Werewolf III: Terror in the Pews (Game Over)

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Cynical_Youth, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Vote Count!

    Pfffssst - 2 (Terrence, Simeon)
    Benjamina - 1 (Pfffssst)
    Terrence - 1 (Cleftus

    Not Voting - 2 (Benjamina, Marley)
  2. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    "I... I... I should..." Marley stammered and looked around nervously. She thought for a moment and then said: "I'll vote for :shock: Psst.:shock: Or whatever the name is. Because it makes no difference, and I don't know what else I could do."
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    For all the difference it makes I'm going change my thoughts to :shock: Terrence :shock: ...

    'Yer all wnkrs' said Pfffssst
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Benjamina let the others talk it out, hoping to get a better idea of what was going on... she had already eaten all the vegetables she could eat raw, and was starting to lack her valuable veg vitamins that made her think properly (it is a little known fact that vegetarianism is addictive)...

    "Oh dammit, get that trash-heap out of here, my nose is trying to think for me !!" Poor :shock: Pfffsht :shock: she thought... it hadn't done anything except be itsself, and it most probably wasn't a werewolf, unless it was an elaborate disguise, but the smell was really too much for her.
  5. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Revulsion filled their faces, but the gnoll was quickly dragged out onto the street.

    Quick arrow fire left it a mangled mess of fur and claw on the cobblestones.


    That's right, Pfffssst was a [b:00b9aa9f4a][color=red:00b9aa9f4a]Werewolf[/color:00b9aa9f4a][/b:00b9aa9f4a]. It is now Night 3. You have three days to send me your night choices.

    Still Praying:
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge)
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash)
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man)
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing)
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal)

    Pinched Out:
    0. Father Target (NPC) - FIRST SLAUGHTER - Torn Open Night 0
    3. OmKranti - Buried by Brickwork Night 0
    5. Jenna (Andalusian), [b:00b9aa9f4a]Werewolf Hunter[/b:00b9aa9f4a] - FIRST LYNCH - Lynched Day 1
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos), [b:00b9aa9f4a]Villager[/b:00b9aa9f4a] - SECOND LYNCH - Lynched Day 2
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon), [b:00b9aa9f4a]Aristocrat[/b:00b9aa9f4a] - SECOND SLAUGHTER - Torn to Pieces Night 2
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky), [b:00b9aa9f4a][color=red:00b9aa9f4a]Werewolf[/color:00b9aa9f4a][/b:00b9aa9f4a] - THIRD LYNCH - Lynched Day 3

    Edit: Screwed up the editing and lost the original flavour text. This little piece will have to do now.
  6. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Relieved that finally a day had passed without drenching their hands in the blood of an innocent, the group returned to their private spots amidst the pews. Some dozed off quickly, but others remained alert. Some had heavy hearts, others were momentarily flooded with relief.

    A few hours later, a restless sleeper would have heard a low grumbling course through the church. Angry snarls occasionally broke its monotonous barrage, slowly devolving into a spitting frenzy of animal fury.

    Yet at its peak, occasional whimpers seemed to signal its frustration. Something was stopping it. A high-pitched wail echoed along the walls and then... the night fell silent again.


    Once again, nothing has happened. Sorry about the delay, but it is now Day 4. Cast your votes and try to repeat Day 3's success!

    Still Praying:
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge)
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash)
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man)
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing)
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal)

    Pinched Out:
    0. Father Target (NPC) - FIRST SLAUGHTER - Torn Open Night 0
    3. OmKranti - Buried by Brickwork Night 0
    5. Jenna (Andalusian), [b:49081da565]Werewolf Hunter[/b:49081da565] - FIRST LYNCH - Lynched Day 1
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos), [b:49081da565]Villager[/b:49081da565] - SECOND LYNCH - Lynched Day 2
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon), [b:49081da565]Aristocrat[/b:49081da565] - SECOND SLAUGHTER - Torn to Pieces Night 2
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky), [b:49081da565][color=red:49081da565]Werewolf[/color:49081da565][/b:49081da565] - THIRD LYNCH - Lynched Day 3
  7. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "You know, just once, I wish I could have a peaceful nights sleep." said Terrence. "I also wish that someone could give me a job.

    "How about you, sir?" he asked of Simeon, "I bet you'd like an assistant!"

    "Hmm, let me consult with Wilf." said Simeon as he leafed through his book. "Alas, I can't. Uranus shows that you cannot be an extra priest."

    "I've never heard of any planet called Uranus in our night sky!"

    "No, the almanac warns me against recruiting small-bottomed people."

    "Well this isn't my natural bum! I walked all the way from Quirm and haven't eaten much!"

    "Sorry. You are quite welcome to become a follower of Wilf though."

    "Hmm. Anyway, I'm going to vote for :shock: Cleftus :shock:, they were the only one not to vote for the wolf in the last round, I find that suspicious."
  8. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Simeon felt perhaps he had been a little hasty in turning Terence away from the ways of Wilf.

    True the Almanack had said

    "Only those who are truly sagacious may preach the wisdome of Wilf"

    And while Terrence's ass wasn't that saggy, it was sort of......there....and anyway his words about :shock: Cleftus :shock: did make sense.
  9. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Overtired, and her nails almost bitten off, Marley regarded what couldn't really be called a crowd anymore.

    And that even though they had been lucky so far. She was probably going to have to join the Merciful Sisters of the Temple of Gorn if she was ever to get her Karma back into balance.

    "Lesseee...", she murmured, "I know[i:c2429710bd] I [/i:c2429710bd]am innocent. I know [i:c2429710bd]Terrence [/i:c2429710bd]is. I know [i:c2429710bd]Simeon [/i:c2429710bd]is. I know nothing about Benjamina, nor about Cleftus. What am I gonna do now?"
    She looked up and realized she had been speaking her thoughts aloud, and quite hearable, without noticing.

    Damn lack of sleep.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    People were looking at her in a very strange and not good way. Just because she was not a sheep and didn't follow other peoples opinions didn't make her a bad person for BA's sake.
    "i voted that self obsessed, hair obsessed bitch off first, alot of you followed me" she said with tears in her eyes.
    She had only ever felt like this when she was almost kicked out of the guild for actually sewing.
    "Well :shock: Terrance :shock: considering i even offered you a job, i think you are pretty dispicable and deserve all you get"
    Cleftus went to sit behind the alter where she could calm down and sew a few sequins on the bottom of her leather skirt.
  11. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "Oh yeah, you offered me a job if I could [i:7693d46d11]"sew, look sexy and be female"[/i:7693d46d11]... you know I'd never be able to sew! Not after working the clacks for so long, my fingers aren't nimble enough."
  12. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Marley was unnerved, and not patient.
    "Listen... what was [i:42f8fedde8]this [/i:42f8fedde8]about now? [i:42f8fedde8]Cleftus[/i:42f8fedde8]? [i:42f8fedde8]Please[/i:42f8fedde8]? I just told you Terrence is innocent, for chrissake! You have to vote people because they might be killers, not because you're pitiful and try to get at them!"

    She slapped her forehead. Obviously she was not the only one in need of sleep... she should just have retreated when she realized that no one had really listened to her, but the bad thing was, they probably paied [i:42f8fedde8]more [/i:42f8fedde8]attention to what people around them were saying, and they... no, [i:42f8fedde8]it[/i:42f8fedde8]... would have gotten the involuntary message...

    OOC-Edit: Got name wrong. Sorry.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Cleftus sighed......"typical stupid person trying to think! there are other apendages used for sewing you know!" she said " i actually use my feet as my hands need to be free for the other part of my job!"

    "the offer has been withdrawn now as you are a nasty and suspicious person/suspected wolf that i wish not to be associated with."

    Cleftus is hurt :cry: and wishes to be left to sit quietly sewing and drinking coffee.
  14. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    She was seething. She hated being put in the first line. But being ignored was just as bad. "Fine then. I vote for :shock: Cleftus :shock: . Because either she has a reason to not be listening to me altogether or she [i:5ae7ae401c]does not care[/i:5ae7ae401c] wether she is being eaten or not... So."
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [quote:e4067e8563="Hsing"]Overtired, and her nails almost bitten off, Marley regarded what couldn't really be called a crowd anymore.

    And that even though they had been lucky so far. She was probably going to have to join the Merciful Sisters of the Temple of Gorn if she was ever to get her Karma back into balance.

    "Lesseee...", she murmured, "I know[i:e4067e8563] I [/i:e4067e8563]am innocent. I know [i:e4067e8563]Terrence [/i:e4067e8563]is. I know [i:e4067e8563]Simeon [/i:e4067e8563]is. I know nothing about Benjamina, nor about Cleftus. What am I gonna do now?"
    She looked up and realized she had been speaking her thoughts aloud, and quite hearable, without noticing.

    Damn lack of sleep.[/quote:e4067e8563]

    Cleftus would like to know HOW Marley "KNOWS" these people are innocent? at a guess the only way someone can know is if they are the werewolf but clarity on this point would be nice. I change my vote to :shock: marley :shock: as i really don't trust her now! (and to put a point on it she has bad nails)
  16. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    "See, guys... It's like that... If I concentrate, really concentrate on a person, I get... a kind of message during my next round of sleep. I just [i:1fb8ef2f23]know[/i:1fb8ef2f23] if that person's bad or good, and, well, I know Terrence is innocent and so is Simeon...
    I admit I am the only person in my life I was never able to concentrate on. I suppose everything's got a price. I always imagined a few hours precognition would be a nice feat, too, so you could win lotteries, and avoid accidents, but I'm telling you, that person would probably be too confused to get through his daily life without help. [i:1fb8ef2f23]I[/i:1fb8ef2f23] never gained anything from this... talent, that much I can tell you. Somehow I always concentrate on the wrong person, and then, bad things happen.

    But I'd know if I was a wolf. I'm probably not a lucky charm, judging from my life so far, but I am not a wolf. And I am sorry if I do you [i:1fb8ef2f23]wrong [/i:1fb8ef2f23]-for all[i:1fb8ef2f23] I [/i:1fb8ef2f23]know, I [i:1fb8ef2f23]might[/i:1fb8ef2f23], Cleftus, but there is only you and Benjamina left."
  17. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Benjamina had been sitting listening to all of this in a somewhat bewildered state, wondering what on earth to do next. This whole thing was a bit to much for her vegetable-selling-geared brain, and here were people who were reading out messages from a God named Wilf, bickering over jobs and sewing skills while people were gutted or shot, and now this girl with the munched up nails was claiming she had some kind of super power, when you could plainly see that she wasn't wearing her underpants over the top, and was distinctly lacking any fluttering cape whatsoever...

    Something snapped.

    "What do you mean 'only Cleftus and Benjamina left' ??? One wolf has been killed, I'm guessing that if they haven't let us out yet, that means there's at least another one left... but that doesn't mean there's only one... and it certainly doesn't tell us who they or it is... An who is the one who's trying so hard to convince us that she isn't a wolf that she has nibbled her nails all the way to extinction ? Un less of course, they were damaged when attacking that poor innocent priest... And as for the other two 'innocent guys' how do we know if they aren't wolves too, that you're trying to protect ??? In fact, how do [b:b464377201]I[/b:b464377201] know [b:b464377201]you're[/b:b464377201] not all wolves and I'm the next meal, eh ?"

    Having said all this in one beath, Benjamina collapsed back to her pew, shaking with fright and fatigue, still pointing her accusing finger at :shock: Marley :shock: and silently wishing for all this to end so she could go and have a nice bath and a warm vegetarian meal. Carrots... that would be wonderful. Nice, simple, wonderful carrots. And she could do with a quick leek too.
  18. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    "You're right, Benjamina. For all I know there could not one, but two wolves being left. I didn't think of that. But for all I know, it can only be two, at worst. Everything else, I've explained as good as I could." She managed a tired smile.
  19. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Manley, Terrence and Simeon, convinced of one another's innocence, surrounded the dwarf.
    "She's lying!" Cleftus spat out. "She must hate me or something."

    As she was dwarfhandled towards the doors of the church, the truth dawned on Benjamina.
    "No, don't!" She screamed. "She's just misguided, she didn't mean any harm. I can keep her under control!"

    A confused look on their faces, the group nevertheless kept going. They knocked on the rough wooden surface with a soft desperation. A worn and slightly bloated face appeared.
    "This better be the last one, my face feels like it is about to crack, standing outside in this weather."

    Cleftus's face shot up and a soft, pleading look came into her eyes.
    "You have to help me, they are all crazy. They want to kill me, but I am innocent and they know it."

    Doubt surged into the sergeant's eyes, but before he could falter Cleftus was thrown out onto the harsh, snow-crowned cobblestones. A new vigour filled her and under a twilit sky her skin was bedecked with silver fur. Her fangs sparkled and a low growl arose in her throat. It was, however, a short-lived spectacle as the rough kiss of silver arrows drove the life-spark from her eyes.

    The feeling of security not fully brought back into their hearts, the group went to look for Benjamina. She was nowhere to be found.


    Congratulations, Cleftus was indeed a [color=red:0e4c06d166][b:0e4c06d166]Werewolf[/b:0e4c06d166][/color:0e4c06d166]. With that the game is over and the Town wins.
    Andalusian, Orrdos, Tephlon, sleepy_sarge, Electric_Man and Hsing win!
    Full roles and night choices will be revealed in the following posts.

    Still Praying:
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge), [b:0e4c06d166]Aristocrat[/b:0e4c06d166]
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man), [b:0e4c06d166]Bane[/b:0e4c06d166]
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing), [b:0e4c06d166]Seer[/b:0e4c06d166]
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal), [color=darkred:0e4c06d166][b:0e4c06d166]Yennork[/b:0e4c06d166][/color:0e4c06d166]

    Pinched Out:
    0. Father Target (NPC) - FIRST SLAUGHTER - Torn Open Night 0
    3. OmKranti - Buried by Brickwork Night 0
    5. Jenna (Andalusian), [b:0e4c06d166]Werewolf Hunter[/b:0e4c06d166] - FIRST LYNCH - Lynched Day 1
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos), [b:0e4c06d166]Villager[/b:0e4c06d166] - SECOND LYNCH - Lynched Day 2
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon), [b:0e4c06d166]Aristocrat[/b:0e4c06d166] - SECOND SLAUGHTER - Torn to Pieces Night 2
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky), [b:0e4c06d166][color=red:0e4c06d166]Werewolf[/color:0e4c06d166][/b:0e4c06d166] - THIRD LYNCH - Lynched Day 3
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash), [b:0e4c06d166][color=red:0e4c06d166]Werewolf[/color:0e4c06d166][/b:0e4c06d166] - FOURTH LYNCH - Lynched Day 4
  20. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Night Choices:

    Night 1
    Electric_Man banes Orrdos
    Wolves try to kill Orrdos
    Hsing investigates Alfredo (Innocent)

    Night 2
    Electric_Man banes himself
    Wolves try to kill Alfredo
    Hsing investigates Simeon (Innocent)

    Night 3
    Electric_Man banes Cleftus
    Wolves try to kill Marley
    Hsing investigates Terrence (Innocent)
  21. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Full roles:

    [color=red:45c6f9fdff][b:45c6f9fdff]Werewolf[/b:45c6f9fdff][/color:45c6f9fdff]- misswhiplash
    [quote:45c6f9fdff]You are a [color=red:45c6f9fdff][b:45c6f9fdff]Werewolf[/b:45c6f9fdff][/color:45c6f9fdff]Your partner-in-crime is Spiky. You may pm each other at night. Every night one of you may PM me the name of the player you would like to have killed that night. You win when the wolves are in the majority.[/quote:45c6f9fdff]

    [b:45c6f9fdff][color=red:45c6f9fdff]Werewolf[/color:45c6f9fdff][/b:45c6f9fdff]- Spiky
    [quote:45c6f9fdff]You are a [color=red:45c6f9fdff][b:45c6f9fdff]Werewolf[/b:45c6f9fdff][/color:45c6f9fdff]Your partner-in-crime is misswhiplash. You may pm each other at night. Every night one of you may PM me the name of the player you would like to have killed that night. You win when the wolves are in the majority.[/quote:45c6f9fdff]

    [color=darkred:45c6f9fdff][b:45c6f9fdff]Yennork[/b:45c6f9fdff][/color:45c6f9fdff]- Katcal
    [quote:45c6f9fdff]You are a [color=darkred:45c6f9fdff][b:45c6f9fdff]Yennork[/b:45c6f9fdff][/color:45c6f9fdff]While technically a werewolf, you permanently remain in your human form. Your affinity with the lycanthropes, however, is still present. You do not know who the wolves are. You have no special powers. You will not appear to be a wolf to prying eyes. You win when the wolves are in the majority. [/quote:45c6f9fdff]

    [b:45c6f9fdff]Bane[/b:45c6f9fdff]- Electric_Man
    [quote:45c6f9fdff]You are the [b:45c6f9fdff]Bane[/b:45c6f9fdff]You have spent some time in Uberwald and learned about defences against werewolves. Every night you may place a protective ward around a person to protect them against the kill. This may be placed on yourself. If placed on a werewolf, it will distract them thus preventing the kill. Note, however, that you cannot protect the same person on consecutive nights as the wolves will not be caught off guard. You win when the wolves are dead.[/quote:45c6f9fdff]

    [b:45c6f9fdff]Seer[/b:45c6f9fdff]- Hsing
    [quote:45c6f9fdff]You are the [b:45c6f9fdff]Seer[/b:45c6f9fdff]You have a gift for the paranormal. This really shines through in dangerous situations. Every night you may attempt to discover someone's alignment using this ability. PM me that player's name at night in order to get a result. You win when the wolves are dead.[/quote:45c6f9fdff]

    [b:45c6f9fdff]Werewolf Hunter[/b:45c6f9fdff]- Andalusian
    [quote:45c6f9fdff]You are the [b:45c6f9fdff]Werewolf Hunter[/b:45c6f9fdff]Lynching by majority? Pfft... mob justice is for fools. You have seen werewolves in action and you know what it takes to eliminate one. Even at night they are no match for you, provided you are prepared of course. Every night you may PM me the name of a player you want to have killed. You do not have to use this ability every night. Be careful. If you pick the wrong player, you help the wolves. You win when the wolves are dead. [/quote:45c6f9fdff]

    [b:45c6f9fdff]Aristocrat[/b:45c6f9fdff]- sleepy_sarge
    [quote:45c6f9fdff]You are an [b:45c6f9fdff]Aristocrat[/b:45c6f9fdff]Your father was a member of Fidgett's and your name appears in Twurp's Peerage. You immediately recognise Tephlon as a like-minded individual. Because he is also an aristocrat, you know you can trust him. You may talk to each other at night. You win the wolves are dead.[/quote:45c6f9fdff]

    [b:45c6f9fdff]Aristocrat[/b:45c6f9fdff]- Tephlon
    [quote:45c6f9fdff]You are an [b:45c6f9fdff]Aristocrat[/b:45c6f9fdff]Your father was a member of Fidgett's and your name appears in Twurp's Peerage. You immediately recognise sleepy_sarge as a like-minded individual. Because he is also an aristocrat, you know you can trust him. You may talk to each other at night. You win the wolves are dead.[/quote:45c6f9fdff]

    [b:45c6f9fdff]Villager[/b:45c6f9fdff]- Orrdos
    [quote:45c6f9fdff]You are a [b:45c6f9fdff]Villager[/b:45c6f9fdff]You have no special powers. You win the wolves are dead.[/quote:45c6f9fdff]
  22. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    What did everyone think of the game? And the new roles?

    Comment and criticism are welcome. :)
  23. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow ! So, cool, I don't win, but I'm still alive ! That actually suits me quite well ! :D

    I must say, the Yennork role wasn't easy to play, not knowing who the wolves were, them not knowing I was there and on their side, quite tricky...

    But anyway, great game, it was fun, congratulations to the winners.
  24. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    The game was good, albeit slow - though that is the player's collective responsibility (mainly Doors').

    The new roles all look good with the possible exception of the werewolf hunter, too much power I think, especially in a small game.

    The Yennork looks like a good way to throw the cat among the pigeons and send people off the trail and the aristocrats sound interesting, especially given that no-one else was allowed to chat privately - another with potential to throw people off the scent with their block voting.

    All in all, a good game, congrats to the GM!
  25. Guest

    Guest Guest

    In the immortal words of the Teletubbies

    "again, again"

    That was great! Thanks for letting me in at such a late stage. i really enjoyed it!
  26. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I agree with misswhiplash!

    Although I, too, do think that the hunter had too much power (I don't remember right now who said it...). The other roles make it more interesting. :)

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