Werewolf Game

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    It took time, but I finally found a quiet moment to write up my character.

    Name: Skali Nailpuller

    Age: 55

    Skali was born and raised in Aknh-Morpork, far away from his ancestral mines. His parents sought a better life in the city, which they hoped would be better than life in a small barely-operating mine near Copperhead. They found it, more or less, though it took the couple time to adjust to their new home.

    Skali wore a helmet, because all dwarves wore a helmet. Skali grew his beard, because all dwarves grew their beards. Skali carried a great big battle-axe, because all dwarves did. And Skali loved gold, though far more so than most dwarves. Gold, he believed, should all belong to him by right. What right this was he was not sure, but this was no determent.

    With this frame of mind, Skali joined the Thieves’ Guild, and became one of the more famous members, though not one of the more successful ones. Skali became famous for being capable to steal anything nailed down, quietly and expertly, and even changed his last name to reflect this. Sadly, he was a complete failure when it came to any other aspect of the rogue’s art, though some say he’s good with using a nail as an impromptu lock-pick.

    If you need to steal the wall, Skali’s your dwarf. If you need to steal the family silver, it’s best to leave him behind.

    Skali always wears traditional dwarf clothes, though they are, from leather boots to chain-mail shirt, heavily padded and blackened. He always wears a helmet, and carries his battle-axe, which he occasionally uses on the nearest wall when there are no apparent means of escape and one must hurry.

    He always has a nail, if anyone should need one.
  2. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Updating the list once more, keep the characters coming!

    0) Target (NPC)
    1) Dot Duodenum - Dentist/Fruit Punk (Delphine)
    2) Edward Decandour - Assasinish (Cynical_Youth)
    3) Mr. Walter Rutt - Grumpy old man (Andalusian)
    4) Huzzah Hoompalumpah - Druid (Spiky)
    5) A.N. Other - Nothing (OmKranti)
    6) Chester Pieface II - Clown (sleepy_sarge)
    7) Brian Franchetti - Merchant (colonesque10)
    8) Skali Nailpuller - Dwarf Thief (Roman_K)
  3. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Remember, the game starts on friday, registration will close as soon as I make the first post on the game!
  4. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Great idea Ben.

    Adrian N. Other.

    Adrien could swim, and swim well. He was, in fact, a swimmer. He had a knack for anything water related. His best friend is an imaginary water elemental who splashes around alot. Adrien is 6"6', his height gives him a good edge in the water, long legs making strokes good and fluid. When he was at the height of his swimming career he fashioned himself some flippers for feet and web gloves for his hands. He looks rather silly in them, but refuses to take them off.

    When not in or around water, Adrien is a bit of a bumbler. Akward and tall, he has a hard time interacting with people. Hobbies include betting people he can swim in the Ankh-Morpork river (which he always wins by laying down on the surface of the river and miming the strokes, while everyone hold thier nose and says 'ewwww' alot) and talking to his pet imaginary water elemental (whose name is Montoya, Indigo Montoya).
  5. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Cool, but what does the N stand for?
  6. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

  7. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    I'd like to host a game now, unless of course chrisjordan wants to go first.

    A few possibilities for that game:
    - Standard werewolf
    - 15 player game with added roles
    - 12 player themed game based on Thud! with a lot of extra roles and [i:eed8c09024]no roleplaying[/i:eed8c09024]

    Any preferences or sign-ups?

    Also, I need more people than the last one so I'd like some newbies to join in as well.
  8. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    I'd like to be in again - not at the expense of new players though.

    I'd prefer the 15 player (if you could get 'em) with the added roles
  9. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I'd play it again if possible, I didn't last too long in the latest one. I'm not bothered which type really, i'm easy. Or so they say round these parts. :)
  10. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I'll play again, but not a Thud game as I've not read the book yet. (Even thought my friend bought me a signed copy)
  11. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    The 15-player game it is then, if I get the number. :)

    It'll have a few added roles, some minor rules changes and more death!

    Might as well start a list:
    1) sleepy_sarge
    2) colonesque10
    3) OmKranti
  12. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    *insinuates self onto list*
  13. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Nope, feel free. :)
  14. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    I'll play.
  15. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:3325bfdaaa="chrisjordan"][quote:3325bfdaaa="Cynical_Youth"]I'd like to host a game now, unless of course chrisjordan wants to go first.[/quote:3325bfdaaa]

    Nope, feel free. :)[/quote:3325bfdaaa]

    Thanks. :)
    You should get some practice in playing werewolf, though.

    1) sleepy_sarge
    2) colonesque10
    3) OmKranti
    4) Electric_Man
    5) Andalusian
  16. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I'm in.
  17. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Yay! I still feel slightly guilty about killing you off so quickly in Werewolf I, now I can make up for it. :)

    1) sleepy_sarge
    2) colonesque10
    3) OmKranti
    4) Electric_Man
    5) Andalusian
    6) Hsing
  18. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    In... I need to slaughter...
  19. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    1) sleepy_sarge
    2) colonesque10
    3) OmKranti
    4) Electric_Man
    5) Andalusian
    6) Hsing
    7) Spiky

    Well looks like a 15-player game might be a tad unrealistic. I'll look at a 10-player setup with added roles.

    Still need new players though.
  20. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Ehh, I'll play then
  21. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

  22. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member


    1) sleepy_sarge
    2) colonesque10
    3) OmKranti
    4) Electric_Man
    5) Andalusian
    6) Hsing
    7) Spiky
    8) Orrdos

    Just 2 more. I've adapted the added roles to a 10-player game, btw.
  23. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Still need 2 more for this. :)

  24. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    OK, OK, stop begging!

    [color=red:ff20276cec]I've got the will to kill.[/color:ff20276cec]

    You're going to have to keep reminding me to vote and such, because the Holiday season is upon us.
  25. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yay, Tephlon, who is probably still traumatized by his early death in the next-to-last round!

    But honestly, this might be a nice opportunity to try out! Its not that complicated once you're in the game, and if you don't get something, you can surely consult CY via pm at any time. Its much more important that you find it entertaining to write your char and describe his actions.

    Go on! Join! You want it!
  26. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:9fa756f246="Hsing"]Yay, Tephlon, who is probably still traumatized by his early death in the next-to-last round![/quote:9fa756f246]

    Don't remind me.... Poor Dolph.... :cry:

    Edit: Wrong smily!
  27. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:cf96e7a3ac="Tephlon"]You're going to have to keep reminding me to vote and such, because the Holiday season is upon us.[/quote:cf96e7a3ac]

    Yay! Don't worry about the pace of the game. It's the holiday season for everyone.

    1) sleepy_sarge
    2) colonesque10
    3) OmKranti
    4) Electric_Man
    5) Andalusian
    6) Hsing
    7) Spiky
    8) Orrdos
    9) Tephlon

    One open spot.
  28. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh well, too late to join in, but just to say this is actually a very successful "card" game ("card" because the cars are given out face down, one to each player, to decide what they are) invented by a couple of French guys, it can be played with an infinite number of people, we've done it with over 40 people and whatever the number, it's great fun... Fist time I've seen it played over the internet, must be good fun, as the game lasts longer... IRL it only lasts about 15 minutes with 10 people... and that's with half the villagers rolling on the floor laughing, which takes time too :D
    Have fun, and good luck to those... wolves :D
  29. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    There's still one spot open. You can join in. :)

    The game of cards version is fun, but there is more variety possible on the internet. There actually are forums dedicated to playing this game.
  30. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh, well, hey then, I'm in if you want me there ! :)

    Since my last post I've had a look at the posts about this game, and it certainly looks fun... First time in a role-play-ish game in English for me... In french, it just flows out now, just hope it won't be to bad in English (it meaning my writing ! :D )

    Edit just to avoid another post : hey, yippee !! I'm a member, not a newbit any more !!! :D wohooo !!! :D
  31. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Cool. :)

    1) sleepy_sarge
    2) colonesque10
    3) OmKranti
    4) Electric_Man
    5) Andalusian
    6) Hsing
    7) Spiky
    8) Orrdos
    9) Tephlon
    10) Katcal

    Time to write up characters! I hope to start around Monday.
  32. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Just a silly question, is it still based in Pseudopolis ?

    I don't see any mention of the Lovers characters, I guess they aren't included in this version ? (Well, yeah, with only ten people, it would probably go too fast...) Pity, I like that extra twist, maybe next time with more people, eh ?

    I've already got a couple of ideas for my character, do I post the BG here or wait till the main thread opens ? Sorry if any of these are stupid questions. :oops:
  33. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    There will be some new roles in this one. Maybe lovers, maybe not. You'll see when they pop up. :)

    Post your brief bio here.

    It will be based in Ankh-Morpork.
  34. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    CY? What's the setting? ...

    [color=darkred:741583bf60]Edit: Nevermind[/color:741583bf60]
  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Benjamina Trach is a hard-working fine grocery salesperson, and an ardent feminist who beleives that men are all beneath her, and secretly wishes that at least one of them was, every now and then... Of course, this is a fantasy that she will never admit to. Especially not to the girls at the WIGWAM (Womens Institue for Girls and Wives of Ankh-Morpork) who are adamantly against any use of sexual intercourse for anything outside necessary human reproductory functions, and certainly not more than once a year.

    Benjamina (secretly known to herself as Mina, which she believes to be a sensual and alluring name) has a store on Sator Square, with a small and dainty flat above it. The store and her flat are always well kept (which to any mortal being would mean spotless, or even sterile) and homely (meaning they smell of incense or baking, sometimes even both) and the same can be said about her figure...

    Oh, and never, NEVER pronounce her name like "trash"... ;)

    (P.S. If the characters are supposed to all sleep in the same place, street, inn, or whatever, I think I can talk Mina into a good reason for getting there ;) )
  36. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Simeon Moletrouser is an itinerant lay preacher, one of the very few people remaining who worship Wilf (the god of astrology)

    It is Simeon's earnest wish to convert people to believing in astrology, and ergo believing once more in Wilf

    He therefore carries an Almanack* everywhere he goes, and he can, (and almost certainly will) tell you your horoscope if you are a) unfortunate enough to bump into him, and b) foolish enough to give him your date of birth.

    His own horoscope is always good, for some reason** Despite the fact that the predicted events never transpire, Simeon remains steadfastly convinced of the mystic power of astrology.

    [i:0f984756f4]*It is a little known fact that, due to a lack of followers, the god Wilf actually writes the horoscopes for the Almanack himself every year.

    **Wilf thinks he needs cheering up[/i:0f984756f4]
  37. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Pfffshhhst - A gnoll. What more needs to be said. It (sex unknown) eats garbage and its scavanging beat takes in Sator Square and Treacle Mine Road and the Shades. At night it sleeps under the Misbegot Bridge and it has also managed to grow a rather lush lime tree on its back which is the envy of other gnolls...
  38. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    1) sleepy_sarge - Simeon Moletrouser
    2) colonesque10 - TBC
    3) OmKranti - TBC
    4) Electric_Man - TBC
    5) Andalusian - TBC
    6) Hsing - TBC
    7) Spiky - A Gnoll
    8) Orrdos - TBC
    9) Tephlon - TBC
    10) Katcal - Benjamina Trach
  39. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    My character (wow, i might actually write a girl this time):

    Jenna is a tallish, naturally thin red-head dressed entirely in cream, black and orange. Everything from her shuffling walk to her artfully messed up hair screams "I'm better than you because I listen to music that you have never heard of and I dissed your favourite band before you had even heard their name".

    She also likes skinny, scruffily dressed wizards.
  40. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Up !

    (come on wolves and people, no holidays for the wicked... :D )
  41. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Note to self: Give Katcal a powerful role.

    1) sleepy_sarge - Simeon Moletrouser
    2) colonesque10 - TBC
    3) OmKranti - TBC
    4) Electric_Man - TBC
    5) Andalusian - Jenna
    6) Hsing - TBC
    7) Spiky - A Gnoll
    8) Orrdos - TBC
    9) Tephlon - TBC
    10) Katcal - Benjamina Trach
  42. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Terrence Dactile used to work on the clacks tower in Quirm. However, due to absent mindedness he occasionally relayed the messages incorrectly. This generally didn't create any problems as people could guess what the mistake was.

    Unfortunately he once sent a stockbrokers message, advising to invest in Smale, as advice to invest in shale. This cause a local bigwig to lose a lot of money and once he found out who was to blame, Terrence was forced to leave his town and family behind.

    So, he came to Ankh-Morpork - hoping to find an opportunity. So far the only opportunities he'd had had been to "have a good time", unfortunately he didn't have enough money for that. So he trawls the street, occasionally asking for jobs, occasionally asking for money if he's sure the beggars guild aren't watching.
  43. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    1) sleepy_sarge - Simeon Moletrouser
    2) colonesque10 - TBC
    3) OmKranti - TBC
    4) Electric_Man - Terrence Dactile
    5) Andalusian - Jenna
    6) Hsing - TBC
    7) Spiky - A Gnoll
    8) Orrdos - TBC
    9) Tephlon - TBC
    10) Katcal - Benjamina Trach

    I'm starting the game tomorrow. This is by no means a deadline, (because you will still have to time write up a character then) but I do want to get this started.
  44. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:4cbf78a8ba="Cynical_Youth"]Note to self: Give Katcal a powerful role.[/quote:4cbf78a8ba]

    Mouahahahahahahaha !!!! Tremble all, Mina the mad veggie seller is on a rampage !!! :badgrin:
  45. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:2b2bae60bd="Katcal"]Mouahahahahahahaha !!!! Tremble all, Mina the mad veggie seller is on a rampage !!! :badgrin:[/quote:2b2bae60bd]

    'That' time of the month, is it?
  46. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Writing a character description as we speak. Might be able to get it online later in the day.
  47. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Mouahahahahahahaha !!!! Tremble all, Mina the mad veggie seller is on a rampage !!! :badgrin:[/quote:6d123ef6a9]

    Why would anyone buy mad veggies? Is this related to mad cow disease? I think we should be told!
  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    (and no, I rampage all month long, nothing to do with 'that' :D )
  49. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I'm sorry all, but I'm going to have to drop out of this one, work has picked up alot because of year end and I've no internet at home for the moment. Sorry.
  50. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Alfredo Newman.

    Big head, big smile, slight gap between the teeth (You'd be able to park a velocipede in the gap).
    Has worked at the Ankh-Morpork Times as a journalist, but got fired for writing jokes instead of serious articles.

    He's just set up a new venture. A monthly magazine called "Insane".
    Of course, as this magazine is new, he is as broke as can be.

    So now he's got to pay the printer dwarfs, the paper from Mr. King and he has these people from all the different guilds asking him to never print anything like in the first issue, ever, again. Somehow the Assasins guild didn't appreciate the article "100 things about Assasins you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask".
    Some people have no sense of humour, at all.
  51. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Don't worry about it Om. Hope everything works out for you. :)

    1) sleepy_sarge - Simeon Moletrouser
    2) colonesque10 - TBC
    3) Electric_Man - Terrence Dactile
    4) Andalusian - Jenna
    5) Hsing - TBC
    6) Spiky - A Gnoll
    7) Orrdos - TBC
    8) Tephlon - Alfredo Newman
    9) Katcal - Benjamina Trach

    Okay, I'm in need of a replacement for Om. Anyone want to volunteer?
  52. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Right, I'm just going to start this game. Maybe someone will volunteer to replace in due time, otherwise we'll make do with 9.
  53. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Ow, forgot about this one...
    But I'm still in!

    Marley Tanbreaker, female, waitress in one of Ankh Morpork's first coffee bars - one of those were you get everything containing caffeine, except plain coffee. She's pretty small, in her early twenties, almost always in a good mood, and doesn't get innuendos. Her beaming smile safes her from being the grey-mouse-kind of country girl her natural appearance would have condemned her to look otherwise. So do the knitted flowers on the bow ribbon that keeps her braid together, her meant-to-be-ethnic bling jewellery (which contains no metal at all), and her multicoloured shirts, whom she wears severyl of in layers.
  54. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member


    Orrdos the angry unemployed zombie.

    A returning character from the original werewolf game of old.

    After being lynched as a potential wolf, Orrdos came back to life as a zombie. He's now made a trip to [insert game location here] for [some purpose].

  55. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

  56. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Would it be legal for someone to write Kenny in for the sake of starting this game? Say, by dragging him in off the street dead drunk or something. If he isn't going to write himself in quickly. His character doesn't need to be conscious for the first killing surely?
  57. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Generally, I'd say this is the worst possible time of year to try to start anything like this, since people tend to be all over the place and not have over much free time.

    Perhaps, it might be better to wait a week or so until after the new year when people are back where they should be :)
  58. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Well at least a break til after the holidays would make sense, seeing how unfrequented the board is right now.
    Put it to a halt until.... I don't know. You're the master! You could order a break, and people could still try to set up a dialogue or something else that doesn't force any events.
  59. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **presses the pause button** Oh well, it won't be any fun until everyone gets back, so i'll go wash my fur... er, my hair... :lol:
  60. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Essentially still waiting for Kenny, unless someone would like to replace him.

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