Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Do you have a free study period? Or choir practice? (sometimes good for homeworking, especially when you sit at the very back and know your song part by heart)
  2. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member free period, no choir (its optional and during lunch and on wednesdays). Just History, Spanish, English and Bio. Why couldn't I start on Tuesday! not only is it PE (tennis, involving a game called hit the ball the net...i usually win) and a nice little class called intro to theory of knowledge where you sit back and let everyone else speak :D

    So now it's break will robably be used to think of some good excuses as to why I didn't do all the work I had a free week to complete.
  3. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    You forgot the "o" in Procrastination.
    It is by the way, especially when you have a test/major assignment do tommarrow.
  4. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    was that deliberate? :?

    edit about 5 times for about 50 reasons....
  5. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I just cant spell.
  6. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Oh good, me too. We should make an 'I can't spell' club. We could get t-shirts!
  7. Hex

    Hex New Member

    At my old school I did Theory of Knowledge. My teacher was awful, but ther class was great. It's the reason I decided to do Psych this year.
    You'll enjoy it.

    I miss my old school. :(
  8. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Spoke to my dad on the phone a few minutes ago. Today my gran's leg feels much better. I hope the wound will heal now that the stitches are removed.
  9. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    It is a good class and if you are in the mood for lots of debates and discussions its brilliant..if your not, its a great place to day dream

    Anyway I do TOK next year and already plan on studying psychology next year anyway...Im guessing you did IB, am I right?

    Saccharissa : glad to hear your gran is coping well...hope everything turns out alright
  10. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Best wishes to your gran, Saccharissa.

    Marcia, good luck with the job! Let us know how it goes.
  11. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    So anyway I’m back from by week ‘holiday’. On my second day in Wales I found out that there was a death in the family (Great Aunt) and flew back to Ireland for a funeral. Which was fun. [Insert Bob face here] And I’ve found that we’ve got a mouse in our house- I plan to call him ‘The Greath Archieball Von Linchinstien’ or possibly ‘General Mousoleni’ at least until I stamp on his house invading head.
  12. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    ...and now my other gran broke her arm.

    I'm seriously considering an exorcism here.
  13. Trollmother

    Trollmother New Member

    And you are the family doctor... Everything rests on your shoulders!
  14. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Saccharissa: I wish both your grandmothers a quick recovery. Actually, from what my mom told me, a broken leg does not only have disadvantages; it forced her, an extreme worcoholic, to take a few weeks break of her life. She rolled through the house in an office chair, decorating things, and baked a nut pie for the first time in her life.

    Marcia: Good luck on the job.

    And Rincewind: [ :( ]
  15. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I have this and next week off school :D yey.

    however i have to go into school on wednesday to finish buisness studies coursework :(

    this means getting up at 7:45 ! :shock: and going to school.

    But it isn't so bad because my brother has just been found out. He goes to about 2 lessons, the others he stays at home! he is behind in all his home and course work. :D

    When my mum and step-dad found out the other night... :D :D

    he's had it comeing to him for a wile and my dad may not care but my mum and step-dad do. hahahahah I laugh at him.

    thats about all i have to say
  16. Hex

    Hex New Member

    The world seriously hates me today.

    I got home from school and my dad told me that he got me into drivers ed.
    "yay" I said. "When is it?"
    "8 o clock."

    As if that wasnt bad enough, its EVERY tuesday and thursday night for the next month.
    Which is ridiculous.
    I DO NOT have two hours of my time to spare here. I have so much work to do it is not funny. I have to volunteer at the weekends. I have to do my psych research project. I have unit exams next week. AND The SAT is in less than a month!!!!!!!!!!

    Thing is, I could easily just wait to do this course until next month. However, if I do, my dad will just make me feel as guilty as hell for doing it. It is important, I'll give you that, but I kinda think schoolwork is priority here...

    So yeah, the world hates me. I'm gonna go rush through my homework now, then shove some dinner down my throat, then do this stupid course.

    And, adding insult to injury, I miss the Morgan Spurlock lecture on thursday because of this.


    I may have to hit something...
  17. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    Sorry to hear about that Hex. :(
  18. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    Thursdays, never could get the hang of Thursdays. :D
  19. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Sacharissa, hope both your grans get well soon.

    Hex, it could be worse. You could be 40 years old and not know how to drive, like me.

    I just found out that my diabetic cat, who is now living with my ex in New York, had to be hospitalized because the pharmacy sold my ex insulin with E. coli in it. This is insulin that is sold to human patients. Someone, human or pet, could have died from it. (My cat is OK now.)

    The vet is dealing with the pharmacy. The cat is one of his favourite patients. He is not happy.
  20. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Marcia,I hope your poor kitty doesn't have to go through that again. It must have been pretty awful.

    I just found out I have to get up even earlier than I have to get up for work on my day off , so I can drive to Fargo( about a 100 miles from here, and yes its that Fargo) to get my mom out of the hospital. She had an angiogram today and they put a stent in and had to keep her over night, but she didn't get to have a regular room so we have to get up there first thing in the morning so they can get the cath room ready for tomorrow's patients.

    I was going to go with my folks today but they (Dad) said he could handle it. But apparently he couldn't handle it as well as he thought he could because he called me first thing when he got home to ask me to go with him tomorrow.

    Jon will be going tomorrow most likely, he's been home enough for me to have gotten used to him being here. I wish he could find a job that didn't keep him so far away, but at least this time he has a new thing to keep him occupied. He bought an electric guitar and a book to learn how to play. I hope having that will let him relax and maybe not just keep pushing himself so hard. He was so beat when he got home this time.

    He had pizza with his mom this evening. They didn't talk about what happened and he didn't trust me to see his mom, so I don't know if there is going to be any real lessening of tensions between us. She told him she said Hi to me. I don't want to be the bad guy in this, but I think I need more then that.

  21. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Gosh, you're all having such stressy lives at the moment. :( I hope it gets better for all of you soon.
  22. Ivan_the_terrible

    Ivan_the_terrible New Member

    Guys, hope things will turn to better soon!

    My turtle died yesterday. :cry:
    We are on the eve of our anniversary and I'm on "14 hours a day, no weekends" workweek currently.
    Have to go to the airport now to meet the girls from BBC.
  23. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    I have just switched on the TV in my Malaysian hotel room.

    There is a game show on, like "Pop Idol" except that the contestants are holy men (Imams?) of the muslim faith, and are competing against each other to see who can sing the best prayer (there are subtitles so I can tell this is true).

    A panel of judges (think Simon Cowell in a funny hat) then pronounce on their performance.

    I'm irresistibly drawn to thoughts of the priest's Eurovision song contest in Father Ted.

    (and no I haven't been drinking - well not much)
  24. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    School started again today. My new Greek teacher is the scholastic equivalent of a nazi and, by way of introduction, told us all she didn't want any stressed out students in her class and if we wanted to kill ourselves would we please get it out of the way now as we would be doing her a favour.


  25. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    sarge: Holy Idol :lol:

    you should hear the indonesian idol...there isn't much in the way of descriptive language in bahasa indonesia so the entire time its four judges saying 'bagus'* or 'tidak bagus'**. I think asian idol programmes in general are a hoot :D The worst was when my school atempted to have one...we had students playing the flute throguh their nose at one point :lol:

    Toaf: I think teachers battle to come up with the most ridiculous (yet often effective) eay of begining a new class. Good luck with her

    I've had a reasonably (okay unbearably) busy week. Had a lot of catch up work since I was off all last week. Just tomorrow to go then I can fully relax :) Plus, i dont have to do anything tonight after school...i'm free to come home and be lazy.

    **yep, you got it, not good
  26. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I'm at school now and I'm supposed to be doing my psych, and I will do it in a moment.

    I would just like to say that the school internet SUCKS. I cannot get on to my email or any decent comices.

    Curse you administration staff! I hope you all choke on your censorship!!


    Okay, I'm done. Time to go write about the visual cortex. Yay me...
  27. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Pretty tense above!

    I got some good news, for a change :)
    I got a job, in Bangalore India .. and I'm flying there tomorrow. And the company is paying for the relocation too :D Unfortunately, this does mean that I will be offline for a few days after tomorrow, till I get some internet access in Bangalore.

    Drinks are on me!
  28. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I don't know why, but I've always loved the name Bangalore. I know nothing at all about the place, could be a complete dump for all I know, but I always picture exotic dancing and yummy curries. :)
  29. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Bangalore was for quite some time, pub city :) Its a nice place, though the new government there has shut down the pubs :(

    Edit: now its a very cosmopolitan place, and also has some of the best book stores in India .. or so I've been led to believe! But yummy curries should definitely be true, after all, its in South India.
  30. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Sounds fantastic, I heard that all the best food come from the south; though it was someone from the south that said it, perhaps they same the same thing in reverse up north? :)
  31. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    It's all good food, I like it all :) Very different, so not really comparable .. depends on your mood!

    Except of course, Maharashtrian food .. thats where I am from originally. We Maharashtrians believe in eating simply (read boring!) :)
  32. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Well good luck on your new job, Sampanna. I bet there are quite a few things you wont miss about Duluth as well as a few you will.
  33. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    From today I'm on two weeks holidays! Huzzah!

    For next week I don't really have any plans - apart from attending a scary (yes I did mean scary) wedding next Friday. Then on Saturday I am going to Barcelona for a week!!

    I have done my research about Barcelona (net and books) but if anyone here has any recommendations -things to see /do/places to eat please let me know!
  34. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    My sister went to Barcelona with the school of architecture a couple of years ago. She was very impressed with everything done by Gaudi, but you are not required to visit everything designed by him.

    The church of Sagrada Familia is a must though, and so is the park. There is also somewhere near there a shop with makes amazing chocolates for drinking and for eating. I will ask my sister for details as soon as possible.
  35. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Thank you :)
  36. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    And I want to hear about the scary wedding! :)
  37. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Congrats on the New job Sams!

    What are you doing? Making world enslaving Robots?
  38. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I'm in journalism class right now at sschool and I just got switched with someone. I'm at the back of the class now...
    This is not fun.

    I want to go home now...

    :( -- bob agrees with me on this one!
  39. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Wha?!?! All forums are blocked by the filters at my school! :shock: At least you can come on here.

    Anyway after to long with my ###### nokia 1 I'm upgrading to the wonderful world of colour a Moterola V3 Razor. yay no more phone turning it'self off during conversations!
  40. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    A RAZOR!?

    (For the people that do not know/care. The Motorola V3 Razor is one of the flattest phones you can get. Very stylish.)

    Just don't keep it in your back pocket, they break (literaly) easily.
  41. Dane

    Dane New Member

    wow really? I'll be careful of that then. However even a broken Rzor's better than my current phone :oops:
  42. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ...I'll never be a doctor...

    (or a nurse, or a train operator, or a pilot, or anyone whose job can result in people living or dying)

    A month or so ago, I was told that I came thisclose to having to re-animate one of my scenes (a beast of a project, which took 3 months to finish). While I was looking for a brown bag to breathe into, the lead animator explained that my scene was screwed up, because I picked the wrong option in the open-scene dialogue box. I told him I don't remember picking that particular option, but the evidence was there, and besides, there have been precedents of me doing things unconsciously due to a lack of sleep... So I received my hypothetical whack on the ass, apologized and promised to keep an eye on that dialogue box in the future.

    (Did I mention that any other lead animator/co-worker would have strangled me by now? I got lucky in that respect...)

    Anyway, today another animator guy discovered what really happend: the settings in my 3D animation program were such that, when I open a new scene, that dialogue-box doesn't even pop up! The program just does whatever it feels like - in my case, screwing up my 3D scene, - totally without my knowledge. At which point, I was told that I was absolved from the earlier, scene-messing guilt.


    Yeah, I didn't know that this one little bit in 3D Studio Max (a tiny checkbox) would keep the dialogue box from showing up. If I knew, I would have checked it. But, theoretically, it's my JOB to know the software enough to be able to keep such crap from happening. (At this point, the guys laughed and said that even the guys who helped WRITE 3D studio Max don't necessarily know it inside and out). And if I was, for example, a nurse in charge of some complicated life-support equipment, and a patient died on me because I didnt' know about some tiny button at the far corner of the control panel, it would not have been a good excuse. And I'd be charged with murder :p

    Half the time I'm too lazy to figure out ALL the inner workings of my tools, and the other half I'm too comatose to see what I'm doing. Please don't let me become a train operator :oops:
  43. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Aw... Poor Mowgli.... :( For those not knowing: What exactly are you doing?
  44. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I help make 3D movies for planetariums :)
  45. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Mowgli, chill, the reasoning behind the medical machinery as that they must be simple enough to be operated by overworked medical personnel in understaffed hospitals.

    Perdita, my sister say the chocolate shop is called Escriba and it is a corner shop halfway down the Rablas on your right as you go towards the sea.

    I hope it makes sense.

    I offer to the students of this board all my sympathy and understanding. School will be over for you in a few years. Then, you'll have to get a job and start paying taxes.
  46. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Try This. (I don't know what filter they use at school, but it works on the one at my school)

    Free Website Translator. Online Website Translation

    Type the URL of the website you wish to visit into the text box. Set it to translate into you language of choice (it doesn't matter if it is alredy in it) and push the translate botton.
    (Note: it takes a while.)
  47. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    My first week of university is over. After 14 weeks of vacation it was definitely a change. Fortunately I have only 11 hours of classes, so I still have loads of free time. Especially because the out-of-class work is pretty limited, fun and easy. I'm a student at the UU (Universiteit Utrecht) and I'm taking a bachelor course in English Language and Culture, btw.

    Almost ready to move into my house. Just a few weeks of work left. Independence, here I come!

    Finally received my IB results yesterday. A 7, the top mark! Yay!
  48. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    Yay! Well done! :)
  49. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    wow Cynical youth IB is pretty hard too!well done.

    My brother just did it...though he had to move schools half way through...not such a good idea...I hope Uni works out brilliantly for you!

    Anyway...back to school tomorrow, should start that homework sometime (considering its 8pm...) :(
  50. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Yerk...Back at work after the work love in (you know those things where you go to nice manors in the country and you do team building exercises like shooting at each other with paint/real bullets and secretly everyone is just out to get everyone else...just like that only not so exciting)... The little darlings (students) are also back so its all down hill from there :cry: I want to go home :cry:
  51. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Poor Spiky... keep in mind that the little buggers (students) want to go home too... and you OWN their arses! :)

    (hope that helped!)
  52. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    It helped a little Mowgli thanks, now I'm more like :? but one tute to go till tomorrow...oh it never ends...
  53. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I have two days to read the remaining 300 pages of a book and then write a paper on it for english class. It is a vary good book, (posibly the best I have read all year) But it isn't the kind that you want to read all at once.
  54. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Thanks Toaf & Fairyliquid. :)

    Good luck with school troubles everyone.
  55. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Congratulations CY! And... UU? :D How appropriate vor a TP fan!
  56. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    One of my favourite people in the world died this morning. My Great Auntie Sister Shiela was one of those wonderfull people who loved everyone for who they were and always accepted them for it. I could rock up to the convent (actually a shared house, but it meant as much) in full Goth getup and all she and Great Auntie Sister Rita would say was "You have grown into such a beautiful young woman!" And despite the fact that she was a nun since the age of 16, she was one of the most liberal and unconservative people I've ever met.
    She died of heart failure, completely out of the blue. We all thought that her heart was quite good. Obviously not. Farewell Shiela, I hope your heaven is every bit as good as you believed it was.
  57. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    *hugs Andalusian* You have my deepest condolences.
  58. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    She sounds like a wonderful person. My condolences.
  59. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Oh, Andalusian, from your story hers was a VERY good heart. I'm sad for your loss.
  60. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I agree with Brad!
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
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