People, new and old, please introduce yourselves

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by Mynona, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. Candeleena

    Candeleena New Member

    I don't believe it... there must be other Polish fans, only in hiding :badgrin:
    Polish fans, own up!

    // edit: wanted to add answers:
    I see there's an obligatory list of questions, there we go!
    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    It's cute and I thought the name would make up for the acute lack of cuteness in my life

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    OK, guess. Correct, I'm female.

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    I'm a 37 year old crone. Location: Poland (I'm not sure what rock variety I have grown on, I have a suspicion it was just silt)

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck?
    NO. whatever they do, it will positively SUCK which would be a SHAME

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    Crivens, I don't remember, discworld just somehow stumbled into me years ago and we've been together ever since

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    My favourite professional quote (me being a teacher): He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches. Miss Tick agrees with me upon this subject.

    NOW once again, hi everybody!
  2. Mr_Cake

    Mr_Cake New Member

    Mr_Cake was chosen because I am married to someone who...makes cakes.
    ( For proof see and before you ask, yes it is a cake)

    Mr - yes

    Almost as old as the author himself, and in the wilds of Hampshire, too

    We have the technology to make Discworld work on screen. But look what happened to need ALL the cast to be right, not half

    I was intrigued by Josh Kirby's cover art, and drawn in

    My quote of any day is "sometimes things that look like things are more like things than things"

    or just "Buggrit"
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome Mr Cake ! Wow, that is some cake !!! :shock:

    Are we allowed to ask about Mrs Cake, or do you stick to post office regulations ? :D
  4. Mr_Cake

    Mr_Cake New Member

    Mrs Cake is Jane.

    She has made more cakes than I have had hot dinners (because if there is a cake to be made, dinner is on hold)

    A'Tuin was made for our daughter's wedding, and eventually (when we have recovered from it) I will be adding a special gallery to Jane's website to show that cake alone. She will never make another like it...........unless a particular person asks, of course!
  5. edster

    edster New Member

    hello mr cake
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Congratulations to ex-miss Cake and all my awe goes to the amazing person who made that cake !!! May that particular person one day find this wonderful thing and reward you all as is fitting ;)
  7. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    #is in shock#

    That is one amazing cake.


  8. Mr_Cake

    Mr_Cake New Member

    Actually, we've been waiting for years for someone to ask for a DW-related cake, and had to rely on our daughter in the end.

    Mind you - she was rather emotional about cutting it!

    I want to do a Luggage cake. At least there would be lots of cake in it....
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    An endless supply of cake !!!! :D That would be awesome !
  10. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    The Luggage!
    But don't do it hollow, do it with stuff inside, so a)there is more cake and b)it would look cooler.

    How did she do all the details and stuff?
    With the icing?
  11. Mr_Cake

    Mr_Cake New Member

    The turtle is a fruit cake with marzipan & icing, the front flippers and head are cake and marzipan, and the rear flippers marzipan only. The elephants are marzipan modelled on wire "skeletons" and the disc itself is marzipan and icing on a normal cake board.

    My younger son did the base colouring of the turtle with food colours, and Jane finished it off with shimmer metallics. The disc landmass was done with food colours on icing, the mountains being marzipan. If you look carefully, there's even a Wyrmberg somewhere. Rimfall was achieved with liquid icing encouraged to dribble over the edge with a cocktail stick.

    Once I get sorted out, I'll get some detail pix on Jane's website for anyone who's interested...
  12. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Yes please!
    It looks absolutely amazing.
  13. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Welcome Mr Cake. That is an awesome cake. :shock: Cutting it up must have been heartbreaking.
  14. Mr_Cake

    Mr_Cake New Member

    When it's done, I'll post here. You'll be the first to know!
  15. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Thank you :D:D

    I'll stop bugging you about it now!
  16. Mr_Cake

    Mr_Cake New Member

    I promised you'd be the first to know. Ladies & Gentlemen......for more details of Jane's Discworld Cake, go to

    ........and click on the link to the Discworld page

    Hope you like it!
  17. Silvermoth

    Silvermoth New Member

    Hi, I just registered in today. I'm Australian and I've been reading Discworld novels for about six years now. Just wanted to say Hi :eek: :roll:
    Megan_Foxy live
  18. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    lo Silvermoth. always nice to see a baldur's gate avatar.
  19. Nester

    Nester New Member

    I knew I recognized that....

    I've just gained 2 nerd points :)
  20. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Welcome, Silvermoth. :)

    Mr Cake, that's incredible!
  21. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Ha, I thought it was Magneto. -2 nerd points for me.

    Edit: actually, I still think it's Magneto. Unless it was a Baldur's Gate avatar previously but was then changed. In which case, nerd points for all!
  22. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    He has changed the avatar since Garner's comment CJ, and it definately looks more like Magneto than anything I can think of right now...
  23. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Link says: Magneto. Spares me the shame of not having recognized a BG avatar! Whom we have a lot of in our avatar archive...
    *claims all nerd points*

    And welcome, Silvermoth! :)

    Now, so they don't get lost, here are the optional entry questions from page number one of this thread:
  24. Silvermoth

    Silvermoth New Member

    Hey everyone, yes, I did change my avater. Looks like I screwed up alot of people with that (sorry) It was Baldur's gate but I changed it to Magneto the arch-nemesis of the x-men. Any now for the questions...

    1. I'm not sure why I chose "Silvermoth," I used to call myself "The black moth" on but decided I preferred Silvermoth instead.
    2. Lol, I am male.
    3. I am 19 years old and I live in the merry country of Australia.
    4. Lol again. I would be interested in a discworld movie, I mean, I was one of the naysayers that said Lord of the Rings could never be translated well into a movie and look how that turned out! With the right people, I think it could be an amazing series of movies.
    5. One of my close friends turned me onto Discworld because I enjoy fantasy novels but am so sick of the deathly serious tones prevalent in all of them. He turned me onto Discworld and my first book was Small god which i didn't quite enjoy but when I read "Equal rites", I was hooked!
    6. One of my favourite quotes is "If the Swan be nesting high, then floods are expected; if only the head of the Swan may be seen, they have arrived abruptly." From the Discworld Almanack (February, the year of the Prawn)
    Jozephina cam
  25. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    Hi, Catriona is my real name, but everyone calls me Cat, which should lead everyone to realise I'm female (either that or really, really afflicted).

    I'm 21 and live in Cumbria at the moment but I've been at uni in Newcastle for the last three years.

    I'd love to see a Wee Free Men film, it could be perfect but I'm not sure if I trust anyone to do the book justice. Probably nothing could match up to the images conjured in your mind.

    My dad loves science fiction and fantasy and I was always looking for more books to read- one day he recommended The Colour of Magic and the obsession was born.

    Quote of the day is "soy un gecko espanol"- I am a Spanish gecko (my dad's trying to teach me Spanish, and I pick up on random things).
  26. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    Just realised I should probably say that I live in the north of England and not just name random cities.
  27. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Catriona. :)
  28. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    Wow that smilie just made me smile in real life. Hello Maljonic
  29. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hi Catriona! Welcome to the boards. :)
  30. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    Hi! I'm going to have to use a smilie to express my smiling now (which you obviously can't see) :) there you go
  31. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Lesson 1: If you can't figure out how to put a tilda above your n, it is exceptable to substatue ny.

    Lesson 2: espanol is male. You said in your intro that you are female

    Therefore: instead of "espanol" you should have wrote "espanyola".
    (Sorry, I just could not help myself).
  32. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    I know that's male, I asked my dad how I could say "I am a Spanish gecko" because I'd seen a gecko in Spain, that we called Sanchez, and I was writing a postcard and including a greeting from him. Therefore it's more like a quote, than me saying I actually am a (male) Spanish gecko

    PS. "acceptable" not "exceptable"
  33. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    and "substitute" not "substatue"
  34. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    unless this is some form of ebonics?
  35. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome, Catriona. :)
  36. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    Hello Hsing :)
  37. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    It is kind of Ironic that my spelling/grammer is better in spanish (my second language) than in english (my primary language).
  38. Catriona

    Catriona New Member

    haha that's okay; we can give each other lessons.

    Lessons we have learned so far: I am not a male gecko, and I can't use tildas
  39. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Another lesson: Sharing is Caring :D

    Also: Do not anger Ba. Or Garner. Or anyone, really :p
  40. Sourpapaya

    Sourpapaya New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    I was eating a tart fruit, and just about everything else was taken name wise...

    2) Are you male or female? Female

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into? In my 30s and I live in CA, USA

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? I have faith!

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett? My cousin made me read Men At Arms when that first came out.. I was hooked!

    6) what's your personal quote of the day? You can't make me.
  41. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Sourpapaya. :)
  42. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Northern California or Southern.
  43. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome !
  44. Silvermoth

    Silvermoth New Member

    Welcome to all and I hope you enjoy the site
  45. MrsLibrarian

    MrsLibrarian New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    I married an orangutan running a library.

    2) Are you male or female? Female

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into? 37, currently residing in South Korea

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? Like what others have said, I have faith! The Hogfather stills look promising.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett? My sister had me read Wyrd Sisters. It was a book that made her laugh. I had to get other books and with Sourcery, I was hopelessly addicted.

    6) what's your personal quote of the day? You don't like it, you can kiss my furry little butt.
  46. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Hello to all the new people I haven't said hello to and any one else who needs one. Mrs. Librarian I liked your quote :D .
  47. Darkbane

    Darkbane New Member

    1) It's a reference to Thud!. Explaining it exactly would be a spoiler so I'll just say that it has to with Sam Vimes and a certain malevolent peice of wall art.

    2) Extremely male. Um. In a very def'nite way. Unmistakeably.

    3) 20, New york

    4) It depends. I'm sure Terry could write a great movie in a discworld setting, but I think it would be very difficult to adapt an existing book to the screen.

    5) My friend's mother's best friend gave me a copy of the Color of Magic and it's all history from there.

    Me: it hurts most when I do the opposing motion.
    Brother: so when you stretch the muscle?
    Me: I rolled out of bed this morning and almost blew an o-ring trying to open the bathroom door
    Brother: yep, that sounds like soreness to me.

    You had to be there.
  48. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

  49. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Welcome to the boards, Darkbane.
  50. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I second that. Or third that. Welcome, Darkbane. :)
  51. Darkbane

    Darkbane New Member

    I feel so welcome. It's almost as though we all share some nameless hobby or interest. uncanny! :shock:
  52. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hehe. 8)
  53. Azrosandra

    Azrosandra New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    Well, its a half remembered name from a book I can't find, so I added bits til I was happy, and ended up with Az (easier to type...)
    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    Physically female, but slap bang in the middle mentally... (work that one out, I can't!)
    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    18, til November the 15th, Exeter, south end of the M5
    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    It would be possible, with the right people, but very tricky... some would love it, others loathe it, but thats life
    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    Hmmm, my mum recommended them from a friend who had read them... I started with the Colour of Magic, and look where it got me!
    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    "And I'm supposed to help you out of the evilness of my heart?" Spike, from Buffy the vampire slayer.

    How do you get quotes to appear in your siggy?

    Cheers, Az :D
  54. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Azrosandra. :)

    P.S. Your Account (at the top of the page), Your Info for signatures.
  55. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Welcome to the boards, Azrosandra. :)
  56. Azrosandra

    Azrosandra New Member

    Thank you, for welcoming me, and your help! ;) :D
  57. Kevin

    Kevin New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    1) I represent the stereotypical 14-year-old boy* reader of Discworld...except I’m 24**.

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    2) *See 1)

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    3) **See 1). Reside in America.

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    4) Yes. But it would be a good idea to have never read the book first, as so you wont be disappointed.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    5) To be honest, it was because the cover was shinny.

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    6) “We ordered rectal thermometers, we receive spark plugs! Both highly useful items, but hardly interchangeable.” -Col. Potter M*A*S*H
  58. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Welcome, Kevin! Good quote. :)
  59. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Hi Kevin...M*A*S*H is amazing....and the quote is good.

    Welcome Azrosandra as well and anyone I haven't greeted before :)
  60. Quamen

    Quamen New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    I'm also a Flatlander and Quamen is the make of my frame

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    22 England

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.) Yes

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    I found a copy of The Colour of Magic in a old book store for £1 and I have been hooked ever since

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    If it looks good eat it

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