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Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Wow, Quoth and Katcal, that sounds like fun!
    I love that movie. . . I have a friend who can quote like the whole thing, but has never seen it.
    Which is wierd!

    Mingled Congratulations/Commiserations where appropriate to all they are appropriate for.
  2. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    The script is mostly intact. A few things had to be cut out, for production cost reasons, and since we had to give the school eding power (we are using their theater), but we are still having a lot of fun.
  3. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Funny, I've just been watching the Holy Grail (Thanks Sacharissa!) and i think that most of t can be done without too much costs.
  4. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I just got back from holiday.

    I am thoroughly relaxed...or would be if I didn't have school on Monday and a day of work ahead tomorrow.

    I had a great time lazing around in Bali (an island in Indoneisa)...and developed a deep love of jet ski's :D I am also no longer ghost white and have a tan (sort of)
  5. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I am ill... blah... But Om/Gracecon rocked.
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Spirits are up mightily, the terrible medical diagnostic I have been dreading for months turned out to be completely the opposite, I'm fine, Hubby's fine and Operation Criblizard1 is back on the rails... YAY !
  7. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Yay! Glad to hear it, Katcal. :)
  8. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I just finished registering for my Spring Semester classes, which I begin in January. At the moment, I have come to the conclusion that my schedule is going to pretty much rock out:

    *Monday, Wednesday and Friday*

    10.30 AM - 11.20 AM: Theater 112G - Intro to Theatre

    11.30 AM - 12.20 PM: English 151H - Writing Rhetoric as Argument

    2.30 PM - 3.20 PM: History 231 - England to Revolution

    *Tuesday and Thursday*

    9.30 AM - 10.45 AM: English 252 - Writing of Fiction

    11.00 AM - 12.15 PM: Geology 106 - Environmental Geology

    I feel most pleased. Next semester is going to be awesome! :D
  9. plaid

    plaid New Member

    mmm. rhetoric.

    lucky hex.
  10. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    What is "England to Revolution", Hex?
  11. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    My guess is that it's a period of time before the industrial revolution happened, or something...
  12. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Or up until the States defected and declared independence.
  13. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    Could be, could be.
  14. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Course description says "English History: Stonhenge through Glorious Revolution of 1688."

    Or something to that effect. In other words, a lot of history I already know and find interesting!
  15. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I'm cranky. I told off a friend - it's been a long friendship that has recently been kept alive by a complicated net of common friends and history, and which now finally, and almost to my relief, falls apart. It has been a major and half public fallout. I had a lot of anger built up, and I was, for my standards, really quite blunt in the end. It was really untolerable behaviour on his side though. Well, after being the only one in the room getting really upset, and after giving an eight year old friendship the mercy shot, and all, you just feel like the bitch of the week. I do, anyways. The feeling lingers even though I remember a douzen facts each day that tell me I was right, and that, if at all, I should have answered like that earlier.
  16. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    So, thursday's rainstorm knocked out my phone line, leaving me without access to the internet. Long stroy short, it works again.

    On the Video game front: Final Fantasy XII. Yes, there are twelve of them, and yess, they all kick ass!
  17. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Have fun Quoth...

    I've spent the weekend in Sydney at my brother's wedding. It was all very exciting and weird with all sides of the family there... The best bit of the whole weekend was the reception being held on a boat to cruise the harbour. Our taxi got lost and dropped us off at the wrong wharf without us realising it. We were already 15 minutes late and freaking out. There was a guy untying the boat at the wharf we were at so we asked him how to get to the right wharf... It turned out that we'd found the reception boat running late and at the wrong dock. So they let us on and we arrived at the right dock in style while 50 other guests (including my brother and bride) were astounded to see us arriving on the back of the boat cheersing them with glasses of champagne...

    Luck of the devil really.
  18. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I have moved in my home for the next year, it's still strewn with cardboard boxes but I am practically setteled in. :)
  19. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Poor Hsing, it's hard having to put something down, even if it's in too much pain to be worth keeping alive, even if it's the only thing to be done for everyone's good, it always makes you feel like the worst person on earth... **Hug** Remember those details, remember you did what had to be done, try to see it as a victory and not a defeat...
  20. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks, Katcal.
    Some of those "details" will makew brilliant anecdotes one day... Unfortunately, our common network of friends make it unavoidable that we meet then and again. I'm just at the point where I think that rather he should duck, not me.
  21. Nester

    Nester New Member

    I turned 21 yesterday......and I remained sober. I've actually been mostly sober for a few weeks now. And by mostly I just mean I'll go out and have a beer, but the whole getting hammered thing is over I think. Memory loss leads to awkward situations.

    I had a fun time though. A bunch of friends and I went out to a sports bar, watched real football, and I ended up being the sober cab....I feel so old :)
  22. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hsing, is that the same 'friend' you've mentioned before? If so, then well done.
  23. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, that's the very one. Heh. Thanks.

    *mumblemumble* You wouldn't believe some of the quotes I could offer by now... I was even relatively okay with occasional attacks of verbal diarrhea as long as he made up for it by being a good guy just as often. The ecological balance of this friendship is ruined, though. *mublemumble*

    @Nester: 21! Congratulations!
    ... I feel old now.
  24. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I wish I liked coffee. It would be helpful right now.

    Been up since 3am doing homework...will continue doing homework till 8am when I will go to school and get more homework.

    My only consolation is it's Friday and I only have to go to school for an hour tomorrow.
  25. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Fairy I'll join you in wishing for coffee (can't drink it cos I like it with milk and I'm lactose intolerant so can only have soy. And that stuff in a godd coffee is just evil).

    I pulled a back muscle playing tennis yesterday and had the worst night sleep as every time I shifted I strained it and stayed awake or woke up. Stoopid back!
  26. Nester

    Nester New Member

    I just got back from the Old Crow Medicine Show concert and it officially rocked all that could be rocked, and it taught me one important thing: The stand-up bass is one of the greatest instruments ever.

    They're a string band (no electric instruments at all) but they play with an insane amount of energy and complete talent. A five piece string band playing blues/bluegrass music rocked the house. It was strange.

    The best part was seeing the people who showed up to the show. During the first set I was standing next to a slightly goth/emo/whatever couple of young kids and in front of me was an elderly couple. Later I saw a couple people walking around in cowboy boots and hats. The fan base for this band is pretty broad.

    Try some :D :

    The lady running their merchandise table ruled, too. We got into a bit of a discussion about the band and then she sold me anautographed poster and two CD's for $25. See what you get for being friendly? :)
  27. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Heh, 'Heading down south to the land of the pie...' :)

    Cool stuff. I'm taking guitar lessons myself at the moment so wouldn't mind being able to play as nice as that.
  28. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I'm still incredibly jealous, Nester. I haven't seen any decent bluegrass bands for ages. ::makes notes for Christmas list::
  29. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Have you seen Yonder mountain String Band? They rock, I bet you'd like them. They are palying the Filmore at New YEars and I'm going. Woo. I first saw them at the High Seirra Music festival. On Shrooms. They rocked. The stand up base is my absolute favorite instrument.
  30. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    More tidbits of Chemistry wisdom: Under no circomstances mix bleach with Hydrochloric acid.
  31. Nester

    Nester New Member

    When I used to work in the music department at the bookstore I listened to Yonder Mountain Stringband off and on. I'm gonna have to give them another shot. I don't think I'll try the shrooms thing though. A friend of mine did that at the last show we went to. He quickly informed me that everyone there looked like a Dr. Seuss character. I asked him to find the Lorax for me. That kept him busy the rest of the time. :)

    edit: Just wanted to note for some reason my roommates decided to cancel the internet yesterday so I'll be kinda absent a bit more. I'm at a cafe right now...they're all watching me.... 8)
  32. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I've been gone Again due to moveing again. However we're all moved and the wireless is Finally working (damn encriptions), I'm hopeing to be comeing on here a little more frequently now.

    It was my girlfriends birthday on friday, I missed my last lesson so i could be there to see her early. I can happily say that she thought it was the best birthday she'd had which brings me no end of joy :D. I'm glad I was there to share it with her.

    Other than that theres nothing much happend, I've been doing well at college (getting A's, and B's in unit tests, although there are external test in Janury that i should really start revision for), I came third in Student governor elections which I'm very proud of. I went into that college knowing three people and came third to the person that deserved to win and the pretty girl that thought it was a popularity contest, Out of twelve i feel I did well. I'm now a healt and safty officer instead :badgrin: :badgrin:

    One thing i have (or rather havn't noticed) is that I can't seem to find the discworld calender anywhere. I've tried several Water stones and clintons aswell as other book/office supplies shops and havn't come across it. I useually buy it around this time of year, I was just wondering if anyone had found next years calendar? I'm sure its on plenty of websites but I was concerned that it doesn't appear to be in any shops.

    Also I've had a dyslexia test, turns out i am dyslexic (asif you couldn't tell).
  33. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    I've seen a calendar advertised. It seems to be based on the sky tv movie of hogfather. Don't know if they're doing another one of drawings this year. Have you looked on Amazon?
  34. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I don't tend to use amazon, I find that Play is much better. All it turned up was this, which is what Jaccairn was saying she saw. It'll be fun no doubt but its a shame that they're replaceing the artists impressions with it.

    I really hope they full the hodfather thing off, could be a good watch if they do.
  35. redneck

    redneck New Member

    It's that time of year again. The time to look at the good and corresponding bad that comes with it. I didn't do this last year you say? So what. It's still that time of year.

    Good: I may be getting a new car soon.
    Bad: The one I've got is going out and I don't have the money to launch into the newer car market.

    Good: Between Thanksgiving and New Year's I'll get over two weeks of vacation time.
    Bad: I get paid for only three of those days and the rent will be due.

    Good: My grandmother may be willing me her house.
    Bad: I may be getting it before Christmas.

    Good: I've gotten to see my family a lot lately.
    Bad: Because everyone is trying to spend as much time with Ma (my grandmother) as possible.

    Good: I've been happy lately.
    Bad: I think I'm having a breakdown or I've officially gone insane.
  36. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Heh, yeah I wouldn't recommend the shroom either. But the band rocks.
  37. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Damn Nate, I'm sorry to hear. I'm around if you ever want to talk.
  38. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    My grandfather died today. Well, he was as old as a tree, and the whole family has said their goodbyes, and everyone is realtively calm about it.
    It rightfully took some time driving up North spending some time in hospital, and hours of phone conversation, and whatnot. I'd like to write some more, at a later date.
    Still, I now have this night to finish a paper up to tomorrow and hold the according lesson from 10 to 12; I need that one grade, its my last chance ever to acquire it, and the prof said, right at the start of the semester, and very seriously, that she didn't care how many grandparents of us would die this semester, if we skipped this, we didn't need to come back. Still, seeing the whole family like that and all, is not motivating, and right now I feel like a kitten in a tumbler.
    That sucks.
  39. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Sorry to hear about your grandfather Hsing, my condolences to you and your family. Try to stick in there, it's always horrible to have to keep going after something like that but sometimes it can help to give yourself a but of focus.
    Good luck with the paper.
  40. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I'm so sorry, Hsing. Please let me know if I can help in some way.
  41. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I'm so sorry Hsing.
  42. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I couldn't have put it better... Lots of hugs for both Hsing and redneck, tough times you're going through there, I hope they don't last too long...
  43. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Hang in there, you guys. Hsing, your professor is getting some really bad karma next time round. Redneck, you would be insane if you didn't care for the good and the bad things in your life.
  44. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I put my brazers on this morning, and the lesson went quite well, except for the first fife minutes or so.
    Then checking in and finding your messages was really on my list things of "good things that happened to me this week". Honestly. Thanks all.

    Redneck, what the others said...all of it. And I am pretty sure you're not insane. I hope good and bad stay balanced more or less, with a little plus on the good side all in all...

    I should be online, as in msn, more often...

    Well, regarding my grandfather... he planted this apple tree in his then new garden, right after the war, when he arrived in the area he spent the rest of his remaining life in.
    It was the sort of apple tree you could, later, hang a swing in, that grew really high, not those flimsy things people with very small gardens plant. Apple trees of the kind that they say grow as old as a human being and then die of old age. So did, at one point, this tree.
    My grandfather outlived his tree for another decade, even though he was already grown up when he planted it; he was born 1910, and lived in his own house, without the need of much help, until nine days ago.
    He had three surviving daughters, seven surviving grandchildren, and six great grandchildren with number seven on the way.
  45. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hsing, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. If you need anyone to talk to, you know where to find us all. I'm glad you have such good memories of him.

    Nate, I hope things start to get more good than bad soon! It sounds pretty hard with your Ma. We're all here if you need to talk.

    ::hugs Nate and Hsing::
  46. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    hugs to Hsing. I remember losing my grandad on my dads side. I still miss him eventhough its been like 12 years.

    I'm going on holiday in just over a week so I won't be on for a while during that time. before anyone asks I'm going a a cruse with my mum and dad to Miami from Southampton. I cant wait for it (I'm all packed).

    hugs again Hsing
  47. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I just bought a new computer so I could get back online. The last one apparently got a problem with its motherboard so now I get to start over again.

    I have noticed a bunch of changes to the way the board looks, I think that's a good thing, but its obvious I have a whole lot to catch up on. I don't know how many times I've wished I could have shared something this past month or so. I hope this new machine lasts a bit longer then the others.

    Buzzfloyd, I'm glad I got to see BuzzPippi in action
  48. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hello back, Tamyra.

    I am, as of today, owner of a Volvo. A huge dark bluegreen thing (with a trunk so large I am thinking about renting it out to some poor university freshman as a provisory dormitory). 14 years old, but in very good shape, running smoothly... And it is the twin of the car I learnt driving in! My mother has nervous breakdowns when she sees me glide into tiny parking spots with 40 hpm! hah!
  49. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Sounds like fun Hsing.

    and welcome back tamyra

    ever since I've been tested for dyslexia (I have mild dyslexia) I've found that I'm makeing more little mistakes related to dyslexia, like problems reading out loud and spellings of certain words have illuded me more often than ever before. I think perhapse it's as much psychological as... well whatever it is...ical

    in other news my mum hates me again, I'm seeing my girlfriend at the weekend again (third time in a row, some sort of record), I'm lovein' college and my friends rock. Typical teen then...
  50. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Tamyra, welcome back!
  51. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Thank you, Buzzfloyd :) New computers are fun and a little scary.
  52. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Sorry about your grandfather Hsing, my grandma died on the same day too and I was probably the closest to her out of her grandkids. She was in a hospice house but my mom worried that she couldn't stay there because she really wasn't that bad but she was only their about a month or so.
  53. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Just had a nice long week at school, now have a nice long Saturday at school and the prospect of a nice long sunday working on stuff for school.

    Ever feel like life revolves around school/work? :?
  54. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

  55. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Faerie, sorry to hear about your grandma. ::hugs::
  56. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I too am so sorry to hear that, Faerie. I hope you got to spend some time close together, especially seeing you had a special relationship. You're in my thoughts.
    You also in a way reminded me to get in contact with my two cousins, who spent their childhood years seeing my grandfather everyday, while we lived too far away to establish that special kind of relationship; I have been thinking of them, and that for them it will be a lot harder than for me and my sis... now I hope that doesn't sound crude...
  57. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I know what you mean, Hsing - about your cousins bearing the brunt of your grandfather passing away. It seems that you can go both ways about it - on one hand, my two Russian cousins got to see my grandfather almost every day for the past 16 years: hear his stories, make him laugh, share their daily events with him, etc - something my brother and I had missed since we left Kiev, - but they also had to watch his health decline, and they also had to deal with his sudden absence from their lives. It must have been more emotionally intense for them, either way.
  58. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    *hugs* Losing beloved grandparents is hard. I miss mine terribly, especially my maternal grandfather who practically raised me and my sister.
  59. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    It's not the same as losing family, but last night (during the interval of the show I am currently lighting -" Anything Goes") I learned that two friends had recently died - both of them younger than me - one was an actress I had frequently worked with, and another an ex-colleague at the European Commission - who was the person who introduced me to PTerry's works. As one gets older, these things naturally tend to become more frequent.
  60. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Sorry to hear it, Pixel.
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