Sometimes, when I'm teaching little kids and they do something naughty, it's very hard not to laugh and instead stay firm and serious. Sometimes I get the same feeling with Ba.
I've added two little buttons to the post editor at the top, a strike through button to do this [-]strikethrough[/-], and a nerdy W button that I thought was cool - to link to wikipedia pages (assuming you can spell the word right and there is a page for it) - highlight Paris and click the W to get [wiki]Paris[/wiki]. P.S. What happened to splitting the thread up?
I've noticed a quirk in the permalink function - Chris sent me a link to a post, but because he has 20 posts per page (ppp) and I have 15 pppage, the link was not successful. I guess this is because if you acquire the address via 'Permalink', the page number is included, e.g. With 15 ppp, that post (number 248) is on page 17. With 20ppp, it would be on page 13. The simple fix would be to remove the page part of the permalink, presuming that the board will allow you to change to that format? I just tested, if you remove the page number - it defaults to the first post of a thread. I do like the ppp manipulation tool (I was thinking of upping mine) and the other personalisation aspects, I don't want to lose them. But I would imagine that with the personalisation options, things like links have less common ground, so it would be neat to find some demoninator that they share.
I can't do anything about that, if we removed the page part it wouldn't be possible for anyone to link to a post. Oh wait, I see what you mean. No, wait again, it just can't be done. The only way around it is to get the permalink when you're not logged in, to make sure you go to the right place, and go to it when you're not logged in.
So, Buzzfloyd, I and all the nice people who went back and edited their own posts cleared the Introductions Forum, the Roleplaying Forum, the pages which are now 1-4 and 45-53 of Boardania of the code fallout. If you see any more code fallout on those sites, either let me know it, or if it is in one of your own posts, edit it yourself in the same time.:wink: Other than that, editing will be continued.
In case you haven't noticed yet, there are some games to play now. A couple are the same, but most are different.
Phew. Well, it's taken me bloody ages, but I just went back and fixed the code for my last 500 posts. That includes 2 boardfics. Medal, please. Oh, and also: is there any way of going back further than that?
You're already a trophy winner, Mister Trampoline Man! There should be a song about that... Is 500 the max, or do you mean you want to travel back beyond your first post?
I played V:force and beat it completely, but it didn't record my score of 800 which would have been the top score.
I was logged in and I know because I did it again just then and it says once you hit 800 points: Congratulations you beat the game. Play Again? Yes No But it doesn't direct you to the High Score page or give you a send score option, no matter what you choose.
Well I couldn't get the top score last time I tried, but there was a submit score button when I came third or something. Edit: never mind, I did it now and see what you mean. It says I finished all the levels. It must be an incomplete game, I shall remove it.
I haven't found a replacement for that yet, not one where we can add our names anyway. There is one that shows the spread of members and visitors though I think, with little dots on the globe.
I wondered about that - I noticed that the Blogging for Democracy thread says on the forum page that it was posted by JRyanBeattie, but in the thread, the first post says it's by Ba.
Okay, from what I've been told Ba's problem is that his computer isn't deleting cookies properly, so he isn't properly signed out when he signs back in again under a different name. Maybe your computer is old, or your browser is ancient/exclusive or something?
Well can you try manually deleting cookies before you log in and see if anything happens? Or, even better, see what happens if you log in from a different computer. P.S. I fixed your title again.
The same thing that happened with V:Force just happened with Parachute Panic. I got 80 which beats the game and it wouldn't direct me to the high score page.
Ah! What does it mean that I can digg and furl posts? Forgive my ignorance towards such new and modern things.
It means, if you have an account with any of them, you can add them as bookmarks so you, and other people in the future, can find them. They're all just different bookmark sites, sort of a trendy alternative to search engines.
May I be picky ? Could you add the old shortcuts for the smileys ( the and so-on) You should be able to add several shortcuts for the same image, and it would be a great help for lame people like me who can't remember to type in "biggrin" or "wink" instead of using the standard msn-like ones...
Mrrrreow? There are shortcuts? Where are they???? (I'm guessing they're not the "post icons", since those only show up in the title)
Hah, well, the joke being that in the original post, I wrote them out so as to show which ones weren't working and now they work, you can't see the code ! so they are (remove spaces) : D : ) ; )