They are cool, but I can't really see them very well. Is there any chance you could make it a big bigger or get a better scan?
I just remembered that I'm not going to be here for 5 days next week due to stupid noobish school camp. Do I just miss a few rounds or what?
[quote:a3b9e641be="Andalusian"]I just remembered that I'm not going to be here for 5 days next week due to stupid noobish school camp. Do I just miss a few rounds or what?[/quote:a3b9e641be] I think it would be best if we deputise your duties for the week (then you can return next week), any volunteers?
Also, it seems that ArthurDent has disappeared, he hasn't posted since wednesday. Hopefully it's just net problems. Could someone else please step up to the plate please? edit: Om and Tephlon are welcome to rejoin as different characters if they wish.
Sorry E_M, Don't have the time right now to think up a new character. And I invested so much emotionally in Dolph... *sob*
Okay, I messed around with Photoshop a bit and cut the page in half. Part one: Bob, Eugene Nottle, Blurdess Inagagagagaga, Dolph Pebblebasher and Purse, Merchant Extrordinaire (Not too happy about Purse.) Part two: Oswald Oggham, Captain Erronous Statement, Ophelia Dick and Molly Coddle.
[quote:59511548f1="OmKranti"]Wow, those are fantastic.[/quote:59511548f1] You like my rendition of Blurdess? Cool!
lol, Rinso. "Joey 'No Fingers'" That made me laugh so hard. Oh, and curse you all for killing me. CURSE YOU!!!
How would you include someone in the scene that's already been set up? I mean, they are locked in, aren't they?
[quote:be04adae8b="Hsing"]How would you include someone in the scene that's already been set up? I mean, they are locked in, aren't they?[/quote:be04adae8b] I actually have a way if you want to make up your own character completely. Alternatively, you can keep the same name that ArthurDent used, and just pretend that they are someone else. If you're interested, let me know, ASAP if possible.
Um... I'd like to make up my own char, if that is possible... Do I have to do the injury bit, too? Well, here's it in any case. If you can't use it right now, I'll recycle it next time... Eguaan Viskinnar, young thief and new in town. Very good at climbing walls. Upwards, that is. She's small, has dark hair in the fashion of a blowball, and is not exactly a candidate for winning a beauty contest. Her biggest weakness... Well, lockpicking, climbing (upwards), pickpocketing, they all go well. But she's got the sense of orientation of a potatoe, and tends to mix up names. I could have "died" from hyperthermia, accidentally having entered the future pork warehouses of the city and dropped off a high window after a rival thief has "altered" my city plans my ...client gave me. My actual goal was a store hall at the other side of the block where they, well, store all kinds of things, for example the goods and chattels of a recently deceased elderly lady, which are still waiting for being picked up by the heirs. They contain a locket I was to steal. I can write this out if you want. Or do it however you had planned it...
OK, Hsing, write your 'accident' into the main thread. Start it with the line, "Meanwhile, outside the hospital..." I'll write in how you get in to the building and swap with Roland. Tomorrow as my net time is running out. Other characters should PM as normal (using either name), I will PM Hsing with her role. I'll write the swap before the next slaughter attempt.
[quote:489dd2173c]Also, it seems that ArthurDent has disappeared, he hasn't posted since wednesday. Hopefully it's just net problems. Could someone else please step up to the plate please? [/quote:489dd2173c] Sorry about that, just had some problems. But I guess it doesn’t really matter since I’m dead now. EDIT: No picture for Roland?
Hah, it wouldn't be me who killed you off... it would be your fellow players. Tephlon has kindly agreed to take over the character of Bob until Andalusian gets back (or Bob dies). Say thanks to The Phlon everyone! [size=8:b69e81167b]'nk you[/size:b69e81167b]
Hi, I'm The Phlon, you may remember me from such roles as "Dolph the Rat-on-a-stick salesman" and "Bob, the teenage golem".
A slightly more subtle attempt at the cover for the hypothetical Graphic Novel. Edit: Can't seem to get it right with these imagetags.... Doesn't seem to work with PHP... Just click the link.
And here's Dolph. Looking accusingly at the people that voted for him to be lynched. You know who you are... :evil:
Game over dude, game over. However, I request that Tephlon keeps coming up with these quality pictures! I still hope to transplant this game into the stories section, and pictures would be cool, from any of you really (unless you're drawing is worse than mine, i.e. very very very very very very very very very crap - like Kenny's face kind of crap). Thanks to everyone who participated in the game! Anyway, after that game. What are people's opinions for a sequel? If the public demand it, I can GM another, or if someone wants to, they can have a stab at GMing themselves.
I must make a protest. In the narration you called Blurdess "the old sorcerer" He wasn't old, just very, very fat. Not a day past 36. I mean, come on! It was a fantastic game Ben, I had a feeling the wolves would win.
That was the first time i've done anything like that (and boy, did it show!.) But i did enjoy it, so if you're doing another one- count me in.
Heh, QueenYnci... Sorry about lying to you (Well, technically CY lied, but we came up with the idea together) Explanation for the rest of you: CY had Eugene tell Molly that *he* was the Bane... Edit to add: Good GM'ing Ben!
I enjoyed it too - and really, good GMing, Ben! A question for next time - would the real Bane have been allowed to tell someone else who they are? And the seer? If the seer saw someone wasn't a wolf, would he be allowed to give that away? How much communication is allowed?
[quote:7aaf317272="Rincewind"]I thought it got a bit shit after I died. :doubt:[/quote:7aaf317272] It got shit when Dolph died... Benolium, if you clean the story up a bit I'll see what I can do Illustration-wise. Maybe even the Graphic Novel. Oh, and I want to read Bob's death scene! (I know you were hoping he'd be lynched.)
[quote:95f3b9a26d="OmKranti"]Phlon, that is one fantastic website, hours of fun goofing off on Thursday are to be had.[/quote:95f3b9a26d] Eh? Watchatalkin'bout Willis?
Yay! But pfft, I wrote my own bloody awful emo poetry. Don't need no silly generator. Pity I missed the end of this.
[quote:6594ed4697="Hsing"]I enjoyed it too - and really, good GMing, Ben! A question for next time - would the real Bane have been allowed to tell someone else who they are? And the seer? If the seer saw someone wasn't a wolf, would he be allowed to give that away? How much communication is allowed?[/quote:6594ed4697] You were allowed to PM each other freely. CY (or was it Tephlon - call it CephYon) asked that question earlier. So if the seer saw the bane, the seer could PM the bane and they could work together. If the seer saw a villager, the seer could PM the villager and pass on results. Of course there is nothing stopping people lying. Which CephYon did. Eugene PMed Molly to say that he was the Bane so she shouldn't lynch him. Molly, the poor innocent soul, believed him. [quote:6594ed4697="Tephlon"]Oh, and I want to read Bob's death scene! (I know you were hoping he'd be lynched.)[/quote:6594ed4697] I hadn't actually written it, but it was all ready in my head. I gave a clue as to what might've happened in one of my last paragraphs. I doubt everyone would've got it, it would've been mainly a reference to something else.
This was a lot of fun. Thanks Ben. I'd definitely be up for another game. I think the villagers were really hindered by lack of information. The Seer was lynched early on and the Bane had to bane herself the first couple of rounds. It did get pretty close towards the end though. Thanks Hsing and Tephlon for stepping in. Edit to add: And thanks to my fellow wolves. It was a lot of fun scheming with you.
[quote:7c67b6d280="OmKranti"]No, I was talking about the Darkly Gothic Poetry Generator site. Fan-bloody-tastic![/quote:7c67b6d280] Ah. Yes. I googled for "Gothic Poetry"... I love it where you have to choose "skin colour" and the options are: Pale, pale, pale, pale, white, pale, pale and pale.
Well from someone on the outside that's been looking in Thank's it has been Great. Haven't got a clue what has to go on behind the scenes but I have really enjoyed. Look forward to the day I get good enough on a PC to play along
[quote:8dbaccfcb0="Tabatha"]Look forward to the day I get good enough on a PC to play along [/quote:8dbaccfcb0] Heh, all you need to know is how to send PM's and how to post, and make sure you're on time. Lying is not a requirement, but helps.
Right, going to start another game soon. The rules will be the same (see the first post in this topic) bar the limit on players. I will stress again the importance of being able to post every weekday. I'll skip the weekends again as I think a lot of people are unable to post then (even though I am now – yay me!). After this game, chrisjordan has said that he might run the next one. So you have that to look forward to (or not...) after this game is done It's going to be set in Ankh-Morpork, so you might want to bear that in mind when you create your character, although it's not essential. To register, just post your character in this thread with a brief description of who they are, what they do and any other little things you might want to add. My first post of the game will probably be on friday, so you have until then to register.
I've never played before, so this should be fun. My character shall be called Dot Duodenum. Not at all a thinly disguised steal from a computer game. She is a dentist by day, member of a fruit themed punk band by night. She has a tattoo of a strawberry on her left arm. She talks loudly, and occasionly sings the song she and her band are working on at that moment under her breath. She smokes special cigarettes made out of dried lemon zest and banana skin, believing this the best way to get "the fruity goodness" round the body. She tends to chew on a peach stone while she's concentrating. Her patients have to put up with this in exchange for cut-price dentistry. This, and the fact she uses the scraper on your teeth like she's chiselling marble.
Yay! Another game. My character: His name is Edward Decandour. He comes from a long line of aristocrats. His parents sent him to the Assassin's guild to be educated at an early age. Edward, however, quickly lost interest. He never showed up for classes or exams. Due to his family's close ties with the Guild leaders, his studies weren't terminated but he was offered an insignificant position within the Guild to save embarassment and donations. Edward is always dressed in stylish black, not assassins' black, and is only really vaguely aware of what his job actually entails. He spends his time organising exclusive dinner parties and collecting fine wines. He is blunt and disdainful.
What fun. Can I get back to you lot about my character a bit later? On account of it being really early in the morning and me not being capable of any good thinking. Edit: Mr. Walter Rutt is an ageing man married to an overbearing swamp dragon enthusiast. He is a quiet, scholarly fellow who likes nothing more than to hole himself up in his library and keep away from his family. He tends to lecture at people, rather than converse. He gets grumpy whenever people ignore him or pretend he isnt talking to them. For some reason this seems to happen a lot.
I'm in. Hopefully with better luck this time. Huzzah Hoompalumpah: A druid from Lamedos. A sect so strict that faces must be concealed by the nearest object or failing that lots of face paint. He also has the tendency to sing Michael Bolton ballads when he thinks no-one is listening... Hopefully that won't be counted against him... [i:243b73d01b]"Tell me how am I going to live with out youuu...mmm..mmmm...mmmmm"[/i:243b73d01b]
Right, so I can keep up... 0) Target (NPC) 1) Dot Duodenum - Dentist/Fruit Punk (Delphine) 2) Edward Decandour - Assasinish (Cynical_Youth) 3) Mr. Walter Rutt - Grumpy old man (Andalusian) 4) Huzzah Hoompalumpah - Druid (Spiky)
I'm in, give me a bit to think of a suitable personage. I'll edit it in later. Yay. Oh, and Spikey, great name.
I'd like to be in if possible. Character: Chester Pieface II Occupation: Clown Member of the Guild of Fools and Joculators and College of Clowns Speciality: Squirting people stupid enough to sniff the obviously fake, garish plastic flower on his lapel, an activity of which he never tires Considered a career as a thief, prior to donning the big red nose, but his enormous feet would have been a dead give-away WARNING!! Do not make this character cry - people have been known to drown in the ensuing flood.
Way to go Ben. You do seem to have a use in life after all. My character will be called Brian Franchetti. Brian is a merchant who sells small bags containing anything from magic beans to enough soap powder for a load of washing, preferablly whites only. Brian was about 27 and 5"8' tall. He was a slim man and liked nothing better than a cigar and a pint after a day on the streets of Ankh-Morpork. Brian has lived in Ankh-Morpork all of his life and was actually brought up in Gleam street, if brought up is the right term to use. In is younger years tended to keep himself to himself until he realised that he had the gift of sale. He seemed to be able to sell sand to a Klatchian or water to a sailor. He had once tried to sell runes to a wizard but thats an experience he didn't want to think about, he'd always have the tail stub to remember him by. PS: I've used the name brian so we can all laugh at Rinso when he calls me Brain all the time.