What films have you seen lately?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Delphine, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    I saw Legend of Zorro a few days back. I't was good and had several funny sections in it. But it did not impress me all that much. The whole movie felt as though it was a bit forced, like they were told to make another movie and they were making it up as they went along.

    Still a good movie, but not as good as the origional (this being a sequel).
  2. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    [quote:0114224a56="Bradthewonderllama"]It's interesting... That eye dealie reminds me of ThunderCats though. Good news for you though Rinso. The DVD is apparently Region free.[/quote:0114224a56]

    It's a bit slow at first, but gets truely amazing later. JACK AND POT on the DVD.

    I seen Thumbsucker yesterday it was a bit slow at parts but good, great soundtrack.

    ps: the eye is thundercatty.
  3. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I went to see Harry Potter and the goblet of Fire this week.

    I have to say it's very good- a much slicker production than the others (well the last one anyway) I think I liked this one mainly because the cynic in me didn't like HP in the last film he was just too 'good' - there were too many 'hurrah for Harry' type moments- this one had a much darker essence and the CGI underwater effects were amazing!

    Highly recommended
  4. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I loved the dragon, and I thought Rita Skeeter was funny. A good show.
  5. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I watched Donnie Darko last night. Second time I've watched it, it's just as great as the first time I saw it and screwed with my mind only slightly less than then too.
  6. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Watched 'War of the Worlds' again on DVD the other night. Is till think it starts and ends far too quickly. I've also got 'Batman Forever' on DVD to watch tonight which is a film I really enjoyed. :)
  7. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I didn't like the very end ...spoiler[color=white:edfd44a8de]when his son sirvived dispite running into a wall of furey death[/color:edfd44a8de]...end spoiler. I thought the start bit when we first seen the tripods was amazing.
  8. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:750c7c117b="Rincewind"]I didn't like the very end ...spoiler[color=white:750c7c117b]when his son sirvived dispite running into a wall of furey death[/color:750c7c117b]...end spoiler. I thought the start bit when we first seen the tripods was amazing.[/quote:750c7c117b]

    Yeah I agree with the spoiler bit definatly Rinso but I also felt it started too quick without us getting to know the characters well enough. I also thought the...spoiler[color=white:750c7c117b] bit where the plane crashed near the ex-missus house and that fella was deaf one minute until he heard the tripods scream and then suddenly he had the hearing of a field mouse was a lack of attention to detail.[/color:750c7c117b]. Apart from that it was a good film. :)
  9. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:766403a621="colonesque10"][quote:766403a621="Rincewind"]I didn't like the very end ...spoiler[color=white:766403a621]when his son sirvived dispite running into a wall of furey death[/color:766403a621]...end spoiler. I thought the start bit when we first seen the tripods was amazing.[/quote:766403a621]

    Yeah I agree with the spoiler bit definatly Rinso but I also felt it started too quick without us getting to know the characters well enough. I also thought the...spoiler[color=white:766403a621] bit where the plane crashed near the ex-missus house and that fella was deaf one minute until he heard the tripods scream and then suddenly he had the hearing of a field mouse was a lack of attention to detail.[/color:766403a621]. Apart from that it was a good film. :)[/quote:766403a621]

    Yeah, I noticed that too. I saw it recently with a friend. Other than that and what Rinso pointed out, I thought it was a pretty good movie.

    Unlike Star Wars III, which I saw a few weeks ago, which was crap. The special effects were good, but the storyline was just stupid.

    The key plot scenes didn't make sense at all to me.

    [quote:766403a621][color=white:766403a621]Anakin: "No! Don't! The Jedi Code!"
    *desperate action*
    Sidious: "Wanna slaughter some kiddies?"
    Anakin: "Meh, sure."[/color:766403a621][/quote:766403a621]

    There were also really too many inconsistencies.
  10. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    It didn't really rock my world at all. I though [color=white:8351274688]The jedi wiping out montage was crap. The movie was meant to be about Anikin wiping out the jedi- all we seen was him killing some kids and the clones destroyed the rest[/color:8351274688] Also the love between him and Padmy was crap and [color=white:8351274688]The reason for her dying was a load of wank- 'she's medically fine shes just lost the will to live'- what apart from just having two babies and will believing there is still 'good in him'[anikin] you mean.[/color:8351274688]
  11. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    I saw Harry Potter last night. It was brilliant. Really well done. Very well adapted to the screen. Moody was brilliant. Dumbledore was surprising, much more aggressive than he is in the books, more like a real man than some kind of infallible god. Harry was great as well, his acting has really improved. The scenes in the lake and in the maze were really atmospheric.

    The graveyard scene was amazing, although I did notice Wormtail didn't seem particularly bothered about losing a hand. In the book he's in severe pain, but in the film he doesn't look fussed. Voldemort's a scary looking bloke. If i was a child, this film would have scared the shit out of me.

    David Tennant was great as Crouch Jr. Total psycho!
  12. koshu

    koshu New Member

    i watched Harry Potter the other day, I thought because they left so much stuff out that it didn't make much sense to the people that havn't read the books. eg. My Sister she kept asking me wats this? who's that? were'd that come from? It was major annoying..

    but it was seriosly great special effects
  13. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Watched 'Saw' last night on DVD. I went to watch it in the cinema when it first came out. I didn't like it as much the second time around although it's not a bad film. I only really watched it because i'm going to see Saw 2 soon at the cinema.

    Also supposed to be going to watch that Comedy with Rowan Atkinson in at some point this week. :)
  14. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    [quote:1f816ada38="colonesque10"]Watched 'Saw' last night on DVD. I went to watch it in the cinema when it first came out. I didn't like it as much the second time around although it's not a bad film. I only really watched it because i'm going to see Saw 2 soon at the cinema.

    Also supposed to be going to watch that Comedy with Rowan Atkinson in at some point this week. :)[/quote:1f816ada38]

    'Keeping Mum'? I saw it last week in the cinema- it's OK I suppose I wouldn't really recommend it - I know myself and my mates didn't really laugh out loud much at any point in it. I know it's been hearalded as being like 'an ealing comedy' (In the Saturday Times review) but to me it didn't really hit the mark!

    Going to try and see kiss kiss bang bang this weekend if I get a chance- however it's nearly finished, if not already ended it's cinema run- I'll have to check...
  15. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    The one thing I disliked in Harry Potter was Dumbledore- he was more aggressive than in the books, but also he seemed to have no control of the situation; He seemed lost, which shouldn't be- he is the most powerful wizard in the world* aside from Voldemort, after all.

    *at least in the UK
  16. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I watched 'Flight Plan' with Jodie Foster the night before last. Not a bad film with a pretty original idea. It was maybe let down by the poor acting of the rest of the cast. Plus the ending was a bit sudden and a bit shit.

    Watched Shrek 2 last night again for the second time, great film. Donkey rocks! 8)
  17. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Pfft maddness. The acting and the end was the best bit. It was let down by having an idea that,while interesting, was flawed and silly.

    I've seen a load on movies lately. 'every thing is illuminated' with Frodo Wood-- a movie aboiut a jew guy to travels to urkanie to discover more about this familys past. brilliant movie, it's actually very funny while still moving. some bloody great characters.

    'Mad hot ball room' great, kids are so funny.

    'kiss, kiss,bang bang' really good much better than I expected, really well made.

    'Doom' which i've seen twice but tuhe first timem i was so drunk I fell alseep. so, so, bad. but fun.

    I agreed to go see a 'blind' movie which turned out to be the jonny cash biopic, bllody good show.

    Can't wait for kong!
  18. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    I don't know if i want to go and see Kong, it looks sad. I don't know the original, so I don't know if he dies or not, but i suspect that is the case.

    I thought Godzilla was sad, so it doesn't bode well.
  19. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I just got back from seeing The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe.

    It was amazing.

    If you love the books, you should go and see it, because it was a much better adaptation than any Harry Potter movie!!
  20. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    Watched 'House of Wax' last night, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. My favorite bit would have to be
    [quote:dac0ca536e="[b:dac0ca536e][color=red:dac0ca536e]SPOILER[/color:dac0ca536e][/b:dac0ca536e]"][color=white:dac0ca536e]when Paris Hilton gets speared through the head by a metal pole. I really don't like her.[/color:dac0ca536e][/quote:dac0ca536e]
  21. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:13129d9628="Rincewind"]Pfft maddness. The acting and the end was the best bit. It was let down by having an idea that,while interesting, was flawed and silly.

    Can't wait for kong![/quote:13129d9628]

    I thought the acting, in most part, was a bag of wankety wank. Especially that of the pretend sky marshall.

    I'm really looking forward to Kong too, should be an great epic from the master Peter Jackson. (My dad) :)
  22. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I saw Fantastic 4 on the weekend, bloody awful. Silly plot, awful writing, and badly acted. An all round bad adaptation of a Marvel... Avoid this one at all costs, unless you enjoy watching crap movies.
  23. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I have seen a few movies on DVD lately because Jon was home, but I only really liked, and sat all the way through, The March of the Penguins. I have high hopes for Kong but I have been hearing about a few movies opening Christmas Day that sound just hideous. I guess they are hoping to attract those who are looking for an Anti-Christmas experience.
  24. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member


    I thought the acting, in most part, was a bag of wankety wank. Especially that of the pretend sky marshall.

    I'm really looking forward to Kong too, should be an great epic from the master Peter Jackson. (My dad) :)[/quote:cff64448bc]

    The Sky marshall was bad. But Jodie Foster was good. My friend's a film booker and seen Kong on Friday. He said it was awsome.

    The real kong- not the one made my kennys father with the same name sake as the director- thats just a home video of kennys summer vacation.
  25. Venerico

    Venerico New Member

    [quote:15e4c1d74f="Hex"]I just got back from seeing The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe.

    It was amazing.

    If you love the books, you should go and see it, because it was a much better adaptation than any Harry Potter movie!![/quote:15e4c1d74f]
    I've [u:15e4c1d74f]just[/u:15e4c1d74f] have seen Harry Potter, I think it's better then the former parts.
    I can't wait to see Narnia, I've read the books, and I liked them. But I must wait for some more time (Opening night is at 20 december :(

    edit: I've added "-u" in the "jst"
  26. Willmolly3

    Willmolly3 New Member

    If you are a true Narnia Fan you will love it. I watched it last night and was very pleased with the CGI effects.
  27. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:64974caade="Rincewind"][/quote:64974caade]The real kong- not the one made my kennys father with the same name sake as the director- thats just a home video of kennys summer vacation.[/quote]

    I did laugh out loud at that one Rinso, top marks! :D

    Also I did say that Jodie Foster was good in my 1st post if you read it correctly, FOOL, so please read all my posts properly before replying, FOOL, otherwise i'll just waffle on about potato treats of the same name, FOOL.
  28. Venerico

    Venerico New Member

    [quote:3a0a23ac0a="Willmolly3"]If you are a true Narnia Fan you will love it. I watched it last night and was very pleased with the CGI effects.[/quote:3a0a23ac0a]
    I don't get it, why is second book so exposed? I mean there are plays, TV shows, and now movies, but what about the first book, it's my favourite?
    When Aslan creates Narnia with his roar:
  29. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    [quote:09948b8893="Venerico"]I don't get it, why is second book so exposed? I mean there are plays, TV shows, and now movies, but what about the first book, it's my favourite? [/quote:09948b8893]

    I was discussing this with my partner. Apparently they are going to make either four or five films. I am assuming The Magician's Nephew and The Horse And His Boy will be left out, although I think it's a shame. Anyway, Alastair reckons they want to start from the appearance of the four children everybody already knows, which isn't until the second book.

    I've just peeped on Amazon at The Horse And His Boy and apparently it is already a stand-alone film!

    [quote:09948b8893="Hex"]I just got back from seeing The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe.

    It was amazing.

    If you love the books, you should go and see it, because it was a much better adaptation than any Harry Potter movie!![/quote:09948b8893]

    Jonathan Ross said that it wasn't clear enough why we are supposed to dislike the White Witch. In the books it was made perfectly obvious by all the people and creatures (like, hello, Aslan) she turned to stone. Does this not happen in the film? Would you agree at all with Ross's statement?
  30. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I read on the Internet Movie Database that Walden Media has optioned all seven movies to be made. I don't know if they'll go through with it, but I don't see why they shouldn't. I know I would go see them!

    And the second book is so exposed because it was written first. The Magician's Nephew is more of a prequel, it's just numbered as the first in the series. I'm assuming they will make it because of the way this film ended. *which I cannot tell because it would spoil it*
    And when you think about it, Magicians Nephew makes more sense to read after Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, because otherwise you don't know who Digory is, or who Aslan is, or what Narnia is all about. I found that it made it all the more satisfying to read second instead of first (but that's just me).

    And I thought it was perfectly clear why we should dislike the witch. She turns things to stone and made it always winter. That would definitely make me dislike someone.
  31. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    That all makes sense to me. I'm looking forward to seeing the film now! I hope it's as good as you say! :)

    Edit (why can I never say what I mean to the first time?? :x ) to mention, if she hands out Turkish Delight willy-nilly, I find it hard to believe she's evil. Gosh, I am so corruptible.
  32. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oooh definitely looking forward to Narnia, it's out here on 21st, we'll be going to see it on the 22nd, just can't wait ! I've just re-read the 7 books and they are really good. As C.S.Lewis said, it's for kids and people who are old enough to start reading fairy stories again, and I feel just like that...

    Saw Potter last weekend, yeah, it was OK, but the films are getting less like the books - for obvious and understandable reasons - so anyone who is just too picky to understand that and ignore it should definitely not see the movie...

    One I will probably see too is "Merry Christmas" (not quite sure of the English title, but it should be that from what I've seen) about the Christmas cease-fire in WW1 between british, french and german troops... Looks good.
  33. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    Saw Joyeux Noel/Merry Christmas in November. Very good film.
  34. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Friends of our just got back from good ol' Indonesia with a case full of pirated DVD's :D

    Movies galore here I come (yeah it's wrong, I'm a terrible person...blah blah)
  35. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Piracy funds terrorism and kills babies.
  36. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:e304ae9d9c="Rincewind"]Piracy funds terrorism and kills babies.[/quote:e304ae9d9c]

    Umm that would be [i:e304ae9d9c]copyright[/i:e304ae9d9c] piracy

    REAL piracy still rocks!! Yarrrr
  37. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Darn tootin' Sarge. REAL pirates don't kill babies, they MAKE babies!

  38. koshu

    koshu New Member

    wat a mind you you have :) :)
  39. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !


    Pity there's 4 of them sharing the same one though... :lol:
  40. koshu

    koshu New Member

    yeah.... I wonder how they work out times.

    I wonder if its a type of time share :?: :) :)
  41. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    nope, more like a multitask thing, you can tell when there's more than one of them using it... 8)
  42. koshu

    koshu New Member

    Ya via the opinions you get.... :lol:

    Sorry for all the dissing :D

    edit: Dissing= teasing and being rude
  43. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I saw Keeping Mum staring Rowen Atkinson (Spling?) at the weekend. I was dissapointed. Rowen was playing a lesser role and I expected a lot more laughes from him.

    It was a little to cosey and predictable aswell. Nothing like what i expected. The Jokes came few and far between and were rarely any good. Plus the son seemed to dissapear half way through the film!

    I saw DOOM the sunday before that, that was a lot more impressive. I loved it, I thought that there was a pretty good storey line that was easier to follow than I expected. They did a brilliant job of the monsters and scenery.

    There were several damn good fight scenes in it and easily the most enjoyable ending fight I've seen on a movie. I thought it did the game justice and was a brilliant film.

    That said some of the acting was a little wooden and there were a few rather predictable moments and one or two unanswerd questions in my mind.

    But I'd certainly recomend it to any sc-fi fans and fans of the series.
  44. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    [quote:25d0e6cad8="Dane"]I saw DOOM the sunday before that, that was a lot more impressive. I loved it, I thought that there was a pretty good storey line that was easier to follow than I expected. [/quote:25d0e6cad8]


    You thought a film based on the computer game DOOM, which consists of a man shooting things for several hours, and which stars the Rock was going to have a complicated plot?

    :: despairs ::
  45. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:4e86359328="Orrdos"][quote:4e86359328="Dane"]I saw DOOM the sunday before that, that was a lot more impressive. I loved it, I thought that there was a pretty good storey line that was easier to follow than I expected. [/quote:4e86359328]


    You thought a film based on the computer game DOOM, which consists of a man shooting things for several hours, and which stars the Rock was going to have a complicated plot?

    :: despairs ::[/quote:4e86359328]

    Doors be gentle. Dane is a 'special' boy requiring additional attention and all instructions to be repeated twice and you should get them to repeat them back to you to really make sure he understands what's to be done.
  46. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:b605bc86b9="spiky"]Doors be gentle. Dane is a 'special' boy requiring additional attention and [b:b605bc86b9]all instructions to be repeated twice and you should get them to repeat them back to you to really make sure he understands[/b:b605bc86b9] what's to be done.[/quote:b605bc86b9]
    Sounds like he was raised on a teletubbies diet... poor kid...
  47. Dane

    Dane New Member

    [quote:189b914e51="Orrdos"][quote:189b914e51="Dane"]I saw DOOM the sunday before that, that was a lot more impressive. I loved it, I thought that there was a pretty good storey line that was easier to follow than I expected. [/quote:189b914e51]


    You thought a film based on the computer game DOOM, which consists of a man shooting things for several hours, and which stars the Rock was going to have a complicated plot?

    :: despairs ::[/quote:189b914e51]

    No i thought that the explinations to all the monsters and such would be a lot more complex, I didn't think the film would be. Still if thats how you want to take my comment then enjoy yourself with it
  48. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    But seriously though, the movie was terrible.At best you could say it was 'fun'. The first person shooter bit was the only worth while thing. The rest was just standard pap. It anoys me when they take a game with a decent storyline (I'm not too sure on the Doom one, but my friends said it was good) and change it into a crappy one.

    Resident Evil is a perfect example of this. Hopefully, With Peter Jackson producing Halo it will be good.

    I seen Kong yesterday, it was awsome. Kong is so amazing... and a bad ass.
  49. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    [quote:ed423d7af7="Dane"]No i thought that the explinations to all the monsters and such would be a lot more complex, I didn't think the film would be. Still if thats how you want to take my comment then enjoy yourself with it[/quote:ed423d7af7]


    :: enjoys himself ::
  50. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    [quote:3aa3c4481d="Rincewind"]But seriously though, the movie was terrible.At best you could say it was 'fun'. The first person shooter bit was the only worth while thing. The rest was just standard pap. It anoys me when they take a game with a decent storyline (I'm not too sure on the Doom one, but my friends said it was good) and change it into a crappy one.

    Resident Evil is a perfect example of this. Hopefully, With Peter Jackson producing Halo it will be good.

    I seen Kong yesterday, it was awsome. Kong is so amazing... and a bad ass.[/quote:3aa3c4481d]

    Agreed. Have you ever seen Wing Commander? That game series had an interesting cinematic storyline to begin with, and they turn it into some space shootemup drivel! Man, that pissed me off (I was a Wing Commander fan). They shoudl have gotten Mark Hamil to play in the movie like he did in the game.
  51. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I saw the last part of that on TV last weekend. I liked it when the aliens talked.
  52. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I went to the Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe last night with my sister-in-law and neice. I really liked it and I probably will try to see the rest of the Narnia movies.
  53. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    [quote:a64ca1c424="Bradthewonderllama"] They shoudl have gotten Mark Hamil to play in the movie like he did in the game.[/quote:a64ca1c424]

    ::jumps up and down, clapping:: Mark Hamill, Mark Hamill!!!

    ::realizes that no one else is jumping/clapping::

    Saw Syriana today. Cried. Got angry. Cried some more.

    edited: for quoting mishap
  54. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yesterday, I saw 2 movies, one of which in presence of the crew, who were all really fun and friendly for famous people... But no one here would care, they're French and none of you have heard of them :D :lol: So hey, there goes my claim for fame ! On Thursday, I'll be meeting Luc Besson, the guy who made the Fifth Element (so vaguely connected to Pterry ! :D ) for his new film Angel-A. Gee I love my unlimited cinema card !
  55. koshu

    koshu New Member

    I finally managed to go see Narnia today and i liked it, tough it did go on a bit. but ive just gone and bought the books to see if there any better.

    I hope they are!! :)
  56. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I saw King Kong last week.

    To be frank, it could have had an hour cut off of it, the fight scenes were gratuitous, and parts of it made me feel physically ill.

    But I get 5 extra credit points for seeing it, so I guess it was okay.
  57. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    I also went and saw Narnia today with a mate... and between giggling and getting popcorn thrown all over me it seemed quite watchable. Not the greatest movie, but very spectacular and reasonably well acted. The big fight scene did rather drag on a bit though. They could have shortened it and put in more of the interesting parts of the book. There were also some continuity issues which seemed to be due to pure laziness. Overall, better than expected.

    I want a talking beaver!
  58. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I have gone to see the movie RENT. *looks around hopefully* Are there any other RENTheads in vacinaty? You should all go see it, but heed this warning: One of the charactors is a gay transvestite. If that bothers you, still go see it. It could change your mind. Angel is adorable. I love her so much...

    here's a pic. ;)

    What she has in her hands are drumsticks. She is a drummer.
  59. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:0641c1a0b3="Hex"]I saw King Kong last week.

    To be frank, it could have had an hour cut off of it, the fight scenes were gratuitous, and parts of it made me feel physically ill.

    But I get 5 extra credit points for seeing it, so I guess it was okay.[/quote:0641c1a0b3]

    Oh yeah, I forgot, I saw that on sunday... I must agree, there is at least an hour of action scenes that are not really of any use to the story... and certainly don't go see it if you don't like enormous creepycrawlies ! :oops: But hey, it was very well done, and quite fun, although it was long...

    Narnia was good, I really wasn't dissapointed, I was so afraid they would mess up the important bits, but they didn't, and Aslan rocks ! I guess, being a very short book, compared to LoTR or Harry Potter, there is no particular difficulty to fit everything in.
  60. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    [quote="Katcal"Oh yeah, I forgot, I saw that on sunday... I must agree, there is at least an hour of action scenes that are not really of any use to the story... and certainly don't go see it if you don't like enormous creepycrawlies ! :oops: But hey, it was very well done, and quite fun, although it was long...

    I thought Kong was brillant. The action scenes where amazing! Kong verses the dinosaurs was great!...Also, I disagree that it wasn't part of the story the action scenes all served a purpose, to show how powerful and violent Kong can be (which is contrasted with his gentlness with Ann) and forges an important bond between Ann and Kong after the battle kong is transformed in her sees from a monster to a protector, which is very important for the emotional pay off at the end. In His world Kong protects Ann, in her world she fails at protecting Kong, which adds to the sadness of the cilmax.

    The insect scene was a homage to the orginal where the wanted to have giant insects but couldn't pull it off. It also shows how much Jack was willing to go threw to save Ann.

    I thought the effects and character of Kong where bloody brillant, he really felt real.

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