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Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Thanks all.

    Good luck Anj, my colleage has just left for her maternity leave, she was about 7 months pregnant and said things were getting weird, and that you really notice the body changes at that time... hang in there, not long to go ;)
  2. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Well Mom brought Dad home today, but she noticed he was drifting off into a dream like/hallucination like state off and on in the car and he has been doing this all afternoon and evening. She called the local hospital and they suggested bringing him in just to be sure but he is not willing to go. He's lucid if he is fully awake but just a minute later he'll be talking in his sleep ,I guess it is, about the strangest things. He hasn't been able to sleep well for the last few days so maybe a night in his own bed will help. I need to find a bed to sleep in so I can take a shift later on watching him.

    The way he is talking is bringing back memories of the way my grandfather was on his last day so we are concerned but it is hard to know just how vigorously we should be dealing with this. He has been a heart patient for so long and there is only so much he is willing to do to stay alive the way he has been lately. I know I am not willing to do the things he has done, by-pass surgery, three pacemakers, all those drugs.

    I have often felt that I am not going to persue any aggressive medical interventions when I become ill, so far I've not been tested very far. I don't really know what I'm actully going to want if I get really sick. I have said I wanted to take the first ticket off this rock, but what if it has a long lay over in aphasia and partial paralysis or some other disabiltating condition that could be elliviated by early treatment. I guess I'll let the future make its own mind up when it gets here.
  3. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    School starts back up tomorrow and I don't want to go. :( I have Chemistry II, Modernity and Culture, Computer Programming, and World History II. Good news is that I managed to get two days a week this semester, but the down side is Mondays are from 9am to 8pm plus an hour drive each way. Wednesdays are better though because I'll be home by 3:30.
  4. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I've talked to my dad on the phone twice today and he seems a whole lot better. He's actually watching a football game right now and watching my brother and Connor play.

    Connor got some Thomas the Tank Engine toys for Christmas and his birthday, which was Dec. 31, this Saturday my mom brought yet another Thomas item home that she was going to put away for another time, but she didn't get it hid fast enough. He got it off the counter and ran to her saying open it, Happy Birthday! She's ordered more track because everyone in the family has been playing Thomas the Tank Engine with Connor and everyone says "we need more track".

    He told his dad that he is going to give me a Happy Birthday, when I asked him to ask Connor what he was going to give me for my birthday. That is probably the best present he could ever give me.
  5. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Glad to hear your Dad is feeling better Tamyra.

    So I'm back on campus in five brand spanking new classes, and after just the first day I'm convinced I'm going to enjoy this semester immensly.

    Unfortunately, after going to the doctor last week I was informed that I have tendonitis in both my wrists and forearms, and I've been prescribed pain meds, ice and a wrist brace for two weeks -- which will be followed by nerve testing if things do not improve. This means that any and all typing that is not specifically for class or other school-related things has to be kept to a minimum to prevent any unnecessary aggravation.
    I'm hoping it will get better. If I develop carpal tunnel my aspiring writer dreams are basically hosed. :(

    Other than wrist pain and getting used to wearing a brace, life is pretty sweet.
  6. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    No they aren't. You just get voice recognition software, such as ViaVoice, like me. :)
  7. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    I got a reply from the people down in Manchester on Saturday and sadly I did not get the job. However I did get a reply from Cross Keys hotel in my local town I did not get that job but they are keeping my details on file.

    Just have been in to the jobcentre plus in my local big town and I just want to scream. The reason is that they don’t understand how hard it is for me to get in to the local big town its about a 30 minute drive from my mum or dad (it was my dad today) and then I have to wait around all day to get a lift home. I have to see another person on Thursday so I can star my training and that’s another early morning and all day in the town but the advantage is that I have to go into my bank for a meeting in the afternoon. The reason is that the person I saw today was unable to do anything because I'm dyslexic so the person I’m seeing on Thursday is someone who can sort me out and hopefully I will get onto a training course.
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, the interview was today, I liked them, they seemed to like me and the job is even more interesting than I thought ! I would be actually managing a team of people, which is a big step up from jut creating web pages... It's more of a marketing thing, but hey, unless they find someone with marketing training, I am just the best person ever for that job. I am. If I keep repeating this, it may just come true :D
  9. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Peapod, sorry to hear you didn't get the job, but good luck with the search. I know how tough that can be.

    Kat, well done! Fingers crossed for you.
  10. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well if you need to I can always teach you marketing... Its what I'm paid to do... and if some of the dummies I teach can do it that you can do :) I think. As long as you don't turn out to be a bigger dummy but that would be nearly impossible.
  11. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Nothing is impossible :D Thanks for the offer Spiky, I may just take you up on that one :D
  12. missy

    missy New Member

    Everything is crossed for you Kat, i really hope you get it.

    Anj - i need an update, how big are you? what have you been buying? any news on the new house? did you get it?

    Tam - Dont worry and keep your spirits up. I know what you are going through and i know it isn't easy but if you need to talk you can PM me if you like. My step dad went through a similar situation with cancer and it broke my heart.
  13. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Ok quick up date. Just got back to my mums work after seeing jobcentre plus and yet again not very happy. I was supposed to see my personal advisor today about staring a training course but they got the weeks mixed up so I sat there for 20 minutes to talk to this person and in the end we had to do it over the phone now they have to talk to my old school to get reports on my disability and stuff. I'm in next week anyway but I don’t know why so we will just have to wait and see.

    On the job front still no luck got a reply from somewhere I applied to last week up in Edinburgh called “The Witchery by the Castle” and that was unsuccessful. I’m just going to have to keep looking.

    My friend in America is still ill I just wish I could be over there.
  14. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Peapod, what a bad week. Good luck, may things turn out well in the long run.
  15. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I hope your luck improves Peapod...and I hope your friend gets better.

    I've been having a bit of a rubbishy week as well...I don't think I got more than 1 hours sleep last night preparing for a massive presentation which I stumbled through and got mixed up on and that didn't turn out half as well as I hoped. Hopefully I managed at least a 5 (around a B-ish's out of 7) It's worth about 15% of my final mark and is my fist piece of coarsework which isn't a good start.

    I also got soaked in a massive storm playing hockey and now am sneezing and sniffling and have a sore head...not a good sign.

    On the bright side I'm going to see the musical 'My Fair Lady' tomorrow...its a London cast so should be good.
  16. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Good luck everyone with job applications, presentation marks and cold recovering.

    My week so far has been monotonous and carbon-copy identical to almost every other week since I finished school six years ago. Is this all there is to life?

    Edit: The only proof of time progressing is the changing of numbers in the calendar.
  17. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Perhaps you should dp something different. Tomorrow, buy a hat!
  18. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Make children! No week will be like the next one again, or any week before.
  19. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Here you go.

    (Edited for better link.)
  20. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    LOL, Chris. :)

    Fairyliquid, hope you feel better soon. KK, you could start some kind of creative endeavour such as composing a concerto or writing a novel. That would give a sense of progression and achievement to your life.
  21. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Unless you have no rythm and can't write, then this in endevour will only highten your failure and prove, once agian, the harsh cruelty of life.
  22. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Rinso, you should be a weatherman.
  23. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I must say he is doing a good "yucky weather on the top right hand coast" impression there...

    KK, what's stopping things happenning ? what are you up to at the moment ? studying or jobhunting or just living fat off the royalties of your inflatable self-adhesive parrot invention of the century?
  24. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    KK, I wish I'd had some of that kind of stability you've had. A rollercoaster life isn't as fun from the inside as it might appear from the outside. On the other hand if you are ready for a change just think about what it is that you really want. If you make the decision it will happen. Some times all it takes to make your life better is making one small change. You should remember that to make room for new things in your life you may have to give some things up, but it is almost always worth it.
  25. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Thanks everyone for your ideas. You've inspired me to one idea, we'll just have to see if I will succeed in realising it.

    What's irritating me is that every month I work to sustain my existence. I earn money to pay the rent and buy food. During the years, my pay has scaled to support an increasing amount of luxury consumtion (stuff I don't need to get by).

    I've joined the mass hypnosis orchestrated by adverts, magazines and television, that if I only had that new iPod, if I only wore those clothes, if I only had that perfect flat in the city center, I would find purpose and meaning, happiness and satisfaction. While, in fact, the reason I allow myself to be hypnotized is that deep inside I know that I've found no meaning, and this thought is so frightening that I drown it in the hope of tomorrow.

    I'm a cog in a chance machinery, only sustained by the machine parts' built in desire to and rewarding of actions that will keep it going.

    I wish that all this effort I put into meaningless objects and objectives could be better spent. That my life will not only be a continuous process of keeping the process going.

    I have since long realised that it is up to me to create a greater purpose for me. I am dissapointed in myself for not even attempting to do this.
  26. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I'm sorry things feel that way for you, KK. I hope whatever it is you've decided to do helps matters. To expand on what I said before, I think, in the absence of a religious mindset, the way to finding a sense of purpose is probably through creating something.
  27. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I bet he's going to buy that New Hat.
  28. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Howdy folks - just recovering from the flu at the moment so I'm at home in my mum's for a little TLC and Chicken soup and the ability to post on the boards after a small leave of absence. I do check the boards most days but I can't log in or post from work.

    News with me .. I had my 30th birthday over christmas - went out for a couple of really nice meals and was given a trip to prague for myself and my sister (twin) as a birthday/ christmas present.- totally unexpected and I'm really looking forward to it!

    Anybody go any ideas/recommendations for things to do in Prague- we're only there for 3/4 days in March so I plan on fitting in as much as possible!

    'anybody' is not spelt 'anybossy'
  29. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Ever since the Christmas holidays work took a decidedly Tim Burton/Neil Gaiman/Joseph Heller turn for the surreal. And busier.

    I hope things will get better soon and I will be able to keep abreast of the posting here, but I doubt it.
  30. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Perdita and Avgi, it's good to see you both back, even if you can't post often. Hang in there, girls!
  31. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I think I'm back from holidays now... I say think because just when I think they're over some other reli sticks their hand up and says 'hey you bitch! You haven't visited me like you have the others*' and away I go again...

    Its good to see the board has been so active but it does mean it'll be near impossible to catch up everything but I'm going to try.

    KK I say the hat is a good idea. Especially one that looks like a joker hat. You'll never be the same again.

    *This is completely fabricated but it makes me sound popular and it gives you the gist of the mayhem of visiting my massive family across 3 states and thousands of kilometres...
  32. Hex

    Hex New Member

    So, today marks my two year anniversary since I decided to stop self-injuring.

    It's been long and hard, but I'm still fighting on and I think I'm getting a little better every day.

    I'm happy and proud of myself.

    :D :D
  33. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Good for you, Hex. :)
  34. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay Hex ! **hug** It's a hard thing to let go, and you can indeed be proud of yourself... May these two years be the beginning of a long life of freedom. :)
  35. missy

    missy New Member

    Well done Hex, you go girl.

    I hope you keep it up honey, this is a huge achievement for you, too right you should be proud of yourself.
  36. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    YESSSSSSSSS !! I have had a call from the guy who interviewed me for the new job, they want me to start asap, he'll be sending me a first offer for salary etc. tomorrow !! YAY !! :) I just can't wait to see my boss's face when I tell him I'm leaving...
  37. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Congratulations Kat. Great News :D .
  38. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    WOOT! Go Kat! :D
  39. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Good luck with the new job, Kat :)
  40. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Congrats Kat. I don't suppose you can have a secret camera on your person to capture the moment of shock on your boss's face? I'm sure it'd do well on youtube cos its something that everyone wants to do to their boss...

    *warm happy feeling from imagining his reaction*
  41. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Well done Kat you cheered me up.

    I thought last week could not get any worse but sadly it did. We had 6 yes 6 power cuts in the space of 4 days the worst day was Saturday. We had 3 one in the morning one at lunchtime and one in the evening it was made worse by having the 4 hyperactive boys from up the road running round and playing air hockey on our new table (I love it) anyway we have now got power and I just hope it stays on.

    My friend in America is out of the hospital and hopes to go back to school on Monday. Her mum says that the nurses where surprised because of the card that got sent from Scotland. It seams like she’s on the mend

    That’s it for now
  42. missy

    missy New Member


    Well done Kat. I knew you could do it. How could anyone not employ some one like you with special fish wielding powers? and your sense of sarcasm and wit. Oh wait, are you sure they want you honey.


    Congrats and i hope its the start of a wonderful long career.

    Edit: some picky so and so told me i had spelt Wielding incorrectly. ;)
  43. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    :D Thanks missy, you sure know how to cheer people up girl ! :D And no, they don't even know about my haddock-slapping past, just wait 'till they find out ! :D

    Thanks to all for the congrats, I can't quite believe it's happenning yet, but it certainly looks like it is...
  44. missy

    missy New Member

    I have had the best day today. We have been off work for a week and i have been checking the board all week to see what everyone is up to!

    I got a call from work to say all is well and i have an email. She read it to me. It was from a friend in america. We sent her a copy of Wheres My Cow for her little boy (we figured Thud would be too long for him right now as he is just a baby)

    The email was so sweet. I really appreciated the words, I kinda miss her as we don't talk very often.

    I am also in the process of planning a surprise 60th for my mom in April. One of her friends from school (yep hes old too) owns a printing company and has offered to do all the invites for me, i got the proof of them through this evening. They are amazing. I love them.
    He is also doing 6 fake tickets to a dance on the night so mom thinks she is going to a 60's disco with her friend and their family. I so can't wait to see the look on her face! she's gonna kill me! lol.

    Well back to work next week (aaaarrrrggghhh so many unanswered emails!)
  45. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Peapod, great news about your friend! I hope she continues to get better.

    Wendy, sounds like the surprise is going to be hilarious. :) That moment of disbelief is just the best!
  46. Honey, I thought it was incredibly sweet of you and Dave to send the Crib Lizard his first book and I had to thank you as soon as I could!! I'm glad your co-worker read the email to you! I was afraid that you wouldn't get it until you got back and would think me ungrateful until then. I miss you too, Sweetie. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. The party for your mom sounds great! I'm going to do one for mine in two years for her 50th, and I may call you for suggestions. :)
    Congrats on the new job Katcal!! Please keep us posted on how you're digging it.
    Peapod, I'm glad to hear your friend is doing better, hun. Hope she continues to get better.
  47. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I just told my boss. I have heard of people describes as "turning white and fainting", I had never seen it hapen before :D

    Man that was sooooo awesome :D Wannawannadoitagain !! I'm signing the new contract on Wednesday morning, and I'll start on Feb 26th. Yay !
  48. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Hmm... well, you can arrange a minor, amnesia-causing accident ;)
  49. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Hooray, Katcal! sounds like he had it coming. I hope you get some time for yourself between the old job and the new, and don't let the old boss push you into doing too much last chance to exploit you stuff.

    Today Jon and I went to the courthouse and picked up an inch thick stack of papers to fill out so we can convince the judge we have evenly divided up the detritus of our marriage and will let us go on about our separate lives. It was sort of surreal when I realized I'd been filling out the forms that under most circumstances have to be handed to me by a third party to be legally effective. I sure hope we can have the kind of divorce we want. Cheap and simple as possible.

    He says he is just too wild to be married and I'd have to say I think he might be right. He certainly isn't satisfied with anything he's ever had. I'm more than ready to let him move on to the next thing he wants and let me start looking for someone who can be satisfied with who I am and what we might have together. It still hurts but I can stand it.

    edited to fix a typo
  50. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    *hugs Tamyra* I'm sorry you have to go through this, but we're here if you need to talk, and I'm sure it's ultimately for the best.

    Katcal, well done you! I wish I'd been there to see you tell your boss where to stick it. :)
  51. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::Hugs Tamyra::
  52. missy

    missy New Member

    I'm here if you want to compare notes honey. I have to wait 4 years to get divorced because i don't want my selfish shit of an ex to lose the house (sounds silly i know but i am bigger than that and i know thats just what he would do to me)

  53. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Tamyra... I second the rest of the crowd. :hugs: That sounds like a very dignified position you have towards all this. If there's anything we can do to help to keep your morals high, just type a word.
  54. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Missy, I just don't know if I could stand havng to wait four years, of course I'll be 51 then so that probably makes a big difference.

    Just knowing I have friends rooting for me makes it easier, Thanks again guys.
  55. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    The past week has not been a good week.

    My car was rear-ended and my girlfriend (sitting in the passenger seat) has cracked ribs.

    Add to this a unrelated, collapse on my part earlier in the week. Caused by exhaustion and dehydration I suspect, but I will need to follow it up further.

    Bitter, twisted and intolerent is how I feel right now.
  56. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Big hugs to all those who need them (although not to those with cracked ribs, that would hurt...)

    I've just been on the radio again :D I sent in an email saying "you just played "Snow - hey oh" by the chillis and it started to snow ! That was magic. You couldn't play "it's raining men" could you, just to see ?" and the DJ read it out :D I really think Virgin should pay me a decent salary to spend so much time on air :D
  57. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Ow! :(
  58. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Pepster, sorry to hear it. :( I hope the cause of the collapse was nothing serious and that you're feeling well now. Sympathy to your girlfriend for the cracked ribs, and I hope sorting out the car is relatively stress-free.
  59. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm so sorry about your troubles, Pepster. I hope things get better fast and that you figure out why you collapsed, and that you can fix it by taking better care of yourself.
  60. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I'll just repeat all the above sentiments and hope you can get some compensation out of the guy who shunted you. Being able to pay for a surprise holiday with unexpected cash is just as good as some medicine. :)
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