Werewolf: Casualty

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Oswald decided to take a nap for a few hours in the afternoon.

    [quote:1627bee425="OmKranti"][i:1627bee425]OOC- What about me?[/i:1627bee425] :([/quote:1627bee425]

    [i:1627bee425]OOC - And of course you Om [/i:1627bee425] :)

    Edit: There you go Ben, now follow Kenny. Always follow Kenny. :)
  2. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    No derailing! If you want to make OOC comments, post some NPC stuff first (or PC if you are a PC). I never thought I'd say this, but follow Kenny's example.

    ah crossposts: follow kenny's first example, not his second
  3. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    “What the hell?” said Roland.
    Suddenly he herd a deep not quite a voice besides him,
    “Time to go whe- oh.”
  4. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    "[i:763af9500c]pffft[/i:763af9500c] he he he he[i:763af9500c] pffft[/i:763af9500c]" laughed Ophelia gleefully for no apparent reason that anyone else could fathom...

    Her eyes darted with paranoid fever around the blood stained, stinking ward. Who was stalking her in the night [i:763af9500c]pffft[/i:763af9500c]... Its probably that bloody :shock: Erroneous :shock: fella... Another suspiciously hard to pronounce name if ever she'd heard one [i:763af9500c]pffft[/i:763af9500c].
  5. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    "I still think that :shock: Molly :shock: is a wolf. Why won't anyone listen to me?"
  6. hermes

    hermes New Member

    "Molly? Hrm. Hum. Molly. Yes, :shock: Molly :shock: is a wolf."
  7. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Eguaaan woke up again. She blinked around for a while, trying to figure out if this was life after death, or just life, and which one was worse.

    Then she asked politely where she was, who those people were, and what was going on.
    She was introduced, more or less, to everyone, and informed about the situation.
    After another round of thinking, she said, more to herself than to anyone else: "Hm... So I have to vote for someone being thrown out and killed, hm? Great... Well... Let me see. That owltamer... why did his owl suddenly start attacking him? Maybe her instinct tells her something that he is in denial about? I say, it might be :shock: Oswald Oggham :shock: we are looking for!"
  8. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    Molly sat on her bed, watching the little group muttering, and occaisionally looking over at her .
    eithr they thought she was the werewolf, or they were about to suggest a discount for block bookings. (well lets face it, even in times like these, people still needed their socks darning, right?)

    Speaking of the werewolf, where's that :shock: Erroneous :shock: bloke got to?
  9. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Eugene fiddled with the tattered feather in his cap. As the shouting died down, he tried to make up his mind.

    The owl tamer looked honest and that pirate did creep him out.

    "I think it's :shock: Erroneous :shock:."
  10. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "Yarr, ye can't kill me, I'm an accountant."

    "Why not?" asked Purse

    "Ye all love accountants don't ye?"

    "There's only one I like," said Oswald, "Oh wait, another dropped into my brain. There's only two accountants I like, and neither of them are you."

    "Arrrr. But ye all love pirates don't ye?"

    "You said you retired!" said Molly

    "Yarr, I may've said that, but I was about to restart it."

    " pffft you're a wolf, lad. I couldn't care if you were a pffft pirate, accountant or King of the pffft trouserless tribe in Tsort pffft "

    "Yarr, ye always make bad assumptions bout I. I be not a wolf, I be wearing a hook, it be..."

    "Don't care." Monotoned Bob, and shoved him to the doors.

    They opened once more, and as an arrow shot towards the Captain, he cried, "ME HOOK, IT BE SILV-YARRRRRRRRR!"


    Ooops! Another villager bites the dust. If it wasn't for the bane, it would be nearly over by now...

    Wolves and Bane, time to PM me again!

    Updated Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) DEAD: First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) DEAD: First Lynching - villager.
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Sorcerer (OmKranti) GONE: Second Lynching - seer.
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10)
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent) DEAD: Failed escape attempt
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian)
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind) DEAD: Third Lynching - villager.
    11) Eguaan Viskinnar - young thief (Hsing)
  11. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    'Yarr!' Said the ghost of Cpt Erroneous Statement. 'Bastards.' He added as an afterthought.
  12. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    "Close call for the girl, eh.... Shame that of the four people dead, three of them were killed by [i:9a05564b7d]ordinary [/i:9a05564b7d]people...If them wolves are still around, they probably have a good laugh at our expense right now. It might be a good idea if we stop going for those people whose names we just can't pronounce."
  13. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    "Damn it" exclaimed Oswald "I was sure the accountant mut have been a wolf. Ah well at least he won't be able to wave that bloody claw at Bella again"

    Oswald worried about the night that lay ahead. As he did so Bella settled on his arm. The claws digging into his arm settled him down and made him just that little bit more optomistic about their futures in the hospital ward.
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    "[i:be522b2e89]pffft[/i:be522b2e89] bugger. [i:be522b2e89]pffft[/i:be522b2e89] screwed that up again [i:be522b2e89]pffft[/i:be522b2e89]. Maybe unpronouncable names isn't the way to go [i:be522b2e89]pffft[/i:be522b2e89]."

    Ophelia, was beginning to worry. Her supply of fags was getting low, she needed to figure out who the wolves were before she ran out otherwise she was not going to be happy...
  15. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    [i:57734ad703]"Another friend has fallen,
    Into the dark pits of fear,
    The threat of guilt is calling,
    Um.... I would like to drink some beer."[/i:57734ad703]

    Bob tapped his quill against the paper. He was starting to run out of ideas.
  16. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Night fell* once more.

    Eguann was slightly surprised at the others accepting her presence so readily, it would be a shame really, that she was about to rob them all.

    She stole out of bed and rumaged through the drawers of her neighbour, and slowly worked her way around the ward. Ophelia found herself liberated of a small trinket, Bob's clay-gel was taken, even some of Molly's needles disappeared.

    There would've been more taken, but some growling stopped her. She turned round to see two wolves staring at her,

    "Please don't eat me!" she squealed.

    The wolves looked each other, then broke into a breathy laugh between them.

    They leapt. This time, there was nothing stopping them.

    [size=9:1a60f17c86]*It tripped over a stray rollerskate[/size:1a60f17c86]


    The Bane's luck runs out, the wolves finally strike!

    Can the villagers strike back? Start your voting!

    P.S. Sorry bout the slight delay

    Updated Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) [color=red:1a60f17c86]DEAD:[/color:1a60f17c86] First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) [color=red:1a60f17c86]DEAD:[/color:1a60f17c86] First Lynching - villager.
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Sorcerer (OmKranti) [color=orange:1a60f17c86]GONE:[/color:1a60f17c86] Second Lynching - seer.
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10)
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent) [color=red:1a60f17c86]DEAD:[/color:1a60f17c86] Failed escape attempt
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian)
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind) [color=red:1a60f17c86]DEAD:[/color:1a60f17c86] Third Lynching - villager.
    11) Eguaan Viskinnar - young thief (Hsing) - [color=red:1a60f17c86]DEAD:[/color:1a60f17c86] (eventually) Second Slaughter - villager.
  17. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Now that, was her last thought, was a short recovery... I can't tell from their looks of course but... I think I was rig...h...t...
  18. hermes

    hermes New Member

    "Well, we've been wrong every time, right? See what I mean?" chattered Purse to Oswald.

    "Aye! Ye be right on!" said Purse's imaginary version of Erroneus, "Arr!"

    "So I figure, we're all just off, see?" he continued, "So, good fellow, I realized that what we need to do is realize we've been wrong all along. So I figure, what with me taken a liking to you, you, Oswald, must be a wolf!"

    Edit: Vote changed.
  19. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Oswald had woke this morning thankful that he and Bella were still alive but becoming more and more worried about their safety as the numbers reduced. He'd also been upset with that damn Merchant Purse who'd seemed s friendly until he'd blurted out that he thought Oswald was a wolf.

    The morning had seemed to drag on forever as people eyed each other up suspicously. Oswald really was at a loss to was the Wolf but he had to admit that that :shock: Molly :shock: girl didn't seem to be too upset with the killings and always seemed happy. Surely she must be the wolf.
  20. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Eugene studied the faces voicing their suspicions.
    [i:b5ef6bc0be]I need a drink. I can't take this sober.[/i:b5ef6bc0be]

    He wished himself in a tavern somewhere, singing some ridiculously easy drinking song. They always worked.

    [i:b5ef6bc0be]Focus![/i:b5ef6bc0be] He shook himself awake.
    Thinking carefully, he had to admit the merchant was making sense.

    "I think it's you, :shock: Oswald :shock:!"

    He avoided the owl tamer's gaze and silently prayed that the merchant was right.
  21. hermes

    hermes New Member

    "Ah [i:a6e9a477ca]hah![/i:a6e9a477ca] Nonono, you see. The wolf must be the one that agrees so readily! :shock: Eugene :shock: is the wolf here! Psh, ignoring what makes sense? That doesn't make any sense!"
  22. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    I've got half a mind to go over there and ask him what he's staring at, thought Molly, as she watched :shock: Oswald :shock: looking at her, and frowning. And I bet it was him that stole my needles. Well, that settles it. He must be the werewolf.
  23. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Though Bob was a changing-his-mind-alot (can't think of the word) teenager, he still possessed some Golem bloody mindedness.

    "I still think its :shock: Molly :shock: ."
  24. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [i:027a4b24c8]pffft pfffft pffft[/i:027a4b24c8]

    The pathological smoking addiction of Ophelia was not being improved by all the blood dripping from the roof... Bloody bastards!! [i:027a4b24c8]pffft[/i:027a4b24c8]

    Well picking poeple based on difficult names hadn't worked so maybe I'll choose the easiest name...[i:027a4b24c8]pffffft[/i:027a4b24c8]... That would be :shock: Bob :shock: wouldn't it? [i:027a4b24c8]pfffft[/i:027a4b24c8]
  25. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Ooooh, level pegging... I'll rely on the next player who posts to alter their vote and decide it.
  26. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Bob's eyes lit up. He had just remembered something.
    What was that poem he had written a few days back?
    Something with "A Scarred Soul", "Flapping wings of Night".

    Scarred soul... Scars!
    That bloody owl, flapping in the night!

    :shock: [color=red:182170e750]Oswald[/color:182170e750] :shock: is the wolf!

    OOC: As per special request, the role of Bob will be played by accomplished actor and Raspberry-winner The Phlon. :)
    I've changed Bob's vote to get out of the tie.[/color:182170e750]

    Edit: Capitalisation/Spling
  27. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "What?" cried Oswald, "You cannot be serious!"

    "SCREECH!" concurred Bella.

    "Seriously, who ever heard of a wolf with an owl?"

    "No-one," said Molly, "but there's a first time for everything."

    "Have you ever tried avocado, pork and chocolate meringue cake?"


    "Would you like some?"

    "Ooh, have you got some?"

    [i:96baabaa4e]Damn, called my bluff[/i:96baabaa4e] thought Oswald. Out loud he said, "Well, no. I left my supplies at home. Didn't have much time to pick them up."

    "Any other trivial things that you'd like to include in your protest?" asked Eugene,

    "Err... can I have some time to think?"

    "No." said Bob, "That Owl pisses me off with it's flapping and crapping, so you die to my rapping."


    "NOW! -apping." Bob shoved Oswald towards the door, Bella reacted by swooping towards Bob, "No! Not the hair!"

    "That's my girl." said Oswald, and got an arrow in his back. He died, unspectacularly.

    With a final "SCREECH!" Bella flew out of the doors and to freedom.


    Oh dear, oh dear. Another average villager down. It's looking bad and it's all down to the Bane as to whether the villagers survive to the morning.

    edit: Wolves and Bane need to PM me

    Updated Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) [color=red:96baabaa4e]DEAD:[/color:96baabaa4e] First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) [color=red:96baabaa4e]DEAD:[/color:96baabaa4e] First Lynching - villager.
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Sorcerer (OmKranti) [color=orange:96baabaa4e]GONE:[/color:96baabaa4e] Second Lynching - seer.
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10) [color=red:96baabaa4e]DEAD:[/color:96baabaa4e] (eventually) Fourth Lynching- villager.
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent) [color=red:96baabaa4e]DEAD:[/color:96baabaa4e] Failed escape attempt
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian(Tephlon))
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind) [color=red:96baabaa4e]DEAD:[/color:96baabaa4e] Third Lynching - villager.
    11) Eguaan Viskinnar - young thief (Hsing) - [color=red:96baabaa4e]DEAD:[/color:96baabaa4e] (eventually) Second Slaughter - villager.
  28. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    "In the back. The shame of it! A proud owl tamer like myself being shot in the back. I hope they all get slaughtered the fools...." Oswald siad to no-one in particular. As Oswald paced off into nowhere he wondered if they needed an Angel tamer in Heaven because if they did he was sure he was the man for the job, I mean he even had the scars to prove it.

    [i:6bd43ca44e]OOC - Great game Ben. Thanks for GM'ing for us. Come on villagers get the damn wolf in mankinds only hope[/i:6bd43ca44e]
  29. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "der DUH! der DUH! der duh der duh der duh der duh derduh derduh derduhderduh derduhderduhder derduhderduhderduhderderDUH!"

    "Can you be quiet man!?" cried Bob, "A Golem needs his sleep."

    "Sorry," said Eugene, "just trying out a new idea."

    "Your idea needs to be lighter," said Molly, "to pick up our moods."

    [i:85f843fd90]pfft[/i:85f843fd90] "Your idea needs more alcohol." [i:85f843fd90]pfft[/i:85f843fd90]

    "Your idea needs to be original," said Purse, "so you can earn more from it."

    "His idea needs to be to shut you all up!" cried Bob, "I said I was trying to sleep!"

    The others quietened, and settled down to sleep.

    Five varying snores fell and rose as they gradually slipped into the world of dreams and nightmares. Two of them went deeper into the world of nightmares, and transformed.

    The two figures slunk out of their beds with the minimal of fuss, met each other in the aisle, then moved with purpose towards their target. They nodded at each other and leapt at the figure... they found themselves in a fog, they couldn't get at the target. The next thing they knew, they were back in their beds.


    The Bane strikes back! The game is still alive for another day, but what will the voting bring?

    Updated Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) [color=red:85f843fd90]DEAD:[/color:85f843fd90] First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) [color=red:85f843fd90]DEAD:[/color:85f843fd90] First Lynching - villager.
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Sorcerer (OmKranti) [color=orange:85f843fd90]GONE:[/color:85f843fd90] Second Lynching - seer.
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10) [color=red:85f843fd90]DEAD:[/color:85f843fd90] (eventually) Fourth Lynching- villager.
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent) [color=red:85f843fd90]DEAD:[/color:85f843fd90] Failed escape attempt
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian(Tephlon))
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind) [color=red:85f843fd90]DEAD:[/color:85f843fd90] Third Lynching - villager.
    11) Eguaan Viskinnar - young thief (Hsing) - [color=red:85f843fd90]DEAD:[/color:85f843fd90] (eventually) Second Slaughter - villager.[/quote]
  30. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Outside, in another ward, Blurdess lay mumbling...

    "I'm not dead...not dead"
  31. hermes

    hermes New Member

    "Stick with what you know, I say. :shock: Eugene :shock: is my assumption; I can't really say I know. So can I really stick with it? Yes. Most definitely. He's a wolf, I say."
  32. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    "I don't understand your slippery merchant talk at all, Purse. You don't seem to take this very seriously."

    ":shock: Purse :shock: is a wolf."
  33. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [i:c348f21905]pffft[/i:c348f21905] another close escape... Those wolves can't seem to outwit the bane [i:c348f21905]pffffft[/i:c348f21905]... Or it could be random chance [i:c348f21905]pffffft[/i:c348f21905].

    Ophelia wondered into the ward, patting her pockets absently in a vane attempt to track down long forgotten fags... After last night she'd been reduced to sucking on pens to fix the displacement activity her hands were suffering from. No more fags. Aghghghghg!! She was in trouble now.

    Wild eyed and desparate her eyes fell on the first schmuck she saw. That :shock: Eugene :shock: character, not hard to pronounce, but hard to spell...

    [i:c348f21905]pfffft[/i:c348f21905] bugger these pens are crap. And they turn my teeth blue [i:c348f21905]pfffft[/i:c348f21905].
  34. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Eugene looked at Bob and Molly pleadingly. Fear was in his eyes.
    "Please, vote for Purse. It's our only shot, otherwise we'll all die."
  35. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Note for Tephlon and Ynci: You can have another 3 hours (until 2pm in the UK), if you don't vote by then, I'll get someone arbitrary to vote for you.
  36. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Bob glanced around. All these people were driving him crazy. "The twitchy old lady is glaring at everyone again... She must be a hundred years old... That's OLD!. I can't stand old people. and she keeps on twitching and mumbling..."

    And if Purse is so sure about what he's doing why isn't he making any sense? First he says he knows, then he doesn't know. But he still keeps on picking on Eugene... And so far he's been wrong, he's admitted that. What if he's wrong on purpose?

    :shock: Purse! :shock: You are the wolf!

    Bob started writing another poem:

    [i:e3cb905dca]It is a night of Darkness, a song of death.
    The wolves vent their pain, The eternal one stirs.
    Evil shrouds his stalking form, a timeless desire.
    His Raven hair cascades over pale shoulders and his lips part slightly
    to taste the red tears streaming from the pale flesh.
    Now a night of darkness, I weep[/i:e3cb905dca]

    OOC: Sorry Mr. GM, Sir! Been busy...

    Poem courtesy of the [/color:e3cb905dca] Goth-o-matic Poetry generator. :)
  37. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    Molly looked deep into Eugenes eyes. (She loved watching grown men grovel!)
    "Go on then, I'll trust you " she said "You look human enough to me. Not like :shock: Purse :shock: "
  38. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    “You believe his snivelling plea?” exclaimed Purse.

    “He seems like a nice young man.” Said Molly.

    “I’m a nice man!”

    “You’re a merchant, merchant’s aren’t nice.”

    “I’m the exception to the rule.”

    “Yeah, like I’m gonna believe [i:de5c45e045]that[/i:de5c45e045]!” Exclaimed Molly, “Eugene’s a bard,”

    “Musician, technically.”

    “A musician then, they’re nice.”

    Purse rolled his eyes. “Oh, if only I had the same simplistic view as yourself. Have you not noticed his constant following of the crowd, he’s trying to blend in, divert attention from himself.”


    “He’s doing that because he’s a wolf!”

    “That’s a dangerous allegation you’re making there.” Said Eugene

    “But I nevertheless surmise that it is correct.” He turned to Molly, “Look, if you get rid of me, then they’ll be two wolves and two people, how long do you think you’ll last.”

    “No! I’ve made my mind up! It took ages to do, I’m not changing my mind! You’re a wolf! You must be. I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to realise but you’re wolf!”

    “I’m not a wolf!” cried Purse, he grabbed Molly and started shaking her, “Believe me please! I’m not a wolf.”

    “Hey!” shouted Eugene, “Stop shaking her, wolf!”

    Eugene grabbed Purse by the shoulder and wrenched him away from Molly. Purse went to strike him back, but stopped as he saw Eugene’s grin. Facing away from the other’s Eugene showed purse a pair of lengthy canines.

    Purse backed away slowly, then turned on his heel and ran crying “WOLF!”

    He ran straight through the doors, surprising everyone. The archer took aim, pulled back the string…

    “NO!” cried Blurdess,

    “Too late.” Said the archer. Purse lay dead at the other end of the room with an arrow in his back.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    “Was he a wolf or wasn’t he?” asked Molly

    “Well he must’ve been,” replied Eugene, “The way he just went running out.”

    “But if he’s not, won’t we all be murdered?”

    Nobody said anything for a while except Ophelia, who seemed to be in a world of her own. [i:de5c45e045]pffffft[/i:de5c45e045] “Cigarettes.” She muttered. “Must find [i:de5c45e045]pffffffft[/i:de5c45e045] cigarettes.” The others stared at her as she started rummaging in Purse’s bedside table.

    Eugene broke the spell, “He was a wolf I’m sure. We’ll all feel better tomorrow I bet.”

    A jubilant cry came from Ophelia, [i:de5c45e045]pffffffffft[/i:de5c45e045] “Yes!” she clutched a pack of cigarettes, “Extra tar un’s too. [i:de5c45e045]pfffft[/i:de5c45e045] Just the buggers I need.” [i:de5c45e045]pffffft[/i:de5c45e045]

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Bob slept silently, as only a Golem can.

    Eugene slept with a gentle, rhythmic snoring, as a musician would.

    Molly slept uneasily, as seamstresses expect to.

    Ophelia didn’t sleep. She was too busy smoking. She smoked and smoked like there was no tomorrow.

    No tomorrow would be a good bet. On two beds, two of them changed into the form of werewolves.

    Ophelia, still smoking, made her way to Molly’s bed. “Wake up lass.”


    “We gotta go. Wolves on the prowl.”

    Molly looked at the two figures crawling off the bed. She was clever enough to realise that they had to be, “Bob and Eugene?”


    “But Eugene told me he was the Bane!”

    “He lied, lass,” the wolves started to walk towards them, “I am.” She blew a hefty cloud of smoke at the wolves, and they stopped in their tracks. “Keep close to me, and head for the door.”

    As they walked, the wolves tried to break through the smoke, but the barrier was impregnable.

    Ophelia and Molly wrenched open the door to the sight of arrows pointed at them.

    “Blurdess?” asked the lead archer.

    “They aren’t wolves.” Said the old sorcerer. “The other two must be.”

    “Right,” said the lead archer, “let’s get them.”

    “Er, will arrows work on a golem?” asked Blurdess,

    “Aha! Forward Corporal Maxwell.”

    A troll came forward with a huge silver hammer. He tested it on the floor. [i:de5c45e045]CLANG! CLANG![/i:de5c45e045]

    The squad, led by the troll, went into the ward.

    And saw no-one.

    The window had been smashed open.
  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [b:7070d6f78a][size=24:7070d6f78a]THE END[/size:7070d6f78a][/b:7070d6f78a]

    Wolves win. Well done them.

    They managed to win and only killed a single person (not including Target), so congrats to the bane too.

    Villagers... *shakes head*
  40. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Damn you villagers!! Except me of course.

    Great game Ben, give yourself a pat on your weasely back. :)
  41. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Ha, shared victory between CY and Andalusian (and me!)!
    Spiky, Ophelia must have been the bane, right? Selfish old bat! :D
  42. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:3d0c454627="Tephlon"]Ha, shared victory between CY and Andalusian (and me!)!
    Spiky, Ophelia must have been the bane, right? Selfish old bat! :D[/quote:3d0c454627]

    Ha, I didn't bane myself the whole time and I managed to guess right on an occassion where they weren't trying to kill me! I reread 6 pages of game and then took a wild stab in the dark. These silly villagers missed the glaring hints I left that I was the bane and went and voted against another boody villager... Bloody stupid, swayed by CYs snivelly little remark....

    pffft I guest right to keep the game going and they go and through it away on CY... pffffft
  43. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Ophelia, you need Detritus' one step program for quitting (anything)

  44. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Yay! And double yay because E-Man didn't get to use his highly inventive Bob-death method.

    Congratulations to Spiky too. Do you have any idea how annoying you were?
  45. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Yes, great roleplay Spikey.
  46. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:070d7f776f="Andalusian"]Yay! And double yay because E-Man didn't get to use his highly inventive Bob-death method.

    Congratulations to Spiky too. Do you have any idea how annoying you were?[/quote:070d7f776f]

    Bows. I do try. :roll:

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