What films have you seen lately?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Delphine, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Last movie I saw in theaters was Narnia and I got Sahara for Christmas. I was going to see Fun With Dick and Jane after New Years but finding our way back to the hotel from Burger King was hard enough let alone finding our way back from the theater which is all the way across town. I hate cities built in circles and one way streets.
  2. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I went and saw The Producers last night, and Memoirs of a Geisha this evening.
    I enjoyed both of them. The Producers was incredibly funny. It had me rolling in the aisle.
    And Memoirs had me almost in tears at several points. It's a beautiful movie. I loved the script.
    I have to read that book now!
  3. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I saw Constantine the other day. I was so impressed not by the film (Peter Stormare did a great job though, go Sweden!) but by the background story that I went out and bought the first numbers of the comic series the film was based on, Hellblazer. I feel a bit geeky now, like the guy in Simpsons. For the record I would like to state that this was the first time I've ever bought adult (not as in porn but as in not-donald-duck) comic books.

    So I read Hellblazer #1 to #9. I liked the story, but I thought the artwork was really dissapointing. It looked like there had been no progress in comic book art since the fifties. It really dissapointed me. What I was hoping for in my mind was beautifully airbrushed (or something like that, I have no idea how comic books are made but you get my idea) pages, and that wasn't really what I got.

    I think perhaps I'll buy the latest book to see if the artwork has improved. To be honest, episodes 1 to 9 were made 1987, so I guess some progress could have been made. If I'm not pleased, I'll stick to reading Neil Gaiman (who by the way wrote some of the Hellblazer stories).
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    He also is the author of the "Sandman"-graphic novels, who have been illustrated by quite a number of different artists; they differ in style a lot.
    A great read if you like Gaiman and plan to proceed on your path to geekdom! ;)
  5. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    [quote:acec242200="Hsing"]He also is the author of the "Sandman"-graphic novels, who have been illustrated by quite a number of different artists; they differ in style a lot.
    A great read if you like Gaiman and plan to proceed on your path to geekdom! ;)[/quote:acec242200]

    My local Waterstones doesn't have any Neil Gaiman books in the Fantasy section. I checked the fiction shelves as well but no luck. Guess I'll just have to ask them the next day what is going on.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    There is over 200 books on Amazon for Neil Gaimen if thats a help! Its where i got mine from.
  7. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:ea60b1fefc="Hsing"]He also is the author of the "Sandman"-graphic novels, who have been illustrated by quite a number of different artists; they differ in style a lot.
    A great read if you like Gaiman and plan to proceed on your path to geekdom! ;)[/quote:ea60b1fefc]

    My friend, who talked me into buying Hellblazer, bought Sandman at the same time, so I'll have a look in his books and see if I like it. I'll remember you said you liked them!

    [b:ea60b1fefc]AMERICAN GODS SPOILER WARNING[/b:ea60b1fefc]

    I'm not sure I've read all of Gaimans books, but I really like those I've read. My favourite is American Gods. I really liked that he used folklore and religions not that commonly seen in western fiction, like the arabic djinn and the east european gods. A straight guy myself I must nevertheless say that one of my favourite bits was the homosexual intercourse between the djinn and the cab driver, just because that's so uncommon to see in novels and it really surprised me. Great book.
  8. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I just love the movie Constantine. And the sandman books as well, actually. Death is the best, followed closely by Desire. Of course, don't forget, Gaiman coauthored with Pterry to write Good Omens. ^-^ hah. they used DEATH instead of Death there.

    And I guess this means I am the only RENThead who is on this forum...
  9. MissTeak

    MissTeak New Member

    Saw The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe on Thursday, great movie, yay yay etc. I really really liked Tilda Swanton as the witch, she (and Lucy! Gorgeous kid, great actor too) stole the show, I think. Peter kind of got on my nerves, and Edmund looked like one of my cousins when he was a kid. :)

    Been watching a lot less movies than usual, because my sister and I bought our niece all 7 seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer on dvd, and we've been watching that instead. Buffy overload... I'm starting to dream about Spike again, which hasn't happened since the series ended :heart: Oh Spike! *swoons*

    Aside from The Lion...etc, the last movie I saw was the original King Kong. :) I still haven't seen the latest version yet, but I'm looking forward to it. It's amazing how much Fay Wray looks like Naomi Watts!

    I still can't help thinking of the [i:9fbe61a8da]other[/i:9fbe61a8da] movies Peter Jackson has made... Like Meet The Feebles (which I saw when I was 12, which probably explains things about me a little) and Brain Dead... Ah well. :)
  10. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Tilda Swanton was great in Constantine too. Haven't seen The Lion yet, read the books as a kid though. Speaking of that, I read somewhere that J K Rowling haven't finished either Narnia or LOTR. That puzzles me. I thought you had to read books to write books. Just as you have to listen to music to be a musician.

    Oh, and speaking of Buffy, I just wanna say I've always thought Alyson Hannigan is a very beautiful woman.

    Edit: to add that bit about Buffy.
  11. MissTeak

    MissTeak New Member

    [quote:fdc3066368="KaptenKaries"]Tilda Swanton was great in Constantine too.[/quote:fdc3066368]

    Yeah, she was. She's good at playing psychos, it seems. I can't imagine her playing someone gentle or fragile.

    I think Willow's my favourite character in Buffy. (As an actual character, not just eye-candy).
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    OK small diversion! Which was better, Evil Willow or Good Willow?
  13. MissTeak

    MissTeak New Member

    Good Willow. The skin-ripped-off thing was a bit hard to stomach. Although Evil Willow was sexier.
  14. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I vote for sexy-lesbian-willow... :cooler:
  15. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    That's where my vote goes too, Kat.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    oo oo oo add sexy vamp willow to the other two (she was only in one episode! now decide!!!!
  17. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hell, that's not fair :D Ok, sexy vamp lesbian willow.

    huh ? never existed ? oh. Dreams don't count. dammit !
  18. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I went and saw Donnie Darko at the 2 dollar movie theater tonight. Finally!

    I really enjoyed it. I thought it was surreal, creepy, hilarious, and also just plain weird.

    But, cult classic or not, Frank is the weirdest goddamned bunny I have ever seen! Ever!

    Yup, good movie. Great way to spend Saturday Night.
  19. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Hurray for Donnie Darko! :D

    Hurray for Tilda Swanton - I thought she was the best part of Constantine! :)

    Just saw "Brokeback Mountain". For a detailed rant, go here
    (But only if you've nothing better to do ;)

    The short version: It's a movie about cowboys who fall in love, and for a while, I was thrilled to hear it advertised as one of the best movies of the year, "a love story for the ages", etc. As in, wow, way to do a turn-around, our disturbingly conservative-izing society! .... And then it turned out to be really good, but definitely not the mind-blowing experience that the adverts promised, which made me suspicious of the advertiser's motives: get the average American's hopes up, get them to walk away disappointed, score a point for the conservative agenda :p

    Yes, I'm paranoid!
  20. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    "Pride and Prejudice". They took way too many artistic licences when it comes to depicting the era, which I find annoying. And Keira didn't look smashing in those period clothes, she looked consumptive.
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Saw Jarhead yesterday... I'm not a great fan of war films in general (the only war-based fiction I enjoy is M.A.S.H. and I prefer the series) but actually, it was good... very dry humour at times, but also very touching and... well, human... May just read the book one of these days...
  22. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    [quote:53a41c0acd="mowgli"]Hurray for Donnie Darko! :D

    Hurray for Tilda Swanton - I thought she was the best part of Constantine! :)

    Just saw "Brokeback Mountain". For a detailed rant, go here
    (But only if you've nothing better to do ;)

    The short version: It's a movie about cowboys who fall in love, and for a while, I was thrilled to hear it advertised as one of the best movies of the year, "a love story for the ages", etc. As in, wow, way to do a turn-around, our disturbingly conservative-izing society! .... And then it turned out to be really good, but definitely not the mind-blowing experience that the adverts promised, which made me suspicious of the advertiser's motives: get the average American's hopes up, get them to walk away disappointed, score a point for the conservative agenda :p

    Yes, I'm paranoid![/quote:53a41c0acd]

    I seen it yesterday. I thought it was very slow, almost to the point of being boring, but the ending was excellent. Really Sad. I highly doubt over-hyping it was a conversative plot to lessen the movies impact, more the same problem with over hype ruining any movie.

    Oh, Yeah, Tilda Swanton was great in constintine!
  23. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I watched 'just friends' at the cinema on Saturday. I haddn't heard anything about - good or bad a lot of it is in poor taste but I think that's probably why I found it funny. the funniest person in it was the girl who did played the main characters in the 'Scary Movie' films- she played a pop singer who was suspiciously like Courtney Love.

    I think I enjoyed it because I had NO expectations what so ever.- Total fluff!

    It's a bit like nights out with friends that aren't planned, just spur of the moment- they're always the best nights that you can have!
  24. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith when it was in theaters but I now own it on DVD. I also went and saw Hoodwinked at the theater. Not what I thought it was going to be but it had its moments.
  25. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    We saw Pompoko yesterday, a japanese animation movie by Isao Takahata. And my husband actually cried. Hard enough to have red eyes at the end of the film. That NEVER happens ! I'm the one who cries at stupid sentimental movies, he never does, not even at the sad ones... He's put on a bit of weight too, lately... hummm... I'm wondering if he's pregnant... :roll:

    The film is a wierd mixture of a sad tale (yeah, worse than Bambi and Watership down put together !) and some really funny stuff (I won't spoil the fun, but balls come into it a lot in strange and amusing ways.)
  26. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    i have just came back from seeing king kong it was terable short good parts and long slow bits i will not go to see it again ever. however i think narnia is realy cool i have seen it 2 yes 2 times i am soon going to learn the script. i like the lion Aslam he is cool and i dont like the wite wich she reminds me of Lilly Wetherwax.
  27. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    Just saw Underworld Evolution, was alright but the movie suffered from having to up the ante on the previous film.

    Afetr watching the trailers before the movie, I want to see Jarhead and V for Vendetta.
  28. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Believe me, Saccharissa, it can't have been as bad as [i:88c783da89]Bride[/i:88c783da89] and Prejudice. I watched it last night, and oh dear lord it was absolutely dire. Visually impressive maybe, but could we just have SOME actual characters please?!?! Some plot? Sense? Depth? Just a sprinkling? Apparently not.

    Oh, but I Heart Huckabees was splendiferous :D I heartily (no pune or play on words intended i swear) recommend it to all.
  29. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I seen Munic and A New World onf friday. Munic excellent. I hated a new world.
  30. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I have seen plenty of movies in the meantime, both in the sliver and the TV screen

    [i:64c492dced]Goodnight and Good Luck[/i:64c492dced] Cinema. Fantastic.

    [i:64c492dced]Match Point[/i:64c492dced] Cinema. Fantastic, but I suffered from a cultural shock of sorts. It was a Woody Allen movie that wasn't a comedy and didn't have a jazz soundtrack. If it was directed by Kubric for instance everything would have been fine.

    [i:64c492dced]Ella Enchanted[/i:64c492dced] DVD. Shrek wannabe. Doesn't cut the mustard.

    [i:64c492dced]The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou[/i:64c492dced] DVD. I want to have Wes Anderson's pods.
  31. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hoodwinked. Well, firstly the translation is lousy (they only had it in French) so most of the jokes and punes (or plays on words) are even lamer, but the graphics just weren't... well... they weren't, that's it. I do have a question for anyone who has seen it in english : what's the name of the hunch-man who gets dissed about his lousy "not even scary" name ? In french, it was my husband's name, which made it the funniest bit in the film, because he got really pissed off :D
  32. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    [quote:85dd577cec="Saccharissa"]I have seen plenty of movies in the meantime, both in the sliver and the TV screen

    [i:85dd577cec]Goodnight and Good Luck[/i:85dd577cec] Cinema. Fantastic.

    [i:85dd577cec]Match Point[/i:85dd577cec] Cinema. Fantastic, but I suffered from a cultural shock of sorts. It was a Woody Allen movie that wasn't a comedy and didn't have a jazz soundtrack. If it was directed by Kubric for instance everything would have been fine.

    [i:85dd577cec]Ella Enchanted[/i:85dd577cec] DVD. Shrek wannabe. Doesn't cut the mustard.

    [i:85dd577cec]The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou[/i:85dd577cec] DVD. I want to have Wes Anderson's pods.[/quote:85dd577cec]

    I watched The life Aquatic over Christmas and I have to say I thought it was excellent - I really enjoyed it!
  33. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I saw that at the Cinema, it was actually very good, completely wacky at the end, but I loved the animated fish and various sea creatures...
  34. Human

    Human New Member

    Just saw Porco Rosso. Anyone who's a fan of anime, Miyazaki or old war movies [u:1fc165c78f]has[/u:1fc165c78f] to see this. It was funny, touching, funny, visually stunning, and really, really funny. Not quite hilarious, but there were some excellent moments. (Seaplane pirates have their plane overrun by their fifteen hostages - little schoolgirls who treat it like a playground and aren't at all intimidated.)
  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh dear... I can just feel the Pirates vs. schoolgirls debate swelling up here...
  36. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Pirates AND Ninjas vs. schoolgirls :D

    The schoolgirls will win!
  37. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    [quote:4946bb98da="Human"]Just saw Porco Rosso. Anyone who's a fan of anime, Miyazaki or old war movies [u:4946bb98da]has[/u:4946bb98da] to see this.[/quote:4946bb98da]

    I love Miyazaki!
  38. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:d7dbdd1a07="mowgli"]Pirates AND Ninjas vs. schoolgirls :D

    The schoolgirls will win![/quote:d7dbdd1a07]

    I must say, I have to agree... Especially if they are japanese and have mini skirts and pig-tails.
  39. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Mini skirts... *shudder*

    But what is with those mini skirts? I cosplayed as Kagome (the main character from an anime) once (a phase I am [i:b05bbe3178]well[/i:b05bbe3178] over) and it's hard to move in those things, much less fight!
  40. mowgli

    mowgli New Member


    And the fact that women are portrayed fighting in BIKINIS and HIGH HEELS doesn't faze you? ;)

    (I wonder if the enemies are just supposed to turn to mush at the sight, and not present any difficulty at all afterwards!)
  41. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    I went to see Jarhead. I've forgotten about it already.
  42. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member


    And the fact that women are portrayed fighting in BIKINIS and HIGH HEELS doesn't faze you? ;)

    (I wonder if the enemies are just supposed to turn to mush at the sight, and not present any difficulty at all afterwards!)[/quote:fe5a2b7f1e]

    The kind with women fighting in bikinis and high helels gerenaly don't have enough of a plot to be worth watching. It's just... women in bikinis and high heels.
  43. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Charlie's Angels didn't have a plot????!!! BLASPHEMY! ;)
  44. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    I saw Narnia. It was good and true to the story as far as I could tell but a bit simple and cutsy with all the talking animals. After leaving the theater I discovered my car wouldn't start because I'd left the lights on.

    I agree with Human on Porco Rosso. It's not as good as Miyazaki's others, but still excellent considering its age.
  45. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I don't know, Scif1. How else would they have done the talking animals? Because the animals have to talk. I don't like how they did Jadas. (Is that how you spell her name? I mean the Queen. The White Witch. Whatever.) But I loved how they did the Centaurs.

    I haven't seen Porco Rosso, but I love Miyazaki's other films. Kiki's Delivery Service I think is my least favorite.
  46. Human

    Human New Member

    That was the second Miyazaki film I ever saw. The first being My Neighbor Totoro, which I got as a gift when I was three. Kiki's really isn't so bad.

    Oh, and last night I saw the Shawshank Redemption. I'm willing to vote that most satisfying movie ever right now.
  47. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I vote RENT to be the most moving. I can't wait for the DVD to come out. On the 21st I believe...

    I'm seeing the movie Flawless soon. Anyone else seen that? Got any comments on it? I already know the basic plot.
  48. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    We bought the weddings crashers on DVD last weekend and I'm still waiting for enough time to actually sit down and watch the darn thing...will get back to you when I have achieved this.
  49. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    [quote:0df400208f]Hoodwinked. Well, firstly the translation is lousy (they only had it in French) so most of the jokes and punes (or plays on words) are even lamer, but the graphics just weren't... well... they weren't, that's it. I do have a question for anyone who has seen it in english : what's the name of the hunch-man who gets dissed about his lousy "not even scary" name ? In french, it was my husband's name, which made it the funniest bit in the film, because he got really pissed off [/quote:0df400208f]

    I think it was Keith.

    I saw Final Destination3 today, actually now it would be yesterday. Anywho, it was okay, I was told it has more gore in it than the first two but I wouldn't really know since I haven't seen the first two.
  50. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I watched Final Destination three at the weekend. Shit film.

    It had nothing on the other two, it wasn't particulaly scary, gory, funny or even interesting. The first was a brilliant film i thought and the second was almost as good with an interlocking story line. this was nothing. it was the first again, just a vision and them trying to escape. no connections to the first and second at all which was lame.

    The deaths weren't to gory or interesting like the first and second. Of all the deaths only two came close to living upto the other films standard. It starts with a theme park which is painfully Cliché and predictable. the rest of the film followed the same story once again. It was all so predicable.

    but easily the most annoying thing about the whole film was the lead actor. That bloody woman was so annoying! but she just wouldn't die! damn her to hell
  51. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    What do you expect when the lead actor is from the Disney channel?
    I can't say whether it was better than the first two but I liked Final Destination 3 but you're right, there wasn't much connection to the other two because if there was I wouldn't have understood the movie because I haven't seen the first two.
  52. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Saw Brokeback Mountain the other day. Despite the bad press its been getting from this board, I thought it was really good. It wasn't a huge movie, there was no melodrama or huge emotional kicks, but it had a lingering poignancy. Which is what I liked about it

    It would have been so easy with this movie to decend into cliches and completely over-play the whole thing, but it didn't. Really good movie.

    Unfortunately some of my friends who saw it have taken it completely the wrong way. It wasn't about ogling Jake Gyllenhaal. It dealt with so many more important issues. If it doesn't get into the English curriculum, I will be very annoyed.
  53. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I just saw Brokeback Mountain too...which was a bit of a stuggle considering it's R21 here and I'll bet a couple of scenes are edited out even then.

    Once again, I had to resort to a pirated copy...

    I didn't think it was too bad, though I found it hard to understand in the begining...not sure if that was my copy or if it sounded like mumbling to everyone else...?

    It was moving and did touch some very interesting subjects...but i don't think it was all it was hyped up to be.
  54. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    I haven't seen it, but I think I want to. My friends say it's really good. What important issues does it deal with aside from two gay guys?
  55. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I saw date Movie at the weekend. Its written by two of the six writers of the Scary Movies. It was a pretty good movie, it had a few extremly funny moments and a few corny jokes.

    That said it didn't flow like a movie, it was just a load of sketches thrown together. It deffinately lacked the humor of the scary movies aswell. Not really a film to go to with a GF/BF but a good laugh.
  56. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    I'm rather looking forward to seeing B Mountain as well, though hype usually puts me off most things.

    I've just watched The Way We Were, with Robert Redford and Barbra Streisand....looked like it was just going to be a bit of a bland romance, but it actually had depth and reality and the 1950's anti-communist obsession in america and trauma and real human emotions and complexities. Oh, and a bloody depressing ending. So it must be good, lol.
  57. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    RENT came out on DVD last Tuesday. I know, this is the... what? Third time I've brought the play-now-movie up, but I'm still working to get someone to see it. ;) It's very emotional. And has a plot aside from that. And, for all you Brokeback Mountain fans, less than half of the couples are hetero. It's my favorite movie right now.

    And I saw Flawless. A homophobic cop has a stroke, and he has to go to his neighbor Rusty for voice lessons. Rusty's a female impersonator. She has a gang of friends, all crossdressers too. My personal favorite is Cha-cha. An adorable Hispanic girl played by my favorite actor Wilson Jermaine Heredia. At the same time a drug lord is searching the same apartment building for stolen drug money. A whole lot of it. He's already killed a friend of Rusty's and has harassed Rusty. Rated R for violence and swearing. Onlt mild romance between the cop and some girl who's name I can't remember. Rusty also has a boyfriend, but he's.... not very romantic. And only makes one apperance.
  58. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I saw Brokeback some time ago now, it was good... and I must say, the actors were actually good enough to make you forget about the gay bit and just see the impossible love story... Kind of reminded me of Brief encounter in that "we're both married but so in love we can't bear to leave each other" way...

    And last night I saw Walk the line, the film about Johnny Cash, and I must say, although it was long, it was good, and Joachin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon (don't americans have weird names :D ) both sing incredibly well...
  59. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member


    And last night I saw Walk the line, the film about Johnny Cash, and I must say, although it was long, it was good, and Joachin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon (don't americans have weird names :D ) both sing incredibly well...[/quote:53497b2a13]

    I just saw that as well, and thought it was great. The singing was very good...I was impressed. I'd certainly recommend it.

    Sir_Gawain - It mostly looks at the fear of anyone abnormal. So the reason the two main characters couldn't stay together was the fear of how society would react. There was also this idea of cowboys - the ideal stereotype of a 'man' - being portrayed as gay.

    thats the main ideas anyway...
  60. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    There's also the themes of lost opportunity, grief and the different ways in which men and women approach relationships.

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