Three facts about YOU - newbies and oldbies

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by shadowgirl, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Tabatha

    Tabatha New Member

    OK will have a go at this one.

    1/ I am a grandmother of two.

    2/ I have had extensive plastic surgery.

    3/ I had never been on a PC till a few weeks ago.

    4/I keep snakes.
  2. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member


    An educatory body for Hippotimi.

    I don't see what this has to do with the topic in hand at all Hex.
  3. davobanavo

    davobanavo New Member

    [quote:0cfe36163d="Hex"]Okay, fun facts:

    1. I draw graphic novels in my spare time
    2. I have never drank alcohol in my life
    3. I am Left-Handed
    4. I failed three AP psych quizzes in a row

    4, because you're FAR too young to be drinking ( ;) ), everyone in Boardania seems to be afflicted with lefthandedness, and... I seem to remember something about graphic novels (okay, weak reasoning)?

    I know I'm right, I can feel it!

    My facts/lie:

    1. I like Marmite
    2. I like Girls Aloud
    3. I don't like Little Britain
    4. I don't like Pictionary
  4. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench


    An educatory body for Hippotimi.

    I don't see what this has to do with the topic in hand at all Hex.[/quote:c53cbf11bf]

    lol, Rinso.
  5. Bob

    Bob New Member

    [quote:a8108dcbe7="Maljonic"]No one had guessed my fib yet. :)[/quote:a8108dcbe7]

    4 ? (the godfather and the olympic torch)

    I wasn't counting my rats as family... so guess again :)

    C_Y : Nope :)

  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Gah, that's right; it's not fair though, I probably told you the others before. :)
  7. Bob

    Bob New Member

    Possibly :) You've done lots of amazing things, but you never mentioned a godfather so I guessed that ;)

    davobanano: 1 ? Marmite?
    Tabatha : 4, cos' your join date is more than a few weeks ago :)

  8. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:22cc09af92="Andalusian"]I don't think CY has ever had epilepsy, because according to the nearest medical person, epilepsy cannot be cured. So she says. But to have a better chance of getting it right, I am also going to say that he isn't a Marxist.[/quote:22cc09af92]

    I had a form of childhood epilepsy. It wasn't cured, but I grew out of it and it doesn't affect me anymore. I guess it's probable that it's still present in me in some form, though. But that was a fact.
    I am, however, not a Marxist. :)

    I think your lie is the pharmacist one.

    Tabatha, 2.
    Fairyliquid, then I think it's 1.
    Myn, although I hope you didn't lose a sister I think it's 1.
    Hex, 1.
    Davo for your sake I hope it's 2.
    Om, 2.

    Fairyliquid: Info on Pfeiffer's disease. As you can see from the article it's affects a great deal of people and most will never really notice it.
  9. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    You are coorect CY, my nose is mole free.
  10. Trollmother

    Trollmother New Member

    I think this is funnier than the intoduction thread wich is a little boring.

    four facts about me:
    I speak six languages
    I have a drivers license which permits me to drive a bus
    I do downhill skiing
    i have a wellpaid job
    Odd man out?
  11. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I say Trollmother has not a wellpaid job. If I am wrong, the better.

    1) I was declared dead twice during my existance so far.
    2) I once woke up during a surgery.
    3) Me and my family once escaped from a building that was blown off the face of earth by a chain of five explosions. One of them was the TV, which I had been sitting in front of until then, watching Tom and Jerry.
    4) When I was a child, I was bitten by a snake that wasn't supposed to be living in that area at all.
  12. Venerico

    Venerico New Member

    Facts about me:
    1.I worked on a TV station for kids
    2.I have IQ almost same as Albert Einsteins
    3.I have been in acting school for five years
    4.And I have moved five times in past ten years
  13. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    No-one has yet picked my lie :D

    Yes I really did swallow a toothbrush, although I was too young to remember it, apparently about 3-4 yo when it happened. Of course a started choking to death, my family started freaking out, but when I stopped choking they went oh well no point in going to the hospital now :roll: with such a caring family its no wonder....

    I really do have stitches on my forehead Pixel, they are just very old and very faded...

    Any more guesses??
  14. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I'm going to guess meeting the Dali Lama.

    How do you spell that anyway? I found Dali, Dalai, and Dhali.
  15. SunshineDaydream

    SunshineDaydream New Member

    You're all wrong (unless I missed someone).

    A few more guesses:
    Hsing-I'm going with 3 as the most improbable, although with my luck at guessing, that's one of the true ones.
  16. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:4aab685cb9="Faerie"]I'm going to guess meeting the Dali Lama.

    How do you spell that anyway? I found Dali, Dalai, and Dhali.[/quote:4aab685cb9]

    Correct! :D

    My brother met the Dalai Lama while working at the Regent Hotel... I didn't meet anyone.
  17. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    I really did play games with the King (the King in question is Carl Gustav XVI, king of Sweden) that's what scouting will get you. ;)
  18. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    did you win?
  19. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    No I didn't. Damn monarchs!

    Homever care about spelling anyways :roll:
  20. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:f361378c79="TamyraMcG"]In response to Electric _man: :roll: Telling me to shut up is probably not going to acchieve the desired response.[/quote:f361378c79]

    You seemingly read the one part of my post that was blatantly a joke, then ignored the rest because you took it literally. I love reading comprehension I do, it's brilliant!

    And now for something completely different, three facts and a lie about myself.

    I once slept for three hours then drove for five hours.
    I can scratch my back with my foot.
    I once played football at Wembley Stadium.
    My back garden represents an amphitheatre.
  21. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:6ed6c340b0="Electric_Man"]I can scratch my back with my foot.[/quote:6ed6c340b0]

    I don't believe this to be true of weasels. :) And I know your backgarden looks like an amputheatre, spelt like that.... :oops:

    I once tried to drive a car without the engine on.
    I once had my nappy changed by John Powers from the band Cast
    I Can touch my right here with my right hand after wrapping it all the way around my head.
    I once found a pound in a cake from Sayers bakers

    As an extra whcih I will tell you is true...I WON THE PIRATE GAME :)
  22. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:8fd40da0e3="colonesque10"]As an extra whcih I will tell you is true...I WON THE PIRATE GAME :)[/quote:8fd40da0e3]

    Not the most recent game!
  23. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Or the most unrecent game!
  24. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    This was last week, right?
  25. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:8f8bbc20f4="Rincewind"][quote:8f8bbc20f4="colonesque10"]I once had my nappy changed by John Powers from the band Cast

    This was last week, right?[/quote:8f8bbc20f4]

    Correct. But because it's my 5th change of the month I now get the 6th free. WHOOPLAH! :)

    As for the pirate games, I won the first one and I came second in the 2nd one. Thats a pretty good record for one with my level land loving.
  26. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    1) I had my tounge peirced without anesthetic.

    2) I've worked with animals, children, and the elderly.

    3) I once went 60 hours with less than 3 hours sleep.

    4) I'm part English.

    I reckon Ben is lying when he says he can scratch his back with his foot. I'm pretty sure all the others are true. Especially the garden one.

    I don't believe Kenny found a pound in a cake. I believe he ate it, then operated on himself to get it out of his stomach.
  27. hermes

    hermes New Member

    I would think you've never worked with children, elderly, and animals. At least at the same time. But that's just me.


    1. I've been stopped for carrying explosives at an airport
    2. I've never seen a Disney movie
    3. My photo teacher calls me 'Samuella'
    4. In the near future, I am being forced to dress up as Nostradamus (& not for Halloween)
  28. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    I'm guessing the disney movie one.

    No-one has as of yet quessed my lie. WA WA WA!!! :D
  29. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    [quote:2f54aed13a="Andalusian"]3. I have been bitten by a lesbian goth girl.
    4. I bit her back.[/quote:2f54aed13a]

    I just had the most frightening of flashbacks when I saw that.
  30. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:ec32a8c125="Delphine"]I don't believe Kenny found a pound in a cake. I believe he ate it, then operated on himself to get it out of his stomach.[/quote:ec32a8c125]

    That's correct Ella. It was actually a Greggs cake and it was in fact a two pence piece. I got £20 worth of Greggs vouchers because of it and made myself as sick as a parrot on anti-depressants. :)
  31. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    That was a very long thread to read through! My untruth was the one about being taught at home - it was actually only until I was seven, not ten. I don't know about how early we're supposed to be able to remember things, but I know several people with very early memories. I only have one from such a young age, and it's very hazy, as you might expect.
  32. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    can we do the same again only with 3 favourite music artists and 1 that you absolutely hate? if so here are my 4 (3 true 1 lie) :

    1. White Stripes

    2. Nirvana

    3. Green Day

    4. Metalica
  33. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Okay, let me try to wrap this up before it gets entirely forgotten.
    Here are the "unresolved" participants with added facts as confirmed by them:

    [b:0e2c6a8a93]Tamyra: [/b:0e2c6a8a93]
    [quote:0e2c6a8a93] I was raised on the White Earth Indian Reservation.
    I am a registered Democrat.
    My favorite band is Led Zeppelin.
    I am a thin girl with a whole lot of chocolate on the outside. --- True[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1/ I Love Marmite
    2/ I work for the UK Govenrment
    3/ I Hate Heights
    4/ I like to jump out of planes at a great height

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1) Our family hase Moved from house t house about 14 times since my parents were married
    2)I have no lovelife whatsoever
    3)I am the ONLY Star Trek fan in my hostle (360 people)
    4)I have never done ANY type of exersize in my life (exept for hard walking or a bit of hiking). -- True

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93](1) I have brown hair.
    (2) I have brown eyes.
    (3) I have one nose.
    (4) I have antennae.[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1. I was born 2 months premature -- True
    2. I have no family
    3. I was born in London
    4. I have a smiley tattoo on my right forearm -- [/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [b:0e2c6a8a93]Sunshine: [/b:0e2c6a8a93]
    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1. The longest race I've run has been a marathon.
    2. I've watched the sun rise on four different continents.
    3. I hate chocolate. -- True
    4. I liked math in school. -- True[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [b:0e2c6a8a93]Sleepy Sarge:[/b:0e2c6a8a93]
    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1 - I represented Scotland at swimming
    2 - I appeared in a TV show, singing and wearing a false beard
    3 - I was good at football (soccer) and was offered a trial by Dundee United
    4 - I was in a "New Wave" band in the late 70s.[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1: I have a black belt in Ju-Jitsu
    2: My only claim to fame is meeting Cannon and Ball!
    3: I need to shave twice a day.
    4: If I eat mushrooms my feet turn green.[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1) I keep a diary religiously and write about a page a day.
    2) I consider myself scottish although I am Canadian and German also
    3) I have only actually read a handful of Pratchett's books
    4) I live abroad and am an ex-pat kid and oil brat[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]I've played games with the King -- True
    The most beautiful thing I've ever seen was the sun rising over the desert
    My sister is dead
    I've owned a horse that was black in the winter and white in the summer[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1. People always ask me: "What are you doing now you've finished university?"
    2. When I grow up I want to be a pharmacist.
    3. I have been bitten by a lesbian goth girl.
    4. I bit her back. [/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1: I am currently out of work
    2: I am teetotal
    3: I currently own four reasonably up-to-date computers (to within about three or four years), three of which are running at the moment, plus at least six obsolete/no longer functional computers.
    4: I am heavily involved in amateur theatre. [/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [b:0e2c6a8a93]Hex: [/b:0e2c6a8a93]
    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1. I draw graphic novels in my spare time
    2. I have never drank alcohol in my life
    3. I am Left-Handed
    4. I failed three AP psych quizzes in a row [/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1/ I am a grandmother of two.
    2/ I have had extensive plastic surgery.
    3/ I had never been on a PC till a few weeks ago.
    4/I keep snakes.[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1. I like Marmite
    2. I like Girls Aloud
    3. I don't like Little Britain
    4. I don't like Pictionary[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]I speak six languages
    I have a drivers license which permits me to drive a bus
    I do downhill skiing
    i have a wellpaid job

    [b:0e2c6a8a93]Hsing: [/b:0e2c6a8a93]
    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1) I was declared dead twice during my existance so far.
    2) I once woke up during a surgery.
    3) Me and my family once escaped from a building that was blown off the face of earth by a chain of five explosions. One of them was the TV, which I had been sitting in front of until then, watching Tom and Jerry.
    4) When I was a child, I was bitten by a snake that wasn't supposed to be living in that area at all.[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1.I worked on a TV station for kids
    2.I have IQ almost same as Albert Einsteins
    3.I have been in acting school for five years
    4.And I have moved five times in past ten years[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]I once slept for three hours then drove for five hours.
    I can scratch my back with my foot.
    I once played football at Wembley Stadium.
    My back garden represents an amphitheatre.

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1) I had my tounge peirced without anesthetic.
    2) I've worked with animals, children, and the elderly.
    3) I once went 60 hours with less than 3 hours sleep.
    4) I'm part English. [/quote:0e2c6a8a93]

    [quote:0e2c6a8a93]1. I've been stopped for carrying explosives at an airport
    2. I've never seen a Disney movie
    3. My photo teacher calls me 'Samuella'
    4. In the near future, I am being forced to dress up as Nostradamus (& not for Halloween)[/quote:0e2c6a8a93]
  34. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Rightio, you lot were right about me not wanting to be a pharmasicicisist. Could never do my mother's job. Yuck.
  35. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    And here are my guesses:

    [b:196c9a5eff]Tamyra: [/b:196c9a5eff]
    [quote:196c9a5eff] I was raised on the White Earth Indian Reservation.
    I am a registered Democrat.
    My favorite band is Led Zeppelin.
    I am a thin girl with a whole lot of chocolate on the outside. --- True[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    I say you are not a registered Democrat. Voting for them maybe, but not registered.
    This is a random guess, of course.

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1/ I Love Marmite
    2/ I work for the UK Govenrment
    3/ I Hate Heights
    4/ I like to jump out of planes at a great height

    1 is true, I remember that much. I say 3 is a lie.

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1) Our family hase Moved from house t house about 14 times since my parents were married
    2)I have no lovelife whatsoever
    3)I am the ONLY Star Trek fan in my hostle (360 people)
    4)I have never done ANY type of exersize in my life (exept for hard walking or a bit of hiking). -- True

    2 is a lie. Even though you admit to be an isolated Star Trek Fan.

    [quote:196c9a5eff](1) I have brown hair.
    (2) I have brown eyes.
    (3) I have one nose.
    (4) I have antennae.[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    4 is a lie, although I spent long hours thinking this random guess over.

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1. I was born 2 months premature -- True
    2. I have no family
    3. I was born in London
    4. I have a smiley tattoo on my right forearm -- [/quote:196c9a5eff]

    3 is a lie. Random, again, I seem to remember 4 is true, that, for your definition, 2 is true (I didn't quite get this), and 1 also...

    [b:196c9a5eff]Sunshine: [/b:196c9a5eff]
    [quote:196c9a5eff]1. The longest race I've run has been a marathon.
    2. I've watched the sun rise on four different continents.
    3. I hate chocolate. -- True
    4. I liked math in school. -- True[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    1 is a lie. I seem to remember you moved around the globe a lot... Or was that a different Board member?

    [b:196c9a5eff]Sleepy Sarge:[/b:196c9a5eff]
    [quote:196c9a5eff]1 - I represented Scotland at swimming
    2 - I appeared in a TV show, singing and wearing a false beard
    3 - I was good at football (soccer) and was offered a trial by Dundee United
    4 - I was in a "New Wave" band in the late 70s.[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    I say... 4 is a lie. The late 70ies sounds to early to me to be in a "New Wave" band - I thought that cropped up in the 80ies...

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1: I have a black belt in Ju-Jitsu
    2: My only claim to fame is meeting Cannon and Ball!
    3: I need to shave twice a day.
    4: If I eat mushrooms my feet turn green.[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    4 is a lie.

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1) I keep a diary religiously and write about a page a day.
    2) I consider myself scottish although I am Canadian and German also
    3) I have only actually read a handful of Pratchett's books
    4) I live abroad and am an ex-pat kid and oil brat[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    ...3 is a lie?

    [quote:196c9a5eff]I've played games with the King -- True
    The most beautiful thing I've ever seen was the sun rising over the desert
    My sister is dead
    I've owned a horse that was black in the winter and white in the summer[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    The desert bit is alie, obviously, because being used to live in a "frozen wasteland" as Doors so charmingly put it once, you'd have melted spontaneously.
    Also, I seem to remember you mentioning all the other things as true.

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1. People always ask me: "What are you doing now you've finished university?"
    2. When I grow up I want to be a pharmacist.
    3. I have been bitten by a lesbian goth girl.
    4. I bit her back. [/quote:196c9a5eff]

    3 and four can't both be a lie. I guess 2. Although working in a pharmacy can have it's advantages, I tell you.

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1: I am currently out of work
    2: I am teetotal
    3: I currently own four reasonably up-to-date computers (to within about three or four years), three of which are running at the moment, plus at least six obsolete/no longer functional computers.
    4: I am heavily involved in amateur theatre. [/quote:196c9a5eff]

    1 is true, I seem to remember. 3 surely too. ... 4 is a lie. I don't know the word "teetotal".

    [b:196c9a5eff]Hex: [/b:196c9a5eff]
    [quote:196c9a5eff]1. I draw graphic novels in my spare time
    2. I have never drank alcohol in my life
    3. I am Left-Handed
    4. I failed three AP psych quizzes in a row [/quote:196c9a5eff]

    Hm. 2= lie?

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1/ I am a grandmother of two.
    2/ I have had extensive plastic surgery.
    3/ I had never been on a PC till a few weeks ago.
    4/I keep snakes.[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    2= lie? I mean, there a medical reasons for plastic surgery, too - after massive operations where parts of the face, or a breast have to be amputated, they often do plastic surgery because. - -Okay, I say 4 is a lie!

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1. I like Marmite
    2. I like Girls Aloud
    3. I don't like Little Britain
    4. I don't like Pictionary[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    I say 2, although that's random, because I don't know any of these.

    [quote:196c9a5eff]I speak six languages
    I have a drivers license which permits me to drive a bus
    I do downhill skiing
    i have a wellpaid job

    I still say 4 is a lie, because I can imagine all the other things far better from a teacher in Sweden!

    [b:196c9a5eff]Hsing: [/b:196c9a5eff]
    [quote:196c9a5eff]1) I was declared dead twice during my existance so far.
    2) I once woke up during a surgery.
    3) Me and my family once escaped from a building that was blown off the face of earth by a chain of five explosions. One of them was the TV, which I had been sitting in front of until then, watching Tom and Jerry.
    4) When I was a child, I was bitten by a snake that wasn't supposed to be living in that area at all.[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    Well, 3 was true!

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1.I worked on a TV station for kids
    2.I have IQ almost same as Albert Einsteins
    3.I have been in acting school for five years
    4.And I have moved five times in past ten years[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    Er... how can I give a polite guess in this case? I can imagine 1 very well. 4 too, it seems to be everyones fate these days. I say... 2 is a lie.

    [quote:196c9a5eff]I once slept for three hours then drove for five hours.
    I can scratch my back with my foot.
    I once played football at Wembley Stadium.
    My back garden represents an amphitheatre.

    2 is a lie.

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1) I had my tounge peirced without anesthetic.
    2) I've worked with animals, children, and the elderly.
    3) I once went 60 hours with less than 3 hours sleep.
    4) I'm part English. [/quote:196c9a5eff]

    I say 1 is a lie. Although most piercings are done without aenesthetics. At least where [i:196c9a5eff]I[/i:196c9a5eff] live...

    [quote:196c9a5eff]1. I've been stopped for carrying explosives at an airport
    2. I've never seen a Disney movie
    3. My photo teacher calls me 'Samuella'
    4. In the near future, I am being forced to dress up as Nostradamus (& not for Halloween)[/quote:196c9a5eff]

    ........3=lie? (Random again.)
  36. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I definitely have memories from when I was younger than three! But I have to admit, Buzz, that I didn't get yours right, even though I met you at school when you were seven!!!

    That wasn't one of my fact?s. My fact?s are:

    1) I have a four month old baby, Dawn.

    2) I was spat on by one of The Drifters.

    3) I love all music apart from country music.

    4) I am a practising witch.

    I'm not even going to attempt any guesses now, there's just too many!!!
  37. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I say - 3 is a lie, you like Country Music too!
    Relatively random.
    One is true, I think. 2 Sounds true to me.
  38. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [b:87543674ba]Sleepy Sarge:[/b:87543674ba]
    [quote:87543674ba]1 - I represented Scotland at swimming
    2 - I appeared in a TV show, singing and wearing a false beard
    3 - I was good at football (soccer) and was offered a trial by Dundee United
    4 - I was in a "New Wave" band in the late 70s.[/quote:87543674ba]

    I say... 4 is a lie. The late 70ies sounds to early to me to be in a "New Wave" band - I thought that cropped up in the 80ies..

    Nope! - It was going strong in 76/78 - so still no-one has got my lie!
  39. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I say it's three sleepy_sarge because no-one who's good gets offered a trial by Dundee Utd. :D
  40. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:303e022726="colonesque10"]I say it's three sleepy_sarge because no-one who's good gets offered a trial by Dundee Utd. :D[/quote:303e022726]

    LOL well you got it right...but for the wrong reasons. I LOVE football, love playing it, would have given up every other sporting achievementI've had, to be able to play even at playground level, never mind Dundee United.

    If only my size 12s and my brain were connected :(
  41. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:1c1b96a28e="sleepy_sarge"][quote:1c1b96a28e="colonesque10"]I say it's three sleepy_sarge because no-one who's good gets offered a trial by Dundee Utd. :D[/quote:1c1b96a28e]

    LOL well you got it right...but for the wrong reasons. I LOVE football, love playing it, would have given up every other sporting achievementI've had, to be able to play even at playground level, never mind Dundee United.

    If only my size 12s and my brain were connected :([/quote:1c1b96a28e]

    I have the same problem Sarge. Sometimes my legs do things that i'm sure i've not told them to do, quite often actually. I still love playing though, the beers afterwards are nice too.

    Anyway I was right so I ROCK! :)
  42. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Hsing, you're wrong, 1 was not a lie. Anesthetic is not used for tongue piercings anymore, because of the risk of unintentional biting and severe bleeding. Yow. They do use a mouthwash type thing with anesthetic in it, however, which reduces the pain slightly. But in my case, they'd run out. So it hurt a bit more than I thought it would. :)

    4 was my lie. Technically, I'm not English at all. I'm a British Citizen and everything, and have never lived anywhere else, pure PKB, (cheers Garner) but blood-wise, nope. No English in there.

    Hermia, I think either 3 or 4 is your lie. 3, I'd say, seeing as I've met you and you really don't seem very witchlike. ;)
  43. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Delphine, are you Scottish? :)

    Brad, I was going to vote Tae Kwan Do as your lie (since I know you took Hapkido), because being left-handed sounded reasonable... Don't feel bad though, I just found out my grandma is left-handed and I've known HER for 26 years! :p

    Lessee, my facts/lie...

    1) I played Falstaff in our school's "Henry IV"
    2) I'm Ukrainian
    3) A dominatrix once offered to train me in her craft
    4) I was told I coudn't be in a movie about post-WWII Ukrainian children, because I wasn't thin enough
  44. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I am a registered Democrat, I did grow up inside the boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation, and I am carrying a whole lot of chocolate, but Led Zeppelin is not anywhere close to being my favorite band. I've no idea what my favorite band actually is because it tends to change so often depending what's on the radio,but the current contender is the Travelling Wilbury's(sp) and alas there will be nothing more from that particular group on this side of eternity.

    Hsing, I hope your lie is waking up during surgery.

    Trollmother, I'm pretty sure no teachers anywhere are well paid enough for what they do.

    Hermes, I'm going to guess the Disney thing is a lie, because I don't know how you could possibly have escaped them all.

    I have to go make sandwiches now, bye.
  45. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Nope, the surgery thing is true. I was a small kid when I woke up during an adenotonsillectomy. That got me into a lot of troube later, because I am still irrationally afraid of a lot of medical procedures.
  46. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    [quote:5ce882c905="mowgli"]Delphine, are you Scottish? :) [/quote:5ce882c905]

    Auch, what gie ye tha' idea jimmy!?

    i'm half scottish. In my defence it's not noticable.

    I'm hoping number 3 is your lie, although it sounds too wacky to be made up. I wasn't even aware dominatrixing was a craft. I thought it was more of a... predilection. I mean, what can they teach you? Lessons in whip cracking? How To Wear Spiky Heels?
  47. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:977f042977="Delphine"][quote:977f042977="mowgli"]Delphine, are you Scottish? :) [/quote:977f042977]

    Auch, what gie ye tha' idea jimmy!?

    i'm half scottish. In my defence it's not noticable.

    I'm hoping number 3 is your lie, although it sounds too wacky to be made up. I wasn't even aware dominatrixing was a craft. I thought it was more of a... predilection. I mean, what can they teach you? Lessons in whip cracking? How To Wear Spiky Heels?[/quote:977f042977]

    Believe me Ella, they can show you an awful lot. I must go and sit for a while now to cool off. :)

    PS: Don't forget you part chip too, never forget your heritage. :D
  48. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Yes, that's right Kenny. However, I don't tell just [i:64a6f2d64b]anyone[/i:64a6f2d64b] about that. I need to make sure they're not hungry first. It's a tough life, being half scot, half fluffy potato. :(
  49. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I'm STARVING! Kenny: the untimely demise of Delphine's potato half is now on your conscience! ::munch munch::

    And Kenny's right, dominatrixing IS a craft with a ton of rules and regulations. After a bit of thought, I figured that I'd suck at it, so I balked :)
  50. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:75ab3601ef="mowgli"]I'm STARVING! Kenny: the untimely demise of Delphine's potato half is now on your conscience! ::munch munch::

    And Kenny's right, dominatrixing IS a craft with a ton of rules and regulations. After a bit of thought, I figured that I'd suck at it, so I balked :)[/quote:75ab3601ef]

    Not to worry. I have many a vegetables demise on my hands already. :)

    As for the dominatrix Mowgli, you should have stuck with it. It can give you hours of fun and be really self gratifying when you pass on the skill.
  51. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    not sure what guesses i'd make yet, but here's some randomness:

    1) When I first met my boyfriend, he hit me.
    2) I have had two major surgeries in the last four years.
    3) I can move my eyes independently. (not, however, thanks to major surgery...)
    4) I can speak Gaelic.
  52. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    [quote:48f14da190="Colonesque"]As for the dominatrix Mowgli, you should have stuck with it. It can give you hours of fun and be really self gratifying when you pass on the skill.[/quote:48f14da190]

    How do you know? :shock:

    For a birthday once, Grace bought me a book called "Etiquette for Outlaws". Cos, you know, I'm such an outlaw. Anyway, it had a whole chapter on dominatrix-related activities. I have to say it didn't entice me in the slightest.
  53. Bob

    Bob New Member

    Hsing : Indeed you are correct, my lie was that I was born in London, as I was born in Wolverhampton.. :)

    The confusing comment about the family is that I have no human family, when talking about my babies, I'm talking about my rats.. :)

  54. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Gosh! I was right one single time out of... a gazillion!
    I friend of mine does the same with her guinea pigs by the way. You're not alone with this! :D
  55. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Hsing, I think 1 (being declared dead twice) is your lie.
    Roisindubh211, 2?
    Hermia, also 2?
    Mowgli, 1?
  56. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Sorry, CY, I did volunteer to play Falstaff! I think I even got a pillow to stuff down my shirt (don't remember receiving any socks, though!)

    roisindubh211, you were the one to hit your boyfriend upon meeting, right? :)

    Hsing - number 3 (you werent' REALLY watching Tom and Jerry!)

    Hermia - number 3, too - you really like country music :)
  57. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    Sorry, nobody's got mine yet
    And before anyone gets worried, I met my boyfriend at fencing- he was supposed to hit me. I told him to.
    Two surgeries is true too.

    Hermes, I'm guessing teh Disney thing

    Hex, I hope its teh AP Psych exam
    I'm guessing number 1 for Hsing as well
  58. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:94b24291f3="roisindubh211"]Sorry, nobody's got mine yet
    And before anyone gets worried, I met my boyfriend at fencing- he was supposed to hit me. I told him to.
    Two surgeries is true too.[/quote:94b24291f3]

    Is leor nod don eolach.

    Uimhir ceithre

    [quote:94b24291f3="Translation"] [color=white:94b24291f3]A hint is sufficient for the wise
    Number four[/color:94b24291f3][/quote:94b24291f3]
  59. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    ooh you're mean!

    I only know a few useful phrases- "Cup an té agus siucra agus bainne" is really about it.
    :D I know, can't spell. My boyfriend often accuses me of murdering the language...
  60. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    :D well I must admit I cheated here and here

    I can't even speak Scots Gaelic.

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