People, new and old, please introduce yourselves

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by Mynona, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Welcome Ineffable, Bekwoo and LaughingFire ...

    Bob :( demands your right sock (please)
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome Ineffable,
    You may as well hand over the sock because the left one will go to the lesser spotted washing machine monster anyway!

    You also don't want to make Bob :( any more unhappy than he is now.
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yeah, sure as if that was possible ! :(
  4. LupineLuna

    LupineLuna New Member

    I'm new
    1) The reason why my screenname(LupineLuna) was choosenhas 2 parts: Lupine was chosen beacause I LOVE all canids and Lupine emplies wolf-ness.( Anguais fave character) Luna is spanish for moon. The moon is long assoiciated with females and Feminine mystique.
    3)I am 14 and live in the USA only until I can leave or the government does whichever comes first.
    4) The movie might or might not suck , I would check it out anyhow
    5)I found Discworld when I was ten ( Feet of Clay) . My parents had been reading it and I just picked it up and didn't put it down till past midnight.
    6)Personal Quote-of-the-day? :"God is coming and she is p*ssed"
    7) Gerald Durrell ,or perhaps Tamora Pierce
  5. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Welcome LupineLuna - I presume your quote is using the American meaning of "pissed"* - i.e. angry - rather than the British meaning - i.e. drunk - though come to think of it, the British version could work! :)

    *On this board, we don't have a censor mechanism - we can use the real words.
  6. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Welcome LupineLuna! Lupine is associated with wolves, because it's wolf in Latin. Canis Lupus is the genus Wolf, and you add a species name to make a certain species. Example: Canis Lupus Dirus Is the Dire Wolf. Right LaughingFire? :yawinkle:

    You had better give your left sock to Bob :( because now he's got three right ones, and only two left ones. As a plus, it also makes sure you're not a vampire. (Have you read Carpe Jugulam?)
  7. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Yep, Gawain! Well, technically 'lupine' is either an adjective meaning wolf-like or a flower, but good enough. 'Lupus' is the latin, and Canis Lupus Dirus is indeed the Latin name of an extinct species of giant wolf WITH SHARP POINTY TEETH!!! ^^ Love wolves. High five, Lupine!

    Hi, Bob.


    He doesn't seem pleased to meet me.

    (There may have been a previous version of this posted a few minutes ago as Gawain. That was still me; I just hadn't noticed that CERTAIN PEOPLE had left my laptop signed onto this site as them....)
  8. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    >> Sorry, hermana. :oops:

    You still have no Avatar.
  9. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    I know. I'm technically supposed to be working very hard right about now, since this paper's due tomorrow and this other paper's due the day after. I just can't concentrate. But I am trying, so taking time out to get an avatar would be...bad. Yes, bad. I'm not an Unseen University student, you know. The teachers do NOT try to avoid us.
  10. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    1)It's my favourite discworld character! he can unscrew all the screwed situations!
    3)21, fairly nice guy, european
    4)if they follow every single word and tone set by Terry-they just might be able not to mess it all up
    5)it was about 10 years ago! it all began with The Light Fantastic!
    6)Don't panic
  11. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hello, Sir Vaims! (...Vaims?) You've read Hichhikers Guide, have you not?
  12. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Sir_Vaims. :)
  13. Human

    Human New Member

    Hello, Sir_Vaims.

    *Vainly pretends to be long-time member*

    ....Aw, screw it. I'm a newbie and proud of it! Pleased ta meetchy'all.

    1.) The desire to not use my incredibly stupid last sn.

    2.) It doesn't really matter, does it?

    3.) Teenager. American. That's everything you need to know about me.

    4.) Only Mort. The fight scene would look awesome on the big screen.

    5.) ...Y'know, I honestly can't remember. It probably fell on my head one day at the library, and I was mesmerized by the shiny letters. That happens to me a lot.

    6.) "Hi, my name's Impulse. And these" Clunk, clunk "are my feet."
  14. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I now want to know what your last Screen name was?
  15. Human

    Human New Member

    Sorry. That's for me to know and you to lose sleep over.
  16. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!! I am very glad to meet you all and i am very happy to be part of this forum dedicated to my all time number 1 writer!
    Yes i've read the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy! Adams really rocks with that one and i've alaways knew that mice shouldn't be trusted!
  17. Human

    Human New Member

    Hmm... multiple exclamation marks.... I seem to remember reading something about that somewhere....
  18. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Human. :)
  19. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    But, But I *NEED* that sleep!
  20. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    I think i know what you refer to,Human.
    Rincewind once said that multiple exclamation marks were a sign of a sick mind. :) thanks for the compliment. :) !!!
  21. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Really? Rincewind says that too? I remember it from Masqurade.

    slight masqurade spoiler. But it doesn't give much at all away.
    The comment is made about the Ghost's letters. Along with "And who bothers to [i:24c9e87cdb]write[/i:24c9e87cdb] maniacal laughter?"

    And I believe the quote is a diseased mind, my fellow knight.
  22. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hello Human and Sir Vaims and all else i have failed to say hi to.

    Hope this lot treat you as well as they have me.......If in doubt blame Doors.

    Hope you enjoy your stay.
  23. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    "Aaahahahahahahaa !!!!!"

    And also welcome to all newcomers... sick and deranged minds, hummm, that will make a radical change here won't it... :cooler:
  24. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    As the saying goes: The more,the merrier!
  25. Rilla

    Rilla New Member

    Hellooo :D I'm Rilla. *waves flag*

    1)I got my name from a very very minor character in a book I once read. Now I use it for all internet-y things

    2) I be a female. Woot.

    3) I'm nearly fifteen, and I live in Melbourne, Australia (hurrah, Fourecks :) )

    4) As long as it's exactly how I picture it in my head. I'd go and see whatever happens.

    5) I picked up the Rincewind Trilogy in the library one day. Can't remember when... Two years ago, maybe?

    6) Personal quote. Um.

    Anyway, hello all. I recently started feeding Terry's books to my parents. They love them too :D
  26. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hullo Rilla! Tell me, do you pronounce that in the english way of 'rill-ah', the spanish way of 'ree-jah' or the other spanish way of 'ree-yah'? Because I'm automatically pronouncing it in the first spanish way.

    Ah, yes... Feeding the Pratchett books to parents. We did that too. Now our parents are as apt to buy one as we we are.
  27. Rilla

    Rilla New Member

    Tis pronounced in the english way, though I must say the spanish ways seem much more exotic...

    Thanks for welcoming me! :)
  28. Human

    Human New Member

    I offer happy cheerful welcomes as well!

    And I love how the people here actually know how to type....
  29. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome Rilla

    Hope you enjoy the boards.

  30. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    Hello there. Hope you will enjoy it here.
  31. Ellistra

    Ellistra New Member

    1) My name is completely made up, yes it got withdrawn from the deep, empty recesses of my disturbed mind.

    2) I have two X chromosomes, WHOOT! IM FEMALE!

    3) 15, South Africa and no, I dont own a lion

    4) Difficult question. I suppose it could happen if the director and actors have a scarily good understanding of Pratchett.

    5) a friend gave me The Fifth Elephant when I was about 12 and I never looked back.

    6) My quote? Im SPECIAL!
  32. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Ellistra, do you own a gazelle? :)
  33. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Hello Ellistra!
    If they're ex-chromosomes, what are they now?
  34. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    1)I read mainly from the scifi/fantasy section of bookstores, and play video games that could be classified as the same.
    2)Look at my name.
    3)Teen, United States.
    4)Suckage is in the eye of the beholder. I never liked British humor as portrayed on screen, but my friend (known as human here) doesn't mind it.
    5)Human recommended it. I hope to avoid the near-illiteracy and general incompetentce prevalent on most non-book based forums.
    6)"There is nothing to fear but fear itself." (I had to write an essay about it today, I like my sig better).
  35. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hello, Ellistra! A very nice name it is. If you don't own a lion, what do you own? A kiwi? No, those live in the Philippians, or maybe Indonesia. And emu perhaps? Do those live in Africa?

    Hello to you as well, sif1girl! Your Avatar appears to be an amine character. May I ask who they are? Heck, I don't care if I may or not. Who are they? Mine's Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho. A friend of Human, are you? Pleased to meet you! Human has made nothing but a good impression on me. Welcome to the board!
  36. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    My avatar is Goku from Saiyuki, my favorite anime. I haven't actually been watching it lately--the new "reload" season doesn't deserve to have the word "Saiyuki" in front of it. I've been contenting myself with a weekly episode of FMA, but I heard that the Reload manga isn't as bad as the anime.
  37. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I know for a fact; manga is almost always better than anime. Some of the filler episodes they make are just... gah. With the possible exception of Chrono Crusade. Those filler episodes are just cute. And I hear the Fruits Basket anime isn't bad. But Kenshin... They changed the name, and I didn't recognize the characters when I saw them! And they changed it to such a bad name... er, sorry. Didn't mean to turn that into a rant.
  38. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    how y'all doin. Pleased to meet you all.
    I am not very keen on manga films, but i must addmit that the asian art could be very impressive
  39. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Emu is Australia. Kiwi is New Zeeland.
  40. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Ok, ok... So I'm not very smart in the area of what animals live where...
  41. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    1) Well..........Emblebee/Bemblebee has somehow occured as my nickname, which shows how cool and edgy i'm considered to be, lol. I think the addition of 'Darth' was in an attempt to add some of the above :roll:

    2) I'm a lass, me.

    3) 17, Norfolk, Eastern England

    4) Oh hell, i don't know.......i feel ill at the very suggestion i must admit :? Personally i think Pterry's style of writing is very cinematic in itself, with the switching of scenes, panning in and out, etc, which somehow makes it even more unfilmable. Though, along with the rest of you, i'd obviously go and see any attempt :D

    5) Oh wow Ellistra!! (aargh, multiple exclamation marks......) I've never found anyone else who started with 5th Elephant as well!! I mean, it's a pretty random starting point. Meant i was in love with Sam from the word go though, lol.

    6) "Do not blame God for having created the tiger, but thank him for not giving it wings" : sometimes hard to follow, but you can but try.
  42. Ellistra

    Ellistra New Member

    Hi, sorry about that, I went to bed a while after writing that post. Ill probably be asleep when someone replys to this so please excuse my rudeness! No, I dont own an emu but I do go to school on the back of an elephant. Sorry, I dont know gazelle but I do know koshure (I think thats how she spells it), we go to the same school. Just to warn you not to expect much of a reply within a day unless im on really early!
  43. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hiya Darth Bemblebee! Bemblebee! Nice name. I like it. Dumbledore means bumblebee, if that makes you feel any cooler about your nickname.

    An elephant? Really, Ellistra? Or are you just pulling our legs? :cooler:

    This is my 100th post! :partyman:
  44. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    :D Thanks, your knightliness. Yup, i knew that about Dumbledore.....and he did rock quite significantly in the last book. As opposed to on screen. :( Unhappy Bob agrees with my disaproval.

    Congrats on your postal birthday! This is my fourth post! Woohoo! lol
  45. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Why thank you, Bemblebee! I agree with you and unhappy Bob. The movies don't do Dumbledore justice.
  46. koshu

    koshu New Member

    welcome my friend, and its spelt like this "koshu" any way i hope u dig the board, hi everyone i havn't said hi to yet. Im kinda back but my posting is gonna be kinda irregular. :)
  47. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    hi there Bemblebee. Pleased to have you with us.
    Riding an elephant to school is amasing,although it could be dangerous.For the people that are affraid of heights that is
  48. koshu

    koshu New Member

    just to let everyone know that i was the one with the elephant and she catches a lift with me in the mornings, I mean you can fit atleast 3 people on jumba and pnly two when we take bags :) ;)
  49. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I think it's about time I re-posted this on this board.
    Seriously folks, you really don't have to welcome me ;)
    eeek .... it's a bit scarey having to add a few more years onto my age since I first posted this! I also liked my quote from back then too - so I've decided to keep it. My boss is still a tricky trickster!

    1.When I look in the mirror, I really do see a fat person! Agnes's alter ego seemed to suit.

    2.I am 29. Currently living in Belfast (born and went to school etc in Ireland) but have lived (and posted) in other countries over the years

    3.Some (not all) of the books could work

    4.A friend who was (is) a discworld fan about 12/13 years ago.

    5.It’s definitely a 'need to be there'

    My boss to me:
    'Be prepared!'
    'I'm going to give you a memo to type'

    ....So obviously I sat with my hands poised above my keyboard in anticipation for a couple of minutes (think organist in dracula's castle) until he told me to wise up or as they say here 'catch youself on'
  50. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hullo, Perdita! Can't exatly say welcome, because you've been on this board longer than I. :D

    I think you and Ellistra are lying about the Elephant, Koshu.
  51. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    <Insert expression of warm welcome for Bemblebee and Perdita here>
  52. koshu

    koshu New Member

    no im serious ;)

    he's quite cool
  53. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    Do you pay a parking ticket when you go to school! Or there is a special four-legged parking place-excuse my rude humour
  54. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    LOL :lol: :D I'd love to see an elephant get a clamp... :D
  55. koshu

    koshu New Member

    We actually hav like a valet service type thing, u see only some people come by elephant so then when u get there they round them up and put them on the plaines till the ned of school :) ;)
  56. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    How do you tell which elephant is yours? Do they have licence plates? Or maybe you paint them... Do you have a licence to drive an elephant, koshu?
  57. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    And more importantly, do they have speed limits, wing mirrors, lights and indicators ?
  58. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    And who has the right of way? Pedestrians, elephants, bikes, or automobiles?
  59. Human

    Human New Member

    Elephants, I bet. I know the law is on the side of the pedestrian, but are you really going to argue with a ten ton elephant? Anyone?

    No, I didn't think so.
  60. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Er... a late welcome to everyone who joined... since... October? :)
    And Perdita, better late than never! I answered those questions for the first time in... 2003?

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