Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    So, I've been gone for a bit. Sorry about that. I'm going to try to post regularly again. I've missed you all.

    In other news I wrecked my truck on Thursday. Plowed right into the back of a van. My neck hurts and this rental car sucks ass. Stupid icy roads! I'm really starting to hate winter, it hasn't let up here since the first snow storm we had in mid December. I want spring. And a fixed SUV.
  2. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Sorry to hear about the accident, Om. I hope you feel better soon, and that getting better doesn't take you away from us again!
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ouch, Om, I hope you're really ok, and had that neck looked at... bad luck for the truck, hang in there, spring will be there soon !
  4. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I went to liverpool on friday night with some friends.

    we went to (and played a gig) in liverpool with some friends. It all went perfectly, we got to manchester on time, the coach went without a hitch and the gig was amazing (even if the other bands were a little Indie for my likeing). then thTravel lodge got us.

    We left the venue at half 12, we got to the travel lodge quite quickly, only £5 for a taxi that would have easily been £25 in manchester. There were four of us, we checked in to find they'd overbooked and that we were being transfered however they were going to pay the price of our room and the taxi there.

    the other ten pulled up and were told the story, i jumped in the taxi with the gear at one in the morning, it was just a mile and a quarter away so only took another couple of minuets. we got there and told them (premier travel inn) the story.

    we waited ten minuets and got a little worried. i rung my friend back at travel lodge to find that they couldn't get another taxi and that they're having to walk it. A mile and a half at one in the morning, it was raining and they'd been to liverpool once before. not this part.

    they turned up half an hour later. we talked to the guy at reception to find that it would cost us an extra £144 and that the money travel lodge were giving us wouldn't come through for another three working days. they guy wouldn't give us an inch, we had to use all of our money and still pay £14 on a card. that was all our money to get back to manchester gone.

    at two in the morning we all piled into one of the rooms and watched tv four an hour and a half. we tourned the tv off and carried on jumping and screaming around the room untill roughly four in the morning. everyone left my and my friends room, we went to bed and talked untill half past five. at seven another friend came in. i couldn't get back to sleep. at nine someone knocked on the door and told us to be out by ten.

    I was ready and woke up the other two, i went to the other room to find that they had totally trashed the place, thrown coffee all around the room, thrown all the bed sheets and whathaveyou all around, someone had even wee'd in the sink! i told them to be ready to go by ten.

    at ten to ten cleaners were knocking on their door. no one was ready and they hadn't botherd to do anything to the room. at ten we all ran from the hotel. we got to a bus stop and drew out some money. we had just enough to get back into liverpool city centre. we walked around untill three when we hoped back on a coach. we got to manchester at four, met my brother and jumped on a tram to bury. we got inspected halfway only to find that my brother hadn't botherd to pay for his ticket. he got taken off and fined £10.

    we all finally made it back home at around five. I went streight to the kitchen and made myself something to eat and drink after not having eaten or drunk anything non-alchoholic since thursday night. I crashed out on my bed at six in the afternoon. i woke up at nine this morning.

    I only made it home because of Pro-plus. Thank god for caffeine in tablet form.
  5. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Ah, who said the life of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll wasn't glamorous?

    Back in the office today. Most things are working, except my email which is a bugger. Hopefully, they can get it up and working someimte today.
  6. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    What was liverpool like? All my family moved up there last week.

    and yes, the where readying to get away from me.
  7. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Sounds like a typical Liverpool night then, Dane!
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Liverpool eh ? well they were lucky, my parents overreacted and moved to this godforsaken country ! Damn you Rinso, damn you !
  9. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Liverpool was cool. We were in The wirral for the gig. I'm not sure of where it is in comparison to liverpool but i know where we were was roughly 12 miles away from liverpool. I didn't see much of that though.

    The city centre however was brilliant. We were walking around for a wile, most of the bulidings were huge and quite stunning, its a nice easy place to walk around, some of the main streets are a little too narrow for the number of people useing them but its not too bad.

    Theres all your generic shops that you can at just about and town/city centre in england but the Dawsons (music shop) was quite impressive. not as big as the manchester one but still pretty huge.

    the other thing i notice was the number of people dotted around for charities and busking and so on, it just brightend the place up a little. I havn't been there enough to make much of a decision but i wouldn't say its the captial of culture, certainly a nice place but I prefer manchester. It easier to get around and i suppose i just know manchester better.

    But it was a nice clean place, i think your family will probably enjoy it there, or at least what i saw of it anyway. The only problem they will have is fitting in with the accent :D
  10. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    You didn't have you follow them. Frenchie!
  11. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    It's below it. The little sticky-out bit in between Liverpool and Wales. Missed off a lot of maps, although I can't think why.
  12. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    A lots been happening around here i see, I've been busy at work and been doing some man-hunting on-line, wish me luck there, will you. I'm expanding my horizons to take my mind off the septic system, I hauled my laundry out to my mom's this past weekend, but I think I'm going to have to breakdown and call somebody to steam out the pipes. I was hoping that we would warm up but we got over a foot of snow and it isn't warming up very fast.

    I'm up to 30 friends on myspace, if anyone's into that I'd be happy to be your friend there as well as here. I just go by Tamyra there. I am friends with two nephews and a niece and it is a good way to keep in touch with them, I was hoping to see my oldest, the Air Force hunk, this weekend but the weather wasn't cooperating. He was bringing his girl to meet the family, I guess we will have to wait.

    It was Connor's mom's birthday so I baked her a bananana cake and left it out to cool. the next morning I saw that someone named Sylvester or Tweety had had a taste, I didn't think cats liked bananana cake!
    As soon as i can I am going to put a picture of Connor and tweety up, it is the cutest thing i've seen in a while, except for the tigers and orangutans.
  13. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I'm glad we don't have that kind of problem in England Tamyra, hope it warms up soon. Although several feet of snow sounds like a lot of fun to me. I guess the novelty would wear off pretty quickly though.

    You can add me if you like, mines i think i have 172 friends at the moment. Most are just bands that i liked the look of though :)

    Its my birthday tommorow, I got £20 in a card from my uncle this morning so bought myself a couple of CDs. I got the kings Of Leons second album, Aha shaped heart break, I've wanted it for a wile, i wasn't dissapointed. I also got Poisen the Wells debute album: The Opposite Of December again a really good album. in total they cost me £10 :D Just £5.99 for the KOL album and £3.99 for the PTW.
  14. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Remember those photos, we require proof of the hunkiness, remember ? :D

    Cats love cake. And crisps. They just don't all admit to it. In fact I have even know cats that crave cucumber or avocado !
  15. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I had a cat that was nuts about raisins, I guess I should have known better.

    I have a few celebrity friends on myspace too, Dane, Wierd Al for one and a band called Bad Camera, but the gal who does the myspace page actually will reply to the mesages I send. they do a dark industrial sort of thing, I do like some of their stuff a lot though. The latest band is from the east coast of Canada, I haven't listened to their stuff yet but I'm betting I like it, they are from my era. I was out at my mom's on her dial-up internet when I added them and there was no way to listen on that, I had to fight Mom and Dad for computer time as it was. I'd have never believed that would happen.

    Talking about bands, at work there is a guy who is lead singer/guitarist for a band called RockBottom, they are in a local contest and are doing great, they even got their music played on the radio, locally but still pretty cool.

    My Air Force hunk/nephew is my friend Raoul Duke and he has promised to send me some pictures.
  16. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Thats my favourite thing about Myspace, all the bands that add you. they tend to look at the other bands that you've added so usueally you get bands to your taste adding you. I have quite a few bands added, I listen to a few of them on their myspaces on a regular basis but most are a listen once and add.

    Today was my birthday (wooo), I'm 17 (wooo) I got a creative Zen (WOOOOOOO). Allready people are hating that i've got an MP3player. I always sing along :D

    I went to the Biffy Clyro signing and gig today which was cool. got the two 7"'s but didn't have enough for the CD aswell :S. However i did get them signed, personalised and they had happy Birthday on them. Dead impressed, after that we went for a meal at a chineese in Manchester. All in All a good day. I was surprised at how many people knew it was my Birthday and text/said happy birthday which was nice.

    So a good birthday i think.
  17. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Happy birthday Dane!
  18. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Thankyou, Just wish today was as good. Got my results back from my first batch of AS level exams. I got an A in Business but thats about all the good i did :S a C in physics (was expected an A) D in Computing (again expected an A) and I got 20% in my maths... 45% was a pass...
  19. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Oh dear... What was the cause of the difference in results, do you think?
  20. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    The UK Home Office has raised the cost of applying for Indefinite Leave to Remain (the right to live permanently in the UK) from £335 to £750 for an application by post, and from £550 to £950 for an in-person application.

    That is in addition to having to take an exam for which the application fee is £34.

    It's ridiculous.

    People are going to end up staying illegally because they can't afford the application fee.
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    That's crazy ! Even with a decent job it would take one hell of a chunk out of any budget ! :eek:
  22. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I am really shocked. I think that's completely inappropriate and unjustifiable.
  23. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    It's blackmail. If people fulfill qualifications, shouldnn't it be made as easy as possible for them to become legal citizens? This is contraproductive for both sides.
  24. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Well that certainly isn't going to help with any "problems" with immigration (or should that be emmigration? no idea) into this country is it. as Hsing said that's only going to increase the number of illegal immigration this country. The Government of this country really don't seem to see things from the citizens perspective anymore... well did they ever?

    As for my results... well i have no idea why they're so different. To be honest i didn't find any of my papers particularly challenging. The thing that's annoyed me the most is that i felt really confidant about Maths, i was really worrying about it before the exam but thought that I'd done really well. turns out i couldn't have been more wrong :(

    I'm going to resit physics, computing and maths. if i don't make the grade (at very least a D but it would have to be a high one) then I'm going to give up on physics and just go for Business at Uni, which is unfortunate because i really enjoy and (contrary to my results) I'm really good at it. I also get a huge extra grant to do it at uni. Looks like this has really messed up all my plans :(
  25. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Do you get a chance to go through the papers with your teachers afterwards? It may be a difference in interpretation of the question - the examiner thinks one thing, you think another;) .
  26. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Don't give up hope, Dane! This has come early enough to give you a chance to find out what the problem areas are and bounce back. I'm sure you can do well in your chosen field.
  27. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I went to Tennessee last weekend. Me and two of my friends took turns driving the 12 hour trip. The driving wasn't to bad, we sat in construction in Dayton, Ohio for ten minutes but that was the only jam we were in. We saw a ginormous statue of Jesus in Ohio too. I tried to take a picture but it came out blury. We also saw a water tower in Florence, Kentucky that said Florence Ya'll on it which was funny. We stayed in Chattanooga and went to the Tennessee Aquarium, saw my aunt who lives near Chattanooga, and went to Rock City and Ruby Falls which are on Lookout Mtn. There were some tight squeezes between rocks and a swinging rope bridge. It was the first big trip I've taken without my parents or an adult and it was pretty fun. We went into Gatlinburg on our way home to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. Our waiter was funny, he sat at the table and talked to us and told us jokes and he tapped my shoulder and told me to call him everytime he walked by. Driving through the mountains is fun for me but nerve wracking for my friends and I think I hit the biggest pot hole ever in Kentucky, they were both sleeping and it woke them up. My digital camera takes video and one of my friends brought American Idol Karaoke for playstation so we had a lot of fun in the hotel.
  28. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Sounds like a really great trip!
  29. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Dane, does 'first batch' mean you've done January modules and still have more AS exams to come? (My school didn't do it like that for my subjects.) If it does, if you really work at it there's no reason why you can't pull that grade up to something like a B for the final AS physics mark, and probably acceptable marks for your other subjects too.

    I know exactly how you feel about your maths grade. I'd felt pretty confident after doing my AS French exams at the end of last year (the full exams, not modules), predicted an A and I ended up getting a D. The problem I've been dealing with for the past year now is trying to get into a good English course after shooting myself in the foot with that grade (most English courses value good language grades).

    Thing is though, the competition for physics courses is much less competitive than English because less people want to do it. That has to work in your favour. It did for my brother, anyway.
  30. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I had to go to see my endocrynologist (hormone specialist) today, the one upon whom the whole of our future depends, as she will be the only one who can give us the green light for the in-vitro process that will be our final and only chance of having our own children. The slight setback is that she's a bitch.

    She told me on Nov. 27th that I would have to lose 22 kilos before she gave us the ok for the first In-Vitro attempt. Since then, after going through christmas, changing jobs, and my mother's health problems, and so-on, I have only lost 4. Ok, 4 isn't enormous, but she put me down, saying that in the last 3 months, I should really have lost those 22 kilos. That's over 7 kilos per month for 3 months. Any doctor with half a braincell would say that was dangerous for your health.

    And she goes on to explain how if I hadn't lost anything (anything ? and my 4kg ?), it was just because I was lazy and couldn't be bothered, and that if I really wanted a baby, I would have lost a lot more. This is a woman who has done many years of med school to learn about hormone problems like mine, and she's there telling me that losing weight is just a question of wanting to, that your metabolism and health problems, and your mental condition has nothing to do with it, which is the opposite of what everyone else has ever explained. Bitch.

    Needless to say, as she ranted on at me, after a while, I burst into tears (yet another show of my lack of willpower I suppose), and so she decided what I really needed was to see a psychologist, as bursting into tears over "nothing at all" is just not normal. At this point, I thought Hubby was going to stand up and slap her sour face. I'm beginning to wish he had.

    Why does the whole futur of our new family depend on this one stupid cow ?
  31. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member


    Kat, that is really awful.

    Regardless of how much you've lost (although I, for one, do think that 4 kgs is definitely something), no doctor should ever treat you that way.

    And I don't even want to start on the stupidity of "losing weight is just a question of willpower."
  32. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I heard that sort of thing, too. It isn't much help and they don't have much they can really do about it. I hope you can find another doctor that has more compassion. Infertility is one of the most frustrating things I've ever dealt with, and I hope you have more luck. I'll be praying for you and Regis.
  33. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Kat, I second Coppe. And I mean, hello? You're right, every person with half a brain cell no matter what her education was knows by now that 7 kilos per month would probably not be the healthiest way to treat yourself! What a bitch.

    That sucks. Families depend on her very word, and that sort of thing would turn any characterless person into what she's presented you today. I would have cried too. Is there any chance you can avoid her, or get a second opinion, just to humble her a little?
  34. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Thats unbelivable! To think that someone of the medical profession could treat anyone like that is truely shocking.

    I think loseing 4kilo is great and that to lose 7 would be a big challenge let alone 22! what that woman is asking of you is ludacrise. I really hope that she can tone down a little or at least get a little heart and pass you for the in-vitro kat. I think that having a weight limit on something like that is quite rediculose, I wish you all the best with your (hopefully) new family.

    As for my exams it turns out that a C in physics was the joint best in our group! i don't know whether the feel proud or concerned. I think the problem is exam technique. I know all the knowledge but we've done next to no past exam papers, I know i should have revised a little more (Although i did revise for all my exams which is a first) but even my teacher agrees that it must have been down to exam technique.

    As for maths I'm just going to have to try my hardest, I'm going to start going to extra lessons and revise a lot more. Its not my strongest subject at all and i'm going to have to put as much in as possible to get the grades.

    Edit to add:

    We're doing A/S levels at the moment. The january exams were the first of two sets of exams. I've got two exams in each subject in late may/early June. I'll be resitting maths and computing then too. I'm going to resit my first AS physics next january while i'm doing A2, I don't have enough money to resit all of them at the moment :S
  35. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I'm really sorry this happened to you Kat. I would have liked the opportunity to slap her along the ear hole...

    I thought medical training now included courses and training in how to communicate with patients? I'd go to another doctor if you have the opportunity because I don't think this one is going to do you any favours and will only make you stressed everytime you see her and thus affecting your abillity to conceive right there.

    I'd also report the incident to your medical association we have the AMA so whatever the French version) is about the inappropriate conduct of one of its members. taking it to higher authorities may not help make this doctor a better person but will let people in authority know that she is incompetent at her job.

    **So angry on your behalf**
  36. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    I agree with spiky that she really needs to be reported. Can you discuss this with your GP and get some assistance from them? (I'm not sure how the French system works with this).
  37. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::slaps Katcal's horrible endocrynologist with a blowfish. Trout would be too good for her::

    (Grrrrr... I guess that when doctors know that they're the only option for miles around (?), they get a bit on the full-of-themselves side)
  38. mr_scrub

    mr_scrub New Member

    Why not use a shark? Or a whale? :D
  39. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Thanks guys... Well, for a start I'll go see the shrink she has made me an appointment with, and give him an earfull about her. I'll see what he's like and how he reacts. We have talked about it, Hubby and me, and have more or less decided that the best thing to do is probably to cheat on her with a nicer doctor without her knowing and let her just do the washing up... err, I mean just do the weighing and approving part, seeing as she's no damn good at being usefull or supportive. As for reporting her attitude, well, we'll see about that, but at the best it will have to wait untill she has given us what we want, no use making enemies out of people while you still need them eh...
  40. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Yaaay, you DO have an alternative!.... Awesome :)
  41. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I'm sorry to hear about that Kat. I hope this new doc works out.

    I've not been around a whole lot, because between work, AA, school and studying for psychic/energy healing..I've been kinda fried.
  42. mr_scrub

    mr_scrub New Member

    Did your mother get better after?
  43. missy

    missy New Member

    Kat, thats a downright disgrace. You should put in a formal complaint about her. In my experience, most doctors are not like that, although i did have an arse for a doctor a few weeks ago who told me i shouldn't do "faddy" diets, even though i'm doing slimming world and am losing enough to make my diabetes people happy, and should just cut down on my portions. His e.g. was don't have 2 slices of toast for breakfast, have 1 egg. Pathetic. Needless to say i have totally ignored him.
    I really am sorry to hear of your troubles hun, I'm going through similar at the moment. I am miscarrying at the moment and am not allowed to go back to work until i have stopped. I have an appointment with the Gyne lady in April and am going to ask for something drastic as i can't do this again. We have discussed having children and neither of us are really keen on the idea, so you can have our share. I'm sure that will make it all work.
    If you need to talk hun you know where i am. Keep going at the losing weight, i know your desperate but do it steadily, we don't want our Kat to have health problems (well no more than she has now)
  44. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Thanks Wendy, I hope your problems clear up too soon, doesn't sound like fun... **hug** I don't care what any doctors say, I'm not going to rush at losing the weight anyway, we have waited for almost 3 years, a few more months won't make much difference, and there's no point finally getting to try the I-V if my health is all f***ed up by a crash diet.

    My mum had a cancerous mass removed, but no hysterectomy which is good, and she will have to go through radiotherapy, which she's not looking forward to, but still, it could be worse.
  45. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Well that puts my morning in perspective... I was a big brave boy and let the doctor take some blood without fainting, I'm not usually very good with needles. :)

    Katcal, is there someone you can complain to about your doctor, I think you should write a letter/email to someone if there is?
  46. missy

    missy New Member

    Awwwww Mal thats so cool. You should try and inject someone else, Dave has done it for me a few times now. That seems to have helped him.

    You should be really proud of yourself.
  47. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Err... Ok for someone who actually needs a jab, and pricking them with the thing they need, eh, don't just go running around injecting random people in the street.

    Sorry I felt I should add that in case Ba was lurking around somewhere near... :cool:

    Edit : Oh, and well done Mal, it's not easy overcoming things like that ;)
  48. Dane

    Dane New Member

    All this talk of doctors and such has reminded me that I'm still not registered with a doctor and havn't been for almost a year... I should really get onto that.

    I'm in a show on friday to help raise money for Red Nose Day, Not really looking forward to it, we've only gone over the routine once (earlier today), its OK but we still havn't decided on a song yet. Its either phat planet by Fat Boy Slim (the soundtrack to the Guiness advert... you know the really catchy one) or Alpha Beta Gaga by Air.

    I'm on Diablo, I've been doing it for a couple of months now so i'm pretty good but I've still got to work on some of the tricks. Me and a friend are going to go forward towards the end to do our own little routine which we've sorted out but have got to practise a lot more :S With only two days to go this could be a lot funnier then planned.

    Is anyone else doing anything for RND?
  49. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I keep seeing signs that read "RND Day" and thinking they mean "Random Day". :)
  50. Dane

    Dane New Member

    RND day? Red Nose Day day... some silly people out there isn't there...
  51. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Lesseee... Red Nose = Gin Blossom? Does that mean that it's a sanctioned drink-yourself-silly day? :)
  52. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's St Patrick's day this weekend, there will be a lot of red noses around :D
  53. missy

    missy New Member

    Erm yeah, forgot that part! People really don't like being chased with a hyperdermic! lol
  54. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Just got back from a Laserquest party organised by my new company, it was great fun, and got me even more tired than I was after doing a few lengths in the pool at lunchtime (only 15, I haven't swum for ages)... I think I'll sleep well tonight !
  55. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    Well, more talk about doctors, I presume.

    Had my surgery Tuesday, finally... I've ben waiting for it forever, and they did an athroscopy (sp?), ie keyhole surgery in the knee. They found about what they expected (nothing) and instead of doing what they'd said they'd do, they just pumped me full of local painkillers and coritsone. They said this might help, but if it doesn't I'll have to come back and do the surgery I should have gotten. Complicated anyone? That'd mean that I would have to wait approximately one and half year, more, until my knee's fixed. GHA

    Also, I'm not in pain, well, not more that the knee usually produces, but I'm about as mobile as a beached whale. And I can't sit for very long before said knee starts swelling, so I probably won't be around for a little while.
  56. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I hope your knee heals well, Mynona.
  57. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Mynona, I hope your knee heals soon.

    Missy, I'm very sorry.

    Katcal, can you see another doctor?

    Maljonic was indeed quite brave, but I have to giggle slightly because I used to take blood from my little diabetic kitty at least once a day and he wasn't frightened at all.

    My good news is that I passed my Life in the UK test, which I need to pass to be allowed to be a permanent resident in the UK.
  58. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    *sings hymn for Marcia*
    *stops because she's aware she knows neither appropriate text nor tune*

    Well, congratulations, Marcia!
  59. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Hope the knee recovers quickly Myn.

    Congratulations Marcia! You probably know more now about life in Britain than those of us born here :smile: .

    Next week should be fun at work. My supervisor is off for a weeks skiing, and the girl who would normally be in charge in his absence has broken an ankle! Which leaves me in charge :shock: . (Half the day has been spent formalising my training paperwork so that I'm officially allowed to check things.)

    I've been happily enjoying not having any responsibilty since I started here and then this happens and I can't even ease in just covering the odd day off!
  60. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I hope every one heals up fast, I have been busy with work, 12 hours of over time again this week, and with meeting guys on-line. I have met some interesting people since I started this endeavor, some have been a little too interesting. I have been talking with one man a lot but he is not exactly available, I won't go into details but at my age i expected things to be complicated and I have found out things can be even more complicated then I imagined.

    I also got to meet my cousin Amber's baby. TJ is a very sweet baby, just about the happiest little guy I've ever seen. I think he looks just like his Daddy. Amber and Tommy and TJ live in Pittsburg now, they used to live in Savannah,GA

    My Dad has had his nose cauterized three times in the last couple of weeks, he also has lots of little black spots in his eye. My Mom has to have a knee replaced next month and has an eye condition that can only be fixed by a corneal implant, she's just thrilled by growing older and I'm only 18 years behind her.
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