People, new and old, please introduce yourselves

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by Mynona, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. Hi Poons!!!!
    You have a very sweet looking avatar! :)
  2. poons

    poons New Member

    She is my cat (surprise) and I just recently got a digital camera and that's the best one of her. I was looking for something really offensive to use, but decided against it lol;)
    I get the distinct impression that some heavy stuff happened on a previous board and people are, a little- uptight is too strong a word but I don't get a relaxed feeling from a lot of what I have read (just reading random topics, nothing too do with my own experience).
    Anyway it's 4am and I am just thinking aloud:)
  3. Walter_Plinge

    Walter_Plinge New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    I was trying to think of an original screen-name, and went through a couple of character names and then thought of Walter Plinge, who was my favourite character from Maskerade and decided just to use that.

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    21 (nearly 22) and living in Scotland

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    Maybe, althrough there's a million ways that it could go wrong

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    Someone I knew back in School lent me one of the books (worryingly, I can't remember which one) to read. I'd read and been trying to write fantasy before then and had just about given up on the genre, but this got me interested again.

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, but set fire to him and he will be warm for the rest of his life ."- Ly Tin Wheedle
  4. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    First, as a cat person (but I don't wash in my own spit! :) ) - nice cat - I hope she keeps in good health!

    Yes, there was some heavy stuff happening on the previous board (the Harper Collins "official" board) - the problem was that for years there was no active moderator, so the long-time members were doing their best to police the board by expressing disapproval where necessary - then some newbies came on and started a hate campaign - making the board unusable by going back through the archives and making posts which were just a quote of a post from years ago, and spending hours doing this, so that any recent post was being buried. That was the point that we (the main "community") moved over here - then Harper Collins suddenly put in a moderator on the old board - who let the people responsible for the troll-bombing that drove us off stay on that board! This is why we are a little touchy on the subject!

    As far as getting a relaxed feeling is concerned - like any community/group of friends/whatever - we have our in-jokes - such as the one about blaming Doors (Orrdos) for everything - and we have our senior members (such as Garner) who try to keep us under control before Maljonic has to start censoring the board - bear with us - you'll get used to our strange ways!
  5. Human

    Human New Member

    Ugh, cat people. Don't worry, I won't hold it against you ;)

    Welcome to Poons and Plinge.
  6. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    It occurred to me today that I never filled my one out, so here we go:

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?

    In secondary school we had a game people played on the LAN called Delta Force 2. I was good at it and had just seen the film The Day Of The Jackal, so that's the username I used. Been using it since

    2) Are you male or female?

    Male (2 people have got this wrong so far!)

    3) what age category and geographic location do you fall into?

    I'm 23. Live in Cork, Ireland.

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck?

    Yes, with Hogfather appearing on the small screen next Christmas, I hope this will lead the way for a full-scale film.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?

    Was on the ferry to Wales, aged 13, when I spotted the Hogfather in the duty-free shop. It looked & sounded good, so I bought it.
    I actually remember having to re-read the start 2 or 3 times to understand it!

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?

    Not much of a quote person to be honest.
  7. Getting pictures of animals is always a fun challenge. My black lab always poses for the camera, where as my cat usually runs the other way. :lol: I love my digital camera. It makes it real easy to delete the mutiple pictures I end up getting of the kitty's backside. :roll: Nobody wants to see that.

    Welcome Walter_Plinge!
  8. poons

    poons New Member

    Thanks for reply Pixel:)
    @somethingclever-yes this cat poses all the time, when I get better with the camera I am going to sell the photos to go on the front of chocolate boxes;)

    And welcome Walter:)
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome walter, I missed your post, in between two catty ones :D

    Poor somethingclever... maybe you could take advantage of your cat's natural talent though, you could always try to set up a website of female cat's backsides for male cats who just want to have a bit of fun when surfing the web...

    No ?

    Oh, okay, forget it then... :D
  10. :lol: :lol:

    Katcal, good thing I wasnt drinking anything while reading your post, I would have spewed it all over my keyboard laughing!!

    That is just sick and wrong, but I loved it! Ah, Thanks for that laugh. I needed it today!
  11. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    No problemo, baby ;)
  12. koshu

    koshu New Member

    hi to everyone that i havn't said hi to yet, :)
  13. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    1. I like Angua.
    2. Female.
    3. under 18, Ireland.
    4. Yes.
    5. My parents had the colour of magic, I reread it so many times that I hated it. Then finally realised that there was a possibility that he had written others (I know, I know, duh!), checked in library, and bingo, havent looked back since. That was when I was about 8.
    6. Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity!
  14. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hello Angua !

    Welcome to the board, make yourself at home (please don't take your shoes off though, especially if you don't change your socks every day... I think that should be added to the FAQ)

    I know you don't need to be directed to the introduction thread, as you've already posted there, but I'm training up for the 100m Newbie :D
  15. koshu

    koshu New Member

    hi angue welcome to the world of us and you'll never be the same ever again :D
  16. Sarbar

    Sarbar New Member

    :D Thanks pixel for explaining about the stuff that happened on the
    other board. I've always loved not being mainstream anyway !
    Hi to everyone who's new and all you oldies.
    Speaking of animals and their bums, my dog farts while lying
    down and always looks up in the direction of his butt as if he's
    thinking 'where the hell did that come from !! '
  17. The_Poker

    The_Poker New Member

    I'm an arse, I missed this thread. ;) Oh, the newbie embarrassment!

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    I think it has a little something to do with Death's grand-daughter...

    2) Are you male or female?

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    19, Canada (I'm a born and bred South African, however, only been braving the Great White North for four or five years now)

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck?
    I think it's most definitely impossible.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    The local librarian (no, she isn't covered in fur) and, incidentally, close friend of my mother, recommended Carpe Jugulum to me a few years ago. I've been completely transfixed ever since.

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    "His full name is James What The Hell's That Cow Doing In Here Poorchick," said Magrat.
  18. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    :) Welcome, Poker. Inventive avatar.
    Wow, we've got quite a few South Africans on this board...
  19. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello The_Poker. :)
  20. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hullo, Poker! You really do just have to love pokers. All-purpose weapon. ^-~ And everyone else I missed while I was on homework related absence.

    That seems to be...

    Hiya, Poons! I'm a cat person too. I think I'll be a copy cat and use a picture of my kitty, Rascal.

    Hullo, Walter! Classic quote you've got there. Always loved it. ;)

    Hi to you, too Jackal, though you're not exactly new...

    Welcome to the board, Angua. You started reading Discworld pretty early... :shock:

    That seems to be everyone!
  21. The_Poker

    The_Poker New Member

    Hello, thank you for all of the welcomes. :) Lots of South Africans around here, hey? Come now, my brus, fetch the biltong and crack out the Castles! :D
  22. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome the_poker ! Nice avatar ;)
  23. Pixelpixi

    Pixelpixi New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    I'm not tall and I spend a reasonable amount of time on the laptop. And it's what I use on all the boards I'm a member of. Easy for me to remember!

    2) Are you male or female?

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    Embarrassingly old...... Scottish, but residing in Missouri

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck?
    Most definitely impossible. Look at the total mishmash that was TLOTR!!

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    Young nagging brother..... gave me Mort, then I was totally hooked

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?

    see my sig.....
  24. koshu

    koshu New Member

    hi and welcome everyone :D
  25. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hello, Pixi!
  26. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome, Pixelpixi!
  27. The_Poker

    The_Poker New Member

    Ha! I couldn't agree more. Welcome, Pixelpixi.
  28. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Definitely. After all, they killed off Haldir! And with no reason! Unforgivable...
  29. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    I actually liked The Lord of the Rings move versions better than the book. They were less camp and the dialogue was much better.
  30. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    One main issue, aside from the premature death of Haldir, I took with it was what they did to Gimli. The dwarf was made into the comic relief. But then, someone had to do it, I guess.

    Legolas got an entirely new character too, though I like how he delivers some of the funniest of his lines with a perfectly straight face. All in all, I think the movies were good, (especially the extended edition) but they really weren’t the books.
  31. The_Poker

    The_Poker New Member

    Also, no Hey dol! Merry dol! ring a dong dillo! Ring a dong! hop along! fal lal the willow! Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!

  32. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Yeah. Old Tommy was a real loss. And I would have liked to see the tree eat the Hobbits...

    The director could have given them cloths. No real reason to cut Bombadil.
  33. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Adding Bombadhil would have added an extra hour on to the film to do him any justice at all, I'd rather they left him out completely (especially as that part is pretty much seperate from the rest of the story) than did him too quick or badly, and the film was long enough as it was... I think the films were as good as they could be, but then I don't go to watch a film adapted from a book (especially such a long and complex one) expecting it to be an exact replica of the book. The same goes for the latest Harry Potter movies, you can't expect a 500+ page book to fit into a 2 hour film without there being some cuts, and I honestly think the LoTR was pretty good considering the complexity of the task. Maybe if Tolkien had thought it would be made into a film some day, or if he had been here to oversee the adaptation, he would have written some things differently, who knows !

    But this is a whole big discussion and nothing to do with greeting newbits, can we steer back to the main subject please ?
  34. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?

    The Watch(with Wizards close second) are my favourite group of characters in the series.

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)

    Male. Over which there is no confusion at all :p

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?

    23. Living in London, England.

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)

    Faith? No. A lot of hope though.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?

    My cousin showed me the Light Fantastic and Colour of Magic graphic novels when I was about 12 I think it was.

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?

  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    SQUEAK* to you too Watchman !

    *Welcome !
  36. Stubbsy

    Stubbsy New Member

    1) What formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    My surname's Stubbs. I threw the "y" on to look exciting... :lol:

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    Hold on, I'll check.... :shock: Yep Definitely female :D

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    I'm 20, 21 on 12th April! And I am in *lovely* :? Kent, Medway to be specific. I'm not big enough to come from the whole of Kent :p

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    I do think it could be done well, with the right choices, direction etc..

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    It was either my father or my uncle that recommended them to me. Can't remember which...

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?

    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving's not for you :lol:
  37. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Yo Stubbsy.

    I went to school in Medway. >ahem< Less said about that the better, i think ;)
  38. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Stubbsy. :)
  39. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome, Stubbsy! :)
  40. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hallo, Stubbsy! :lol: Love the quote.

    Welcome, Watchman!
  41. redjj

    redjj New Member

    Hi, I'm Jennifer and I'm in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. I found TPratchett in my early 20's and have been rabidly collecting the books since :prayer: . As for Tolkien, I found his books in highschool :D I found with any kind of translation of medium there are always going to be problems....but Jackson, Walsh and Boyen(?) took the books and I think made the best possible movies with them. You have to admit that Tolkien gets ingredibly wordy, but that is his pervue as not only a writer but also a professor of languages at Oxford. His styles of writting are not suited for modern day screenplays....otherwise the movies just may have wound up being something close to 20 hours and be dead boring to boot. Right now my interest is seeing what they may have done to Beowulf and Grendel....... :?
  42. The_Poker

    The_Poker New Member

    Hello Watchman, Stubbsy and Jennifer!

  43. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hi Jennifer/redjj ! I do hope you're not thinking of watching the beowulf movie that has Christophe Lambert in it, 'cos that film is probably the worst film ever !!!! If you like Beowulf... hell, if you like decent ACTING, do NOT watch it, or your eyes and ears will hate you forever !!! :D
  44. randywine

    randywine Member

    ok here goes!

    1: screenname is a play on a certain river which also shares a name with the production company that produced the alien movies.

    2: Bloke

    3: thirtysomething an' ah bide in Scotland

    4: dont see why not - there are a lot of talented people out there who 'get' PTerry. [of course there are a lot of pondscum as well...]

    5: in 1987 a mate gave me mort...still got it (the book that is) bought the rest

    6: "I'll write it for 200 quid up front"

    anyhoo this is my first post.
    Cheers :D
  45. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hi redjj and randywine! :)
  46. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Hello Redjj and Randywine, and welcome to the boards!
  47. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hello and welcome, Randywine and Redjj!

    You've added to your outfit since I've seen you last, Kapten.
  48. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Yes, I won a silver medal in the Sailing contest.
  49. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, isn't that just fitting for our one and only Kapten ? ;)
  50. koshu

    koshu New Member

    i and welcome to all new people. :D
  51. The_Poker

    The_Poker New Member

    Welcome, randywine. :)

    Ah, koshu! Where in South Africa?
  52. sykoste

    sykoste New Member

    1: my name is ste, iam slightly insane, i cannot spell proper
    2: bloke of male origin
    3: 28 lancs, UK, earth - the round bluish one next to the moon.
    4: yes, i would like to write the screenplay (currently working with Sourcery which i think is the best introductory story to convert for mass appeal - before introducing prequels etc. in a starwarsesk stylee) iam having some difficulty getting tP's humourous literary diversions across. Any ideas? - suggest a new thread... e.g. "curiosity didn't just kill the cat, it threw it in the river with lead weights tied to its feet" could appear as a pub-sign on the wall of the 'mended drum' as Rincewind trys to get psst- but would anyone notice in a film?? otherwise it would either be disasterously omitted or result in a rather lengthy voice over through the entire feature... as far as sucking - people watch hPotter don't they?
    5: my friend, by having nothing but tP novels in his spare room and many sleepovers at his house. The unnaturally early nights enforced by his mother and a need to find something to do when everyone else was asleep...
    6: "one cannot fly without friction" or "if we all stop resisting we will end up very close to the floor"
  53. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    welcome sykoste

    would you mind breaking up your post so it doesn't appear as a whole block of text. Just putting a line in between paragraphs it makes it a hell of a lot easier to read. Thanks!

    welcome to randywine and any other newbits also :)
  54. lord_vimes001

    lord_vimes001 New Member

    1) I wanted a name I could remember on a Terry Pratchett message board.

    2) Male

    3) I am about the same age as Vimes and the Patrician, and Terry Pratchett, if photos of him are any guide. I live in Washington, DC.

    4) A movie would be hard to do well. The plots are generally infantile and predictable, as befits genre fiction. Pratchett's greatness is for character and comic incident. The writing is where the magic is.

    5) A friend had urged me to read these things for years. Recently I read one, and now I'm happily addicted.

  55. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Aye. I'm still wondering how CY, the landlubber, snatched the gold away from me. :)

    Edit: Welcome Sykoste and Lord Vimes.
  56. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Welcome lord_vimes001 and sykoste. :)

    Well Kapten, there is actually a pirate in my ancestry, so I do have some pirate blood. Btw, where is the bronze you got in the Cunning Linguist?
  57. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    The parrot ate it ! :badgrin:
  58. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Wee! Just read that thread again, never realised I finally won bronze! I'll make the blasted parrot spit it out again and as soon as I've polished all the macaw spittle off've it, it'll get firmly pinned to my chest.
  59. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hullo, Sykoste! I love your first quote...

    Greetings, M'lord Vimes! :lol: Pleased to meet you.

    Good luck with the bronze medal and the parrot, Kapten. those things can be stubborn...
  60. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    The damn medal has no right to be stubborn.
    Damn stubborn inanimate objects....!

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