People, new and old, please introduce yourselves

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by Mynona, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    :lol: Ok, fine. Good luck with the parrot, Kapten. Those things can be stubborn. I hope you get your medal back.
  2. jaguar

    jaguar New Member


    My name is Jaguar (Roundworld name: Michael). I was doing a search about Discworld on the internet and I came accross this site. I thought I might as well join.
  3. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Welcome, Jaguar. There's some questions for introduction purposes at the start of the topic. :)
  4. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Which are not in any way compulsory, but traditionally answered. Integrity is optional.
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Integrating, not Integrity :D
  6. Nester

    Nester New Member

    Hi there again folks. It's been quite a long time hasn't it? :) I feel like I should just do this thing again just because.

    I plan on actually sticking around the board again here. So arm yourselves and break out the beer.

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your name?

    It's my nickname

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)


    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?

    I am a 20 year old with the mentality of a six and half year old who lives in Rochester, Minnesota. That's right folks, I live in a city now. Be afraid.

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)

    It could be done, but I doubt it will.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?

    Friend of mine got a copy of Reaper Man and told me about it so I ended up picking them up.

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?

    "God damn right, it's a beautiful day..." -The Eels
  7. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

  8. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Nester! :)
    Welcome back!
  9. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    He's alive! :shock:

    I'm too butch to say I missed you, but good to see you again *cries with joy*
  10. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    There goes the neighborhood.
  11. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Nester, that must have been one Hell of a drinking binge! :D
  12. Nester

    Nester New Member

    andf it keeps goint! I just got back from a partry.l We gankned two empty kegs. New endtables! :D

    Lock up yert daughrters! Nester's back! 8)
  13. koshu

    koshu New Member

    sorry this is late been out of touch recently
    I stay in Johannesburg near Sandton
  14. Twoflower

    Twoflower New Member

    1) Rincewind was taken, lol.
    2) Male
    3) 14, England
    4) *Backs away and slowly puts on a bullet-proof vest* Nope.
    5) My dad got me a copy of The Colour of Magic.
    6) Just because i dont care dosnt mean i dont understand
  15. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Hi Twoflower! :)
  16. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hi jaguar and Twoflower! :)
  17. lord_vimes001

    lord_vimes001 New Member

    Hello Jaguar & Twoflower!
  18. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Welcome Twoflower - I just love your question 6 quote (despite the poor spelling and punctuation - you might want to improve this - see previous references to the number of people on this site who are not native English speakers, for whose benefit we try to keep the use of the English language on this board reasonable - although we understand and accept dyslexia (Rinso for one would set monkeys on us if we didn't!) but I don't think this applies in your case!)
  19. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome all noobs... :)
  20. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Double parentheses, a true sign of a technician's mind. ;-)

    Welcome, all!
  21. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Well, I have been a computer programmer for about 38 years - a certain amount of precision of thought becomes a habit!
  22. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I also occasionally end up with nested parantheses. Usually they're replaceable with commas.
  23. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    I tend to use hyphens when I'm not using parentheses - maybe we should put this one up to Buzzfloyd - the Grammarmistress!
  24. Human

    Human New Member

    I welcome everyone I missed while I was on vacation in Boston. :D
  25. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    Tanatie - it's a nickname I've had for quite a while now...I forgot the exact meaning by now but it's in Quenya (the high elven speech from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings) and it's supposed to mean something in the way of "to show the path" or "one who shows the way"...


    I'm 22 (08.Dec.1983) and I'm from Slovenia (Europe, between Italy, Hungary, Croatia and Austria)

    It's a million to one chance, but it just might work:)

    I played the game (DW2) a long time ago and about a year ago I found out that there were a whole lot of books so I read one (the truth) and after that it took me about 4 months to read about 35 other books by T. Pratchett and now I'm reading them for the second time...there are about 5 book I haven't read yet couse I can't get them here...but I'm getting there...just yesterday I found the dark side of the sun in a library...unfortunately it's in croatian (I hate translated books) but I can just speak it well enough to probably pull it off...

    Come to the dark side, we have cookies!

    I'd also ask this...there's probably a topic somewhere but since I'm new I haven't had time to check out the forum yet...would anyone tell me these two things: as far as I know Thud! was the last book T.P. wrote, so I wanna know when exatcly it came out and when the next book is supposed to be released (and if it's known, what's it gonna be about and the title)?

    Also I've seen some talk about a FAQ but I've only found the FAQ about form rules and none about Terry pratchet and his books, so if there is one, could someone post a link to it? Preferably a link to one with answers to the questions asked above...

  26. Kebrado

    Kebrado New Member


    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname? Writing applications for a survivor-style roleplaying contest (they're fun -- we've run about eight yet in the Redwall Online Community, and are on a ninth). Kebrado was one of the characters I considered entering but I only rough-wrote her app and didn't submit it. It's a slight mutilation of a Spanish word that I think means "broken."

    2) Male or Female? Female

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into? Voting-age, United States.

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.) Hmm. I haven't yet been able to see the TV shows, but I know there's got to be somebody out there who would make it not suck. The trouble is, there are some things you just can't get across in a movie adaptation. So, I think it could happen but probably won't.

    5) How, or by who, were you turned on to discworld/pratchett? Picked up the Amazing Maurice (and etc.) and the Hogfather one day in the library. Woo!

    6) what's your personal quote of the day? It's a partial-quote of a forum post by one of the most fun people I've ever had the pleasure of reading, but:

    "I speculate that Tara is an evil squirrel king who doesn't like Bob Dylan, and that the contest is really run by people who type backwards, sleep at night, have comitted every Sherlock Holmes tale to memory, and who can't sing to save their hamsters. These are the same people who run most companies like McDonalds, so just run away while you can. In the meanwhile I'll be sniggering and drawing up pictures for our very own clown guy to frighten small children with.

    If that's not scary enough, tell your teacher I just ended with a preposition."

    Hmm, maybe you have to know him to find that funny.

    Anyway: Hello to all! Just finished reading Night Watch for the first time and have started again on Guards! Guards!
  27. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Welcome Kebrado!

    In Portuguese "Quebrado" does mean broken. Don't know about Spanish.

    You already made a good impression. Offering to help me with my CSS the minute you signed up.. :)

    Like I said, I might take you up on that later. :)
  28. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Welcome to all.

    Thud! is infact the most recent book by mr. Pratchett. As far as I know, the title/subject/releace date of his next novel is yet to be anounced.
  29. Human

    Human New Member

    'Sgonna be Wintersmith, in the Tiffany Aching books. Sometime this summer, I think.

    But I could just be talking out of my arse.
  30. Kebrado

    Kebrado New Member

    Thanks, Tephlon (just confirmed with my Spanish dictionary -- the same definition) and Quoth.

    Ahah, so that's what Wintersmith is. I saw it on a forum description and wondered what I'd missed. Awesome.

    EDIT: Ah, the Ultimate Guide thread in Boardania lists Wintersmith as coming out Sept 28, 2006.
  31. Human

    Human New Member

  32. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I like that.

    Welcome to you both ! :D
  33. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Yes, that made me smile too. Welcome Tanatie and Kebrado.
  34. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    I think I saw that too somewhere...they're not bad (especially the parts with granny weatherwax) but I was kinda hoping it would be a true discworld novel...possibly one with death trying to be funny:)

    thanks for welcoming me, I guess:)
  35. edster

    edster New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    my name is ed so you just +ster as in star
    2) Are you male or female?
    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    12 and I live in Australia vic
    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    Going postal might work so its about 50-50
    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    I listened to the Truth on audio
    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    "Rincwind woke up with his daily scream"
  36. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello edster. :)
  37. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Welcome to all new people.
  38. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    G'day mate!
  39. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Australia has moved to Sweden ? :D

    Hiya edster, welcome !
  40. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Hello Edster...

    Oh BTW I just read on the Paul Kidby site that the next novel after Wintersmith will be called 'Making Money'
  41. SolidJackson

    SolidJackson New Member

    Copied over from new topic 'cos I should have sussed the protocols first . . .well if you're going to do something at least try and do it properly.

    Hi - Introduction as requested.

    1) Surely one of Pratchett's best character names - How could I resist?

    2) Male

    3) Mid-Forties. Derby, England.

    4) I have no faith whatsoever that anyone could faithfully reproduce the pictures in my head. How could they possibly capture the imagery, the philosophy, the humour, the full depth of humanity. How can you film what noise yellow makes, or the smell of tin. How would technicolor reproduce Octarine?

    5) A good friend lent me The Colour of Magic, around 1987 ( I haven't given it back yet).

    6) Well met by moonlight.
  42. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome, SolidJackson! :)
  43. SolidJackson

    SolidJackson New Member

    Many Thanks. feels good to be here.
  44. Artephius

    Artephius New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    - I usually sign off as 'Arte'-- A nick that allows for an alarmingly large number of bad puns, which is a reason that speaks for itself I think.

    2) Are you male or female?
    - Female

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    - 18; I'm in New York, NY during the school term and Seattle, WA during the summers.

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    - I would gouge my eyes out to avoid letting someone ruin Octarine for me. Well, actually I like my eyes. But I would definitely mope about it to all my friends until they got fed up and made lame excuses to leave.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    - I found the first three books while trolling a bookstore in Portland, OR with a friend. That girl later pushed me into a river with my clothes still on. Of the two, Discword felt like the relationship worth pursuing.

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    - 90% of the time I answer this question with that 'punctuation, grammar, and spelling' quote by Pratchett...I'll refrain.
  45. Human

    Human New Member

    Welcome, Solid Jackson and Artephius. Solid, I realize this is going to put my reading rep down a notch, but I can't remember which book your name is from. Enlighten me, please.
  46. SolidJackson

    SolidJackson New Member

    Happy to oblige, Human.

    Check out the opening paragraph of Jingo . . .enjoy.
  47. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I'd like to welcome all newbies who have arrived since I last posted on this site which was months and months ago. Most of you I am welcoming probably have more posts than I do so really you should be welcoming me, but your not. Ignorant bastards! :)
  48. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Well its still 464. Nice to see you back!
  49. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Thankyou hsing, it's nice to be back. :)
  50. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have heard so much about you Kenny.....not all good but thats Doors for you!

    Welcome home honey.
  51. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay ! the return of the prodigal nun ! (ok, vicar, but it doesn't rhyme) Welcome back, Kenny, good to see you back again...
  52. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    With Moist!! Yay!!

    Also: Helloooo. Just a general Helloooo to all and sundry. :)
  53. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    colonesque10, hello. :)
  54. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Thanks for the kind return greetings folks. :)

    Miss Whiplash please don't believe everything Doors says, he's Scottish remember. :p

    PS: Doors, the bird off the new energy Iron Bru drink reminds me of you....... :cooler:
  55. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    moisture's such a good word (where's the smiley with it's tongue lolling out?)
  56. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's left to become Kenny's new boyfriend (do smileys have a gender ?) and household slave...
  57. saskia

    saskia New Member


    Can you be a new newbie? If so, I am.

    Hello to the newbie's older than me and to the oldie's (is that what they are?) and the older oldie's.

    I need to lie down now as I have a headache.

    a bientot!
  58. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Welcome Saskia! I like your avatar, and I like your name (Rembrandt was once married to a girl named Saskia, and I remembered it from reading his biography).
  59. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Welcome Saskia.

    And while I am at it, I might as well welcome kenny. (Better late than never)
  60. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Bienvenue Saskia, hope your headache's better by now...

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