I've just read all the comics that are currently available of Y the last man. A very nice story and very nice drawings to complete the story.
And I've started on the IInd Science-of-Discworld book. Although I'm usually too tired to absorb information when I get around reading. Hm. Maybe I should spend less time surfing...
I've been reading Colour of Magic again, I'm getting the Science of Discworld, the Last Hero and Carpe Jugulum for my birthday.
Just finished reading Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. Truly awesome and deliciously eerie, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoyed Good Omens or the Sandman Comics Gaiman has written. My current reading list is thus: Men at Arms, once again V for Vendetta, to see if the graphic novel is better than the movie -- so far it definitely is. Catch 22 for my English class. The Awakening for my English class. Speaking of which, I have six chapters to get through by tomorrow. Nighto all!
Oyez! I found that one really hard work. First Terry Pratchett I gave up on. Science is beautiful, but fantasy is just easier to deal with.
I'm rereading the graphic novels by Alan Moore* :drinkers: :doubt: :rock: :heart: :toimonster: :snakeman: :tonqe: :bear: rayer: artyman: :yarr: :goodman: :yawinkle: :butthead: :butthead: :axe: sorry wanted to check out the smiles *changed my mind they're boring me
Never read either of them. Catch 22 sounds good, from what I've heard. I'm working on rereading the Chrestomanci series by Diana Wyne Jones, and several non fiction books on vampires for a thesis paper.
At the moment I'm reading City of Saints and Madmen by Jeff Vandermeer and am thoroughly enjoying it. I have also been trying Neil Gaiman's Sandman series...I don't usually look at graphic novels but I heard so much about these I thought I would give them a try. So far I have looked at the first 2 and am impressed. It's not something I would have tried before reading his other stuff but am definitely glad I did.
I'm reading A Stolen Dream(Украденнуй Сон) by Alexandra Marinnina. As crime novelists go, this one is good.
It's been a while since I've read this thread, so I find myself in the ridiculous position of having to even apologise for my apology to Cynical_Youth and any others being late..........you were of course right re. my posts on His Dark Materials being littered with spoilers. Many apologies, it annoys me immensly when someone else does that to me - my only possible excuse is getting carried away, and large amounts of stupidity I do hope I won't have ruined the final book for you.
Catch-22 is an awsome book, which I highly recomend. Anyway, I am currently reading Lord of the Flies for english class, and Children of Dune for my personal enjoyment. Flies is okay, but Children of Dune is much better.
I just read through "The Jesus Papers." The book by the author of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." It was definitely interesting. Although really I enjoyed the historical tidbits more than his theories. One of the best parts was the introduction where the author is obviously restraining a little resentment for Dan Brown. I also just finished Conn Iggulden's fourth book in the Emperor series, Gods of War. For historical fiction this series rates right up there with anything Bernard Cornwell has done. It actually got me to go out and learn more about Julius Caesar and Roman history, and as anyone who knows me can attest to, it's hard to motivate me o do much of anything.
A book containing resentment towards Dan Brown?? *Goes to find IMMEDIATELY*. Last night I began to read The Eyre Afair by.....mmph.....Jason FFord? Something like that. I loved it instantly, but unfortunately it is currently still in Brighton at the abode of my sister - whilst I meanwhile have returned to Norfolk, and must therefore hunt down my own copy. :roll:
A book that I read recently and really enjoyed was "Lamb - The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal" by Christopher Moore. It and "Fluke", another of his books, are my favorites of his. It's a great satire of the scriptures and happenings around the Christ. If you read it, be sure to read the afterward.
Lamb and Fluke are both excelent books. Also, I heard on the Radio that Moore has new book out, but I can't remember what it was titled.
currently I'm reading carpe jugulum, the fifth elephant, small gods (all of them the second time), tamna strana sunca (dark side of the sun in croatian - first time, couldn't find it in english - up to here all of them by terry pratchett of course), a girl who loved tom gordon (stephen king, first time) and lasher (by anne rice - first time)...I've just recently finished a hat full of sky, johnny maxwell trilogy, the bromeliad trilogy (all of them for the first time), guards guards, men at arms (second time - all by t.p.), the dark tower (1-6 by stephen king, first time, looking for the last part), a song of ice and fire (part one of the fourth book by george r.r. martin, first time, waiting for the second part and hoping he doesn't die before he finishes the story) and the ultimate hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (by douglas adams, for about the 8th time)...I read a lot of books at the same time, which one depends on where I am (college, car, home, bathtub...) and how I feel at that moment... p.s. which terry pratchett books are your favorite? or better yet, I know there's gotta be a topic posted somewhere, could someone just give me a link to it?
I've just finished Labyrinth by Kate Mosse and would recommend it in a Dan Brown kind of way- secret grail histories etc. I did enjoy it and I thought the descriptive scene were well written - I didn't (and still don't) know much about the Cathars of Southern France and this book has definitely raised my interest levels. I'm also glad just to be finished this book. I read about 3/4 books a week (generally of the non- intellectual variety) I was given this book at Christmas time in Hardback and it’s just so bloody big to read. It was like one of last years Christmas presents- Jonathon Norrell & Mr. Strange – how anyone is expected to lug them around I just don’t know!
That's certainly a fascinating theme, I actually live in Cathar country, and the actual historical facts, as fascinating as they are, come no where near the amount of legends and myths that surround the Cathars... I certainly understand how there's a lot of writing material in that !
Just finished the Decameron by Bocaccio. I Liked it less than the Canterburry tales. Currently I'm reading Round Ireland With A Fridge by Tony Hawks.
Just finished re-reading Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception. Awesome book, though playing just a little off the popularity of the previous three. Now I have to get out the other ones again. And then I'm going to end up walking out of the library with twelve books I didn't plan on getting.... you know how it goes. Oh, and my English project will revolve around American Gods by Neil Gaiman. So now I have to reread Sandman and Anansi Boys as well.
Just finished Bernard Cornwell's Warlord Trilogy- interesting take on the Arthur legends, I enjoyed it very much. He managed to make Arthur human and noble, Guinevere is neither the whore nor the pathetic little princess i usually find in books, and Merlin is both likeable and scary as all hell. It's great, and I highly recommend it. (NB, if Lancelot is your favorite and can do no wrong, etc, you won't like this version of him. Galahad is awesome, though.)
Collection of Ghost Stories by Ambrose Bierce. Some were good, some were predictable. I liked The Devil's Dictionary best. Nick Hornby-A Long Way Down. A good book, you pass the time pleasantly The Catcher in the Rye-D. Salinger. Halfway through it and I can already see why it is hailed as a classic.
I am currently reading The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway for English Class. It is pretty good. Also, in my spare time, I am still working on Children of Dune. Which is an awsome novel about political intrigue in the distant future.
I loved that book - sat down with it one morning and the next thing I knew it was finished...definitely worth reading I have also just started Catch-22 ... i started it yesterday and am already half way through. I love the writing style particularly, I would thoroughly recommend it.
Finally read the two books I've had my eye on for a long time: Last Temptation of Christ and the DaVinci Code! (had to practically FORCE myself to read the DaVinci code, since I didn't like Angels and Demons - also by Dan Brown, - at all! But the Code turned out to be a nice, somewhat fluffy read! I already got the conspiracy-shock from reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail years before) Last Temptation was heavier than I expected, but still great. Also, depressing as hell!
I must admit that although the French translation was so absolutely lousy as hell, I never really saw what all the fuss was about, with The Catcher... But then, apparently, either people love it, or don't see the point, I'm in the second category, but then, I'm sure there are people out there who don't get why Pterry's books are so great... the phillistines !
I was again astonished to find that the book was written when... mid forties... and then published in book form 51? Its timeless. Even if there isn't much actually happening... since when has that been a criteria for a good book
I loved Catcher in the Rye- I was a fairly angsty teen and my brother was worse, especially when our grandfather died, so it was like watching us from the outside when I reread it that year. The first time I read it I just wanted to give the poor kid a hug.
Well, maybe that's it, you either connect with the character or you don't, and as the whole book is about one character seen from the inside, if you don't, you don't get the book. My Dad didn't get it either, but I have several friends who love it...
I loved Catcher in the Rye .. though it was a trifle disturbing to realize that I empathized rather strongly with the main character.
Re-reading all the discworld books to remind myself how good all the older ones were! Currently half-way through Thief of Time and wondering why I never used to consider it as good as some of the others.
Katcal could be right - you either connect with the character or you don't. I think it's so popular because so many do relate to that type of character. Most people can see themselves or people they know or see in him and love it because it gives them a little undestanding of them. I just found it a very shocking and touching story.
Just read The Younger Gods by David and Leigh Eddings. Really disappointing. I kept reading in the hope that it would improve but no such luck. The characters are just faint shadows of previous ones, hard to distinguish one from another sometimes. There was little sense that any they were likely to fail and solutions were so easy. Probably due to having Gods as main characters. There just seemed no depth to characters or story. If you feel you must read it, get it from the library and don't waste your money.
It's not a matter of liking. His problem was that he loved and appreciated his brothers and sister for the kind and intelligent creatures that they were that he couldn't bring himself to liking anything or anyone else that fell short. Mowgli, The Last Temptation is a very heavy book, never said it wasn't, but what I find way more depressing was all this bruhaha over it, with the Church excommunicating the book and years later parading and setting fire to the cinemas that played Scorcese's film. There was a message of hope in the book, whereas the Church merely let down Christianity.
I just finnished reading Neal Stephensons' In the Begining. . . was the Command Line. (my signature is its last line). It was a very well thought out reflection on computers and (more importantly) the society which uses computers. For a non-technical person, it might be a little confusing, but if you are a hard-core Techie like I am, it is a must read. it can be found here
I've finished Round Ireland With A Fridge. It was quite nice. Currently I'm reading Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians. This is a really great novel. I've also read Disgrace, which was just as great. I think it might be time to go buy the other books by Coetzee.
I've read Round Ireland With A Fridge. It's very funny indeed. My friend wants to copy him and go around england with a toaster. Less impressive.
Nah I reckon your mate should bring a microwave - plug it in wherever you go to cook up some 'tasty' snacks
finished nanny ogg's cookbook today and pyramids (the second time) a couple of days back...I'd read more but I was in prison in between so I only had the wall to read... :?
I am abot 2 thirds of the way through Carpe Jugulam. I can't get into it at all. I think its cos its a witch book, apart from the Feegle stories i can't get into the witch ones.......I hope it gets better.
I've finished "Waiting for the Barbarians" by Coetzee. Although not as impressive as "Disgrace", it was certainly a thoughtprovking read. Coetzee is one of my favourite writers right now. I've also read "Tristan and Isolde" translated and put together by Jospeh Bédier. Very nice, although a bit weepy at times (lots of swooning etc.). Now I'm reading Gogol's Taras Boeljba. Also quite nice. It is sometimes a bit awkward, but I'm not sure if this is Gogol, or the translation. His depiction of Jews is quite shocking. I'm interested in where this book will lead.
Finished Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (very good, I loved the way this fantasy was written in the literary style of Jane Austen and her contemporaries). Started Tom Robbins' "Wild Ducks Flying Backwards".
Trying to read Hogfather again. I really can't get on with this book but due to the current filming I figure I ought give it another go.
I only just noticed we have Neil Gaimen's American Gods on our bookshelf, so I've started reading it. There's a bit about it on this page: http://www.terrypratchett.uk/article184.html
I just finished Children of Dune. It was not as good as the two previous books in the series (Dune and Dune Messiah) but it was still vary good. I just bought God-Emporer of Dune, but have yet to start it.
I've gone a wile without any books (damn girlfriend takeing all my money) but I've finally got one! it's called Auschwitz by Laurence Rees. It won the 2006 british book award and so far i can honestly say I can see why. I'm only on the first chapter but this is a great book!
Gogol's book Taras Boeljba was quite nice. about 4* on a 5* rating I've just finished The Trial by Kafka. Man that guy wrote some weird stuff. Great, but very weird. I'm starting on The Castle(I've bought the complete works, so I've got about 800 pages of weirdness still to go ) By the way, has anyone read kafka on the shore by Haruki Murakami? Is it any good, and is it a good starting point for reading Murakami?