The next person...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Joculator, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. redneck

    redneck New Member

    At the present I do not, but I have had squirrels, raccoons, mice, gerbils, dogs, cats, sparrows, lizards, snakes, turtles, catfish, crayfish, regular fish, and three mollusks I found in a creek as pets. Mom told me I couldn't keep the mollusks, but I kept them anyway. They were found when they smelled up the whole house. Oopsy. Nate got in just a teensy bit of trouble over that one.

    The next person likes Spam(TM).
  2. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    No, but I do like corned beef. My beloved Grandad eats spam, though. He's the only person I know who does.

    The next person still wears clothes they bought before 1990.
  3. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Well, after a year of careful eating and exercise, I can fit into a suit I bought in the 70's. It's a bit 'snug' but a great incentive to continue for another few months.
    Cutting out the Spam fritters did help a lot. :shock:

    The next person has a secret fear of travelling by air.
  4. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Not really but I do have a secret fear of missing planes... I find the thought of being in a foreign country with everything plaaned out to the minutest detail and then i do something stupid like sleep in, miss connecting buses/taxis, get the time wrong, not allow for the time difference, lose tickets/passports etc. This has been enhanced by the fact that I have missed planes for these reasons or have nearly missed them for these reasons... I lie awake worrying that these things will happen which leads to me sleeping in, its a vicious cycle.

    This fear is compounded by my deep and abiding hatred for all RyanAir and Easyjet staff. May they all burn in hell.

    The next person also hates all RyanAir / Easyjet staff.
  5. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Not yet, I'll see wether they get me my husband back on sunday... Then I'll come to a conclusion wether I hate them or love them.

    The next person has strange inlaws.
  6. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I certainly used to have strange in- laws, the ones i have left( brother in law and sister inlaw and maybe future sister inlaw) are all fine upstanding citizens, playing tympani and scrapbooking notwithstanding.

    The next person gave up something for Lent.
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Actually, I did, for the first time ever. I gave up using the f-word, and aside from a few slip-ups I'm doing pretty well. I just found I was using it way too much in places that really didn't require it...

    The next person loves a good sunrise.
  8. randywine

    randywine Member

    Yup. When I was drinking I hated sunrises because it meant a new day to deal with. Since getting sober there is something indescribably great about the planet turning towards the sun.

    Sunsets are pretty cool too...

    The next person cannot read their own writing.
  9. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    It does happen, more and more often as my eyesight gets worse and the hands don't have the control they once had or the practice for that matter, oh well.

    The next person would love to come play in my nice new snow.
  10. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Sure, as long as I have the proper gear for it and I'm not going to freeze my cahoonas off.

    The next person got more sleep than me last night.
  11. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    For once, that might be true, although having to get up repeatedly to pee or to engage in turning-over operations is always a bit disruptive. And the baby likes to kick a lot at night. But I managed to be in bed for nine hours, most of which were spent sleeping, which I consider a highly successful night!

    The next person has read more than one book in a language other than their own.
  12. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    No, I seem to have very little facility for other languages, I can decipher a few phrases but a whole book is beyond my ken.

    The next person has read more then two books in a language other then their own(I'm sure there are those who have :) )
  13. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Yes, blast it. Accursed Arabic!

    The next person feels a yawn coming on.
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Dammit! Just reading it made me yawn.

    The next person has a craving for roast beef.
  15. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Well now that you mention it, I have been thinking about roast beef lately.

    The next person wants to see the Grand Canyon from that new glass observation platform.
  16. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Hell, No! Much as I'd love to try it, I get vertigo standing on the kerbside looking down a drain. :sad:

    The next person has done something really embarrassing when drunk and only their friends can remember what it was. :D
  17. Lyia

    Lyia New Member

    No, unfortunately I remember every embarrassing drunk moment I've been a part of. (don't ask me about New Orleans)

    The next person secretly enjoys a "chick flick"
  18. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Well, that depends on what you call a 'chick flick'. If it's an Austen adaptation, maybe. If it's Sex and the City, shoot me now. We did actually watch a rom-com and enjoy it the other night (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, very funny), but in general I prefer films that include the word 'epic' or 'fantasy' somewhere in the description. And even then you have to work to make me sit down and watch. (Just ask Garner and his grey hairs.)

    The next person can quote at least four lines of a Shakespeare soliloquy from memory.
  19. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hmm, I probably could if I really concentrated, it's typically the kind of useless crap* that gets stuck in my brain when useful things like how to turn off the house alarm run straight out of the other ear...

    The next person can make at least one dessert without looking at the recipe.

    *not any reflection of my views on the quality of Shakespeare's works, of course, just that it's not exactly life-saving knowledge when, for example, the alarm is so loud you can feel your eardrums packing their backs and running away.
  20. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Desserts aren't my thing but I could probably give you a fruit salad if that'll make your day :)

    The next person has an undying love for chocolate.
  21. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Oh yes, this is very true. someone told me long ago that the way they kept from overeating chocolate was to just eat it until they were sick of it once in a while, but I have never owned enough chocolate for that to work. Maybe eight or ten pounds would do it.

    The next person looks for shapes in the clouds( deformed rabbit anyone?)
  22. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I do, with my daughter, who is a master of the game. That and shadowplay (Nighttime in our household: "But Mama, how can I sleep when there is a pelican in my bed?" *throws shadow of a pelican at the wall*)

    The next person dislikes a neighbour.
  23. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ooooh, yes. The one who lives in the other half of our semi-detached house and screams at her kids and husband all day long (hard to tell who she's screaming at, they very cleverly gave their son the same name as his dad...) and regularly uses the foulest of languages on her 4-5-year-old kids (as in "get in here you little c**t the pizza's ready!", very classy when yelled across the road. And then I wonder why the little girl has mastered an ear-piercing shreak that can stop a charging rhino at 20 paces.

    The next person hasn't got a clue about Twitter and doesn't care.
  24. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    She "has a clue" in the sense that she knows about. "Has no clue" in the sense that I still don't know what it is good for - is it the cross over between text message-ing the entire world and a mini blog? I mean, these days you can do anything you can do with twitter you can do with blogs, right?

    The next person likes to go swimming.
  25. randywine

    randywine Member

    I love swimming - and I try to go every morning.

    The next person would love to be much better at chess.
  26. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Oh yes! I barely remember anything. If anyone knows a good chess tutoring program, I'd be delighted. (I am too embarassed for actual, real life teachers.)

    Also, I'm so bored I am giving every second answer here...

    The next person hasn't been drunk since at least last October.:)
  27. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    That's easy, I don't think I have ever been more than slightly giddy, with drink that is...

    The next person had a really good idea for a "the next person..." and now can't for the life of them remember what the hell it was.
  28. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Ah yes, that's me! I'll have to make up a new one, I suppose.

    The next person is expecting to watch morris dancing this May.
  29. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I've got to go with that. Hopefully there will be at least six other people doing the same thing. 4am on a bleak, windy moor at the dawn of May Day is not much fun without an audience though.

    The next person can't remember the date of St. George's Day.
  30. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    What's St George's Day and when is it?

    The next person can tell me what it is.
  31. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    You know what St Patrick's Day is, right? Well, believe it or not, the patron saint of England has his own day too, on 23rd April. Recently, there's been a little resurgence in popularity for St George's Day celebrations, as the English start to wonder about their identity (as distinct from being British, which only foreigners want to be). In my town there's morris dancing, the Carnival Court and a reenactment of the slaying of the dragon, with giants. I think some other stuff goes on as well, but I've never been to any of it.

    The next person believed the bullshit their father told them when they were a kid.
  32. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Oh yes, to this day I use that as an excuse for why my bullshit detector is faulty, it was burnt out in my childhood. I resort to accepting what most people say at face value until they embarassingly are forced to admit they were kidding, this works almost as well as actually being able to tell when someone is pulling something on me.

    The next person is going to make hot crossed buns for Easter Sunday.
  33. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Sorry, can't stand those damn currants (again). But I have painted up and given out my Oestra eggs.

    The next person has often secretly thought 'If we all did ..... (fill in the blank), the world would be a better palace to live on'
  34. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Of course I have. I've often thought the world be a great palace to live on if only the roof was flat and you got those great arrow slotted walls so we could look at the view and not fall off.

    The next person has been to a palace.
  35. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Curses upon all spell checkers...
    Well, I've never been to a palace although I have visited dozens of places. (Point taken to read before posting! :redface:)

    The next person will be entirely sick of the sight of chocolate eggs by Monday.
  36. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Don't much like chocolate anyway, so yeah.

    The next person has lost more than one nail (fingers and toes).
  37. Ook

    Ook New Member

    To the point of having drawn attention to myself whilst rectifying them.

    The next person gets overly aggressive during sales.
  38. Lyia

    Lyia New Member

    No not with sale items, now ask me about how I am while driving and that's another strory.

    The next person has "earned" beads durning New Orleans carnival aka Marti Gras
  39. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    No I never "earned" them, and I have never been to New Orleans, but I do have a couple of Mardi Gras type beads that Adam gave me.

    The next person believes in Faerie.
  40. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    No. But my grandmother believes quite sincerely that she met one of the 'little folk' when she was young. It's one of those things that makes me wonder if there's some other phenomenon going on that causes people to believe they've seen something. I'm very interested in the possible scientific explanations for supposed supernatural phenomena.

    The next person has seen ball lightning.
  41. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Nope just the normal kind but find a high roof in Sydney in the Spring and be entertained by some of the biggest lightening storms you're ever likely to see.

    The next person has made more than one embarrassing typo.
  42. Lyia

    Lyia New Member

    Yas, unfortunately I am a typo Qween. :redface:
    The nex person perfers cats to dogs.
  43. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Well, cats prefer me to dogs. And dogs for some reason don't trust me at first (after a few minutes it is usually okay), whereas even normally untouchable cats often come to me for a snuggle. So, I guess I am more of a cat person, but definitely no anti dog person because of it (I grew up around boxer dogs).

    The next person feels guilty for not having called someone in a long time.
  44. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    What is "guilt"?

    The next person will wonder how many people touched their food before they received it when they sit down to dinner tonight.
  45. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Considering I seriously suspect I will be sitting down to raw, football obsessed, neighbour's child tonight, I know how many will have touched my food... One, ME!

    Mind you, the production methods of said food supply have never even entered my mind. :D

    The next person thinks UK school childeren who are 'under-achievers' should spend the summer holidays back in the classroom for additional tuition.
  46. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Not at all, I think it would be counter-productive.

    The next person has started a kitchen fire more than once.
  47. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Define "kitchen fire" I have started things on fire in the kitchen, towels. and pot holders, wooden spoons, old macaroni, marshmallows, but I don't think I have ever had the kitchen or any cupboards or the like catch fire. I do have a designated kitchen fire extinguisher handy though.

    The next person has a cold (like me).

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