What films have you seen lately?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Delphine, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    ...and pudding...

    (sorry but it does deal with the loss of pudding and the role of pudding in relationships and the fragility of pudding and how if we all just ate pudding we'd be so much more content with ourselves and could love pudding freely without discrimition by pie)
  2. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I saw a news report on Brokeback Mountain a couple of days ago. Apparently some cowboys in Wyoming have the hump because the film makes them look less macho. They showed some interviews, and it was really funny, each man labelled "gay cowboy" or "straight cowboy". Anyway, I don't get to see the film yet, as it wasn't on less than 20 miles from me.

    And I really, really, really want to see Walk The Line, but that's even further away! What is it with this town and not showing decent films?? Not fair! :cry:
  3. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I saw Lucky number Slevin yesterday.

    It's quite a good movie - a little predictable but fast paced with some excellent acting by Ben Kingsley (bloke who played ghandi many years ago) Although I wouldn't emphatically recommend it ie 'you must see it if it's the last thing you ever do'-It's a good enough show to go to.
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I saw Terry Gilliam's "Brothers Grimm" and Tim Burtons "Corpse Bride" yesterday.

    I'd say Terry Gilliam's [i:4758989c52]"Brothers Grimm"[/i:4758989c52] wasn't bad at all, contrary to all the people who told me it was a dissapointment... Maybe not expecting too much was a benefit.

    If you see it as a piece of fantasy with no connection to historical people or events at all, it's just that: an entertaining fantasy movie.
    There were lots of scenes which reminded me of "Sleepy Hollow", and trying to put in all kinds of fairy tale references was a bit overdone.
    Some moments were really nice... The gingerbread child was optically well done, really creepy, even though the "Gingerbread man" isn't usually assorted with the Grimm brothers. There was also no explanation that made it coherent, within the story's logic, why every child had to dissapear "fairy tale style", other than to make it more interesting and give the authorities a reason to suspect there were "colleagues" of the Grimm brothers at work.
    I had the impression that Gilliam cut out on a lot of bizarre ideas which might actually have improved the film, just to make it look smoother. (Maybe it wasn't his decision, I've red somewhere that there was a lot of quarrel about the final version.). A lot of the characters were a bit stereotypical - the amazon woman as the love interest, for example.

    For me, it was also interesting to see how, in a film where, for a change, the French were the bad guys, there was still that picture of irrational, dark Germany. Of course, there wasn't anything close o history either. The French didn't occupy Germany until 1806, even though they had gained a lot of political control over it by then (the film plays 1796 or something, but at the end of the 18th century anyway), and even after 1806, only West of the Rhine was really "French" territory. But that only as a side note... :)

    [i:4758989c52]"Corpse Bride"[/i:4758989c52] was really nice to watch. It was a film for the eyes mostly, without a too complex story- though a touching one, very romantic stuff- but on that visual level, I thougth it was brilliant! The interaction of the animated figures was high above any of the computer animated film I've seen so far.
    I particularly liked the scenes where the living lost fear of the dead and started to recognized their loved ones in them... The grandfather-scene, the old couple etc.
  5. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    And I really, really, really want to see Walk The Line, but that's even further away! What is it with this town and not showing decent films?? Not fair! :cry:[/quote:7012a9f748]

    Walk the Line is a cool film, I didn't know much about Johnny Cash before, and I hadn't realised who some of his contemporaries were. Came as quite a shock...

    Well watchable, quite touching and with some good music!
  6. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I recently saw Slither, which, though slightly predictable, was still very entertaining.
  7. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    I saw "Mixed Doubles", a rather entertaining movie about swinging in India .. rather, a chap who is trying to get his wife to agree with him about the idea.

    It's o a new breed of Hinglish movies that are offstream, low budget, and usually rather good. No songs and dancing around trees, yeah! :)
  8. Nester

    Nester New Member

    Well, I'm a bit behind the times I think (what's new?) but I just saw V for Vendetta the other day. I really liked it. Hugo Weaving was great as always. I don't think many people could have done that good of a job with a character that wears a fully concealing mask. And of course one of the best parts was seeing Natalie Portman with a shaved head and having my friend nudge me and say "I still would."

    Other than that I haven't seen too many lately. I used to have to drive an hour to the theater and I went every week. Now I live a block away and I've seen one. Ahh...irony.

    edit- forgot to mention that after the movie came out, the Graphic Novel of V for Vendetta is the only Graphic Novel to hit the bestseller list in Barnes & Noble history. We seriously ran out of the thing the first two weeks the movie was out.
  9. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I just finnished watching the DVD of [i:bdf19cbaeb]Hanibal[/i:bdf19cbaeb]. It was okay, but I think it was largely an attempt to capitallize on the previous movies in The series (which includes [i:bdf19cbaeb]The Silence of the Lambs[/i:bdf19cbaeb] which is one of my all-time favorite movies).
  10. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Ice Age 2. Great movie, but I worry for the mental health of those who came up with Scrat's sequences.

    V for Vendetta. My personal favorite was Stephen Rea as Inspector Finch. He gave me lots of Vimes vibes.
  11. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:f1edbd872a="QuothTheRaven"]I just finnished watching the DVD of [i:f1edbd872a]Hanibal[/i:f1edbd872a]. It was okay, but I think it was largely an attempt to capitallize on the previous movies in The series (which includes [i:f1edbd872a]The Silence of the Lambs[/i:f1edbd872a] which is one of my all-time favorite movies).[/quote:f1edbd872a]

    We just discussed that film a few nights ago. (over several bottles of wine, mind you.) We pretty much agreed that
    a)Lecter is one of those sinister figures that should never have been put in the [i:f1edbd872a]center [/i:f1edbd872a]of the film - the overuse somehow damaged the figure.
    b)The Florence setting is beutiful, but not as mysterious as it was seemingly thought to be. We knew it as a center of European culture and history, and one of the most beutiful cities I've ever seen, but also as a tourist paradise, and a place to drink and eat more than usual, and so on. It's certainly not a "dark" setting, no more at least than any other city.
    c) While Hopkins [i:f1edbd872a]invented [/i:f1edbd872a]the figure in [i:f1edbd872a]Silence of the Lambs[/i:f1edbd872a], and it was really creepy and alive, in Hannibal he seemd to... I don't know... copy his own performance, you know?
    d) The cultivated-and-intelligent thing was a little overdon. History of Arts... okay. Having been hired in such a high position out of nowhere - hm. No. Not even with false referencies and papers. Not even when he's brilliant. Because the first thing any European university guy would do before voting for you to get a well payd job is talking to the people who have worked with you, check what you've published, and if he doesn't know any of your old mentors, your chances are slim. A private teacher, maybe.
    Then, the piano, the wine got more and more expensive from scene to scene, only hand-made paper, and so on... It was overdone. A guy like that in real life wouldn't impress, but get on your nerve.
  12. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    The Silence of the Lambs: one of those films I doubt I'll EVER be able to watch, at least by myself. I get far too emotionally involved in films, which can be positive, but is often just ridiculous. :roll:

    I watched Into The West last night on video......beautiful, if very much a 'family' film. The two little Irish lads were astonishingly good actors, they would have had awards aplenty if they'd been adults.
  13. Twoflower

    Twoflower New Member

    Well I saw Alien Autopsy a few days ago, it was pretty funny.
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I went to see The Dark on Saturday night, It was good to go and see but not one that i would like to add to my DVD collection.

    Its a horror story set in Wales about sheep amongst other things (and no Doors that does NOT make it porn)

    Sean Bean is the lead male and looks as rugged and handsome as ever.

    Needless to say, it's a good watch but not worth keeping.
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Saw Rent yesterday... the film's ok, but it's long as hell and kindof weird... The logical end of the story is about half way through the film, and then things get messy. And not a single song got stuck in my head, that's what a musical SHOULD do, leave you humming for hours until you've had enough and either go buy the soundtrack or start banging your head against the wall... But I'll aggree with Gawain on one thing, Angel sure rocks...
  16. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I recently watched [i:fe4323eaae]Pulp Fiction[/i:fe4323eaae] On Movies on Demand (Which is really cool). It was very good, but some of it was a little over my head. Still, it is definatly a movie I would like to see again (and possibly re-examine the parts that confused me).
  17. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    We saw Transamerica last night. It was quiite impressive, the way Felicity Huffman plays the part, you can actually believe she is a transsexual, after seeing her in Desperate housewives, it's really weird...
  18. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I just saw [i:ac66853c70]Brick[/i:ac66853c70]. The acting was phenomenal, and it was probably the best film I have seen since [i:ac66853c70]Munich[/i:ac66853c70]. It centered around the Dark criminal underwold hiding in plain sight of Suburban Northern California.
  19. aegron

    aegron New Member

    I've watched Soul Music this weekend. It's less funny than the book itself but overall it was quite nice. I really liked the music and Lee as Death is a great choice.

    One major dissapointment to me was Death of Rats. He says SQUEAK in the books, but in the movie it goes squeak. the same difference as gaspode saying woof instead of going woof. This was fairly annoying.
  20. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Went to see Scary Movie 4 last week, some really funny moments but number 3 is still the best in the series to my mind.
  21. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Lessons derived from A History of Violence, with Viggo Mortensen as a former mobster (maybe):

    1) Mobsters can't shoot

    2) Philadelphia mobsters can't shoot at ALL

    3) The only people who get successfully shot by Philly mobsters are [i:1d4b691413] other [/i:1d4b691413] Philly mobsters. Preferably, if they're already lying on the ground with a mortal injury of some kind.

    4) If a Philly mobster shoots you at a point-blank range, he'll hit your shoulder. Once you start running away at a leisurely pace, the mobster will continue shooting and miss every time.

    5) Aragorn kicks ass!

    Aside from all that, it was a surprisingly good movie, with some nice subtle moments toward the end! :)
  22. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I have seen a lot of movies lately, but the last and the best was V for Vendetta, quite an amazing film, a kind of mixture of old swashbuckling films, Cyrano de Bergerac, Orwell's 1984, matrix-like action movies and that internet movie about how the whole 9-11 attacks were perpetrated by the US government... Well mix those together, add the story of Guy Fawlkes, Hugo Weaving (although you don't actually see his face) and Nathalie Portman, plus Steven Fry being a typical himself, and you get one hell of a movie... ;)

    (edited to add link)
  23. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I've not seen many new films lately but I did watch King Knog on DVD the other night. I never really fancied it in the cinema but I was quite impressed. Not too shabby.

    I'm probably going to go and watch The Da Vinci code in the cinema soon, it looks pretty good. Also Tom Hanks is a legend. :)
  24. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    [quote:ad706bbb4e="QuothTheRaven"]I recently watched [i:ad706bbb4e]Pulp Fiction[/i:ad706bbb4e] On Movies on Demand (Which is really cool). It was very good, but some of it was a little over my head. Still, it is definatly a movie I would like to see again (and possibly re-examine the parts that confused me).[/quote:ad706bbb4e]

    ever seen reservoir dogs? it's the first movie by q. tarantino...it many views it's better than pulp fiction (although I think p.f. is one of the best movies of all time...it makes my top 10 list any day of the week...)

    Last movie I saw was scary movie 4...luckily I got stoned and it was very late so I was pretty much braindead so I could laugh at shaq and dr phil...

    and recently I can hardy wait each week to watch prison break and lost...especially prison break...the 21st part is awesome...if you don't know the series I strongly recomend it...you don't know what you're missing out on...
  25. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I have not seen [i:ae1e275171]reservoir dogs[/i:ae1e275171], though I have seen both parts of [i:ae1e275171]Kill Bill[/i:ae1e275171]. KB was not as good as Pulp Fiction, but it were still good.
  26. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    [quote:18824666df="colonesque10"]I've not seen many new films lately but I did watch King Knog on DVD the other night. I never really fancied it in the cinema but I was quite impressed. Not too shabby.

    I'm probably going to go and watch The Da Vinci code in the cinema soon, it looks pretty good. Also Tom Hanks is a legend. :)[/quote:18824666df]

    Sorry I know its bad form to laugh at other peoples typos (I make loads) but I couldn't help laughing at King Knog -

    He sounds like the absolute ruler of some group of people, and is worshiped by his people The Knogites :eek:
  27. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I was driving last week listening to the Lost Boys sound track, got me thinking how long its been since i watched it.
    I put it on when i got in from work and OMG, i forgot what a top film it was........

    Best quote "stay away from me, you're a goddamn shit sucking vampire Michael and I'm telling mom......"

    Might have to go back to the oldies for a while, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club.....classics!
  28. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:7a94a0b1fc="Perdita"][quote:7a94a0b1fc="colonesque10"]I've not seen many new films lately but I did watch King Knog on DVD the other night. I never really fancied it in the cinema but I was quite impressed. Not too shabby.

    I'm probably going to go and watch The Da Vinci code in the cinema soon, it looks pretty good. Also Tom Hanks is a legend. :)[/quote:7a94a0b1fc]

    Sorry I know its bad form to laugh at other peoples typos (I make loads) but I couldn't help laughing at King Knog -

    He sounds like the absolute ruler of some group of people, and is worshiped by his people The Knogites :eek:[/quote:7a94a0b1fc]
    Aw, come on, we haven't laughed at Kenny for such a long time, I think we're allowed to laugh at this particularly funny one ;) At least, until Garner sets fire to us or disembowels us in an original fashion. Ok, laugh [u:7a94a0b1fc]fast[/u:7a94a0b1fc]...
  29. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Goodness it's been a while since this has been updated!

    I have seen many movies in recent days, vacations being what they are.
    Here are some of the highlights:

    Fightclub -- I rented this and enjoyed it immensly. I have to watch it again so I can enjoy it again!
    X-men 3 -- There was too much going on, but it wasn't a bad movie.
    Dogma -- I enjoyed this immensly too. Anything that goes for humor at the expense of Catholicism works for me.
    An Inconvenient Truth -- otherwise known as 'that Al Gore Global warming movie'. It was a great movie. Go see it if you get the chance.
  30. Nester

    Nester New Member

    I just watched The Big Lebowski again the other night. I haven't seen it in a long time, but it's as good as ever. "The Dude abides.."

    Purely on multiple reviews I went out and bought Boondock Saints. Great show. William Dafoe is just a tad insane, but damn good and the two leads (no idea who they are) are also damned good. I heard plans for a sequel fell through though which really is too bad, but I doubt they could have repeated anyways.

    edit- it's too early to spell.
  31. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    X-men 3 -- There was too much going on, but it wasn't a bad movie.
    Did you see the post-credit ending?
  32. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    X-Men 3. I want my money back.
  33. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    X-men 3 -- There was too much going on, but it wasn't a bad movie.
    Did you see the post-credit ending?[/quote:ef985d44c9]
    There's a post-credit ending ? :shock: Ooooh, I know, they all turn up and say "nah, just kidding, we're not all dead, gotchhhaaaaaaaa !!!"
  34. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    X-men 3 -- There was too much going on, but it wasn't a bad movie.
    Did you see the post-credit ending?[/quote:34b612f4b8]
    There's a post-credit ending ? :shock: Ooooh, I know, they all turn up and say "nah, just kidding, we're not all dead, gotchhhaaaaaaaa !!!"[/quote:34b612f4b8]Actually [OMG SPOILER]Dr. X is in a hospital somewhere, seemingly recovering.[/OMG S]
  35. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hm, not quite...

    [color=white:466cbf1539]Do you remember how, in the beginning, he shows his students a film with a doctor - a friend of his- and her catatonic patient, and asks them if it would be ehtical to place the brains of a fatally ill family father in this empty shell? Obviously he had enough power left from the fight with Jean to place his mind in it. [/color:466cbf1539][/quote:466cbf1539]
  36. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    the 2 most recent films iv seen are Grave of the Fireflies and Howls moving castle. they are both by Studio Gibli from japan but most of them are happy and up beat but Grave of the Fireflies is sad and it makes you think of what America did to Japan in the second world warit made me cry which is a very rair thing for a film to do. my favrot films are by studio Gibli and ive neary finshed my colection. i cant wait to see the neew pirets of the caraben film it looks good.

    sorry for any speling mistakes
  37. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I've seen quite few lately, Omen, Hard Candy, the best one is Flight 93. It's hard to watch but amazing.
  38. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yep, grave of the fireflies is one of the saddest films ever... Studio Ghibli really rocks...
  39. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    i get my 2 new Studio Ghibli films tomorow so im going to be waching them and i realy want to see Pirets of the caraben: Dead mans chest it looks so funny.
  40. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Saw X-Men 3 and quite liked it, especially Kelsey Grammar as Beast, that raised a smirk. Good endings, the main one and post-credits extra. My only grief with it was cyclops going out at the start, he was always my favourite in the cartoons as a kid.

    Cant wait for Pirates of the Carribean coming out this weekend! Apparently Depp's already in contract talks for a fourth one(there's definately set to be a third), just hope they live up to the first and dont feature Knightley and Bloom too much.
  41. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **sulkily** Not out until August 2nd here, damn Pirates... and I will have to put up with the stupid lame voice they dub Johnny Depp with in this stupid country, stupid Disney stupid copyright thingy stupid issues stupids... **sulks some more**
  42. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I just saw [i:1302431dbe]Click[/i:1302431dbe]. It was fairly good, though it barrored its theme from Dicken's [i:1302431dbe]A Christmas Carol[/i:1302431dbe].
  43. edster

    edster New Member

    I sore Pirates of the Caribbean 2 today, Johnny Depp is so cool but, !@#$ing orlanddo and Keira. four stars.
  44. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Pirates 2 was excellant, beat my expectations hands down, cant wait for the third one now! Bit darker than the first one but just as funny. Still dont like Bloom and Knightley but Depp makes up for them and then some. There is a little bit post-credits to watch out for too :)
  45. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Saw [i:f569e40547]Superman returns[/i:f569e40547] last week... Well, I actually enjoyed it, it was as good as if not better than (technology, CG and all that) the last 4 (ok, 3 and 4 were really awful, but still). The only thing I didn't like was Lois's lack of bitchiness, and she did look a little young compared to the previous films. But still, Superman-ish enough, and the new actor fits the tights pretty well. :D
  46. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    If you're prepared to wait through about half an hour's worth of credits for something so minor. :p

    (I did.)
  47. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    So did I.

    It was worth it :)
  48. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Awww! What pirates post credits bit? i didn't see it. tell!!

    i thought Pirates 2 was cool. Longer than i expected, the ending was... not really an ending at all. I really didn't like the kraken, it was the suckers man... urgh. Keira Knightly was kind of annoying in parts, but she wasn't that bad. Norrington annoyed me, Orlando annoyed me, Johnny Depp was awesome. Bill Nighy was brilliant as Davy Jones. yarr.

    I also saw Superman yesterday. It was alright.
  49. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:3ad367eca1="Delphine"]Awww! What pirates post credits bit? i didn't see it. tell!![/quote:3ad367eca1]

    You mean... you left the cinema too... fast ? :shock: :D
  50. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I went to a screenplay writers' seminar yesterday that started out with a short film called George Lucas in Love, which was a short comedy about how he came up with Star Wars.

    P.S. The third Pirates movie has already been made by the way, they shot two and three back to back.
  51. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I didn't realise it was Bill Nighy until the credits rolled.

    And I thought they'd done some of the third film during the shooting for the second, but are continuing filming after the summer.

    Either way, I'm looking forward to it. Lots.
  52. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yup, like Back to the Future... It's a bit of a gamble that the 2 will be a success, but then, a Disney film with Johnny Depp in it isn't taking that big a risk, and they can afford it...
  53. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I think that sometimes they don't try so hard on second films (if the 1st was a smash) because they know people are going to show up on the strength of the first film. Then sometimes the third is a bit better to regain some of the reputation lost with the second...
  54. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    I haven't seen anything new in a while; saw Manhattan yesterday, the old Woodie Allen movie. I couldn't see why people thought it was so great. I wanted his character to die or something, just to make it more interesting. I couldn't stand him in particular, and the rest of the main players were so pretentious and self-righteous, and rationalized anything they did wrong to the point of absurdity.
  55. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    Saw X3 when it came out, too. That was awesome, though I was amused by the fact that nobody seemed to even care what happened to Cyclops. Even Wolverine should have SOME reaction to him being missing, even if it is glee.

    Magneto is the most awesome character ever, especially played by Sir Ian McKellan. If he wasn't gay and about 90, I'd ask to have his babies. Hell, i might try it anyway... :D
  56. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:8cc10e052e="roisindubh211"]Magneto is the most awesome character ever, especially played by Sir Ian McKellan. If he wasn't gay and about 90, I'd ask to have his babies. Hell, i might try it anyway... :D[/quote:8cc10e052e]
    Well, being gay and about 90 he may just say yes as his last chance to have babies :D He is I must say one of the more charming ones among the older generation of actors, along with Sir Sean Connery, who looks better and better as years go by.
  57. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    Katcal, you have given me hope. Thank you. *bows*

    hmmm...now how to get this past the boyfriend without getting into major trouble...

    *edit for some more silliness*
  58. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:73ac654ab5="roisindubh211"]Katcal, you have given me hope. Thank you. *bows*

    hmmm...now how to get this past the boyfriend without getting into major trouble...

    *edit for some more silliness*[/quote:73ac654ab5]
    You really think any boyfriend could offer him a willing womb ? Nah, go for it gal !
  59. DouglasFir

    DouglasFir New Member

    [quote:6c0ab13e29="Maljonic"]I went to a screenplay writers' seminar yesterday that started out with a short film called George Lucas in Love, which was a short comedy about how he came up with Star Wars.[/quote:6c0ab13e29]

    I have that on DVD! It was officially released as an amazon exclusive a few years ago! It's a spoof of Shakespeare in Love too (hence the name)!

    Last movie I saw was an advance screening of Kevin Smith's latest...


    I saw it whilst in the States back in May and funnily enough next month I'll be attending the Edinburgh International Film Festival next month! :D
  60. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    [quote:6fe7d7c129="Delphine"]Awww! What pirates post credits bit? i didn't see it. tell!!

    i thought Pirates 2 was cool. Longer than i expected, the ending was... not really an ending at all. I really didn't like the kraken, it was the suckers man... urgh. Keira Knightly was kind of annoying in parts, but she wasn't that bad. Norrington annoyed me, Orlando annoyed me, Johnny Depp was awesome. Bill Nighy was brilliant as Davy Jones. yarr.

    I also saw Superman yesterday. It was alright.[/quote:6fe7d7c129]

    I missed the post credits bit too, darn it. In my mind the kraken was more like giant seaweed than giant octopus.

    The last movie I saw was The Pink Panther. It was okay, the best part was about the hamburgers.

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