FAQ Suggestions!

Discussion in 'THE TEMPLE' started by Buzzfloyd, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. Freya

    Freya New Member

    Well done, Mal!
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks. :)

    We're going to have to add something else to our rules regarding submitting stories for the site, as someone just submitted a whole page of text about Yoda that was copied and pasted from another site, which obviously is not allowed. If you want to write about such a character please use your own words.

    I sent them this PM, which can probably be rewritten and worked into our rules somewhere?

    [quote:8d35ea3cdb]I'm afraid you can only submit your own stories here, ones that you have written yourself. The only exception to this is Terry Pratchett and Discworld-related news, and even then you must quote where it came from if you never wrote it yourself. You can not simply copy and paste text from another website and add it here as a story... [/quote:8d35ea3cdb]
  3. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    [quote:9808ecb8ca="Maljonic"]Thanks. :)

    We're going to have to add something else to our rules regarding submitting stories for the site, as someone just submitted a whole page of text about Yoda that was copied and pasted from another site, which obviously is not allowed. If you want to write about such a character please use your own words.


    I don't know if the faq should be the place for it because the faq relates to the message board, and the stories section is another part of the website.

    Maybe there could be a note about plagiarism on the page where you submit news and stories.
  4. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    I agree with Marcia.

    Displaying rules when you want to submit a story seems like a safer bet if you want to ensure people read it.

    Congratulations on becoming the First Boardanian, Mal. :)
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Wheeee, thanks! :)

    Yes it should go there; I think it should still be part of an official document though somewhere.
  6. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I've been away on courses this week, but will look at the FAQ position tomorrow, or Saturday if work is too busy.
  7. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Right, I've taken the original FAQ posted by Buzzfloyd and added the results of this thread and others for clarification (hope I haven't missed anything, say if I have) and also added one rule that wasn't in the initial list. All additions are in green, there is one comment in brown.

    Be honest
    Use proper English [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]– try to use correct spelling and grammar, but don't worry unduly about making the odd mistake. DO NOT use chat or l33t speak as many members will not be able to understand you[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    DO NOT use multiple screen names
    Do not use animated avatars/ banner ads etc [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]– they can be visually distracting and cause page loading times to increase, especially for members on a dial-up connection[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    Do not post in character [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]- we want to get to know [i:f74d3f3c9b]you,[/i:f74d3f3c9b] not a made-up person[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    No roleplaying/ pool parties etc, except where confined to one [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]designated[/color:f74d3f3c9b] thread
    Try not to register a name too similar to another member’s [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]- this will cause confusion[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    Explain your edits [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]- we have had problems in the past with people who have radically altered their posts to change all meaning, DO NOT do this[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    Apologise for mistakes
    Don’t ask us to do your research/homework
    Change your avatar if asked or you realise it’s the same as someone else’s
    Don’t ask obvious questions [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]- that have been covered before, check the official thread list and use the search function to check that it hasn't been covered previously.[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    If you are a newbie giving an opinion on an argument, you do so at your own risk. [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]- check the facts of the argument first, jumping in uninformed will only create more arguing - directed at yourself[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    Use the Search function before starting a new thread [color=brown:f74d3f3c9b]Should this be removed in light of bundling it with the "Don't ask obvious questions" rule?[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    DO NOT start off by promoting your own stuff [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]- if you are only seen to be advertising, you will be considered a spammer and treated as such[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    Thread hijacking happens [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]- if you wish to divert the thread back onto topic, politely request that it is done so[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    It’s best not to flood the board with posts when you are new [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]- it will create the impression that you are trying to flood the board with your personality[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    Change your sig if asked
    DO NOT post email jokes [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]- except in the thread dedicated to them.[/color:f74d3f3c9b]
    Listen to advice/corrections
    If you quote someone, name them
    Don’t be afraid to ask questions [color=green:f74d3f3c9b] - If you are unsure about anything, just ask[/color:f74d3f3c9b]*
    [color=green:f74d3f3c9b]No flirting on the boards, if you wish to do so, keep it in a private conversation[/color:f74d3f3c9b]

    *edit: added this green bit - thanks to Delphine
  8. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    All quotations from Ben

    [quote:73f99f7018]No roleplaying/ pool parties etc, except where confined to one designated thread[/quote:73f99f7018]

    Why can't we just say "No pool parties". The roleplaying is sufficiently covered by "Do not post in character - we want to get to know you, not a made-up person". This rule may confuse people who then see a whole forum dedictaed to roleplay.

    [quote:73f99f7018]Apologise for mistakes[/quote:73f99f7018]

    I don't think this is necessary.

    [quote:73f99f7018]If you are a newbie giving an opinion on an argument, you do so at your own risk. - check the facts of the argument first, jumping in uninformed will only create more arguing - directed at yourself[/quote:73f99f7018]

    I think this rule is very awkward. I first thought everything after "check the facts" could be removed; as an explanation it's too much, even at this stage of planning. It makes it sound like entering an opinion into an argument is a very bad idea. However, without it, the initial rule is too ambiguous. It needs rephrasing.

    [quote:73f99f7018]Use the Search function before starting a new thread Should this be removed in light of bundling it with the "Don't ask obvious questions" rule?[/quote:73f99f7018]

    Yeah, i think they should be combined.

    I think we should concentrate on being concise. :)
  9. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:6557df02e5="Electric_Man"]Be honest [/quote:6557df02e5]
    Maybe we could add: [i:6557df02e5]Because we are smart and we have long memories. (And a search function)[/i:6557df02e5]
  10. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:f8fd76f04c="Tephlon"][quote:f8fd76f04c="Electric_Man"]Be honest [/quote:f8fd76f04c]
    Maybe we could add: [i:f8fd76f04c]Because we are smart and we have long memories. (And a search function)[/i:f8fd76f04c][/quote:f8fd76f04c]

    And what would be the fun in that, eh? ;)

    Seriously, best to leave it as it is. The addition is not necessary, in my opinion.
  11. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Nah, I think thats clear enough as it is.

    We need to add it abit about if you break any of the rules. You will be told of your mistake/warned by a mod. And if you continually break a rule you could be banned by the community.

    Have we decieded on these rules yet? If not, we really should.
  12. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Seems okay to me, not too long. I do like the Code of Conduct that I posted a while ago, something that's sets the rules without sounding too much like being dictated to by an authority figure, though none of these rules seem bad to me.

    I do think though that these are rules, or a code of conduct, and not FAQs - that's a bit of a misnomer here.
  13. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    mals right...FAQ is more questions that are asked to do with the site and pterry...these are a set of rules we want to abide by

    I think they are good, most people just skim through rules and FAQs so the shorter the better...
    It may be best to keep the main part of the rule in bold and the explination normal so that people just glancing through it will at least take in some relevant information.

    '[b:2fa367a588]Use proper English[/b:2fa367a588] – try to use correct spelling and grammar...'etc

    aside form that it looks good.

    edit to add: we still need something a bit more specific though I think...this is good to establish the rules, i think a detailed faq is still encessary on top of this...
  14. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    Some of the phrasing is slightly awkward, but I don't think I'd add anything except 'here be dragons, expect some fire- ie don't whine if things get heated' . Of course, I just like the idea of 'here be dragons' in the rules...

    As for the FAQ, we should add a link to (at least) the complete written works thread. I know its a sticky, but it can't hurt to connect the two, and we won't have to have that particular answer taking up all the space.

    The FAQ and whatever kind of Rules thread we end up with should also be immediately accessible, possibly even on the home section, so people don't have to create a persona if they only want the answers, and so they can see what is expected of them from the start. This is partially to avoid people using names for one visit and thus preventing others from doing so. I confess I remember that we had a discussion on those lines but cannot recall the result (It might have been just about deleting accounts of spammers and the like, I'm not sure)
  15. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    also, i have recently realised i don't know [b:88edbec031]how[/b:88edbec031] to do a search. Can someone point me to the (probably obvious) link or section?

    Edited because i am very stupid. I found it!
  16. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Can we add this?

    Kicking Rinso at any point of time is allowed, and even encouraged.
  17. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Now, wait, Ba doesn't want just anyone coming in and kicking Rincewind. First, they have to learn proper technique. Newbies never have proper follow-through.
  18. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    [quote:dfd0f4efe7="Ba"]Now, wait, Ba doesn't want just anyone coming in and kicking Rincewind. First, they have to learn proper technique. Newbies never have proper follow-through.[/quote:dfd0f4efe7]
    In that case we could make hob-nailed boots mandatory? That would reduce the dependence on good follow-through.
  19. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Er, can we stick to the topic in hand please? i.e. The rules (that probably is the best name for it)

    Discussing on the e-mail group, we think that if we could maybe have the rule, with the explanation as either a drop-down or a link to elsewhere.

    Now, it would be easier for us if we could use html when incorporating the system (would save having to make multiple posts), but I have never managed to get anything beyond a simple tag working on the board (I've just been testing now in fact, managed to get bold and underline working but not strikethrough, centering or lists). I think this is a restriction of the html as the code is contained in a post, so we'd probably be looking at links. Probably a seperate html document on the site for the explanations, allowing us to link to certain headings?
  20. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Well I personally hate the name 'The Rules', the phrase irritates me just reading it.

    P.S. I think we mentioned this ages ago but anyway, we can have a seperate document on a proper page with a link alongside/under/above the following links at the top:

    Board Usage FAQ • Search • Memberlist • Profile • Albums •
  21. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I like Mal's idea of 'Code of Conduct' for a name. And I agree with Snails that concise is the way to go.
  22. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Code of Conduct's the name to go with. It certainly attracts the mind instead of repelling it.
  23. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    +1 for "code of conduct".

    As for my slightly humourous suggestion: I think you can have something that is concise and fun to read. It will give people a bit of insight into the community.

    Like Garner said in the e-mail discussion, we should try to take a positive approach. No negatives. (Which is why people like "code of conduct" better then "the rules")
  24. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I just wanted to say that I'll be joining the discussion once the wekend is over... Of course I don't expect you to rejoice now, I'm just saying this so you know a few people not taking part right now are still having it on their minds. :)
  25. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    A lot of rules,but i will try to do my best! :) Just kidding-i love the good organisation!
  26. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Just a question, what happened to the Fools Guild that Mal suggested ? (no, this is not just to prove I've read the whole thread, I actually want to know ;) )
  27. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I think We got rid of it for being pointless. Off topic is general enough..... I *think* thats what happened.
  28. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I seem to remember that it only encouraged veeeeeeeeery stupid threads, like the umptieth "I got this joke mailed, look", which no one needed more off, and those [i:4c2f9b1050]not [/i:4c2f9b1050]stupid, or stupid in a [i:4c2f9b1050]nice [/i:4c2f9b1050]way, were too good to waste away in an offtopic-forum.
    Also, it's sometimes hard to seperate where "Fools-guild-material" begins, and where it is still intelligent enough to be considered creative stuff or not-only-for-fun-discussion-material. It was something that couldn't be quite discernded.
  29. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok, perfect, suits me fine, the name was good, but I've had bad experiences with forums that get to compartmentated, organization is fine, abuse of it makes forums over strict or over stupid, or both. It was just that I didn't see any trace of it outside this thread so I was wondering what happened...
  30. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    All that happened was we moved all Rinso's posts from the Fools' Guild into the Boardania forum and deleted the Fools' Guild forum. :)
  31. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Sounds about right... :D
  32. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    we tried to leave rinso himself in the fools guild forum when we deleted it, but like some sort of rat bearded rat like thing, he slipped through and is now back with us.
  33. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    The tear of love in your eye when I came back warms my heart.
  34. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    take me, my rat bearded prince!!
  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, just make sure you guys use proper protection, beards can be contagious ;)
  36. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Don't sully this momment Katcal....sullying it with your bitter jealously.
  37. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Poor Rinso... I'm not jealous, I bet even I could grow a better beard than you ;)

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