it now.
  57. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Same here, a friend of mine lent me season 4 and we finished it so quickly... tic, tic, tic, tic....
  58. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    So, I am in a play. A stage adaptation of Monty Python and the Holy Grail to be specific.
  59. Nester

    Nester New Member

    I went out to a concert last night. A few friends and I went down to Iowa to see O.A.R. They play a kind of mix of pop, rock, jazz, and reggae. Greatly enjoyable. They're some of the best musicians I've ever seen and put on one heck of a show. The whole band seemed to be just having a great time playing. One of my roommates came with me and that was the first time he'd heard their music. After the show he told me he loved it and that it seemed like every song they played was written just for that one show. That impression was probably helped by the small venue. We were packed in there, but you barely noticed (except for the person behind me who burned me with her cigarette twice) They play really upbeat music. It was great when it was all over every single person was smiling. It was impossible to get angry after the show they just put on. Definite reccomendation! 8)
  60. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oooooh yeah ! That sounds great fun !! We had an activity weekend in the summer on the theme of Monty Python's Holy Grail, twenty grown adults, galopping around on hobby horses and clopping coconuts together and taking it all really seriously... it was awesome :D Hope the play goes well !
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