Three facts about YOU - newbies and oldbies

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by shadowgirl, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    [quote:288888a1d4="roisindubh211"]ooh you're mean!

    I only know a few useful phrases- "Cup an té agus siucra agus bainne" is really about it.

    "Cup of tea with sugar with.. something?" :)
  2. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    milk. I know i spelled it horribly, but apparently my pronunciation is worse...
  3. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I have a GCSE in Donegal Gaelic! I can kind of understand it but generally have trouble with writing tenses and the like

    Here goes:

    Ba mhaith liom cupan tae, milch agus la taesunoige siucra le do thoil.

    I would like a cup of tea with milk and a spoonful of sugar please.

    *wanders off to make said cup of tea*

    N.B I 'm too lazy to put in fada's (like French accents, but obviously Gaelic)
  4. mowgli

    mowgli New Member


    Ba mhaith liom cupan tae, milch agus la taesunoige siucra le do thoil.

    I would like a cup of tea with milk and a spoonful of sugar please.


    If "taesunoige" is pronounced "teaspoon", I'm off to brain myself with a Gaelic dictionary!!!

    edited for quoting :p
  5. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I cry every time I attempt to read Irish. I think that they should have stuck to Ogham.
  6. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    BTW :

    taesunoige is said

    tay (rhyming with pay),
    sun (said like sun but with heavy pronunciation on the 'un' sound)
    oige (which sounds a bit like oy and the ‘g’ sound you would make if you were trying to pronounce the 'g’ at the start of the work gnome.)
  7. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Hermia, I think either 3 or 4 is your lie. 3, I'd say, seeing as I've met you and you really don't seem very witchlike. ;)[/quote:f45c277261]

    I'll take that as a compliment! :)

    Bet I don't look much like a wannabe cowgirl either though, do I? But I do indeed lurve country music!

    [quote:f45c277261="Roisindubh"]Hermes, I'm guessing teh Disney thing [/quote:f45c277261]

    That confused me! My own fault, for having a name too similar. I was thinking "What Disney thing? Did I mention Disney????"
  8. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I can't speak Gaelic, but I can sing it. My mother had a Capercaillie cd and I loved the music so much I had to painstakingly learn the words to go with it! Something about Alastair, son of exile Cholla (and you all thought he was just a guy I met in a pub) and one about a russet haired fiddler's daughter, or something. I'm sure it makes more sense in Gaelic.

    Also, the Dubliners songs gave me some good naughty Irish words!
  9. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    [quote:1dfd2ee1b5="Perdita"]BTW :

    taesunoige is said

    tay (rhyming with pay),
    sun (said like sun but with heavy pronunciation on the 'un' sound)
    oige (which sounds a bit like oy and the ‘g’ sound you would make if you were trying to pronounce the 'g’ at the start of the work gnome.)[/quote:1dfd2ee1b5]

  10. koshu

    koshu New Member


    my fcts and fib's are:

    1. I've been bitten by a lion
    2. I went to lots of diffrent schools because of my parents
    3. I've been surfing
    4. I became an aunt at 14

    P.s remember I live in South Africa

    Oh and Spiky that tooth brush thing is "Whao" major freaky if its real
  11. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Koshu: #4. You became an aunt at 13 ;)
  12. koshu

    koshu New Member

    Actualy Mowgli

    I think you might be right i was an aunt at 13. But sorry that wasn't my lie. try again :lol:
  13. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    teh schools one. You got kicked out for letting your pet lion in and scaring your classmates into going surfing with you.

    Shame on you, to blame your parents.
  14. koshu

    koshu New Member

    nope still not right.
    close though.

    Actually you are totaly off the point but im wouldn't tell you that now would I? :p
  15. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I don't think you've ever been bitten by a lion. I think the whole South Africa comment was just included to throw us off the scent.
  16. koshu

    koshu New Member

    sorry your still not rite.

    I was bitten in the stomach while visting in the Lion park just out of Jo'burg :lol:
    they do this thing were u can go into one of the cages, and this chick was annoying one and wen i told here to stop, the lion attacked

    Sorry try again
  17. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Guess that just leaves the surfing one then, doesn't it? Unless your deliberately misleading statements actually worked on me!
  18. koshu

    koshu New Member

    Welldone You finaly caught me!!! :lol:

    I was planning on doing it this holiday but I came to England instead. :D
  19. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    You could have surfed in England! I wouldn't advise it though, unless you like cold murky water with rocks and questionable substances in it and where the only rollers are on days so stormy it's dangerous to even go near the seafront. But still, some people surf here!
  20. koshu

    koshu New Member

    major, crazy people.

    Its far to damn cold to even look at the sea. i get frozen wen I look at teh fish tank. hehehehehe
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh, ok, this looks like fun...

    - I once directed and produced a stage version of the Rocky Horror Show fully translated into French.
    - I have to shave every morning and I don't mean my legs.
    - I live on the fifth floor and have a pet rabbit called Kinou.
    - I wear glasses.
  22. koshu

    koshu New Member

    2# the sahving one

    not to sure about the rocky horor either
  23. Willmolly3

    Willmolly3 New Member

    Got to be the shaving one! I beleive the others!
  24. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:a2cfa230e7="Katcal"]Oh, ok, this looks like fun...

    - I once directed and produced a stage version of the Rocky Horror Show fully translated into French.
    - I have to shave every morning and I don't mean my legs.
    - I live on the fifth floor and have a pet rabbit called Kinou.
    - I wear glasses.[/quote:a2cfa230e7]

    Well I believe the Rocky Horror one - although either you were amazingly lucky to get the rights (very few companies can get them), or you *ahem* didn't bother them with such technicalities.

    Shaving? Too obvious so it doesn't get my vote either.

    The rabbit may well actually be called Dave, or you may live on the 3rd floor...but nahh...

    I see you shiver with antici...


    It's number 4. You don't wear glasses
  25. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    #3. I think you live on the fifteenth floor. Or some other floor.
  26. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I say the wearing glasses is a lie! :D If not that then the rabbit one.

    1) I like to draw.
    2) I'm bisexual.
    3) I'm a vegetarian.
    4) I come from a family of actors/artists/writers. Three generations of us on my mother's side and two on my father's.(This is including myself and siblings.) And my grandfather was all three and more besides.

    And no, LaughingFire, You're not allowed to respond to this.
  27. Human

    Human New Member

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the bisexual one. Just because it doesn't fit in all that well with the others.

    1. I was raised Marxist.
    2. I own a lesbian dog.
    3. I'm related to Brian Singer (Director of X-Men 1&2).
    4. My left ear is half an inch higher than my right ear.
  28. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    i would say number 2.
  29. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Sorry, that is not correct. I am indeed Bi. How does that not fit? I thought all artists/actors were suspected of being homos. :yawinkle:

    Number 2 for who, Vaims? As you see, number two is a truth for me.

    I'd say the ear one, Human. How do you tell if a dog is lesbian? I want an answer to that question?
  30. Human

    Human New Member

    I won't give details, exept to say that it involved a sled, my cousin Rachel, and my dog demonstrating the unique and exotic "High-speed downhill hump."

    Number four is correctly wrong. Cookie to the knighthood.
  31. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    *bows* Why, thank you, M'lord! M'lady? You are being very vauge about such details. What's Marxist?

    Now all you have to do is spot my lie. It shouldn't be hard, now that Bisexuality is eliminated.
  32. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    i think that Human refers to the ideology of Marx-the communist idea of Marx!
    And,conserning you,My lady,i would say that you're not a vegetarian.
  33. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I once built a four meter high trebuchet which fired one kilo projectiles at least 70 metres.

    I'm a compulsive liar.

    I have never hit anyone.

    I am trained in the art of japanese fencing, also known as Kendo.
  34. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Why, yes Vaims! that is indeed my lie! Steak is one of my favorite foods. And I would just like to interject that the acting one, it doesn't apply to most of my paternal uncles of my paternal aunt.

    I'd say you're not a compulsive liar. You realworld name wouldn't happen to be Jake would it? :lol: (a kid a few classes above me built such a trebuchet once.)
  35. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    My favorite manga is Hana Kimi
    My favorite games are kingdom hearts, final fantasy and dragon quest
    I am currently reading Monstrous Regiment
  36. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    :shock: Sif1, you're supposed to put three truths and a lie!

    I think you just finished Monsterous Regiment! That is your lie!
  37. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    Oops let me try that again:

    My second favorite manga is Hot Gimmick
    I'm almost done beating Dragon Quest
    I read all of the pages in this thread
    My friend is currently hogging my PS2
  38. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Hot Gimmick? I'm saying that is your lie... even though I've never heard of the manga.

    Was I right the first time? Or did you forget to put a lie?
  39. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    The first time I forgot to put a lie, and you are wrong about Hot Gimmick. It has a similar theme as Hana Kimi, but neither are scifi or fantasy. Manga is my one exeption where scifi-fantasy is concerned; most of the mangas I read might actually be realistic, if you consider girls managing to stay disguised as a guy in an all-boys school realistic.
  40. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Ah, ok. In that case you are nowhere near beating Dragon Quest.
  41. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    Still wrong! According to gamefaqs (I never cheat ALL the time, and I never resort to cheat codes anymore) I have only two more boss battles to go. Of course there is still the aftergame collecting of items and exploring of new places, but I start losing interest when the plot stops.
  42. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    In that case I have a 50-50 chance of getting the next one right!

    ...Your friend isn't on your PS2?
  43. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:3adef86383="Sir_Gawain"]I'd say you're not a compulsive liar. You realworld name wouldn't happen to be Jake would it? :lol: (a kid a few classes above me built such a trebuchet once.)[/quote:3adef86383]

    Yes, I'm not a compulsive liar. (but if I was, I would be lying about it, wouldn't I?)

    And no, I'm not named Jake. :)
  44. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    My turn. Let me think.

    1) I study law in a french university
    2)I am a metal fan
    3)I am left-handed
    4)i can't ride a bike
  45. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    You are right handed, Vaims! Ever heard of the band Megadeth? They're rockmetal.
  46. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member


    1) I have a rabbit named Eustace.

    2) My bedroom shelf contains three of Pterry's books that i have never read.

    3) I'm one of the few people i know who sees the obvious sense in nuclear power.....our planet's in serious danger chaps! Lets stop being completely obsessed with 'renewable' energy, i mean JEEZ, what precisely have you got against nuclear energy anyway??? It's clean, cheap, safe, and fantastically powerful!! Huzzah!

    4) I've never been drunk.
  47. silverflagon

    silverflagon New Member

    I have a 31 year old son.

    I love climbing trees, though I can't any more due to infirmaties :D Age wouldn't stop me, if I could I would LOL!

    I have a shelf full of Terry's books, and I have read fantasy and scifi since I first found the Conan books back in the 60's.

    I can close my dose at will :D
  48. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Silverflagon i'm guessing.........absence of nose-closing abilities? Though i'm rather wishing you can, it sounds quite an awesome superpower to have. My friend was born without any cartilage inbetween her nostrils, so her nose just flattens when you push it :shock: It's the best spectator sport ever! lol
  49. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    My lie was that I'd read all of the pages in this thread. If I had done that, I would have known to put three truths and a lie, but I'd only read the first two posts and a few of the last ones.
  50. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Bemblebee, 3. Everyone knows that stuff gives you cancer, and it gets dumped in the most random places... Recently in the western USA they were carting it out and dumping it in a feild. And not telling anyone. Next thing you know a housing development goes up there, and everyone's dying of lukimia and cancer.

    sliverflagon, you're hard. How about 1? Either your son isn't 31, or you have a 31-year-old daughter. Or both.

    Though you can see my amazing guessing skills with scif1. I guess all but the correct one, and the answer was staring me in the face the whole time! :lol: I blame your lying skills, scif1. I was found out on the second guess. :roll:
  51. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    My predjudice that people on forums are 99% teens tells me you don't have any children, silver.

    I can't imagine having more than one Pterry book that I haven't read, Bemblebee, so I'm guessing that's your lie.

    Sir Gawain, it is so much easier to lie online than in real life it scares me. It is the ability of text to hide facial expressions that stumps you.
  52. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    You're right. I once convinced my friend I was a 41-year-old stalker named Earl. Who knew where she lived. A very polite stalker, yes, but...

    And actually, I think most people on this forum are over 20. We're getting steadily more teen-populated, but many people on this board talk about job interviews, kids, and spouse.
  53. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I think Darth Bemblebee is lying about his nuclear power opinion.

    Sir_Vaims I think you are not studying law at a French university.

    Silverflagon, I bet you still climb trees.
  54. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    lol, damnation, you're all so right. I thought i'd managed to be convincing about that, but apparently not. :D

    Just to make entirely sure no-one is left believing i'm a pro-nuclear moronic freak:[size=18:148b84a1e0]Nuclear power is the most nonsensical, dangerous, and incomprehensible idea i can imagine :evil: The very fact that [i:148b84a1e0]anyone[/i:148b84a1e0] would consider it a [i:148b84a1e0]solution[/i:148b84a1e0] to the planet's problems just shows how far we as a species still have to go in the brain-department.[/size:148b84a1e0]

    Whew, that's that out of my system.....

    Tamyra, to my eternal shame that's true :oops: I was given the three sciences of discworld a number of years ago, and have never been able to get into them. (And i'm a [i:148b84a1e0]she[/i:148b84a1e0] by the by :) )
  55. silverflagon

    silverflagon New Member

    [quote:00c5152c15="Darth_Bemblebee"]Silverflagon i'm guessing.........absence of nose-closing abilities? Though i'm rather wishing you can, it sounds quite an awesome superpower to have. My friend was born without any cartilage inbetween her nostrils, so her nose just flattens when you push it :shock: It's the best spectator sport ever! lol[/quote:00c5152c15]

    No I can close my nose and you are correct it's a great ability to have :D

    My lie is half a lie really, sorry to lead you up the garden path. I used to love cllimbing trees, but not any more. I have vertigo now.

    My son is 31, and of course I have a shelf full of Terry's books, that would be a sacrelege if it was a lie. :D
  56. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    4 facts about the yougest child in my famaly (aka me)
    1) i have 2 brothes and 1 sister
    2) i live in a house my mum and dad bilt
    3) im 17 and a HUGE Terry Prachett fan
    4) our house is called Drey Towers and no that is not a spelling mistake a Drey with an E is where a Squirrel lives (my oldest brother came up with that one, just dont ask ok long story) and a Dray with an a is a Horse drawn carrage.
    i bet no one knew about that Drey/Dray fact
  57. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I'm going to say 4 is a lie, peapod.

    You know what? Just for fun I'm going to go again!

    1) There is only one boy in my class.
    2) I have one sister and one0 brother.
    3) I call my mother hahaue and my father chichiue.
    4) My favorite color is green.

    Let me see you guess the lie!
  58. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    First things first. I am right handed indeed(very well milady) I know Megadeath but beeing a sick Metallica fan i don't actually achknowledge them as a real group but more like a daughter to Metallica since they were founded by Mustaine(i don't mean to offend you Sir_Gawain if you are a Megadeath fan,but that's my point of view!
    I agree with Bemblebee. Good on you chap. I think that humanity should try to learn how to harvest the energy from the sun,the richest source of power there is.
    Peapod,i think that 1 might not be true. You have one brother and one sister or 2 brothers or sisters.
    As for you Sir i think that 3 is not true since a class with only one boy is relatively possible and i think that from your posts i was left with the idea that you indeed have one sister and one brother
    BTW what is hahaue and chichiue?
  59. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    my nuber 4 is true and i have 1 blood brother and 1 blood sister and my eldoist brother is adoted. Sir_Gawain look up number 4 about Drey/Dray in a dicsonary if you do not beleve me
  60. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I'm not offended at all by your views of Megadeth, Vaims. Even though I am a fan, they openly give lots of credit to Metallica.

    And guess again. Hahaue is Japanese for mom and Chichiue for dad. And I do call them that. I decline comment on your other musings.

    I'd say your mum and dad didn't build you house then, peapod. Because you've said elsewhere you're 17, and have a Pratchett collection bigger than your library's. And It wasn't the Drey/Dray fact I disbelieved. Just that your house was named that.

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